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Promoting the Quarry Workers' Hazard Identification Through Formal and Informal Safety Training

  • Bae, Hwangbo;Simmons, Denise R.;Polmear, Madeline
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.317-323
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    • 2021
  • Background: The surface mining industry has one of the highest fatality rates among private industries in the United States. Despite recent decreases in the fatality rates of comparable industries, the fatality rate in the surface mining industry has increased. Meanwhile, a lack of safety research in surface mining has hindered efforts to improve safety strategies in the surface mining workplace. Method: This study examined quarry workers' hazard identification skills by conducting a case study of a surface mining facility in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Semistructured interviews were conducted with eight quarry workers who were employed at the mine facility. In addition to the interviews, data were collected through field notes, notes from an expert meeting with safety managers, and site photographs to explore quarry workers' safety behaviors in the workplace. Results: The results showed that quarry workers identified hazards and improved their safety performance by translating safety knowledge learned from training into practice, acquiring hands-on work experience, learning from coworkers, and sharing responsibilities among team members. Conclusion: This study contributes to understanding quarry workers' safe performance beyond what they have learned in safety training to include their interaction with other workers and hand-on experience in the workplace. This study informs practitioners in the surface mining industry to build a safe work environment as they design effective safety programs for employees.

Trade Routes, Trading Centers and the Emergence of the Domestic Market in Azerbaijan in the Period of Arab-Khazar Domination on the Silk Road

    • Acta Via Serica
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2019
  • Bloody wars between Arab Muslims and Khazar Turks in the Caucasus continued for a more than a hundred years from the mid 7th century to the end of the 8th century CE. The Khazar state survived but had to withdraw from Caucasian Albania, the present territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. However, the Khazars managed to expand their political control over the trade routes north-east and north-west of the Caucasian ridge. A trade partnership was established between former rival powers in the region that allows us to call the period after the end of the Arab-Khazar wars up to the time of the collapse of the Khazar state in the middle of the 10th century an era of Arab-Khazar partnership and domination of the Silk Road. This article highlights the impact made by geopolitical shifts in the regions of the time upon international trade tracks and particularly on the development of trade facilities, infrastructure, and local production in Azerbaijan, which became a major transit country of goods from the north to markets in the Muslim Near East.

A Study on Architecture and Structure of Landscape Building in Remote Mountain Village - Focused on Southwestern Black Forest Area, Germany - (유럽 산간마을의 건축과 경관형성실태에 관한 연구 - 독일의 남서부지역 블랙 포레스트를 중심으로 -)

  • Chong, Geon-Chai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to understand whether the architecture of the mountain village conforms to the geography and local landscape, and become a unique scenic element. Also, the study is to grasp the status of the village landscape design elements. The methods and contents of the study were surveyed by field research with references in Biederbach community, an isolated mountain village in Southwestern Germany. The time frame for the survey research is July 2015. The contents of the study include the analysis of the village's landscape structure, architecture, and landscape design patterns. The following conclusions were reached through the above research process. First, the village landscape structure seen in the mid-distance view is the hilly scene of the alpine region, which houses the sloping terrain of Black Forest and surrounds the residential area with the grassland covered by the Black Forest. Second, the main elements of the town's landscape building are historical culture, traditional architecture, topology and nature, and artificial environmental design. Third, the landscape design utilizing the village's resources creates a sustainable community's residential environment.

Aging-related changes in the mid-face skin elasticity in East Asian women

  • Kim, Seong Hwan;Lee, Seong Joo;Kim, Hyun Jo;Lee, Ju Ho;Jeong, Hii Sun;Suh, In Suck
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.158-163
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    • 2019
  • Background: Age-related changes in facial skin is a major concern in women. This study aimed to objectively evaluate normal skin elasticity and age-related differences in the faces of East Asian women. There are no standard values for data related to normal skin on East Asian women. Methods: We studied 129 healthy East Asian women without a history of cosmetic procedures or surgeries. Skin elasticity was assessed at the cheek and lower eyelid points, which were assessed on both the right and left sides of the face. Results: The age of the subjects showed significant negative correlations with the R2 and R7 parameters, which represent skin elasticity after deformation. Conclusion: We therefore concluded that the primary decrease in skin elasticity in East Asian women occurs in the midface region.

Optical Properties of All Solution processed ZnO/Ag/ZnO Multilayers (용액공정으로 제작한 ZnO/Ag/ZnO 다층구조의 광학적 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Hyungin;Kim, Jiwan
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.119-122
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    • 2018
  • Various ZnO/Ag/ZnO multilayers were fabricated and their optical properties were investigated. Top and bottom ZnO layers were formed by sol-gel method and mid-metal layers were deposited by spin coating. To find suitable deposition condition of Ag, we measure thickness and sheet resistance of Ag monolayer. After the optimization of Ag monolayer, we fabricate ZnO/Ag/ZnO multilayers. Transmittance of ZnO/Ag/ZnO multilayers increased to 63%. In near IR region, transmittance of ZnO/Ag/ZnO multilayers decreased to 35% when the concentration of Ag solution was 2.5wt%.

