• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mining Areas #4

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Asbestos Exposure and Risk Assessment by ABS(Activity Based Sampling) for Former Asbestos Mining Areas in Korea (우리나라 일부 석면광산 지역에서 ABS를 이용한 석면노출 및 위해성 평가)

  • Lee, Junhyeok;Kim, Daejong;Choi, Sungwon;Kim, Hyunwook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.72-81
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the exposure and risk assessment of residents near asbestos mines in Korea. Methods: To assess asbestos types and airborne concentrations, air monitoring was performed in the neighborhoods of Kwangcheon (KC) and Sinsuk (SS) mines, which were leading South Korean mines in the past. In addition, activity-based-sampling (ABS) of residents' particular activities were conducted in order to estimate the Excess Lifetime Cancer Risks (ELCRs) for the residents. Conclusions: The average concentration of airborne asbestos in KC was 0.0014 f/cc and 0.0015 f/cc by PCM and TEM, respectively. In SS it was equal at 0.0012 f/cc by PCM and TEM. No statistically significant difference was found in the average concentration of airborne asbestos between the two mines. The average asbestos concentration of ABS was 0.0048 f/cc (PCM) and 0.0042 f/cc (TEM) in KC, while it was 0.0137 f/cc (PCM) and 0.0125 f/cc (TEM) in SS. It was found that the average asbestos concentration of ABS in SS was statistically significantly higher than that of KC (p<0.01). The results of ELCRs by scenario in KC showed that the scenarios of bicycle, car, weed control, weed whacking, child playing in the dirt, and physical training fell within 1×061×104, which is the acceptable range of ELCR. The scenarios of motorcycle, walker, digging, and field sweeping, however, exceeded the acceptable range. In SS, only the scenario of car fell within the acceptable range, while all of the other scenarios exceeded the acceptable range.

An Approach to Measurement of Water Quality Factors and its Application Using NOAA satellite Data

  • Jang, Dong-Ho;Jo, Gi-Ho;Chi, Kwang-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.363-370
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    • 1999
  • Remotely sensed data is regarded as a potentially effective data source for the measurement of water quality and for the environmental change of water bodies. In this study, we measured the spectral reflectance by using multi-spectral image of low resolution camera(LRC) which will be loaded in the OSMI multi-purpose satellite(KOMPSAT) scheduled to be launched on 1999 to use the data in analyzing water pollution. We also investigated the possibility of extraction of water quality factors in water bodies by using remotely sensed low resolution data such as NOAA/AVHRR. In this study, Shiwha-District and Sang-Sam Lake was set up as the subject areas for the study. In this part of the study, we measured the spectral reflectance of the water surface to analyze the radiance of the water bodies in low resolution spectral band and tried to analyze the water quality factors in water bodies by using radiance feature from another remotely sensed data such as NOAA/AVHRR. As the method of this study, first, we measured the spectral reflectance of the water surface by using SFOV( Single Field of View) to measure the reflectance of water quality analysis from every channel in LRC spectral band(0.4~O.9{\mu}{\textrm}{m}). Second, we investigated the usefulness of ground truth data and the LRC data by measuring every spectral reflectance of water quality factors. Third, we analyzed water quality factors by using the radiance feature from another remotely sensed data such as NOAA/AVHRR. We carried out ratio process of what we selected Chlorophyll-a and suspended sediments as the first factors of the water quality. The results of the analysis are below. First, the amount of pollutants of Shiwha-Lake has been increasing every you since 1987 by factors of eutrophication. Second, as a result of the reflectance, Chlorophyll-a represented high spectral reflectance mainly around 0.52{\mu}{\textrm}{m} of green spectral band, and turbidity represented high spectral reflectance at 0.57{\mu}{\textrm}{m}. But suspended sediments absorbed high at 0.8{\mu}{\textrm}{m}. Third, Chlorophyll-a and suspended sediments could have a distribution chart as a result of the water quality analysis by using NOAA/AVHRR data.

