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Fish Fauna and Ecological Characteristics of Dark Chub (Zacco temminckii) Population in the Mid-Upper Region of Gam Stream (감천 중 상류역의 어류상과 갈겨니 (Zacco temminckii) 개체군의 생태학적 특성)

  • Seo, Jin-Won
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.38 no.2 s.112
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    • pp.196-206
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    • 2005
  • The fish community in the mid-upper region of Gam Stream was examined seasonally from 2001 to 2003 in order to perform an environmental impact assessment prior to a construction of Gamcheon Multipurpose Dam. Additional investigation was conducted in August 2004 to confirm the fish fauna reported and to examine the ecological characteristics of Zacco temminckii population. The total number of fish caught from the study sites was 1,081 fish representing 5 families 14 species. There were 6 Korean endemic species including Coreoleuciscus splendidus, Squalidus gracilis majimae, Microphysogobio yaluensis, Liobagrus mediadiposalis, Coreoperca herzi and Odontobutis platycephala, but no endangered or vulnerable species were found. Length-weight relation, condition factor (K) and relative condition factor (Kn) of Zacco temminckii were compared by the study sites and stream. The equations based on length-weight relation in Buhang and Gam Streams were TW\;=\;0.000004TL^{3.2357}$ and TW\;=\;0.000002TL^{3.3566}$, respectively indicating the fish in Gam Stream became more rotund as length increases. The condition factor (K) and relative condition factor (Kn) against total length of Zacco temminckii at two streams indicated that the fish (>70 mm) in Cam Stream (mean K and Kn= 1.116, 1.21 respectively) had better nutritional condition than those in Buhang Stream (mean K and Ln = 1.046, 1.14 respectively). The results were corresponded with natural disturbances such as drought and intensive rainfall from 2001 to 2003 followed by human activities such as stream repair works. Therefore, it is considered to perform environmental impact assessment with not only confirmation of fish composition but also examination of ecological characteristics in population- level.

Comparison of Yield and Grain Quality of Ten High Quality Rice Cultivars Grown in Three Different Agricultural Regions of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (경상북도 지역별 최고품질 벼 품종의 수량 및 품질 특성)

  • Shin, Jong-Hee;Kim, Sang-Kuk;Kim, Se-Jong
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2017
  • Rice quality should be considered as a primary consumer requirement. Regarding marketing, characteristics such as appearance, physicochemical properties, and palatability of brand rice are of high economic importance. Therefore, this study was conducted to select the optimal rice cultivars representing the commercial rice brands of Gyeongsangbuk-do province in Korea. Various rice grain quality components, grain appearance, several physicochemical properties of rice grain, and texture or palatability of cooked rice grains of ten cultivars (namely 'top quality rice') cultivated at three different locations, such as inland mountainous and southern plain areas of Gyeongsangbuk-do province in 2013~2014, were evaluated, and the obtained data was analyzed. 'Hiami' showed slightly higher protein contents and lower palatability of cooked rice than the other rice cultivars. Rice production and head rice yield produced at Gumi were the highest. The protein content of milled rice produced at Andong, an inland mountainous region, was approximately 0.3% point lower than that from other locations, whereas the amylose content of milled rice was approximately 1% point higher than those from the other plain regions, Daegu and Gumi. We evaluated the texture, Glossiness value determined using a Toyo teste meter and palatability of cooked rice of ten cultivars. The hardness of cooked rice produced in Andong was slightly lower than that produced in Daegu and Gumi, and additionally, the palatability of cooked rice produced in Andong was the best, followed by that producted in Gumi and Daegu. Considering rice yield and grain quality in the major rice cultivation areas of Gyeongsangbuk-do province, the rice cultivars that may be suitable for each region could be recommended mid-late maturation: 'Younghojinmi' and 'Mipum' in Daegu, 'Daebo', 'Samgwang', Chilbo' and 'Younghojinmi' in Gumi, 'Samgwang', 'Jinsumi' and 'Sukwang' in Andong. These results obtained in this study imply that the selected cultivars with high yield and quality could be recommended with high priority to rice farmers in the regions.

