• 제목/요약/키워드: Mid-region

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Mineralized Undifferentiated Duodenal Carcinoma in a Shih-Tzu Dog

  • Lee, Jiyeong;An, Soyon;Hwang, Gunha;Go, Woohyun;Lee, Jong-Bong;Noh, Seul Ah;Lee, Dongbin;Song, Joong-Hyun;Hwang, Tae Sung;Lee, Hee Chun
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.258-263
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    • 2022
  • An eight-year-old, intact female, Shih-Tzu, weighing 4.5 kg presented with complaints of anorexia, pale mucous membrane, and vomiting for the past 5 days. On physical examination, nausea, abdominal pain, and melena were noted. On hematologic examination, severe anemia and thrombocytosis were identified. On radiographs examination, soft tissue opacity with small faint mineral opacity mass in the mid-abdomen and two mineral opacity regions in the cranial aspect of mass were identified. Ultrasonographic findings showed thickening of descending duodenal wall with loss of layering and mineralization within the duodenal wall and mesentery adjacent to the duodenal lesion. Computerized tomography showed circumferential wall thickening of descending duodenum with mineralization. Mineralization of the mesentery and mesenteric lymph nodes was identified. Based on the diagnostic imaging, the tentative diagnosis was descending duodenal tumor with dystrophic mineralization. Endoscopy revealed mucosal hemorrhage and erythema within the descending duodenum and stomach. Surgery was performed, and mineralization in the pancreatic tail to duodenum and mesentery was found. Resection of the duodenum, regional lymph node, and mineralized pancreatic region and the duodenal anastomosis were performed. The histologic examination revealed a high-grade undifferentiated duodenal carcinoma with metastases to the regional lymph node and mesentery. The patient was managed with supportive therapy for 8 days and discharged. The patient was followed up for 5 months and there were no complications.

Petrological Study on the Mantle Xenolith from Dongsuak Crater, Jeju Island (제주도 동수악 분화구에서 산출되는 맨틀포획암의 암석학적 연구)

  • Kil, Youngwoo;Hong, Sei Sun;Lee, Choon Oh;Ahn, Ung San
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2022
  • Dongsuak crater, located in the mid-mountainous region of Jeju Island, is located at an altitude of about 700 m, and the newly discovered Dongsuak spinel peridotites was enclosed in Dongsuak alkaline basalt. The Dongsuak spinel peridotites are composed of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and spinel with porphyroclastic texture under the an equilibrium state. The variations of mineral major and trace compositions indicates that the Dongsuak spinel peridotites originate at depth from 66 to 88 km under an equilibrium temperature of about 960℃~1068℃. The Dongsuak spinel peridotites have been undergone about 1~3% fractional melting. The LREE-enriched characteristics indicate that the Dongsuak spinel peridotites have been undergone cryptic metasomatism by silicate melt without new minerals.

Comparison of Temporal Bone Parameters before Cochlear Implantation in Patients with and without Facial Nerve Stimulation

  • Kasetty, Venkatkrish Manohar;Zimmerman, Zachary;King, Sarah;Seyyedi, Mohammad
    • Journal of Audiology & Otology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.193-196
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    • 2019
  • Background and Objectives: Facial nerve stimulation (FNS) is a complication of cochlear implantation (CI). This study compared the thickness and density of the bone separating the upper basal turn of the cochlea (UBTC) and the labyrinthine segment of the facial nerve (LSFN) on preoperative computed tomography (CT) in patients with and without FNS after CI. Subjects and Methods: Adult patients who underwent CI from January 2011 to February 2017 with preoperative CT at a tertiary referral hospital were considered for this retrospective case-control study. Patients were divided into two groups: with FNS (n=4) and without FNS (n=53). The density and thickness of the bone between the LSFN and UBTC were measured on preoperative CT. Charts were reviewed for other parameters. Results: A statistically significant difference was seen in the thickness (p=0.007) but not in the density (p=0.125) of the bone between the UBTC and LSFN. Four patients had FNS at the mid-range electrode arrays, and one of them additionally had FNS at the basal arrays. Conclusions: Decreased thickness of the bone between the UBTC and LSFN can explain postoperative FNS, confirming the histologic and radiologic findings in previous studies, which indicated that the thickness of the temporal bone between the LSFN and UBTC is less in patients who experience FNS. While the density in this region was also less, it was not statistically significant.

