• Title/Summary/Keyword: Milk compositions

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젖소의 고능력우와 저능력우간의 우유 성분 및 혈중 대사물질 특성 비교 (Comparison of Milk Composition and Blood Metabolites Between High and Low Milk Producing Cows)

  • 안병석;권응기;서국현;이현준;박병기
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제47권1호
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study was to estimate the effects of daily milk yield, somatic cell count(SCC), days in milk(DIM), and parity on the compositions of milk and blood in high or low producing dairy cows. To divide the high or low producing group, there were some restrictions in this study. 235 Holstein dairy cows had a average daily milk yield of 23.2 $\pm$ 6.8 kg were grouped into two classes with low producing(average daily milk 17kg) or high producing(average daily milk 29 kg). The other restrictions were two parities(first and second parity), two SCC groups(under $l{\times}10^5$cells/ml, and $l{\times}10^5$ to $7{\times}10^5$ celis/ml), and three DIM groups(under 80, 81 to 180, and 181 to 305DIM). The blood urea nitrogen(BUN), milk urea nitrogen(MUN) and glucose between two group with high and low somatic cell count were not affected by parity, DIM and SCC. But there were significantly different on BUN and glucose between high and low milk producing(p< 0.01), also was different on glucose between parities(p < 0.05). White blood cell(WBC) and lymphocyte were affected(p< 0.05) by SCC level, protein percent was also affected by DIM(p< 0.01). The least square means of protein in second parity was a 1.3 times higher than that in first parity(p < 0.05), and it showed a higher level in the low producing group than the high producing group(p < 0.0l). WBC and lymphocyte were lower in the $1{\sim}7{\times}10^5$ celis/ml than those under $1{\times}10^5$ celis/ml(p< 0.05). Neutrophil was a higher level in first parity than that in second parity(p < 0.05). Only protein and total solid were affected by parity, the other compositions were not affected by parity, DIM, SCC and milk yields. The results suggested that significant differences were in the blood components such as glucose, WBC, lymphocyte and neutrophil between high and low producing cows. The results also show that more studies are required to clarify the factors and markers related to milk yield, quality and mastitis.

Estimating milk production losses by heat stress and its impacts on greenhouse gas emissions in Korean dairy farms

  • Geun-woo, Park;Mohammad, Ataallahi;Seon Yong, Ham;Se Jong, Oh;Ki-Youn, Kim;Kyu-Hyun, Park
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제64권4호
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    • pp.770-781
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    • 2022
  • Meteorological disasters caused by climate change like heat, cold waves, and unusually long rainy seasons affect the milk productivity of cows. Studies have been conducted on how milk productivity and milk compositions change due to heat stress (HS). However, the estimation of losses in milk production due to HS and hereby environmental impacts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are yet to be evaluated in Korean dairy farms. Dairy milk production and milk compositions data from March to October 2018, provided by the Korea Dairy Committee (KDC), were used to compare regional milk production with the temperature-humidity index (THI). Raw data for the daily temperature and relative humidity in 2018 were obtained from the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). This data was used to calculate the THI and the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature changing rate, as the average daily temperature range, to show the extent to which the temperature gap can affect milk productivity. The amount of milk was calculated based on the price of 926 won/kg from KDC. The results showed that the average milk production rate was the highest within the THI range 60-73 in three regions in May: Chulwon (northern region), Hwasung (central region), and Gunwi (southern region). The average milk production decreased by 4.96 ± 1.48% in northern region, 7.12 ± 2.36% in central region, and 7.94 ± 2.57% in southern region from June to August, which had a THI range of 73 or more, when compared to May. Based on the results, the level of THI should be maintained like May. If so, the farmers can earn a profit of 9,128,730 won/farm in northern region, 9,967,880 won/farm in central region, and 12,245,300 won/farm in southern region. Additionally, the average number of cows raised can be reduced by 2.41 ± 0.35 heads/farm, thereby reducing GHG emissions by 29.61 ± 4.36 kg CO2eq/day on average. Overall, the conclusion suggests that maintaining environmental conditions in the summer that are similar to those in May is necessary. This knowledge can be used for basic research to persuade farmers to change farm facilities to increase the economic benefits and improve animal welfare.

