• Title/Summary/Keyword: Middle Earth

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U-Pb Geochronology of the Triassic Foliated Granite Distributed in the Eastern Sancheong Area, SW Yeongnam Massif, Korea and its Implications (영남육괴 남서부 산청 동부지역에 분포하는 트라이아스기 변형 화강암의 U-Pb 연대측정과 그 함의)

  • Park, Kye-Hun;Song, Yong-Sun;Seo, Jaehyeon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 2018
  • In this study, SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating was performed on deformed granitic rocks in the Sancheong area in the northeastern part of the Jirisan area, southwest of Yeongnam Massif. Until now, these have been known as Precambrian or age-unknown old igneous rocks, but the U-Pb concordant ages obtained from two samples are $237.8{\pm}4.0Ma$ and $230.2{\pm}3.4Ma$, respectively, showing their emplacements in Early to Middle Triassic. These results indicate that the deformed granite was emplaced at about 238~230 Ma. The study area shows the characteristics of ductile deformation with prominent development of foliation, augen structure, and lineation. It is observed that the deformed granites occur as xenoliths within the syenite, indicating that the time of deformation is earlier than the intrusion of the syenite of about 220 Ma. The emplacement and deformation periods of the deformed granite is similar to that of Permo-Triassic granite gneisses distributed in the Gimcheon and Andong areas of the Yeongnam Massif. Taken together, the eastern part of the Yeongnam Massif, extending from the central part to the southwestern part, granite intrusions occurred at about 260-230 Ma, followed by metamorphism-deformation of about 230-220 Ma.

Structural Geometry of the Seongjuri Syncline, Chungnam Basin (충남분지 성주리향사의 구조기하학적 해석)

  • Noh, Jungrae;Park, Seung-Ik;Kwon, Sanghoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.579-587
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    • 2018
  • Chungnam Basin has been known as one of the largest Mesozoic basins in Korea, filled mainly with so-called Daedong Supergroup. The basin has evolved as the Early to Middle Jurassic intra-arc volcano-sedimentary basin developed on top of the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic post-collisional basin in this area, recording evolutionary history of the Mesozoic tectonics in the southwestern Korean Peninsula. This study carries out the geometric interpretations of the Seongjuri syncline and its surroundings in the central part of the Chungnam Basin, based on detailed structural field survey. Based on its doubly-plunging fold geometry, the Seongjuri syncline could be subdivided into the southwestern and northeastern domains. On the down-plunge profiles of the southwestern domain of the Seongjuri syncline as well as the underlying Okma fold, the Okma fault shows typical geometry of a basement-involved reverse fault that propagated up to the sedimentary cover. The profiles illustrate that the Seongjuri syncline occurs in front of the tip of the Okma fault, likely implying its origin as a part of the fault-related fold system. The result of this study will provide better insight into the structural interpretation of the Chungnam Basin, and will further provide useful information for the Mesozoic orgenic events of the southwestern Korean Peninsula.

Assessing Middle School Students' Polar Literacy (중학생의 극지 소양 평가)

  • Haneul Choi;Donghee Shin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.169-183
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed students' polar literacy in an effort to promote polar education based on its high educational value. The polar literacy test items developed for this study consisted of questions about knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs about the polar region, as well as background variables of students. The final test items, which were revised and supplemented several times through the preliminary test, were applied to 323 eighth graders in South Korea. We analyzed the response characteristics of the polar literacy questions for all students. Students were grouped into those with a global citizenship perspective and those with a pragmatic perspective, according to the viewpoint of polar issues and their polar literacy. Analysis showed that the students had a high understanding of climate change and living things in the polar regions, but had a very low understanding of ice, which is a key component of the polar regions. Moreover, they were unable to approach the Earth system thinking when dealing with polar issues. In addition, the global citizenship group had a higher intellectual understanding and deeper sympathy of the polar problem than the pragmatic group. This study is meaningful in that the survey results present a specific direction for future polar education.