Histological analysis on tissues around orthodontically intruded maxillary molars using temporary anchorage devices: A case report

  • Hui-Chen Tsai;Julia Yu-Fong Chang;Chia-Chun Tu;Chung-Chen Jane Yao
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.125-136
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    • 2023
  • Before progress was recently made in the application of temporary anchorage devices (TADs) in bio-mechanical design, orthodontists were rarely able to intrude molars to reduce upper posterior dental height (UPDH). However, TADs are now widely used to intrude molars to flatten the occlusal plane or induce counterclockwise rotation of the mandible. Previous studies involving clinical or animal histological evaluation on changes in periodontal conditions after molar intrusion have been reported, however, studies involving human histology are scarce. This case was a Class I malocclusion with a high mandibular plane angle. Upper molar intrusion with TADs was performed to reduce UPDH, which led to counterclockwise rotation of the mandible. After 5 months of upper molar intrusion, shortened clinical crowns were noticed, which caused difficulties in oral hygiene and hindered orthodontic tooth movement. The mid-treatment cone-beam computed tomography revealed redundant bone physically interfering with buccal attachment and osseous resective surgeries were followed. During the surgeries, bilateral mini screws were removed and bulging alveolar bone and gingiva were harvested for biopsy. Histological examination revealed bacterial colonies at the bottom of the sulcus. Infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells underneath the non-keratinized sulcular epithelium was noted, with abundant capillaries being filled with red blood cells. Proximal alveolar bone facing the bottom of the gingival sulcus exhibited active bone remodeling and woven bone formation with plump osteocytes in the lacunae. On the other hand, buccal alveolar bone exhibited lamination, indicating slow bone turnover in the lateral region.

Comparison of Temporal Bone Parameters before Cochlear Implantation in Patients with and without Facial Nerve Stimulation

  • Kasetty, Venkatkrish Manohar;Zimmerman, Zachary;King, Sarah;Seyyedi, Mohammad
    • Korean Journal of Audiology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.193-196
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    • 2019
  • Background and Objectives: Facial nerve stimulation (FNS) is a complication of cochlear implantation (CI). This study compared the thickness and density of the bone separating the upper basal turn of the cochlea (UBTC) and the labyrinthine segment of the facial nerve (LSFN) on preoperative computed tomography (CT) in patients with and without FNS after CI. Subjects and Methods: Adult patients who underwent CI from January 2011 to February 2017 with preoperative CT at a tertiary referral hospital were considered for this retrospective case-control study. Patients were divided into two groups: with FNS (n=4) and without FNS (n=53). The density and thickness of the bone between the LSFN and UBTC were measured on preoperative CT. Charts were reviewed for other parameters. Results: A statistically significant difference was seen in the thickness (p=0.007) but not in the density (p=0.125) of the bone between the UBTC and LSFN. Four patients had FNS at the mid-range electrode arrays, and one of them additionally had FNS at the basal arrays. Conclusions: Decreased thickness of the bone between the UBTC and LSFN can explain postoperative FNS, confirming the histologic and radiologic findings in previous studies, which indicated that the thickness of the temporal bone between the LSFN and UBTC is less in patients who experience FNS. While the density in this region was also less, it was not statistically significant.