Synoptic Analysis on the Trend of Northward Movement of Tropical Cyclone with Maximum Intensity (최대 강도 태풍의 북상 경향에 대한 종관분석)

  • Choi, Ki-Seon;Park, Ki-Jun;Kim, Jeoung-Yun;Kim, Baek-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2015
  • Regarding the tropical cyclone (TC) genesis frequency, TCs between 1999 and 2013 were generated more frequently in the northwest waters of the tropical- and subtropical western North Pacific than TCs between 1977 and 1998. TCs over the period from 1977-1998 showed a northward track trend generated mostly from the distant sea in east of the Philippines via the mainland of the Philippines and the South China Sea to the west toward Indochina or from the distant sea in east of the Philippines to the distance sea in east of Japan. TCS over the period from 1999-2013 showed a northward shift pattern to the mid-latitude region mostly in East Asia. Therefore, TCs over the period from 1999-2013 tended to move to much higher latitudes than TCs over the period from 1977-1998, which also resulted in the high possibility of maximum TC intensity occurred in higher latitudes during the former period than the latter period. In the difference of 500 hPa streamline between two periods, the anomalous anticyclonic circulations were strengthened in 3050N whereas the anomalous monsoon trough was placed in north of the South China Sea, which was extended to the east up to 145E. The mid-latitude in East Asia is affected by the anomalous southeasterlies due to the above anomalous anticyclonic circulations and anomalous monsoon trough. The anomalous southeasterlies play a role in anomalous steering flows that directed TCs to the mid-latitude regions in East Asia, which made the latitudes of the maximum intensities in TCs over the period from 1999 - 2013 further to the north than those in TCs over the period from 1977-1998.

The Historical Geography of Land-Use and Agriculture Along the Lower Nam-River Floodplains (남강 하류 범람원의 토지이용과 농업형태 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeon;Son, Ill
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 1998
  • This paper deals with the historical geography of land-use and agriculture along the Lower Nam-River floodplains. The reclamation process of the river floodplains, the cultivation methods on the reclaimed lands, and the land-use patterns and processes are investigated. The Nam River, one of the major tributaries of the Nakdong River, flows through the boundary between Ham-An and Eu-Ryong Guns. Larger floodplains are located in Ham-An Gun. The floodplains of Ham-An Gun have been surveyed intensively in this study. In South Korea, the alluvial plains, mostly located along the river valleys, have been reclaimed to provide fertile agricultural lands. Those along the upper river valleys were reclaimed before those along the lower river valleys. The flood-plains of Han-An Gun were reclaimed to be the largest agricultural lands of the Gun. The natural levees along the Lower Nam-River Valley were identified before the reclamation processes but now hardly identified. Relatively larger floodplains are located along the tributary streams of the Nam River. Often there are low-lying back swamps between the natural levees and the hills/mountains that rise above the floodplains. The back swamps, called 'natural bog lands' in this region, have been reduced in size and in number through reclamation for the purpose of agricultural and industrial land-uses. Now about ten 'natural bog lands' are found in the Ham-An floodplains, and some of them are being reclaimed for the industrial land-use. This study suggests the emergent need of conservation for the remaining 'natural bog lands' in terms of ecology. Seven agricultural fields of large size, originated from the Nam-River floodplains, are identified in this study: Kun(큰들), Chung-Am(정암들), Chang-chi(장지들), Baek-San(백산들), Ha-Ki(하기들), Gu-Hae(구혜들), and Chang-Po(장포들) fields. The Kun field was reclaimed during the Japanese control and the Gu-Hae, in the 1950s. All of those except the above two fields were reclaimed after the mid-1960s. The Nam-River Dam in Chinju, completed in 1969, contributed the reclamation processes along the Lower Nam-River floodplains. The rice acreage of the region has been reduced slowly since 1970 but the rice production of the region has been relatively stable (Table 4). Rice culture had been the most important agriculture on the reclaimed lands for decades before the greenhouse vegetable cultivation became more important in the 1980s. Among the vegetables cultivated in the greenhouse, the watermelon is the dominantly leading one. Watermelons are usually harvested two or three times in a year though it is possible to harvest four times in one year. The rotation of watermelons and rice is common in the region. It is known the physical conditions of the Nam-River floodplains in Ham-An Gun is the most suitable for watermelon cultivation in South Korea.

