• Title/Summary/Keyword: Modern philosophy

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A Study on Russian Religious Thoughts of Universalism and Modern Creativity-Art - Focused on Common Meanings of Orientalism, Universalism and Froebelianism related to Religious Philosophy of Panentheism - (러시아 보편주의 종교사상과 근대 창조성-예술에 관한 연구 - 범재신론의 종교철학과 관련된 오리엔탈리즘, 보편주의, 프뢰벨주의의 공통된 의미를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Zhang-Huan
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2014
  • In the Russian 'spirituality' which played an important role in realization of 'abstraction' in modern arts, the three elements of Universalism - Oriental thoughts, Universal ideas, and Froebelian influence - can be found with no difficulty. More notable is the fact that, along with theosophy, the emergence of modern existential thoughts such as Bergson, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche is a new search and a new recognition of nature and human as views of panentheism and humanism, essentially of Humane and Divine. Therefore, it goes without saying that the thoughts constituting the Suprematism or Constructivism in Russia are, in a word, implicit in the existential humanistic ideas of Panpneumatism or Panentheism that is explained as the nature of Russian religious ideas. Furthermore, which is not only Suprematist's metaphysical principle but also the expression of universal thoughts; interestingly, which is closely akin to several Oriental mystic ideas including Taoist thoughts, as well as the contents of Universalism including mystic Christianity, by extension, which ideas and principles have a remarkable resemblance with thoughts and principles of Froebel.

The Characteristics of Romanticism Expressed in the $'01{\sim}'08$ Trend - Focused on the Anti-Realistic Yearning - ($'01{\sim}'08$ 트렌드에 표현된 로맨티시즘 특성 - 현실 도피적 동경을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Kyoung
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.333-348
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of romanticism which is expressed in the latest trend and to explain them focused on anti-realistic yearning. As the method of the study, a literature review was conducted. Romanticism started from a complaint against reality and denied the previous era's philosophy and aesthetics. Romanticism placed much value on emotions and imagination. Also, the characteristics of romanticism art contains the yearning for nature, far culture, far past and supernatural world, by escaping from the complex reality which gives disillusionment. Such the characteristic can be easily found in the modern trend. Modern people, who live in the situation that the society is changed into the information society from the industrial society, have clung to the past things because they feel that the known and guaranteed world is finished. And they want to experience the new and various culture and nature escaping from insecurity on complicated reality. Also, the desire of modern people who want to escape from a daily routine world and the reality's limitations is expressed as the yearning for the supernatural world.

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Review of Food Therapy and Development of Diet Therapy Program for Diabetes Mellitus in 「Sikryochanyo」 (「식료찬요」 속 소갈(消渴) 식치방(食治方) 고찰과 이를 활용한 당뇨질환 예방 식단 개발)

  • Kim, Mi-Hye;Chung, Hae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.562-575
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    • 2013
  • Century-old nutrition and health concepts can be revived and applied in the modern age in the forms of newly developed menus, recipes, and lifestyle education. Current medical nutrition therapy concepts were first described in the Chosun Dynasty (1392-1897) in Korea based on the philosophy that food and medicine originate from the same source, which is known as 'food as medicine'. Recognizing the importance of culture, tradition, local diet, and lifestyle on health and medical nutrition therapy, we tried to rediscover traditional Korean approaches towards food consumption and nutrition through systematic review of the literature and developed contemporary menus accordingly. The medical nutrition therapy prescriptions described in 'Shikryochanyo' (1460) by the Chosun Dynasty's royal physician Soonyi Jeao cover 45 different diseases. In this project, we developed contemporary menus for those disease models that are most prevalent in modern society. Menus developed with foods that are readily available today were evaluated for their nutritional content and adequacy using a computer-aided nutritional analysis program (CAN pro 3.0, developed by the Korean Nutrition Society for comparison with RDA for Koreans). Therefore, century-old nutrition and health concepts can be revived and applied in modern society as newly developed menus recipes and lifestyle education.