Feeding of Cassava Hay for Lactating Dairy Cows

  • Wanapat, M.;Puramongkon, T.;Siphuak, W.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.478-482
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    • 2000
  • Whole cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) crop was harvested about 10-15 cm above ground at 3 months after planting and sun dried for 1-3 days or until the leaves were crispy-dried and the branches and stems were mostly wilted to produce cassava hay. Cassava hay (CH) contained 86.3% DM, 8.9% ash, 23.6% CP, 44.3% NDF, 30.0% ADF, 5.8% ADL, 0.257% condensed tannin and 0.35 mg % HCN, respectively. In addition, CH contained relatively higher amino acid than alfalfa hay especially methionine, isoleucine, leucine and lysine. Ruminal fermentation of CH resulted in high concentrations of $C_2$, $C_3$, and $C_4$ at 72, 17 and 7 mol/100 mole, respectively. A feeding trial was conducted to study on effect of feeding of cassava hay in late lactating dairy cows fed on urea-treated rice straw during the dry season on their intake, ruminal pH, $NH_3$-N, milk yield and compositions. Thirty, Holstein-Friesian crossbred cows in their first lactation were randomly assigned in a randomized complete block design to receive five different dietary treatments: T1=supplementation of concentrate to milk yield at 1:2, T2=supplementation of concentrate to milk yield at 1:2+0.56 kg DM, T3=supplementation of concentrate to milk yield at 1:3+1.3 kg DM CH, T4=supplementation of concentrate to milk yield at 1:4+1.70 kg DM CH, T5=CH fed on ad libitum+small concentrate supplement. All cows received urea-treated rice straw as a roughage source throughout a 80 d feeding trial. The experiment revealed that cassava hay contained high level of protein and minimal level of tannin at 3 months of harvest. Tannin intake ranged from 1.44 to 13.36 g/hd/d and did not affect on urea-treated rice straw intake. Milk yield across treatments were similar (5.4-6.3 kg/hd/d) (p>0.05) but 3.5% FCM was highest in cows received CH at 1.70 kg/hd/d. Feeding of cassava hay resulted in increasing milk fat (4.0 to 4.6%) (p<0.05) and milk protein (3.8 to 5.3%) (p<0.05). Moreover, the use of CH could reduce concentrate supplementation to milk yield from 1:2 to 1:4, respectively, thus resulted in more milk income return.

분광된 빛의 주사가 원유내 성분에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Light Transmission on Composition and Somatic Cell count of Raw Milk)

  • 고한종;김기연;민영봉;西津貴久;윤용철;김현태
    • 농업생명과학연구
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2012
  • 농산물의 안전성 확보와 품질평가를 위해서 신속하고 경제적인 비파괴 검사법에 대한 연구 및 기술개발이 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 그러나 분광된 빛을 이용하여 내부 품질평가 과정에서 발생할 수 있는 분석 대상체의 성분 변화에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 분광분석을 이용하여 원유의 성분분석 과정에서 분광된 빛이 원유의 성분 및 체세포에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 수행 되었다. 본 연구에 사용된 원유는 일본 시가현 소재 낙농가에서 채취된 것으로 유지방, 유단백질, 유당, 무지고형분, 총고형분, 유요소, 구연산 및 체세포수를 화학적 방법에 의해 측정하였다. 또한 인위적으로 분광된 빛은 5가지 영역대로 구분하여 원유에 각각 1분, 5분, 10분간 주사하였다. 연구결과, 400 nm이하 파장대인 자외선 영역에서 유지방이 2.6% 증가되는 경향이 있었고, 체세포수도 9.0% 증가된 것으로 분석되었다. 그러나 다른 원유 성분에는 변화가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 자외선 영역의 빛을 원유 품질 평가에 적용하기 위해서는 보다 다양한 원유 시료에 대한 추가 검증이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

Effects of Timing of Initial Cutting and Subsequent Cutting on Yields and Chemical Compositions of Cassava Hay and Its Supplementation on Lactating Dairy Cows

  • Hong, N.T.T.;Wanapat, M.;Wachirapakorn, C.;Pakdee, P.;Rowlinson, P.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제16권12호
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    • pp.1763-1769
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    • 2003
  • Two experiments were conducted to examine the production and quality of cassava hay and its utilization in diets for dairy cows. In experiment I, a $2{\times}2$ Factorial arrangement in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications was carried out to determine the effects of different initial (IC) and subsequent cutting (SC) on yield and composition of cassava plant. The results revealed that cassava could produce from 4 to 7 tonne of DM and 1.2 to 1.6 tonne of CP for the first six months after planting. CP content in cassava plant ranged from 20.8 to 28.5% and was affected by different SC regimes. Condensed tannin in cassava foliage ranged from 4.9 to 5.5%. Initial cutting at 2 months with subsequent cutting at 2 month intervals was the optimal to obtain high dry matter and protein yield. In the second experiment, five crossbred Holstein-Friesian cows in mid lactation with an initial live-weight of 505${\pm}6.1kg$ and average milk yield of 10.78${\pm}1.2kg/d$ were randomly assigned in a $5{\times}5$ Latin square design to study the effects of 2 levels of CH (1 and 2 kg/hd/d) and concentrate (1 to 2 kg of milk and 1 to 3 kg of milk) on milk yield and milk composition. The results showed that cassava hay increased rumen $NH_3-N$ and milk urea nitrogen (MUN) (p<0.05). Cassava hay tended to increase milk production and 4% FCM. Milk protein increased in cows fed cassava hay (p<0.05). Moreover, cassava hay could reduce concentrate levels in dairy rations thus resulting in increased economic returns. Cassava hay can be a good source of forage to reduce concentrate supplementation and improve milk quality.

