• 제목/요약/키워드: Mid-region

검색결과 668건 처리시간 0.03초

Finding Hidden Star Clusters Using the WISE

  • 류진혁;이재형;이명균
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제37권1호
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    • pp.57.2-57.2
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    • 2012
  • We present a survey for finding hidden star clusters using the WISE data. There are more than two thousand star clusters in the current catalogs of star clusters in the Milky Way Galaxy. However, there are still numerous star clusters remaining to be discovered, especially, along the Milky Way. The WISE, NIR to MIR all sky survey, is an efficient source to find star clusters obscured by dust along the Milky Way. Taking the advantage of the power of WISE, we survey a wide area at ${\mid}l{\mid}<30^{\circ}$ and ${\mid}b{\mid}<6^{\circ}$, toward to the central region of the Milky Way to find new star clusters. To find cluster candidates, we used two kinds of method: the visual inspection and the brightness density investigation. We will report the progress of this survey.

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Development of Water Quality Modeling in the United States

  • Ambrose, Robert B;Wool, Tim A;Barnwell, Thomas O.
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.200-210
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    • 2009
  • The modern era of water quality modeling in the United States began in the 1960s. Pushed by advances in computer technology as well as environmental sciences, water quality modeling evolved through five broad periods: (1) initial model development with mainframe computers (1960s - mid 1970s), (2) model refinement and generalization with minicomputers (mid 1970s - mid 1980s), (3) model standardization and support with microcomputers (mid 1980s - mid 1990s), (4) better model access and performance with faster desktop computers running Windows and local area networks linked to the Internet (mid 1990s - early 2000s), and (5) model integration and widespread use of the Internet (early 2000s - present). Improved computer technology continues to drive improvements in water quality models, including more detailed environmental analysis (spatially and temporally), better user interfaces and GIS software, more accessibility to environmental data from on-line repositories, and more robust modeling frameworks linking hydrodynamics, water quality, watershed and atmospheric models. Driven by regulatory needs and advancing technology, water quality modeling will continue to improve to better address more complicated water bodies and pollutant types, and more complicated management questions. This manuscript describes historical trends in water quality model development in the United States, reviews current efforts, and projects promising future directions.

한반도 중부지역에서 약한 강수에 미치는 도시화 효과 (Effect of urbanization on the light precipitation in the mid-Korean peninsula)

  • 은승희;채상희;김병곤;장기호
    • 대기
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.229-241
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    • 2011
  • The continuous urbanizations by a rapid economic growth and a steady increase in population are expected to have a possible impact on meteorology in the downwind region. Long-term (1972~2007) trends of precipitation have been examined in the mid-Korean peninsula for the westerly condition only, along with the sensitivity simulations for a golden day (11 February 2009). During the long-term period, both precipitation amount (PA) and frequency (PF) in the downwind region (Chuncheon, Wonju, Hongcheon) of urban area significantly increased for the westerly and light precipitation (PA1mmd1) cases, whereas PA and PF in the mountainous region (Daegwallyeong) decreased. The enhancement ratio of PA and PF for the downwind region vs. urban region remarkably increased, which implies a possible urbanization effect on downwind precipitation. In addition, the WRF simulation applied for one golden day demonstrates enhanced updraft and its associated convergence in the downwind area (about 60 km), leading to an increase in the cloud mixing ratio. The sensitivity experiments with the change in surface roughness demonstrates a slight increase in cloud water mixing ratio but a negligible effect on precipitation in the upwind region, whereas those with the change in heat source represents the distinctive convergence and its associated updraft in the downwind region but a decrease in liquid water, which may be attributable to the evaporation of cloud droplet by atmospheric heating induced by an increase in an anthropogenic heat. In spite of limitations in the observation-based analysis and one-day simulation, the current result could provide an evidence of the effect of urbanization on the light precipitation in the downwind region.