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Bioacoustics and Habitat Environment Analysis of Cicadas in Taebaeksan National Park (태백산국립공원에 서식하는 매미류의 생물음향 및 서식환경 분석)

  • Kim, Yoon-Jae;Jung, Tae-Jun;Ki, Kyong-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.664-676
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to analyze the bioacoustics and habitat environment of the cicadas inhabiting Taebaeksan National Park, an sub-alpine region in Korea. The mating calls of the cicadas were recorded for approximately 3 months, between July and September of 2018. The recording devices were installed in Daedeoksan valley and Baekcheon valley, inside Taebaeksan National Park, and the sounds were recorded 24 hours a day. In order to obtain the habitat distribution data of the cicadas, the sounds were recorded from 111 spots located in the Taebaeksan National Park trail in August 2018. The daily weather data was obtained from the Taebaek city weather center. The results of the study demonstrated that 5 species of cicadas inhabit Taebaeksan National Park, namely, Leptosemia takanonis, Lyristes intermedius, Kosemia yezoensis, Hyalessa fuscata, and Meimuna opalifera. The time of appearance for L. takanonis was early July to mid-July, and that for L. intermedius, K. yezoensis, H. fuscata, and M. opalifera was mid-July to early September. Analysis of the circadian rhythm revealed that L. intermedius, K. yezoensis, and H. fuscata started producing mating calls between 6:00 and 7:00, which ended at around 19:00 for all the three species. The peak time for producing mating calls was 11:00 for L. intermedius, 12:00 for H. fuscata, and around 13:00 to 14:00 for K. yezoensis. The environmental factors influencing the mating calls of the cicadas inhabiting Taebaeksan National Park were analyzed by logistic regression. The results showed that the probability of producing mating calls increased by 1.192 and 1.279 times in L. intermedius and K. yezoensis, respectively, when the average temperature increased by one degree. When the duration of sunlight increased by one hour, the probability of producing mating calls increased by 4.366 and 2.624 times in L. intermedius and H. fuscata, respectively. Analysis of the interspecific effects revealed that when H. fuscata produced a single mating call, the probability of producing mating calls increased by 14.620 and 2.784 times in L. intermedius and K. yezoensis, respectively. When K. yezoensis and L. intermedius produced mating calls, the probability of producing mating calls in H. fuscata increased by 11.301 and 2.474 times, respectively. L. intermedius and K. yezoensis did not have any effects on each other with respect to the production of mating calls. Analysis of the habitat environment of each species revealed that their habitats were located at altitudes of 1,046 m (780~1,315 m) for L. intermedius, 1,072 m (762~1,361 m) for K. yezoensis, and 976 m (686~1,245 m) for H. fuscata. Unlike H. fuscata, which was found at a low altitude, K. yezoensis and L. intermedius were not found at altitudes lower than 700 m. Analysis of the average aspect of the habitats of each of the cicada species revealed that L. intermedius was found at 166° (125~207°), K. yezoensis was found at 100° (72~128°), and H. fuscata was found at 173° (118~228°). Examination of the distribution of each of the cicada species revealed that they were predominantly distributed in the ridges and slopes located in the southeastern region of Munsubong in Taebaeksan. In summary, L. intermedius and K. yezoensis was found to inhabit higher altitudes in Taebacksan National Park than H. fuscata, which was found throughout the Korean peninsula. Additionally, the main aspect of the cicada habitat was found to be the southeastern region (100~173°), which has good access to daylight.

18F-FDG Colonic Uptake by Oral Anti-Diabetic Drugs Including Metfomin in PET/CT Scan (PET/CT 검사에서 Metformin 성분의 항 당뇨약제에 의한 대장에서의 18F-FDG 섭취에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Gyu;Park, Hoon-Hee;Kim, Jung-Yul;Bahn, Young-Kag;Lim, Han-Sang;Kim, Jae-Sam;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.50-54
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The uptake of 18F-FDG is often observed in normal cell of colon to patients who have non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and had taken anti-diabetic drugs including Metformin in PET/CT scan. In this study, the region of colon was compared between the patients who took anti-diabetic drugs including Metfomin and other patients who took the other anti-diabetic drugs through SUV measurements. Materials and Methods: A hundred eighty patients were studied. 120 patients who have non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (Including Metformin: 60, Excluding Metformin: 60) and 60 patients as a control group were composed. The patient fasted at least 6 hours before receiving an intravenous injection of 370-592 MBq (10-16 mCi) of 18F-FDG. Scanning from the base of the skull though the mid thigh was performed using the Discovery STe PET/CT Equipment (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA). The highest uptake region was measured SUV among ascending, transverse and descending colon. Results: The values of patients who took the anti-diabetic drugs including Metformin were 6.16±3.64 g/mL, 4.41±2.94 g/mL, and 5.46±2.44 g/mL. The patients who took the anti-diabetic drugs which does not have Metformin were 3.05±1.39 g/mL, 2.08±0.97 g/mL and 3.15±1.85 g/mL. The control group were 2.02±0.88 g/mL, 1.68±0.87 g/mL and 2.19±1.88 g/mL. Conclusion: The effect of the intake of Metformin was observed from the SUV on region of large bowel in this study. Thus, it could be helpful for the results by identifying the ingredient of anti-diabetic drug before the examination and the possibility of interpretation of false positive will be reduced.

