• Title/Summary/Keyword: Modern art

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Study on the Realization of Tourism Culture Welfare by Using Confucius Heritage - Based on Confucian Buildings - (유교유산을 활용한 관광문화복지 구현에 대한 연구 - 유교건물을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Seung-ha;Jo, Won-seob
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.90-99
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    • 2016
  • The present study investigates the realization of tourism culture welfare by using Confucian heritage. From June 13 to November 7, 2014, site surveys and interviews were conducted for hyanggo (hyanggo: Confucian temple and school to teach students in Joseon Dynasty period), seowon (seowon: a memorial hall for Confucianist services to honor distinguished scholars and statesmen) and nujung (nujung: outdoor pavilion or gazebo) located in Youngwol -gun. Questionnaire pertaining to site survey and in-depth interviews for the building owners and managers was used to collect necessary data and scientific investigation was performed for analysis. As a result, the historical background was found to be culturally valuable asset for both region's tourism and culture welfare. Secondly, hyanggyo and seowon were found to exhibit traditional Confucius cultural form, while nujung exhibited a rare architectural trait. Hence it seems necessary to develop a different social tourism resource specialized for nujung. Thirdly, the rendering of Confucius heritages to tourism culture welfare resources thus far seems to be insufficient; hence, development and operation of marketing programs will be necessary. The implications of the present study require succession and modern reinterpretation of Confucian heritages for further development into digital tourism that will encompass Confucian culture and today's culture. Furthermore, studies of the tourism culture welfare policies that will promote the co-existence with the region will be needed.

Feature of Intertextuality Environmental Arts -Focusing on Feature of fantasy post-place, speciality of place as well as temporal-spatial expression method- (상호텍스트적인 환경예술의 특성 -환상성.탈 장소성, 장소의 특수성과 시공간 표현방법에 대한 특성을 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Il-Young;Kim, Jin-Seon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2005
  • Modern society is diversified society and is under complicated situation as the boundary of each area has been disappeared. To understand and accept such complicated situation as widely as possible, it is required to understand interaction. of receiver with intertextual environmental arts as the structure of open text. This study examined interaction of environmental arts in terms of intertextual feature based on experience of receiver on combined element of different space and time, combination of genres. This is the concept of meaning personal experience or situation as receiver participates the process of completing art works, and set the fantasy, post-place and speciality of location and temporal-spatial expression method, as characteristics of intertextuality. Features of such experience elements are used as methodology of analyzing characteristics of each work. Feature of fantasy uses strategy of inducing spatial experience of receiver with dematerialization for post-place and expands the place where events occur with intervention of contingency and event situation. It suggests the spatial-temporal expression method as the features focusing on process and reflecting changes in spatial-temporal continuum and speciality of place emphasizing context of place. In conclusion, environmental arts needs to be deep rooted on complicated existence aspect of receiver beyond metaphysical dimension depending on presence and to accomplish conversion of awareness of supplying bisection of life from that place. By doing so, environmental arts can live textual life as it gets together with all other texts in terms of text dimension and creativity can be reborn as practical creativity in intertextuality rather than uniqueness. Such combination with other areas and acceptance of various aspects of receivers who see and experience this will result to creation of open works which can be create newly over and over again in multi-dimensional aspects.

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Efficient Cluster Server Construction and Management for Service Orientation (서비스 지향적인 효율적인 클러스터 서버 구축 및 관리)

  • Chae, Hee-Seong;Song, Ha-Yoon;Kim, Han-Gyoo;Lee, Kee-Cheol
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.14A no.6
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    • pp.371-382
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    • 2007
  • Modern server systems are usually composed in the form of cluster systems in order to serve not only as many users but also as many kinds of applications as possible. The progression of the cluster system architecture leads in a middleware approach based on the Java framework. The middleware approach alleviates the efforts for the construction and the management of a server system but still preserves its performance and applications on the server. In this research, we introduce a new clustering scheme for the easy construction and maintenance of a cluster server system with the Java Management Extensions. We first demonstrate the construction and configuration process. Our experiment sets can verify that it is easy to construct, expand and manage a middleware based cluster system as well as the applications which reside on it. In addition, we can achieve reasonable performance on our service oriented clustered system with the help of state-of-the-art middleware. The experimental results of performance demonstration contain the availability of a server, and the effectiveness of load balancing and scheduling mechanisms. Especially, our service oriented scheduling mechanism was shown to successfully manage load imbalance under the normal load and cope with the overloaded situations, compared with other known scheduling mechanisms.