인삼 (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer)의 도관요소 (Vessel Elements of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer)

  • 정병갑
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.169-185
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    • 1988
  • Vessel elements in lateral root, tap root, transition region, stem and mid vein of 1-year old, 3-year old and 5-year old ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) are studied with light microscope to clarify the distribution and differentiation of several kinds of vessel elements. Vessel elements are classified into five types such as ring vessel, spiral vessel, scalariform vessel, reticulate vessel and pitted vessel according to the secondary thickenings of cell wall. All of the five types are not observed in each organ, but diverse kinds of vessels are present in stem and mid vein compared with the underground organs such as tap root and lateral root. The length of vessel elements is longest (680μm) in stem and shortest (143μm) in tap root. The diameter of vessel elements is 19.0μm in tap root and the angle of perforation plate comes under 22-60. The degree of differentiation of vessel elements according to the length, diameter and angle of perforation plate of vessel elements is highest in tap root regardless of the age of ginseng. Three types of perforation plate such as scalariform, intermediate type of simple and scalariform, and simple perforation plate are observed. The vascular tracheids are characteristically observed in mid vein of 1-year old ginseng, and in transition region of 3 and 5-year old ginseng.

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Helicobacter pylori vacA 대립유전자의 Mosaicism과 Signal Sequence의 한국고유 시발체 (Helicobacter pylori vacA Mosaicism and New Primers for vacA Signal Sequence Indigenous to Korea)

  • 안연화;김흥렬;이지은;황태숙;최연호
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 2001
  • 목적: H. pylori의 vacA 대립유전자는 종족과 지역에 따라 다양하게 나타나고 있다. 저자들은 H. pylori에 감염된 소아의 위생검조직에서 vacA 대립 유전자에 대한 중합효소연쇄반응과 유전자염기분석을 실시하여 한국의 signal sequence와 mid-region의 다형성 및 고유의 시발체를 연구하고자 하였다. 방법: 상부 위내시경을 시행한 후 H. pylori 감염으로 진단된 10~18세 50명의 환아를 대상으로 위생검조직을 이용하여 vacA 대립유전자에 대한 PCR과 DNA 분석을 실시하였다. 이들 결과와 다른 나라의 vacA 대립유전자를 비교분석하였고 우리나라의 고유한 염기배열을 갖는 시발체를 제작하였다. 결과: 1) 서구의 시발체를 사용한 50명 중 30명(60%)에서 모두 s1이 검출되었고 이중 s1a가 14명, s1c 15명, s1a/s1c hybrid가 한 명이었으며 s1b는 발견되지 않았다. s1c/m1이 가장 많은 형이었다. 2) 우리 나라에 공통으로 발견되는 염기변이가 s1a에서는 GGGAGCGTTR, s1c는 GGGGYTATTG 이었으며 이들을 이용하여 새로운 시발체를 고안하였다(VASK-F, VASK-R, S1AK-F, S1CK-F). 새로이 제작된 시발체로 처음의 50개 조직을 재검한 결과 50개 모두에서 s region이 양성이었다. 결론: 우리 나라의 주된 vacA 대립유전자형조합은 s1c/m1이었고, vacA signal sequence의 한국 고유의 시발체를 만들었음을 보고하는 바이다.

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A New Local Information Distribution System on Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

  • Koide, Toshio;Watanabe, Hitoshi
    • 대한전자공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전자공학회 2002년도 ITC-CSCC -3
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    • pp.1363-1366
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    • 2002
  • The studies of multi-hop wireless networks are active as the new communication media, which does not require any fixed communication infrastructure. One of application of the networks is local information distribution service, which is useful far daily activities in certain geographically restricted region or community within a radius of several kilometers. In this paper, MID-Net, which is the network enabling such distribution service, and effective information distribution algorithm MCMS are proposed. The behavior of the MID-Net is characterized by the waiting time function, three types of the functions are proposed in this paper.