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Geochemical Study on Pollution of Heavy Metals in Soils, Plants and Streams in the Vicinity of Abandoned Metal Mines -Dalseong and Kyeongsan Mines- (금속폐광산주변의 토양, 식물 및 하천의 중금속오염에 대한 지화학적 연구 -달성 및 경산광산-)

  • Lee, Jae Yeong;Lee, In Ho;Lee, Sun Yeong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.597-613
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    • 1996
  • The tonnage of copper and tungsten produced at Dalseong mine by Taehan Tungsten Mining Company from 1961 to 1971 was 48,704 tons (M/T) of 4 wt.% Cu and 1,620 tons (S/T) of 70wt.% WO, but the mine was closed in 1974. Kyeongsan mine is a small abandoned cobalt mine with no data of production. To investigate the pollution level of the mine areas, soils, plants (Ohwi and Pampanini), stream waters and stream sediments were taken and Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Cd and Cr were analysed by ICP. Soils are considerably contaminated by the heavy metals related to ore deposits, The heavy metal contents in plants vary with the species and parts of plants. Stream waters are anomalously high in heavy metals in the vicinity of the mines but the contents decrease downstream in the process of dilution and precipiation. However, heavy metal contents increase very high in stream sediments due to precipiation. To protect environmental damages caused by acid mine drainages wetlands must be constructed outside pits, and it is necessary to fill pits with waters, limestone chips and organic materials, which give reducing and alkaline condition to ores. Under the condition pyrite is protected from oxidation and aqueous iron sulphates precipitate to form stable secondary pyrite.

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Bibliometric Analysis on the Research Trends in Journal of Convergence for Information Technology (중소기업융합학회 수록 논문의 연구동향에 대한 계량서지학적 분석)

  • Kim, Shin-Hee
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to identify current states and trends of convergence researches by conducting a bibliometric analysis of the papers in the Convergence Society for SMB. After 792 papers from 2012 to 2019 were collected, we analyzed network analysis by using centrality through extracting of nouns and compound nouns with text mining and 3 times of pre-processing and purification processing. According to the results, first, quantitative and qualitative aspects of the researches since 2016 improved, studies focused on words such as influence, convergence, mediating effect, satisfaction, and effect. Second, in the first half (2012-2015), engineering and technical studies were intensively conducted based on topics such as information, system, and security. Third, in the period of the second half (2016-2019), the research scope was expanded to college students, parents, teenagers under the topics of job, self-efficacy, education, satisfaction, depression, and stress. The results of this study are meaningful in identifying existing research trends and in providing information which requires the expansion of new research areas.

Methodology for Computer Security Incident Response Teams into IoT Strategy

  • Bernal, Alejandro Enciso;Monterrubio, Sergio Mauricio Martinez;Fuente, Javier Parra;Crespo, Ruben Gonzalez;Verdu, Elena
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.1909-1928
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    • 2021
  • At present, the Colombian government shares information on threats or vulnerabilities in the area of cybersecurity and cyberdefense, from other government agencies or departments, on an ad-hoc basis but not in real time, with the surveillance entities of the Government of the Republic of Colombia such as the Joint Command of Cybernetic Operations (CCOCI) and the Cybernetic Emergencies Response Team of Colombia (ColCERT). This research presents the MS-CSIRT (Management System Computer Security Incident Response Teams) methodology, that is used to unify the guidelines of a CSIRT towards a joint communication command in cybersecurity for the surveillance of Information Technology (IT), Technological Operations (TO), Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) or Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures. This methodology evaluates the level of maturity, by means of a roadmap, to establish a CSIRT as a reference framework for government entities and as a guide for the areas of information security, IT and TO to strengthen the growth of the industry 4.0. This allows the organizations to draw a line of cybersecurity policy with scope, objectives, controls, metrics, procedures and use cases for the correct coordination between ColCERT and CCOCI, as support entities in cybersecurity, and the different companies (ICS, IoT, gas and energy, mining, maritime, agro-industrial, among others) or government agencies that use this methodology.

Stability Analysis of Open Pit Slopes in the Pasir Coal Field, Indonesia (인도네시아 Pasir 탄전에서의 노천채탄장 사면의 안전성해석)