Characteristics of Industrial Heritage as Regional Cultural Contents (지역문화콘텐츠로서의 산업유산 특성 - 삿포로와 청주 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Byung-min
    • Review of Culture and Economy
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.89-117
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    • 2017
  • As the industrial paradigm shifts and the manufacturing industry declines, many changes also take place in the region as well. In this regard, interest in industrial heritage as a facet of cultural heritage is on the increase. In this paper, the meaning of regional 'cultural contents' as industrial heritage is investigated within the scope of specific region. It is meant to move beyond the viewpoint of considering industrial heritage as only relating to industrial machinery and relevant landmarks from the past. The concept of industrial heritage is established more clearly through the review policy and case study analysis of existing research; the analysis is conducted to investigate the characteristics associated with it, and then to explore how best to utilize it. In particular, this paper attempts to focus on how it operates within these parameters using a spatio-temporal context as much as possible, and concentrating on the recognition and experience of the subject of industrial heritage as being traceable through human story. This research is based on the case of 'Sapporo' which focuses on modern history based on historical importance, and the 'Cheongju' case study, which contrasts the former by focusing on urban regeneration using a spatial lens. This paper identifies the possibility of regional development through the examination of past identity and diversity in the present, and highlights the features that could be linked to future usability and development. In addition, it proposes the possibility that the cycle of regional development could change in the process of the different stages of territorialization, de-territorialization and re-territorialization.

Between Aesthetics of Feeling and Absolute Music - Schopenhauer's Philosophy of Music - (쇼펜하우어의 음악철학 - 감정미학과 절대음악 사이 -)

  • Hong, Sa-hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.139
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    • pp.265-313
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    • 2016
  • This research aims to reconstruct the philosophical content and essence of Schopenhauer's metaphysics of music in his book, Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, particularly in paragraph 52, and to pay close attention to its theoretical account of music in the context of traditional musical aesthetics. The question whether Schopenhauer's theory of music is about aesthetics of feeling or about absolute music is dealt with at the end of this paper. It can be answered only within the whole system of his philosophy, because Schopenhauer's theory of music is the result of his philosophical reflections, and plays an important part in his metaphysics of the will. Schopenhauer's music theory, or rather his metaphysics of music, thus cannot be treated separately from Schopenhauer's metaphysics of the will, and is connected organically with it. As the metaphysics of the will lies in suspense between the traditional metaphysical philosophy and the non-metaphysical philosophy after Nietzsche, between the idealism and the philosophy of the body, the music aesthetics of Schopenhauer oscillates between the (romantic) aesthetics of feeling and the modern idea of absolute music.

TradeB: A Blockchain-based Property Trade Service Using Trusted Brokers (TradeB: 신뢰성있는 중개인을 통한 블록체인 기반 재화 계약 서비스)

  • Yoon, Yeo-Guk;Eom, Hyun-Min;Lee, Myung-Joon
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.819-831
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    • 2019
  • The types of properties traded in modern times are rapidly increasing due to changes in consumption patterns. However, as the type of properties traded increases, estimation about the value of properties may become inaccurate. There is a problem that it is difficult for consumers to estimate the right value and the variety of trading forms makes it difficult to guarantee the reliability of value estimation As access to a variety of properties has expanded, these shortcomings are considered to be a factor that hinders the stability of the shared economic market. In this paper, to resolve this issue, we present a blockchain-based property contract service through a trusted broker. The developed service registers trusted brokers into smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain and use them for the evaluation and contract process of properties. In addition, registered contents, proposals and contracts of properties are stored in the blockchain to ensure the reliability of the contract process. Every step of the contract process is stored in the smart contract, recorded in the transaction history of the blockchain, ensuring the reliability of the stored data. In addition, the entire process of registration, proposal, and contract is driven by smart contracts designed by state machine technology, enabling users to more securely control the contract process.

A Study on Usage Behaviors and Place Attachment of Urban SSamji Park as a Neighborhood Space - Focused on Hanpyeong Park and Hanpyeom Park located in Capital Area- (근린공간으로서 도심지 쌈지공원의 이용행태와 장소애착에 관한 연구 - 수도권 지역의 한평공원 및 한뼘공원을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hoon
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.707-722
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    • 2019
  • The concept of neighborhood parks has been used as the principle of forming a community in our society going through modern and contemporary times. The concept of neighborhood parks equipped with physical facilities has been discussed constantly regarding the roles and meanings of them. This study focuses on pocket parks which have been playing roles in improving environment through regeneration and forming regional communities based on that as neighborhood facilities. This author carried out field investigation on total 72 Hanpyeong Park and Hanpyeom Parks formed in the capital area and examined the significance of planning them and also their utility and residents and users' attachment to them through a survey. In this process, this researcher has been able to draw following conclusions. First, according to the demographic characteristics of users, there is significant difference found by groups in terms of their place attachment to the parks. This implies that difference in the major types of residences supplied these days influences their intention to experience ecological space. Second, according to their educational background, there is significant difference found by groups regarding their place attachment to the parks. Third, according to user behavior, there are differences found in their place attachment to the parks and also detailed differences found by groups in terms of the frequency of use and duration of stay.