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Ex vivo Morphometric Analysis of Coronary Stent using Micro-Computed Tomography (미세단층촬영기법을 이용한 관상동맥 스텐트의 동물 모델 분석)

  • Bae, In-Ho;Koh, Jeong-Tae;Lim, Kyung-Seob;Park, Dae-Sung;Kim, Jong-Min;Jeong, Myung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2012
  • Micro-computed tomography (microCT) is an important tool for preclinical vascular imaging, with micron-level resolution. This non-destructive means of imaging allows for rapid collection of 2D and 3D reconstructions to visualize specimens prior to destructive analysis such as pathological analysis. Objectives. The aim of this study was to suggest a method for ex vivo, postmortem examination of stented arterial segments with microCT. And ex vivo evaluation of stents such as bare metal or drug eluting stents on in-stent restenosis (ISR) in rabbit model was performed. The bare metal stent (BMS) and drug eluting stent (DES, paclitaxel) were implanted in the left or right iliac arteries alternatively in eight New Zealand white rabbits. After 4 weeks of post-implantation, the part of iliac arteries surrounding the stent were removed carefully and processed for microCT. Prior to microCT analysis, a contrast medium was loaded to lumen of stents. All samples were subjected to an X-ray source operating at 50 kV and 200 μA by using a 3D isotropic resolution. The region of interest was traced and measured by CTAN analytical software. Objects being exposed to radiation had different Hounsfield unit each other with values of approximately 1.2 at stent area, 0.12 ~ 0.17 at a contrast medium and 0 ~ 0.06 at outer area of stent. Based on above, further analyses were performed. As a result, the difference of lengths and volumes between expanded stents, which may relate to injury score in pathological analysis, was not different significantly. Moreover, ISR area of BMS was 1.6 times higher than that of DES, indicating that paclitaxel has inhibitory effect on cell proliferation and prevent infiltration of restenosis into lumen of stent. And ISR area of BMS was higher (1.52±0.48mm2) than that of DES (0.94±0.42mm2), indicating that paclitaxel has inhibitory effect on cell proliferation and prevent infiltration of restenosis into lumen of stent. Though it was not statistically significant, it showed that the extent of neointema of mid-region of stents was relatively higher than that of anterior and posterior region in parts of BMS as showing cross-sectional 2-D image. suggest that microCT can be utilized as an accessorial tool for pathological analysis.

Weed Population Distribution and Change of Dominant Weed Species in Paddy Field of Southern Gyeonggi Region (경기 남부지역 논잡초 발생분포 및 군락변화)

  • Park, Jungsoo;Won, Taejin;Roh, Ahnsung;Jang, Jaeeun;Kim, Heedong
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.86-94
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    • 2014
  • Survey was carried out in paddy fields to investigate the dominance of weed species and weed occurrence on 200 fields of southern Gyeonggi region in Korea during the year 2013. We observed 3 species of grass, 5 species of sedge, and 11 species of broadleaf and other weeds. The most dominant weed species was Eleocharis kuroguwai, followed by Echinochloa crus-galli, Sagittaria trifolia, Monochoria vaginalis, Scirpus juncoides and Bidens tripartita. The dominance value of E. kuroguwai and B. tripartita decreased compared to the survey results performed in 2005 but that of M. vaginalis, S. juncoides, S. trifolia and E. crus-galli increased. Weed occurrence increased from 2.83 g in 2005 to 3.51 g in 2013 based on weed dry weight per m2. Occurrence ratio of annual weeds to perennial weeds changed from 45.2% : 54.8% in 2005 to 45.8% : 54.2% in 2013. If we analyze dominance of weed species based on the rice transplanting timing, E. kuroguwai and E. crus-galli were the most dominant weed species at mid-May transplanting, and M. vaginalis and S. juncoides were the most dominant weed species at late- May transplanting, and M. vaginalis and E. kuroguwai were the most dominant weed species at early-June transplanting. Since paddy weeds resistant to sulfonylurea herbicides are expected to be continuously increased, the regular monitoring of their occurrence and efficient control methods should be considered in future.