  • 정소걸;선우춘;한공창;신희순;박연준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Rock Mechanics Conference
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    • 2000.09a
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    • pp.183-193
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    • 2000
  • A series of studies such as geological logging data analysis, detailed geological survey, rock mass evaluation, in-situ and laboratory tests, rock strength and mechanical properties of the rock were concerned. The stability of the slope were carried out inorder to design the pit slope and individual benches using the stereographic projection analysis and numerical methods in Roto Pit of Pasir coal fetid. The bedding plane was one of the major discontinuities in the Roto Pit and the dip of which is about 60in the northern part and 83in the southern part. The dip of bedding becomes steeper from north to south. The plane and toppling failures are presented in many slopes. In laboratory test the average uniaxial compressive strength of mudstone was 9 MPa and that of weak sandstone was 10 MPa. In-situ test showed that the rocks of Roto north mining area are mostly weak enough to be classified in grade from R2(weak) to R3(medium strong weak) and the coal is classified in grades from R1(Very weak) to R2(Weak). The detailed stability analysis were carried out on 4 areas of Roto north(east, west, south and north), and 2 areas of Roto south(east and west). In this paper, the minimum factor of safety was set to 1.2 which is a general criterion for open pit mines. Using the stereographic projection analysis and the limit equilibrium method, slope angles were calculated as 30~36for a factor of safety greater than 1.2. Then these results were re-evaluated by numerical analysis using FLAC. The final slope angles were determined by rational described abode. A final slope of 34 degrees can guarantee the stability for the eastern part of the Roto north area, 33 degrees for the western part, 35 degrees for the northern part and 35 degrees for the southern part. For the Roto south area, 36 degrees was suggested for both sides of the pit. Once the pit slope is designed based on the stability analysis and the safety measures. the stability of 니ope should be checked periodically during the mining operations. Because the slope face will be exposed long time to the rain fall, a study such aspreventive measures against weathering and erosion is highly recommended to be implemented.

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Stability Analysis of Open Pit Slopes in the Pasir Coal Field, Indonesia (인도네시아 Pasir 탄전에서의 노천채탄장 사면의 안정성 해석)

  • 정소걸;선우춘;한공창;신희순;박연준
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.430-440
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    • 2000
  • A series of studies such as geological logging data analysis, detailed geological survey, rock mass evaluation, in-situ and laboratory tests, rock strength and mechanical properties of the rock were concerned. The stability of the slope were carried out inorder to design the pit slope and individual benches using the stereographic projection analysis and numerical methods in Roto Pit of Pasir coal field. The bedding plane was one of the major discontinuities in the Roto Pit and the dip of which is about 60 in the northern part and 83 in the southern part. The dip of bedding becomes steeper from north to south. The plane and toppling failures are presented in many slopes. In laboratory test the average uniaxial compressive strength of mudstone was 9MPa and that of weak sandstone was 10MPa. In-situ test showed that the rocks of Roto north mining area are mostly weak enough to be classified in grade from R2(weak) to R3(medium strong weak) and the coal is classified in grades from R1(Very weak) to R2(Weak). The detailed stability analysis were carried out on 4 areas of Roto north (east, west, south and north), and 2 areas of Roto south(east and west). In this paper, the minimum factor of safety was set to 1.2 which is a general criterion for open pit mines. Using the stereographic projection analysis and the limit equilibrium method, slope angles were calculated as 30∼36 for a factor of safety greater than 1.2. Then these results were re-evaluated by numerical analysis using FLAC. The final slope angles were determined by rational described above. A final slope of 34 degrees can guarantee the stability for the eastern part of the Roto north area, 33 degrees for the western part, 35 degrees for the northern part and 35 degrees for the southern part. For the Roto south area, 36 degrees was suggested for both sides of the pit. Once the pit slope is designed based on the stability analysis and the safety measures, the stability of slope should be checked periodically during the mining operations. Because the slope face will be exposed long time to the rain fall, a study such aspreventive measures against weathering and erosion is highly recommended to be implemented.

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Aeromagnetic Characteristics of the Samryangjin Caldera Area (삼량진 칼데라 지역의 항공자력특성 연구)

  • Koo Sung-Bon;Lee Tai-Sup;Park Yeong-Sue
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 1998
  • Using airborne magnetic data, magnetic characteristics were studied at the Samryangjin caldera area developed in the volcanics of the Yuchon sub-basin, the south eastern part of the Gyeongsang basin. Residual magnetics, reduction to the pole, horizontal derivative, and vertical derivative maps are prepared. Using these maps, the magnetic lithofaces are zoned and the geological structures such as caldera and faults were qualitatively interpreted. In addition, the two quantitative interpretations were performed. Firstly, the forward modelling were done to the 14.5 line km crossing the caldera area to the northeast-southwest direction. Applying the 3-D Euler deconvolution method to the whole study area, the depth extent and the characteristics of the magnetic anomalous bodies were studied. According to the results, the magnetic lithofaces of the area are zoned by 4 units. In general, these are well matched with the geological distributions. But the biotite granites intruded in the northern boundary of the Samryangjin caldera show the high magnetic intensity, while the biotite granites of the other areas show the low magnetic intensity and the different magnetic lithofaces. Thus, we interpreted that the biotite granites are closely related with the volcanic activity of the Samryngjin caldera, and are intruded in the fracture zones developed along the caldera rim. The Samryangjin caldera and fault structures of the area can be easily recognized by the distinct magnetic structures from the various magnetic anomaly maps. Also the topographic characteristics well reflect these structures. The results of the forward modelling show that the magnetic basement depth of the Gyeongsang sedimentary basin is on the average about 6 km and in maximum 10 km. And the depth becomes shallower toward the caldera boundary due to the shallow intrusion of the volcanics. The results of the 3-D Euler method also show the caldera and fault structures. And the relatively shallow magnetic anomalous bodies which are related with the volcanics are generally developed to the east-west and northeast directions, while the deep magnetic anomalous bodies to the northwest direction.