Study on the colors of Kim Whan-ki's painting (색으로 본 김환기의 작품 세계)

  • Kim, Hyun-Suk
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.3
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    • pp.155-172
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    • 2005
  • Kim Whan-ki is an unusual instance in Korean modern artists, who payed attention to emotional and expressive effects of colors. The color of Whan-ki's paintings have been recognized as linked with 'blue' in spite that he used colors within the category of 'Colors of Five Directions(五方色)', which are traditional oriental colors composed of red, lue, yellow, white, green and black. Kim Whan-ki unearthed upon similarity of Five Directions Colors to the three(five) primary colors which modern abstract painter like Mondrian layed down. Whan-ki switched the five directions colors to modern ones. Kim Whan-ki's dot painting in which pure and watery color is sucked in ground is modernistic adaptation from ink painting. He packs a dot with sky and earth, moon and stars, forest and tree, birds and flowers, friends at his hometown, wind, sound and so on. Putting tens of thousands of these shapes and colors into a dot is modernistic version from ink painting. In that point there is a possibility to say that 'dark blue' of the dot painting is 'Hyun-saec(玄色)'. Eventually we can make sure that Kim Whan-ki's view of Art originated in oriental philosophy and beauty.

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Kant's Categorical Imperative and Chu Hsi's Moral Philosophy (칸트의 정언명법과 주자(朱子)의 도덕철학)

  • Lim, Heon-gyu
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.35
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    • pp.297-327
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    • 2009
  • Kant proposed three principles of moral philosophy(Categorical Imperative) and Supreme moral principle in The Fundamental principles of Metaphysics of Ethics : Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law ${\cdots}$ etc. Kant's three principles of moral philosophy(Categorical Imperatives) imply that the idea of universality, freedom, and the kingdom of ends. We contrast Chu Hsi's Moral Philosophy with Kant's three principles of Categorical Imperatives. In conclusion Chu Hsi's moral rules be equal to kantian categorical imperative. These rules implicate principle of universalization, impartiality, and the kingdom of ends. But Chu Hsi believe in reality of the human mind and it's nature. Human mind and it's nature is comprised of benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom. Benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom(四德) is the origin of morality. Chu Hsi's philosophy of LI(理) is metaphysics of Tao-Te(道德) or ontological-metaphysical Ethics. Everyone has created with LI. LI is potentiality of Human beings and the good. Chu Hsi's moral philosophy is distinguished from the traditional theory of the substance and modern scientism(phenomenalism)

Philosophical Study on the Theory of Self-Discipline in Taijiquan (태극권 수련의 이론 전개에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Tae-Seob;Kim, Gyeong-Cheol
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.1072-1080
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    • 2007
  • Taijiquan is possible for us to use not only as a martial art, but also as a physical exercise and a way to discipline human mind, and so it is called 'moving-Zen' and is a martial art to discipline human body and mind against different diseases and stress of modern adult people caused by our modern advanced civilization. We can look at natural passion as one of the most fundamental categories in Philosophy as a minimum material unit comprising all nature. Taijiquan is an exercise with natural passion, flowing through all the body, leading the natural passion with our mind, and moving our body with the natural energy. Also, all the motions in Taijiquan were made based on Yin and Yang. Taijiquan is a discipling way to reach Taegeuk through Yin and Yang and to train ourselves together. The realization of Taegeuk is to reach Taegeuk through the discipline of Taegeuk and can lead to Taegeuk through the unification of the inside and the outside(內外合一), the mutually complementing(剛柔相濟), the circling of the heavenly body(周天) of Taijiquan. The strength and the weakness help each other, the mind and the body is unified, the mixture of the rapidness and the slowness is appropriate, the form and the consciousness are combined into one and move, naturally unified into one(形意結合), and progressive and regressive Junsakyung are combined and move, naturally forming Turoh(套路) where Yin and Yang are unified. The discipline of Taijiquan is not only for maintaining our health, but also for leading to Taegeuk, an ultimate entity, which had existed before the day when all things were generated as its essence and has existed since then.

A Study on Art-Education as a Modern Idea and F. L. Wright's Romantic Educational Thoughts -Focused on the Romantic Educational Thoughts as a Dualistic Monism- (근대적(近代的) 개념(槪念)의 예술(藝術)-교육(敎育)과 F. L. 라이트의 낭만적(浪漫的) 진보주의(進步主義) 교육사상(敎育思想)에 관한 연구(硏究) -이원적 일원론(一元論)으로서의 낭만적 교육 사상을 중심으로-)