The Effect of Engineering Design Based Ocean Clean Up Lesson on STEAM Attitude and Creative Engineering Problem Solving Propensity (공학설계기반 오션클린업(Ocean Clean-up) 수업이 STEAM태도와 창의공학적 문제해결성향에 미치는 효과)

  • DongYoung Lee;Hyojin Yi;Younkyeong Nam
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of engineering design-based ocean cleanup classes on STEAM attitudes and creative engineering problem-solving dispositions. Furthermore, during this process, we tried to determine interesting points that students encountered in engineering design-based classes. For this study, a science class with six lessons based on engineering design was developed and reviewed by a professor who majored in engineering design, along with five engineering design experts with a master's degree or higher. The subject of the class was selected as the design and implementation of scientific and engineering measures to reduce marine pollution based on the method implemented in an actual Ocean Clean-up Project. The engineering design process utilized the engineering design model presented by NGSS (2013), and was configured to experience redesign through the optimization process. To verify effectiveness, the STEAM attitude questionnaire developed by Park et al. (2019) and the creative engineering problemsolving propensity test tool developed by Kang and Nam (2016) were used. A pre and post t-test was used for statistical analysis for the effectiveness test. In addition, the contents of interesting points experienced by the learners were transcribed after receiving descriptive responses, and were analyzed and visualized through degree centrality analysis. Results confirmed that engineering design in science classes had a positive effect on both STEAM attitude and creative engineering problem-solving disposition (p< .05). In addition, as a result of unstructured data analysis, science and engineering knowledge, engineering experience, and cooperation and collaboration appeared as factors in which learners were interested in learning, confirming that engineering experience was the main factor.

Preliminary Structural Geometry Interpretation of the Pyeongchang Area in the Northwestern Taebaeksan Zone, Okcheon Belt: A Klippe Model (옥천대 북서부 태백산지역 평창 일대의 클리페 모델 기반 구조기하 형태 해석 예비 연구)

  • Heunggi Lee;Yirang Jang;Sanghoon Kwon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.831-846
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    • 2023
  • The Jucheon-Pyeongchang area in the northwestern Taebaeksan Zone of the Okcheon fold-thrust belt preserved several thrust faults placing the Precambrian basement granite gneisses of the Gyeonggi Massif on top of the Early Paleozoic Joseon Supergroup and the age-unknown Bangrim Group. Especially, the thrust faults in the study area show the closed-loop patterns on the map view, showing older allochthonous strata surrounded by younger autochthonous or para-autochthonous strata. These basement-involved thrusts including Klippes will provide important information on the hinterland portion of the fold-thrust belt. For defining Klippe geometry in the thrust fault terrains of the Jucheon-Pyeongchang area by older on younger relationship, the stratigraphic position of the age-unknown Bangrim Group should be determined. The Middle Cambrian maximum depositional age by the detrital zircon SHRIMP U-Pb method from this study, together with field relations and previous research results suggest that the Bangrim Group overlies the Precambrian basement rocks by nonconformity and underlies the Cambrian Yangdeok Group (Jangsan and Myobong formations). The structural geometric interpretation of the Pyeongchang area based on newly defined stratigraphy indicates that the Wungyori and Barngrim thrusts are the same folded thrust, and can be interpreted as a Klippe, having Precambrian hanging wall granite gneisses surrounded by younger Cambrian strata of the Joseon Supergroup and the Bangrim Group. Further detailed structural studies on the Jucheon-Pyeongchang area can give crucial insights into the basement-involved deformation during the structural evolution of the Okcheon Belt.

Production of High-Resolution Long-Term Regional Ocean Reanalysis Data and Diagnosis of Ocean Climate Change in the Northwest Pacific (북서태평양 장기 고해상도 지역해양 재분석 자료 생산 및 해양기후변화 진단)

  • Young Ho Kim
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.192-202
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    • 2024
  • Ocean reanalysis data are extensively used in ocean circulation and climate research by integrating observational data with numerical models. This approach overcomes the spatial and temporal limitations of observational data and provides high-resolution gridded information that considers the physical interactions between ocean variables. In this study, I extended the previously produced 12-year (2011-2022) Northwest Pacific regional ocean reanalysis data to create a long-term reanalysis dataset (K-ORA22E) with a horizontal resolution of 1/24° spanning 30 years (1993-2022). These data were analyzed to diagnose long-term ocean climate change in the Korean marginal seas. Analysis of the K-ORA22E data revealed that the axis of the Kuroshio extension has shifted northward by approximately 6 km per year over the past 30 years, with a significant increase in sea surface temperature north of the Kuroshio axis. Among the waters surrounding the Korean Peninsula, the East Sea exhibited the most significant temperature increase. In the East Sea, the temperature increase was more pronounced in the middle layer than in the surface layer, with the East Korea Warm Current showing a rate two to three times higher than the global average. In the central Yellow Sea, where the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water appears, temperatures increased over the long-term, but decreased along the west and south coasts of the Korean Peninsula. These spatial differences in long-term temperature changes appear to be closely related to the heat transport pathways of warm water from the Kuroshio Current. High-resolution regional ocean reanalysis data, such as the K-ORA22E produced in this study, are essential foundational data for understanding long-term variability in the Korean marginal seas and analyzing the impacts of climate change.