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Effects of Geological Conditions on the Geomorphological Development of the Southwestern Coastal Regions of Korea (서남해안지역(西南海岸地域)의 지형발달(地形發達)에 미친 지질조건(地質條件))

  • Kim, Suh Woon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 1971
  • The geotectonics and geomorphic structure of Korea resulted from the Song-rim Disturbance and the Daebo orogenic movements. Afterward this mountainous peninsula underwent several geological changes on a small scale, and it was also claimed that the steady rising of the elevated peneplain of the eastern coast and the submerging of the southwestern coastal area are largely due to the tilted block movement. These views have been generally accepted good in several ways, but they are limited in range or lacking in theoretical integration. The present writer investigated the geology of the Mt. Chi-ri-san and the Honam coal mining area for a geological map in 1965, respectively. The results of these studies convinced the present writer that the conventional views, which were based upon a theory of lateral pressure should be reconsidered in many respects, and more recent studies made it clear that the morphological development in the southwestern area can be better explained by the orogenic movement and rock control. The measurement of submerging speed of the western coastal area (Pak. Y. A., 1969) and a new account on the geology and tectonics of the Mid-central region of South Korea (Kim O.J., 1970) act as an encouragement to a new explanation. The present writer's researches on the extreme southwestern portion of the peninsula show that the steady submerging of this area cannot be attributed to a simple downthrown block phenomenon caused by block movement. It is no more than the result of the differential movement of uplifting in the eastern and western coastal areas and the rising of sea-level in the post-glacial period. This phenomenon could be easily explained by the comparison of the rate of rise in sea-level and amount of heat flow between Korea and other areas in the world. The existance of the erosional planes in the Sobaik-San ranges also provide an evidence of an upheaval in the western coast area. Though the Sobaik-San ranges largely follow the direction of the Sinian system. They consist of the numerous branches, whose trends run more or less differently from their main trend because of the disharmonic folding, are converged into Mt. Sobaik-San and Chupungryung. The undulation of the land is not wholely caused by orogenic movements, where as the present writer confirmed that the diversity of morphological development is the direct reflection of geological conditions such as rocks and processes which constitute the basic elements of geomorphic structure. An east-west directed mountain range which could be named as Hansan mountain range, was claimed to be oriented by the joint control. The geological conditions such as a special erosion and weathering of agglomerate and breccia tuff usually produce pot-hole like submarine features which cause the whirling phenomenon at the southwestern coast channel.

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Heavy matal removal in leaching water from the region buried tungsten tailing (중석광 폐재광미의 매립지에서 나오는 침출수 중의 중금속 제거)

  • Lee, Dong-Hoon;Oh, Sae-Gang;Choi, Choong-Lyeal;Park, Man;Choi, Jyung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.218-222
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    • 2000
  • Wastedrested mine areas give lots of effect on around-environmental changes after mining development. Leaching water at reclaimed land has been eluted from the solid components through physical, chemical, biological procedures by waters percolated through reclaimed site. The element analysis of waste tungsten ore tailing, leaching water analysis and removal of heavy metal by zeolite were performed to investigate the influent of acid rain on the released contents of H. M. The heavy metal contents in leaching water were determined to be As 1.211.54ppm, Pb 0.110.15ppm and SO42 was 302378ppm. As deionized water and simulated acid rain (pH 3,4) were percolated through columns packed tungsten ore tailing, the amount of Mn, Na, Ca which were dissolved by pH4 solution was higher than those by distilled water. However, W and Mo were eluted easily by high pH solution. The change of heavy metal concentration by column experiment packed zeolite was effective a little because heavy metals were adsorved much more by zeolite.

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