  • Oh, Zhang-Huan
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.13 no.4 s.40
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    • pp.55-74
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    • 2004
  • This study researched the art-educational thoughts as a modern idea influenced with the social and philosophical transitions in the 19th century. Moreover, this study focused on Frank Lloyd Wright's educational thoughts, because those educational revolutions had appeared as one of the results that Western society's character was rapidly changed by those revolutions, so called, Industrial Revolution, American and French Revolution, and Cultural Revolution of Romanticism, from late 18th century, and eventually because that revolutionary educational ideas had closely and basically many relations with Wright's thought. As a result, even though Wright's education such an apprenticeship was a traditional shape, which was not the old-fashioned educational method discipling to the skillful man, but against the existing education through the self-learning from experiences in nature. That is similar to transcendentalists such as Emerson who searched for having an inspiration in Nature. Namely, Wright himself had struggled against the existing dualistic educational concepts through Wright's monistic thoughts on art-education including architecture based on not naturalism but the philosophy of nature by romantic idealistic philosophers such as Shelling, Fickle, Kant, Hegel including with his Master, Sullivan, and by revolutionary educators such as Freobel, Ruskin, Dewey, and above all by his Unitarian doctrine. However, Wright's thoughts was at that time so radical, and as Wright himself acknowledged that, 'because the philosophy back of it, of course, as you know, is midway I guess between East and West', such all philosophical objects to influence on Wright were so abstruse idea which is usually called 'Romantic' or 'Mystic' that is mingled with East's and West's essence. That is, because Wright himself catched that the theories and methods of the art-educational thoughts would not be easily perceived, and he judged that in a word as a character which could not be taught. After all, Wright's romantic progressivist art-educational thoughts have not been perceived, disseminated in general and widely.

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View of Human Beings in Daesoon Thought viewed from the Perennial Philosophy: Focusing on Kant's Anthropology (영원의 철학(The Perennial Philosophy)으로 본 대순사상의 인간관 - 칸트의 인간학을 중심으로 -)

  • Heo, Hoon
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.30
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    • pp.61-94
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this research is to examine the main concepts of human beings established by the saints and wise men in the Perennial Philosophy, and to reveal that the human view of Perennial Philosophy is consistent with the view of human beings of Daesoon Thought. In addition, Kant, who synthesizes Western modern philosophy, also sets out the ultimate goal of his philosophy of identifying human beings, wherein Kant asks what human beings are. The view of human beings in the Daesoon Thought reveals one kind of answer that can be given to Kant's anthropological question. If we compare this idea with that of the Western world (a Kantian view of humanity) based on this Perennial Philosophy, the characteristics of Daesoon Thought can be revealed clearly. Kant set the ultimate goal of his philosophy to answer the question, "What is man?" With regards to this, he posits four questions: 1) What can I know? 2) What should I do? 3) What can I hope for? 4) What are human beings? And Kant says that the fourth question (related to anthropology) involves three other questions. However, he does not offer up his own definition of human existence anywhere in his works. He regarded humans as being rational, and he did not think that humans had any special cognitive ability to intuit into humanity itself. In the end, Kant leaves the human being as a sort of unknown entity. On the other hand, The concept of humanity in Daesoon Thought (Perennial Philosophy) can provide a straightforward answer to Kant's question. This possible is because human beings in Daesoon Thought are not seen as different from the Dao (道) or deities (神), which can be called the essence of ultimate reality. From the perspective of Daesoon Thought, humans have divine cognitive abilities. In Perennial Philosophy, this could be the best way to simultaneously lead the object of mind and cognition to the divine Ground. Humans have special cognitive or perceptual abilities. The ultimate identity of every person is God. The realization of the divine being by finding one's true nature as a human being (the self) and the essence of the enlightenment of those who have shown this special intellectual intuition through training are both outcomes found at the core of perennial philosophy. These can be expressed clearly and obviously through the essence of Daesoon Thought.

Modern Enterprise & ESG Management philosophy of Gaeseong Ginseng Merchant (개성 인삼상인의 근대기업화와 ESG 경영이념)

