• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mode III Dynamic Stress Intensity Factors

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Dynamic Stress Intensity Factor $K_{III}$ of Crack Propagating with Constant Velocity in Orthotropic Disk Plate Subjected to Longitudinal Shear Stress (길이방향의 전단응력을 받은 직교이방성 원판에 내재된 외부균열의 등속전파 응력확대계수 $K_{III}$)

  • 최상인
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 1996
  • Dynamic stress intensity factors are derives when the crack is propagating with constant velocity under longitudinal shear stress in orthotropic disk plate. General stress fields of crack tip propagating with constant velocity and least square method are used to obtain the dynamic stress intensity factor. The dynamic stress intensity factors of GLV/GTV=1(=isotropic material or transversely isotropic material) which is obtained in out study nearly coincides with Chiang's results when mode Ⅲ stress is applied to boundary of isotropic disk. The D.S.I.F. of mode Ⅲ stress is greater when α(=angle of crack propagation direction with fiber direction) is 90° than that when α is 0°. In case of a/D(a:crack length, D:disk diameter)<0. 58, the faster crack propagation velocity, the less D.S.I.F. but when crack propagation velocity arrive on ghear stress wave velocity, the D.S.I.F. but when crack propagation velocity arrive on shear stress wave velocity, the D.S.I.F. unexpectedly increases and decreases to zero.

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Dynamic Stress Intensity Factor $K_{IIID}$ for a Propagating Crack in Liner Functionally Gradient Materials Along X Direction (X방향의 선형함수구배인 재료에서 전파하는 균열의 동적응력확대계수 $K_{IIID}$)

  • Lee, Kwang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2001
  • Dynamic stress intensity factors (DSIFs) are obtained when a crack propagates with constant velocity in rectangular functionally gradient materials (FGMs) under dynamic mode III load. To obtain the dynamic stress intensity factors, it is used the general stress and displacement fields of FGMs for propagating crack and the boundary collocation method (BCM). The stress intensity factors and energy release rates are the greatest in the increasing properties $(\xi>0)$, next constant properties $(\x=0)$ and decreasing properties $(\xi<0)$ under constant crack tip properties and crack tip speed.

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Analysis of Unsteady Propagation of Mode III Crack in Arbitrary Direction in Functionally Graded Materials (함수구배재료에서 임의의 방향을 따라 비정상적으로 전파하는 모드 III 균열해석)

  • Lee, Kwang Ho;Cho, Sang Bong;Hawong, Jai Sug
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2015
  • The stress and displacement fields at the crack tip were studied during the unsteady propagation of a mode III crack in a direction that was different from the property graduation direction in functionally graded materials (FGMs). The property graduation in FGMs was assumed based on the linearly varying shear modulus under a constant density and the exponentially varying shear modulus and density. To obtain the solution of the harmonic function, the general partial differential equation of the dynamic equilibrium equation was transformed into a Laplace equation. Based on the Laplace equation, the stress and displacement fields, which depended on the time rates of change in the crack tip speed and stress intensity factor, were obtained through an asymptotic analysis. Using the stress and displacement fields, the effects of the angled property variation on the stresses, displacements, and stress intensity factors are discussed.

Elastodynamic Response of a Crack Perpendicular to the Graded Interfacial Zone in Bonded Dissimilar Materials Under Antiplane Shear Impact

  • Kim, Sung-Ho;Choi, Hyung-Jip
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.1375-1387
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    • 2004
  • A solution is given for the elastodynamic problem of a crack perpendicular to the graded interfacial zone in bonded materials under the action of anti plane shear impact. The interfacial zone is modeled as a nonhomogeneous interlayer with the power-law variations of its shear modulus and mass density between the two dissimilar, homogeneous half-planes. Laplace and Fourier integral transforms are employed to reduce the transient problem to the solution of a Cauchy-type singular integral equation in the Laplace transform domain. Via the numerical inversion of the Laplace transforms, the values of the dynamic stress intensity factors are obtained as a function of time. As a result, the influences of material and geometric parameters of the bonded media on the overshoot characteristics of the dynamic stress intensities are discussed. A comparison is also made with the corresponding elastostatic solutions, addressing the inertia effect on the dynamic load transfer to the crack tips for various combinations of the physical properties.

Influence of Density Variation on Stress and Displacement Fields at a Propagating Mode-III Crack Tip in Orthotropic Functionally Graded Materials (밀도변화가 직교이방성함수구배재료에서 전파하는 모드 III 균열선단의 응력 및 변위장에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Kwang-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.1051-1061
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    • 2011
  • The influences of density variation on stress and displacement fields at a propagating Mode-III crack tip in orthotropic functionally graded materials (OFGMs) are studied. The crack propagates dynamically at a right angle to the gradient of physical properties. Three kinds of elasticity and density gradients are analyzed in this study. They are as follows: (1) the density varies without elasticity variation, (2) the directions of the density and elasticity gradients are opposite to each other, and (3) same. For these cases, the stress and displacement fields at the crack tip are developed and the dynamic stress intensity factors for propagating cracks are also studied. When the crack speed is low, the influence of density variation on the stresses and displacement is low. However, when the crack speed is high, this influence is very high.

Finite element analysis of the behavior of elliptical cracks emanating from the orthopedic cement interface in total hip prostheses

  • Ali Benouis;Mohammed El Sallah Zagane;Abdelmadjid Moulgada;Murat Yaylaci;Djafar Ait Kaci;Merve Terzi;Mehmet Emin Ozdemir;Ecren Uzun Yaylaci
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.89 no.5
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    • pp.539-547
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    • 2024
  • This study examines crack behavior within orthopedic cement utilized in total hip replacements through the finite element method. Its main goal is to compute stress intensity factors (SIF) near the crack tip. The analysis encompasses two load types, static and dynamic, applied to a crack starting from the interface between the cement and bone. Specifically, it investigates SIFs under mixed mode conditions during three activities: normal walking, climbing upstairs, and downstairs. The results highlight that a crack originating from a micro-interface under substantial loading can cause cement damage, leading to prosthetic loosening. Stress intensity factors in modes I, II, and III are influenced by the crack tip's orientation and location in the bone cement, with a 90° orientation yielding notably higher values across all three modes.