Assessment of rock slope stability by slope mass rating (SMR): A case study for the gas flare site in Assalouyeh, South of Iran

  • Azarafza, Mohammad;Akgun, Haluk;Asghari-Kaljahi, Ebrahim
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.571-584
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    • 2017
  • Slope mass rating (SMR) is commonly used for the geomechanical classification of rock masses in an attempt to evaluate the stability of slopes. SMR is calculated from the $RMR_{89-basic}$ (basic rock mass rating) and from the characteristic features of discontinuities, and may be applied to slope stability analysis as well as to slope support recommendations. This study attempts to utilize the SMR classification system for slope stability analysis and to investigate the engineering geological conditions of the slopes and the slope stability analysis of the Gas Flare site in phases 6, 7 and 8 of the South Pars Gas Complex in Assalouyeh, south of Iran. After studying a total of twelve slopes, the results of the SMR classification system indicated that three slope failure modes, namely, wedge, plane and mass failure were possible along the slopes. In addition, the stability analyses conducted by a number of computer programs indicated that three of the slopes were stable, three of the slopes were unstable and the remaining six slopes were categorized as 'needs attention'classes.

Developing Learning Materials of Multimedia for General Science Instruction of High School (고등학교 공통과학 학습을 위한 멀티미디어 자료 구축)

  • Kim, Jae Hyun;Lee, Hee Bok;Kim, Hyun Sub;Kim, Hee Soo;Park, Jeong Wok;Park, Hyun Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.249-257
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to develop learning materials of multimediafor general science instruction of high school.this learning material was made of HTML record for each middle unit according to the general science curriculum, and was included a variety of Ietter, graph, picture, drawing, animation, and other moving image materials. And it was composed five coursewares:Content, Dictionary, Science Story,lmage Material, and Questions.The learning material is uploaded an internet website under Science Education Research Institute of Kongju National University (http://science.kongju.ac.kr), and also is provided to a CD-ROM title.

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Measurement of the Single and Size-Classified Raindrops

  • Ma, Chang-Jin;Mikio Kasahara;Hwang, Kyung-Chul;Park, Kum-Chan;Kim, Hui-Kang
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.15 no.E
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 1999
  • To Characterize the single raindrops as a function of their size we designed the sampling and handling apparatuses. Samplings of single and size- classified raindrops were performed at a height of 20m above the ground level of a Kyoto University building located in Uji, Japan in rain events from middle of July to the end of August, 1999. And PIXE method was applied to the analysis of single raindrops sampled as a function of their size. Diameter change of frozen raindrops by liquid nitrogen did nto affect the size segregation ability of our sampling apparatus. The number of raindrops increases with decreasing drop size. And it is found that the size distribution of raindrops verified depends on the rain events. Application of PIXE analysis to the measurement of single raindrops was very successful. Every element showed a continuous increase in concentration with decreasing raindrop diameter. It seems reasonable to say that our work should be helpful to obtain more detailed information on single raindrops and especially to study on the rainout and washout mechanisms.

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A study on the reduction of the distance on reference ellipsoid to the distance on geoid (타원체상 거리의 지오이드면상 거리로의 보정에 관한 연구)

  • 김형태;김용일;어양담;김창재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 1999
  • The straight spatial distance or geodesic distance on WGS84 ellipsoid measured by GPS should be reduced on geoid to be used in Korean Geodetic System. The factors for this reduction are geoidal height and mean radius of the earth. On this study the effects of these factors on reducing distance were analyzed and the result showed that mean geoidal height should be multiplied by $1.6\times{10}^{-7}$ per unit distance for reducing geodesic distance on reference ellipsoid to that on geoid. Condsidering that the geoidal height on Bessel ellipsoid in Korea is -45 m in northeast and -75 m in middle west. It also showed that the difference of geodesic distance between on reference ellipsoid and on geoid is about 7-12 mm per km.

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