  • Ock, Soon Jong
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.3
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    • pp.90-118
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    • 2021
  • Gaeseong fostered the conditions necessary for modern capitalism, as huge capital was accumulated through the cultivation and trade of ginseng, which were activities that flourished in the 18th century. During the Japanese colonial era, ginseng merchants were not simply limited to acquiring landowner capital from ginseng trade but actively converted such resource to productive and financial capital, thereby becoming modern entrepreneurs. Ginseng merchants led the joint management and investment of Gaeseong Electric Co., Ltd., Daehan Cheonil Bank, Gaeseong Brewing Co., Ltd., and Songgo Textile Company, founded in the early 20th century. They pursued corporate profits and, as leading individuals of society, spearheaded regional development by supporting educational and cultural projects in Gaeseong. These projects included the establishment of the Gaeseong Commercial School, the publication of Goryeo Times, and the operation of the Gaeseong Jwa Theater. Although liberal economics prioritized shareholder interest, the 21st century witnessed an emphasis on social responsibility among stakeholders asthe major purpose of enterprises. A trend that emerged was ESG (environment, social, governance) management, in which non-financial factors are valued more highly than financial performance. A successful business, which was denoted only by high profits in the past, is now defined by whether a company fulfills its social responsibility. In the early 20th century, the corporate activities of ginseng merchants in Gaeseong reflected entrepreneurship and stakeholder-centered ESG management, which later emerged as essential elements of modern business management. The modern management philosophy ahead of its times stemmed from the regionality of Gaeseong. The political discrimination against Gaeseong residents in the Joseon Dynasty precluded them from becoming government officers, and under a strict social hierarchy, yangban ("noblemen"), the intellectuals of the Joseon Dynasty, were forced to serve as merchants. Son Bong-sang and Kong Seong-hak, aside from being representative ginseng merchants, were both Confucian scholars and writers. The second and third generations of ginseng merchant families who had received higher education abroad returned to Gaeseong to carry on with their family businesses, then established modern companies with capital accrued from the ginseng industry. An analysis of the commercial activities of ginseng merchants in the early 20th century confirmed that these individuals were pioneering entrepreneurs who adopted the ESG management philosophy. In ginseng merchants, one sees a dimension of capitalism with a human face, as with ginseng thatsaves human life.


  • 전산초
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 1974
  • A considerable change of the Korean nursing system has been made during the last decade not only in its philosophy but also in its function and structure to meet political and scientific need of the modern society. The main purpose of this study is to develope the new concept of comprehensive nursing care, both its Philosophy and ethics, as the basic of modern clinical nursing theory and practice. Comprehensive nursing care is the concept of human centered nursing care, and it helps a man to meet the basic physical, psychological, environmental, socioeconomic and teaching needs. It also helps him to help himself to meet these needs. This concept starts from the individualized nursing care and its ultimate goal is to improve a man to have a better position in his own community so that he may able to have a meaningful life. To accomplish this goal, an individualized nursing care plan as a nursing diagnosis and problem solving method should be set up for different patients with similar diagnosis to meet their needs, because each patient has a different social background. from this viewpoint, nursing is a science as well as abstruse humanity. The performance of comprehensive nursing care is a goal and issue of modern clinical nursing care. If nursing is a science and a profession for man, it should have ethics which recognize the dignity of man and offers infinite service voluntarily, and should be able to show leadership in carrying out the nursing responsibility. This leadership finds a person's potential and encourages him to utilize it. Such concepts should develop into a nursing ideology and this ideology should become a priority in comprehensive nursing care. The following statements are the conclusion of this study. 1) Modern nursing has been developed from disease centered nursing care to comprehensive nursing care based on humanity. The primary principle of nursing was to assist in the treatment of disease, but it has been changed to the professional nursing system independently. 2) The concept of nursing is one of continuous or endless scope of dispersion. It proves that nursing is grasping the professional responsibility to be able to coordinate scientific principles Patient health problems are according to scientific principles rather than adhering to nursing technical discipline as a daily work. 3) In chapter I and Ⅱ, the philosophy and ideology of nursing have been discussed and the flow of concept of clinical nursing and the rate of progress which emerges from naturalizing performance of the concept of comprehensive nursing in clinical nursing studied. The discussion developed the theory that a nurse should be to embody nursing ideas and objectives by establishing definite conviction of professions and study. 4) In chapter lil, nursing planning based on nursing diagnosis as a method to attain ideal nursing care for humanity with a definite idea of establishing philosophy of nursing was presented. 5) From the result of survey on patient needs about treatment and nursing, it was observed that all patient had emotional stress from unknown factors. Therefore it was concluded that nurses should not only educate the patient but also give them the opportunity to communicate freely their needs and anxieties. Furthermore complaints and doubts of the patient should be carefully noted and must be considered to meet these needs. 6) Patient teaching is the most important part of comprehensive nursing care. In chapter, Ⅲ, the important of patient teaching was emphasized by demonstrating the effect of patient teaching for diabetic patient. 7) In Chapter Ⅳ, from the result of the study on nurses attitudes to comprehensive nursing care, it was pointed that the evolution of nursing education and the establishment of a complete concept and value of comprehensive nursing was necessary.

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