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  • Kim, Gwang-seob;Lee, Jong-Seok
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2002
  • A developed Quantitative Flood Forecasting (QFF) model was applied to the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The model incorporated the evolving structure and frequency of intense weather systems of the study area for improved flood forecasting. Besides using radiosonde and rainfall data, the model also used the satellite-derived characteristics of storm systems such as tropical cyclones, mesoscale convective complex systems and convective cloud clusters associated with synoptic atmospheric conditions as Input. Here, we present results from the application of the Quantitative Flood Forecasting (QFF) model in 2 small watersheds along the leeward side of the Appalachian Mountains in the mid-Atlantic region. Threat scores consistently above 0.6 and close to 0.8 ∼ 0.9 were obtained fur 18 hour lead-time forecasts, and skill scores of at least 40% and up to 55 % were obtained.

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응집입자가 BaTiO3의 소결거동에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Aggregates on the Sintering Behavior of BaTiO3)

  • 김진호
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제28권11호
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    • pp.926-934
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    • 1991
  • The effect of aggregates on the forming and sintering behaviors of BaTiO3 was studied. Aggregates and deaggregates of fine crystallite were obtained by thermal decomposition of oxalate coprecipitates and subsequently crushing them with a press, respectively. Large voids formed by packing of aggregates were not easily eliminated despite the successive destruction of aggregates with increasing forming pressure. As a result, compacts of aggregates showed inhomogeneity with larger mid-pore size and broader pore size distribution with respect to those of deaggregates. This inhomogeneity caused differential shrinkage and consequental internal stress, which retarded densification. The differential sintering increased the size of mid-pores in the initial stage, and formed duplex structure composed of dense region with abnormally grown grains and porous region with fine grains. The driving force of this abnormal grain growth shown in the specimens of aggregates was attributed to the minimization of the elastic strain energy due to internal stress.

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컨테이너선 Bottom Floor 두께 최적화에 대한 연구 (A Study on Thickness Optimization of Bottom Floor for Container Ship)

  • 이아미;유영웅;이준혁;유영규
    • 대한조선학회 특별논문집
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    • 대한조선학회 2011년도 특별논문집
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2011
  • In general, thickness of bottom floor in fore/aft cargo hold region for container ship has been determined based on FEM analysis result of mid cargo hold region. But this approach has room for improvement because section shape and frame spacing in fore/aft cargo hold of container ship are quietly different from those of mid cargo hold. From this study, correlation between FEM result and grillage analysis result has been investigated and simple method for thickness determination of bottom floor in fore/aft cargo hold using newly improved grillage analysis is proposed.

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NASICON 고체 전해질의 이온 전도도 계산 (II) Na1-Na2 전도 경로에 미치는 mid-Na의 영향 (Computation of Ionic Conductivity at NASICON Solid Electrolytes (II) Effects of mid-Na Sites on Na1-Na2 Conduction Paths)

  • 최진삼;서양곤;강은태
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제32권11호
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    • pp.1292-1300
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    • 1995
  • The ionic conductivity of NASICON solid electrolytes was simulated by using Monte Carlo Method (MCM). There were included two conduction paths: (1) Na1-Na2 and (2) Na1-Na2 including Na2-Na2. We assumed that mid-Na ions provde an additional driving force for Na mobile ions due to the interionic repulsion between Na1 and Na2 ions. The inflection point of vacancy availability factor, V has been shown at nearby x=2, the maximum mid-Na ions. The inflection point of vacancy availability factor, V has been shown at nearby x=2, the maximum mid-Na sites are occupied. The effective jump frequency factor, V has been shown at nearby x=2, the maximum mid-Na sites are occupied. The effective jump frequency factor, W increased rapidly with the composition at low temperature, but decreased at high temperature region. On Na1-Na2 conduction path, the minimum of charge correlation factor, fc and the maximum of σT were appeared at x=2.0. this indicated that mid-Na ions affect on the high ionic conductivity behavior. At the whole range of NASICON composition, 1n σT vs. 1/T* plots have been shown Arrhenius behavior but 1n (VWFc) vs. 1/T* have been shown the Arrhenius type tendency at x=2, which mid-Na is being the maximum. The results of MCM agreed with the experimental one when the chosen saddle point value was 6ε : 3ε. Here the calculated characteristic parameter of materials, K and the phase transition temperature were -4.001×103 and 178C (1/T*=1.92, 1000/T=2.22), respectively.

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