Posterior superior alveolar nerve block alone in the extraction of upper third molars: a prospective clinical study

  • Swathi Tummalapalli;Ravi Sekhar M;Naga Malleswara Rao Inturi;Venkata Ramana Murthy V;Rama Krishna Suvvari;Lakshmi Prasanna Polamarasetty
    • Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2023
  • Background: Third molar extraction is the most commonly performed minor oral surgical procedure in outpatient settings and requires regional anesthesia for pain control. Extraction of the maxillary molars commonly requires both posterior superior alveolar nerve block (PSANB) and greater palatine nerve block (GPNB), depending on the nerve innervations of the subject teeth. We aimed to study the effectiveness of PSANB alone in maxillary third molar (MTM) extraction. Methods: A sample size comprising 100 erupted and semi-erupted MTM was selected and subjected to study for extraction. Under strict aseptic conditions, the patients were subjected to the classical local anesthesia technique of PSANB alone with 2% lignocaine hydrochloride and adrenaline 1:80,000. After a latency period of 10 min, objective assessment of the buccal and palatal mucosa was performed. A numerical rating scale and visual analog scale were used. Results: In the post-latency period of 10 min, the depth of anesthesia obtained in our sample on the buccal side extended from the maxillary tuberosity posteriorly to the mesial of the first premolar (15%), second premolar (41%), and first molar (44%). This inferred that anesthesia was effectively high until the first molars and was less effective further anteriorly due to nerve innervation. The depth of anesthesia on the palatal aspect was up to the first molar (33%), second molar (67%), and lateromedially; 6% of the patients received anesthesia only to the alveolar region, whereas 66% received up to 1.5 cm to the mid-palatal raphe. In 5% of the cases, regional anesthesia was re-administered. An additional 1.8 ml PSANB was required in four patients, and another patient was administered a GPNB in addition to the PSANB during the time of extraction and elevation. Conclusion: The results of our study emphasize that PSANB alone is sufficient for the extraction of MTM in most cases, thereby obviating the need for poorly tolerated palatal injections.

Spatio-temporal pattern of ecological droughts by using the Standardized Water Supply Demand Index in the Hwang River.

  • Sadiqi, Sayed Shajahan;Hong, Eun-Mi;Nam, Won-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.158-158
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    • 2022
  • Ecological drought consequences have received a lot of attention in recent years. Thus, ecological drought was proposed as a new drought category to characterize the impact of drought on ecosystems. The current study used a unique drought index, the standardized supply-demand water index (SSDI), and a run theory to detect ecological drought occurrences and characteristics such as drought-affected area, drought severity, drought duration, drought frequency, and drought orientation in the Hwang River, an environmentally valuable region. Hence, to assess drought-prone areas, the bivariate probability and return period will be calculated using a two-dimensional joint copula. The core results show that (a) the Spatio-temporal characteristics of ecological drought were successfully recognized using the spatial and temporal identification approach; (b) in comparison to the SPEI meteorological drought index, the SSDI is more credible and can more readily and effectively capture the entire properties of ecological drought information; (c) the Hwang river had seen the most severe drought occurrences between the late 1990s and the mid-2020s, with 48.3 percent occurring before the twenty-first century; (d) Severe ecological drought occurrences occurred more frequently in most areas of the Hwang River (e) Only the drought duration and severity in the Hwang area were more responsive to temperature when temperatures rise around 1.1℃, the average drought duration and severity rise around 16 % and 26 %, respectively. This suggested that the Hwang River has been exposed to more severe heat stress in the twenty-first century. Thereupon droughts in the twenty-first century occurred with bigger affected regions, longer durations, higher frequency, and more intensity.

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Comparison of Growth Characteristics and General Component Content of Corn According to the Sowing Date in the Central Region of Korea

  • Youngchul Yoo;Mi-Jin Chae;Seuk Ki Lee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.97-97
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    • 2022
  • The yield characteristics of corn for feed by sowing period and the crude protein, crude fat, and coarse flour contents of grain in the harvesting period were compared. The varieties are Kwangpyeongok(KPO), Dapyeongok(DPO) and Pyeonggangok(PGO), and cultivation was tested by the National Food Engineering Department and the Central Crop Department. It was sown at a planting distance of 70×25cm on April 15, June 14, and July 15, 2021, and the amount of fertilizer was applied through soil inspection. For the growth characteristics, plant height, biomass and grain weight were investigated after 50 days of sowing, and general components were analyzed by drying and pulverizing each seed. Compared to the results of sowing in April, which is the right time to sow corn, all three varieties sown on June 14 showed an increase in biomass. In the case of sowing on July 15, the fresh weight of KPO and DPO decreased, and the grain weight of KPO and PGO decreased by 10-20% compared to the sowing in April. There was no significant difference in the crude protein content of grain according to the sowing seasons in April and June, but decreased in the corn sown in July. The crude fat content was highest in KPO sown on June 14 and DPO sown on July 15. Combining the yield and general composition results, it is thought that the cultivation of corn for feed in Suwon in the central part can be sown by mid-June.