Application of Rumen Undegradable Protein on Early Lactating Dairy Goats

  • Lee, Mei-Chu;Hwang, Sen-Yuan;Chiou, Peter Wen-Shyg
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제14권11호
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    • pp.1549-1554
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    • 2001
  • The application of rumen undegradable intake protein (UIP) on lactating dairy goats was studied. Thirty 2-year-old lactating dairy goats were selected and assigned to dietary treatments begun from the third week to the fourth month postpartum. Experimental diets were formulated into three, low (32% CP), med (35% CP) and high (38% CP), iso-nitrogenous (16% CP) and iso-energetic ($NE_L$ 1.68 Mcal/kg) UIP levels. Results showed that feed intake was not significantly different among the treatment groups. The milk yield in the High UIP group (3.17 kg) was significantly higher than the med (2.95 kg) and low UIP (2.45 kg) groups (p<0.05). The milk compositions, milk fat, milk lactose and milk solids-non-fat (SNF) showed no significant differences among the three treatment groups. The milk protein however was significantly (p<0.05) lower in the low UIP than in the other treatment groups. The milk urea-N was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the low UIP than in the other treatment groups. The mean serum aspartate amino transferase (AST), urinary-N and total protein concentrations were significantly (p<0.05) lower in the high and the med UIP groups than in the low UIP group.

$\omega$3계 및 $\omega$6계 지방산 식이가 흰쥐의 모유와 혈청의 지방산 성분 및 비타민 E 수준에 미치는 영향 (Effects of $\omega$3 and $\omega$6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Diets on Fatty Acid Composition and Vitamin E Levels in Milk and Serum of the Rat)

  • 황혜진
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 1994
  • The effects of feeding diets with different fatty acids on the composition of fatty acids and vitamin E status in maternal milk & serum and pup's serum were studied. Dietary fats(10% by wt) include on oil(CO), soybean oil(SO), perilla seed oil(PO : about 60% , C18 : 3 $\omega$3) and fish oil(FO : rich in C20 : 5$\omega$3, eicosapentaenoic acid = EPA & 22 : 6$\omega$3, docosahexaenoic acid = DHA), Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 200-250g, were fed experimental diets from pregnancy through lactation period. Maternal milk was obtained by gentle squeezing after 30 minutes of oxytocin(0.2 IU, intraperitoneal) injection. The fatty acid compositions of milk and serum were analyzed at day-2 and day-15. The concentrations of vitamin E in maternal milk and serum and pup's serum were also analyzed. The groups of CO, SO and PO which had no DHA in their diet, contained DHA in their milk, The rations of EPA+DHA/arachidonic acid(AA) were higher in PO group than those in either CO or SO group. This seemed to be due not only to more conversion from C18 : 3$\omega$3 to C20 : 5$\omega$3 and C22 : 6$\omega$3 but also to inhibition of C18 : 2$\omega$6 conversion to C20 : 4$\omega$6. More DHA was found in day-2 milk than in day-15 milk. It was also noted that milk contained more DHA was found in day-2 milk than in day-15 milk. It was also noted that milk contained more DHA than serum and this difference was larger in day-2 than in day-15 milk. Even though the concentrations of vitamin E both in maternal serum and milk were lower in PO and FO groups fed highly unsaturated fat than in CO or SO groups, pup's serum did not show a significant difference among all the experimental groups indicating that the pups man secure their essential nutrients by the biomagnification mechanism.

  • PDF

Milk Production, Milk Composition, Live Weight Change and Milk Fatty Acid Composition in Lactating Dairy Cows in Response to Whole Linseed Supplementation

  • Suksombat, Wisitiporn;Meeprom, Chayapol;Mirattanaphrai, Rattakorn
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제26권8호
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    • pp.1111-1118
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to determine the effects of whole linseed supplementation on performances and milk fatty acid composition of dairy cows. Thirty six Holstein Friesian crossbred lactating dairy cows were blocked by milking days first and then stratified random balanced for milk yields and body weight into three groups of 12 cows each. The control group received 300 g of palm oil. The second group was supplemented with 344 g/d of top-dressed whole linseed plus 150 g of palm oil and the third group was supplemented with 688 g/d of top-dressed whole linseed. All cows also received ad libitum grass silage (Brachiaria ruziziensis), had free access to clean water and were individually housed in a free-stall unit and individually fed according to treatments. Residual feeds were collected on 2 consecutive days weekly and at the end of the experiment. Feed samples were pooled to make representative samples for proximate and detergent analyses. Daily milk yields were recorded. Milk samples were collected on 2 consecutive days weekly. Live weights were recorded at the start and at the end of the experiment. Milk samples were taken on d 56 of the experiment and subjected to milk fatty acid composition. The results showed no statistical significant differences in intakes, live weight change, milk yields and milk compositions, however, C18:1, C18:3 and unsaturated FAs were increased while saturated FAs were reduced by whole linseed supplementation. It is recommended that the addition of 300 g/d oil from whole linseed could be beneficial to lactating dairy cows in early lactation.