  • KIM Chang-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.71-96
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    • 1977
  • Early development Linuparus trigonus(von Siebold) has been studied based on the samples collected monthly in Je-ju Island, Korea from February, 1975 to January, 1977. Gametogenesis, reproductive cycle, embryonic development were investigated by histological mettled, and morphological description was made on the first phyllosoma larva which reared in the laboratory. Testis is composed of two tubular duct which are symmetrical with H-shaped appearance. Outer layer of testis is of fibrous connective tissue capsule. In the lumen there is a convoluted seminiferous tubule with interstitial tissue. Ovary is a pair of symmetrical blind tubular lobes, and the midportions are connected each other. The ovary consists of a couple of ovarian sacs partitioned by two-layered connective tissue fibers. Proliferation of spermatogonia are observed all the year around on the germinal epithelium of seminiferous tubule. Partial spermatogenesis is always in progress, and the spermatozoa appear all the year around in the tubules. Nutrition of early oogonia is supplied by fibrous mesenchyme which is abundantly distributed in ovarian sacs. Oocytes grow and couplete maturation divisions in the follicle layers. They finally develop into mature ova before spawning. Reproductive cycle is classified into four successive stages; multiplication stage from September to December, growing stage from January to March, maturation division stage from April to May and mature stage from June to August. Spawning takes place from May to August with peak spawning from Into July to early August. Cleavage type is superficial. Blastopore is formed in blasto-disc region which is proliferation of blastoderm cells. Germinal layers are also derived from tile region. Mesoderm formation is originated from endodermal cells which are formed front the blasto-disc region. The endodermal cells are separated by the process of delamination from yolk sac and take part in the formation of the mid-gut. Morphological characteristics of first phyllosoma larva are different from the larvae of other Palinurid and Scyllarid species.

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Effects of Seeding Date on Growth, Yield, and Fatty Acid Content of Perilla Inter-cropped with Sesame in Central Korea (중부지역 참깨 간작 들깨 재배시 파종기가 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young Sang;Kim, Ki Hyeon;Yun, Cheol Gu;Heo, Yun Seon;Kim, Ik Jei;Kim, Young-Ho;Song, Yong-Sup;Lee, Myoung Hee
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    • v.66 no.2
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    • pp.138-145
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    • 2021
  • Perilla contains more than 60% of fatty acids. Linolenic acid is effective in preventing heart disease, improving learning ability, treating allergies, and preventing cancer. This study was carried out to improve the cultivation method to aid the stable production of perilla by developing a suitable inter-cropping system with sesame in the central region as well as to report a suitable planting time. The test results are summarized as follows. As the planting time of perilla in the inter-cropping system with sesame was delayed, the number of clusters and capsules decreased. The perilla yields in this system showed significant differences compared to that with the previous crops (sesame varieties) and planting period. The yield of perilla was significantly lower in the characteristic-Type B variety than in the characteristic-Type A variety and decreased significantly as the planting time was delayed. With regards to the quality characteristics of perilla, such as crude protein, crude fat, etc., there were no differences between previous perilla crops and those inter-cropped with sesame. The perilla composition did not show any difference during the planting period; however, with delay in the planting time, crude protein content increased but crude fat content decreased. Yield of perilla was 38% higher in a two-row (40 x 40 cm) system, compared to a single-row cultivation (110 x 20 cm) of perilla inter-cropped with sesame. These results suggest that the suitable method for inter-cropping perilla with sesame in the central region is to sow the characteristic-Type A variety in early May, and cultivate the perilla in two lines (40 x 40 cm) in mid-June. This was judged to be the best cultivation method in the central region.