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A Comprehensive Analysis of Deformable Image Registration Methods for CT Imaging

  • Kang Houn Lee;Young Nam Kang
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.303-314
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to assess the practical feasibility of advanced deformable image registration (DIR) algorithms in radiotherapy by employing two distinct datasets. The first dataset included 14 4D lung CT scans and 31 head and neck CT scans. In the 4D lung CT dataset, we employed the DIR algorithm to register organs at risk and tumors based on respiratory phases. The second dataset comprised pre-, mid-, and post-treatment CT images of the head and neck region, along with organ at risk and tumor delineations. These images underwent registration using the DIR algorithm, and Dice similarity coefficients (DSCs) were compared. In the 4D lung CT dataset, registration accuracy was evaluated for the spinal cord, lung, lung nodules, esophagus, and tumors. The average DSCs for the non-learning-based SyN and NiftyReg algorithms were 0.92±0.07 and 0.88±0.09, respectively. Deep learning methods, namely Voxelmorph, Cyclemorph, and Transmorph, achieved average DSCs of 0.90±0.07, 0.91±0.04, and 0.89±0.05, respectively. For the head and neck CT dataset, the average DSCs for SyN and NiftyReg were 0.82±0.04 and 0.79±0.05, respectively, while Voxelmorph, Cyclemorph, and Transmorph showed average DSCs of 0.80±0.08, 0.78±0.11, and 0.78±0.09, respectively. Additionally, the deep learning DIR algorithms demonstrated faster transformation times compared to other models, including commercial and conventional mathematical algorithms (Voxelmorph: 0.36 sec/images, Cyclemorph: 0.3 sec/images, Transmorph: 5.1 sec/images, SyN: 140 sec/images, NiftyReg: 40.2 sec/images). In conclusion, this study highlights the varying clinical applicability of deep learning-based DIR methods in different anatomical regions. While challenges were encountered in head and neck CT registrations, 4D lung CT registrations exhibited favorable results, indicating the potential for clinical implementation. Further research and development in DIR algorithms tailored to specific anatomical regions are warranted to improve the overall clinical utility of these methods.

Strengthening sequence based on relative weightage of members in global damage for gravity load designed buildings

  • Niharika Talyan;Pradeep K. Ramancharla
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.131-147
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    • 2024
  • Damage caused by an earthquake depends on not just the intensity of an earthquake but also the region-specific construction practices. Past earthquakes in Asian countries have highlighted inadequate construction practices, which caused huge life and property losses, indicating the severe need to strengthen existing structures. Strengthening activities shall be proposed as per the proposed weighting factors, first at the higher weighted members to increase the capacity of the building immediately and thereafter, the other members. Through this study on gravity load-designed (GLD) buildings, relative weights are assigned to each storey and exterior and interior columns within a storey based on their contribution to the energy dissipation capacity of the building. The numerical study is conducted on mid-rise archetype GLD buildings, i.e., 4, 6, 8, and 10 stories with variable storey heights, in the high seismic zones. Non-linear static analysis is performed to compute weights based on energy dissipation capacities. The results obtained are verified with the non-linear time history analysis of 4 GLD buildings. It was observed that exterior columns have higher weightage in the energy dissipation capacity of the building than interior columns up to a certain building height. The damage in stories is distributed in a convex to concave parabolic shape from bottom to top as building height increases, and the maxima location of the parabola shifts from bottom to middle stories. Relative weighting factors are assigned as per the damage contribution. And the sequence for strengthening activities is proposed as per the computed weighting factors in descending order for regular RCC buildings. Therefore, proposals made in the study would increase the efficacy of strengthening activities.