아이스크림 제품류에 함유되어 있는 지방함량 및 지방산조성 (Contents and Fatty Acid Compositions in Fats Extracted from Ice Creams and Ice Cream-Related Products)

  • 신민경;오현희;황금택
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제35권6호
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    • pp.721-728
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구에서는 시중에 유통되는 일반 '아이스크림' 22개 제품과 프리미엄 '아이스크림' 10개 제품, '아이스밀크' 22개 제품, '샤베트' 4개 제품, '비유지방 아이스크림' 11개 제품과 '빙과류'인 '비유제품 아이스크림' 5개 제품을 수집하여, 이들 아이스크림 제품류에서 추출한 지방의 조지방 함량과 지방산조성을 분석하였다. 일반 '아이스크림', 프리미엄 '아이스크림', '아이스밀크'에는 지방이 각각 $5{\sim}11%,\;13{\sim}17%,\;2{\sim}10%$ 함유되어 있었다. '샤베트', '비유지방 아이스크림', '비유제품 아이스크림'에는 지방이 각각 $2{\sim}7%,\;4{\sim}11%,\;1{\sim}2%$함유되어 있었다. 일반 '아이스크림' 22개 제품 중 14개 제품, 프리미엄 '아이스크림' 10개 모든 제품, '아이스밀크' 22개 제품 중 11개 제품에서 분리한 지방에는 포화지방산이 $63{\sim}75%$, 트랜스지방산이 $2{\sim}5%$ 함유되어 있었는데, 이는 우유나 버터에 있는 지방과 유사한 조성이었다. 그러나 일반 '아이스크림' 8개 제품과 '아이스밀크' 11개 제품에서 추출한 지방에는 lauric acid가 각각 $11{\sim}28%$$11{\sim}34%$ 함유되어 있었는데, 이는 우유나 버터의 지방을 조성하고 있는 lauric acid 함량보다 3배 이상 높은 값으로서 유지방만을 지방원료로 사용하였다고 보기는 어렵다. 이들 19개 제품 중에서 5개 제품에서만 유지방 이외에 '야자유'나 '정제가공유지'를 사용하였다고 표시하였다. '샤베트', '비유지방 아이스크림', '비유제품 아이스크림'에서 분리한 지방에는 포화지방산이 각각 $81{\sim}92%,\;76{\sim}99%,\;84{\sim}99%$ 함유되어 있었으며, lauric acid가 각각 $33{\sim}34%,\;17{\sim}45%,\;27{\sim}46%$로써 가장 많은 부분을 차지하고 있었다.

Effects of one-hour daily outdoor access on milk yield and composition and behaviors of tethered dairy cows

  • Huricha;Ai Nanbu;Masashi Takemoto;Ken-ichi Takeda
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제37권9호
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    • pp.1653-1659
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    • 2024
  • Objective: We investigated the effects of outdoor access for one-hour per day (ODA) on milk yield and composition and behaviors of tethered dairy cows. Methods: Eleven all-day tethered dairy cows were treated with ODA for two weeks. To evaluate the effect of ODA on milk yield, we first calculated the average daily milk yield of each cow for three days during two weeks before the ODA, three days before the ODA, three days at the end of the ODA, and three days during two weeks after the ODA. We then compared the milk yield change during the ODA with that for two weeks before and two weeks after the ODA. The effects of ODA on milk compositions and behaviors were evaluated by comparing the average values for each composition and behavior for the three days before the ODA and the last three days of the ODA. Results: The decrease of milk yield during the two weeks of ODA was significantly higher than that during the two weeks before ODA (p<0.01). The milk fat rate was significantly higher during ODA than before ODA (p<0.05). Lactose rate was significantly lower during ODA than before ODA (p<0.05). The concentrations of milk urea nitrogen, ketone bodies, and free fatty acids in the milk were significantly higher during ODA than before ODA (p<0.05). The mean total duration per day of lying during ODA was significantly lower than that before ODA (p<0.05). The walking steps per one-hour outdoor access were 158.4±54.7. The social behavior during the one-hour outdoor access of the 11 cows was 53 times/h/herd. Conclusion: Our results suggested that ODA promotes the expression of normal behavior in dairy cows, but even one hour of ODA decreases milk production in cows, which may drop producers' profits without some financial supplementation.