A Study on the Development of the 『Guunmong』 Story's Digital Image-Contents by Collective Intelligence (집단지성기반의 『구운몽』 디지털 이미지 콘텐츠 개발 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Gon;Jeong, Dae-Yul
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.501-512
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the necessity and method of the development of modern digital image contents using the story of the literary work 'Guunmong'' by Kim Man-joong. Collective intelligence technique is one of the most recommended. Today, most cultural content development is achieved through the application of digital technology through collaboration of various people from the planning stage to the completion stage. Most prototypes of local cultural contents are developed based on the literary works of artists from the region or background of the region on the works. These local cultural resources can be developed into experiential tourism products and used for the development of local cultural industry. This study first examines the availability of collective intelligence method as a way to effectively develop local cultural contents, and proposes application of image-telling technique and using web-toon characters in digital image contents development. In order to prove the practical applicability of the proposed method, we present an example of cultural contents development of 'Guunmong'. Finally, we propose a new business model based on collective intelligence to develop a system of creation and distribution of the cultural contents through the continuous collaboration.

Faith beyond Religion: A Study on the Faith-based films after 2010s in Hollywood (종교를 넘어선 신념: '영성'을 주제로 한 2010년대 할리우드 영화 고찰)

  • Ahn, SooJeong
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.47
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    • pp.163-190
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    • 2017
  • This paper studies the recent surge in the number of faith-based films in Hollywood, with the aim to explore the context and implications of this new trend. By using the theoretical framework of the study of the Tilich and Van der Leeuw, who have explored the relationship between religion, culture and art, this article discusses the meaning of the spiritual theme in the film. A couple of common points can be found among the faith-based films that have been produced since the 2010s. While these films attempt a universal approach to the fundamental theme of spirituality through popular narratives familiar to the audience, they also stress 'historical truthfulness and credibility' by representing the reality, such as a featuring real person or a true story in the film. The main characters are depicted as "victorious losers" that are distinguished from the typical Hollywood superhero and the films repeatedly show the human being constantly 'asking' questions to God. By analyzing these characteristics, the paper demonstrates that recent Hollywood faith-based films have successfully differentiated themselves from existing religious films while symbolizing the universal beliefs and values beyond the religious message so as to attract more audiences to this field. The paper also suggests that despite the advances in modern science and knowledge, the public will always yearn for a spiritual recovery and salvation through the film medium, serving as a potential source that provides an outlet for spiritual experience.

A Meaning of 'World History' in Hegel's System of Philosophy: Focusing on the Relationship between 'Objective Spirit' and 'Absolute Spirit' (헤겔의 철학 체계에서 '세계사'의 의미: '객관 정신'과 '절대 정신'의 관계를 중심으로)

  • Seo, Jeong-Hyok
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.114
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    • pp.241-263
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    • 2016
  • History is not only Hegel's philosophical subject, but it corresponds to his entire system of philosophy. Because his system of philosophy is a description of the self-movement of spirit and 'world history' reveals the overall movement of spirit. Hegel's 'historical and philosophical standpoint' goes through the description of his entire system, and this tendency is more and more reinforced towards the later Hegel. If it is reasonable to find the corresponding relationship between Hegel's system of philosophy and 'world history', the relationship between 'objective spirit' and 'absolute spirit' must be systematically unraveled in the horizon of world history. The world-historical perspective in 'objective spirit' has the limit to consider 'modern European nations' as a final destination. On the contrary, world history that acts as a mediator in the transition from 'objective spirit' to 'absolute spirit' makes it possible to jump in absolute horizon by recognizing limitations of nation states and avoiding specific and limited conditions dialectically. So what is revealed through the study of 'world history' in Hegel's system of philosophy is that in the view of 'absolute spirit' of art, religion, philosophy 'political state' is not the end that all mankind should aim at. Therefore, it is undesirable only to criticize Hegel's philosophy of history as 'Eurocentrism'.