Ni Catalyst Properties for Ammonia Reforming: Comparison of Ni Content and Space Velocity (암모니아 개질에 대한 Ni 촉매 특성: Ni 함량과 공간속도 비교)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.464-469
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    • 2021
  • A reforming catalyst for hydrogen production from ammonia is being studied. Non-novel metal based Ni catalysts for use in ammonia reforming processes are being developed. In this study, the ammonia reforming characteristics according to Ni content of the alumina pellet supported catalyst in the mid-temperature region were investigated under different space velocity. 20 Ni and 3,000 h-1 showed the best catalytic activity with ammonia conversion of 63% among all conditions.

A Study on the Introduction of the Rural Living Area of the RURITAGE Project Concept (RURITAGE 사업 개념의 농촌생활권 도입 방안)

  • Eom, Seong-Jun;Kim, Sang-Bum;An, Phil-Gyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to present a plan that introduces the concept of 'RURITAGE' into the 'Rural Convention' by analyzing the contents of the EU's 'RURITAGE' and the 'Rural Convention.' For this study, the contents and reports discussed on the 'RURITAGE' homepage were analyzed. Also, the applicability was reviewed by analyzing the 'Rural Convention' report and guideline. 'RURITAGE' was resources and heritage, currently possessed by the region rather than large-scale development. 'The Rural Convention' was intended to solve the problem of point-projects through mid-to-long-term planning, integrated support system for construction, and spatial analysis of rural spatial. It was also a policy to increase the satisfaction of the residents with the quality of life by guaranteeing a certain level of living services anywhere in the country. The 'Rural Spatial Strategic Plan' and 'Rural Living Area Revitalization Plan', included in 'the Rural Convention' are judged to be difficult to immediately introduce the concept of 'RURITAGE' due to the limitations of the projects that can implement projects. However, the notion of 'RURITAGE' can be reflected to 'Rural Spatial Maintenance Plan' seamlessly, which will be prepared in the 'Rural Living Area Revitalization Plan'.

Plan for Risk Reduction of Smart Factory Process through Accident Analysis and Status Survey (재해분석과 실태조사를 통한 스마트 팩토리 공정의 위험성 감소 방안)

  • Byeon, Junghwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2022
  • The domestic smart factory is being built and spread rapidly, mainly by mid-sized companies and large enterprises according to the government's active introduction and support policy. But these factories only promote production system and efficiency, so harmfulness and risk factors are not considered. Therefore, to derive harmful risk factors in terms of industrial safety for 12,983 government-supported smart factory workplaces from 2014 to 2019, industrial accident status analysis compared workplaces with automation facilities and government-supported workplaces with automation facilities. Also, to reduce risks associated with domestic smart factory processes, twenty government-supported workplaces with automation facilities underwent analysis, evaluating risks through a status survey using the process evaluation table. In addition, the status survey considered region, size, industry, construction level, and accident rate; the difference in risk according to the structure of the process was confirmed. Based on the smart factory process evaluation results, statistical analysis confirmed that serial, parallel, and hybrid structures pose different risk levels and that the risks of mixed structures are greater. Finally, safety control system application was presented for risk assessment and reduction in the smart factory process, reflecting the results of disaster analysis and actual condition investigation.

Anthropogenic Fingerprint on Recent Changes in Typhoon Heavy Rainfall beyond Tipping-Point (최근 태풍 호우에서 보이는 인류세 지문의 변화: 임계점을 넘어서)

  • Hyungjun Kim;Nobuyuki Utsumi
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.87-87
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    • 2023
  • The impact of climate change on typhoons is a major concern in East Asia, especially due to the destructive effects of heavy rainfall on society and the economy, as many megacities are located along coastal regions. Although observations suggest significant changes in typhoon heavy rainfall, the extent to which anthropogenic forcing contributes to these changes has yet to be determined. In this study, we demonstrate that anthropogenic global warming has a substantial impact on the observed changes in typhoon heavy rainfall in the western North Pacific region. Observation data indicates that, in general, typhoon heavy rainfall has increased (decreased) in coastal East Asia (tropical western North Pacific) during the latter half of the 20th century and beyond. This spatial distribution is similar to the "anthropogenic fingerprint" observed from a set of large ensemble climate simulations, which represents the difference between Earth systems with and without human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. This provides evidence to support the claim that the significant increase in the frequency of typhoon heavy rainfall along coastal East Asia cannot be solely explained by natural variability. In addition, our results indicate that the signal of the "anthropogenic fingerprint" has been increasing rapidly since the mid-1970s and departed from natural variability in the early 2000s, indicating that the regional summer climate has already crossed the tipping point.

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The Correlation between Physical Function and Lower Limb Tactile Sense in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy (경직형 뇌성마비 아동의 신체기능과 하지 촉각의 상관관계 연구)

  • Hye-Lyeong Yun;Na-Yeon YE;Eun-Ju Lee
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate tactile sense perception of the lower extremities according to physical function in children with spastic cerebral palsy. Methods: This study was conducted on 15 children diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy. Physical function measurement items included dynamic balance ability, gross motor function level, and lower extremity ankle spasticity. The lower extremity tactile sensation uses a monofilament to measure the sole of the first metatarsal head, the sole of the fifth metatarsal head, the heel, the anterior part of the shin midway between the patella and the ankle joint, the kneecap, the upper anterior iliac spine, and the knee. A total of six measurements were taken in the mid-femoral region of the bone. Spearman correlation analysis was performed to determine the degree of body function and lower extremity tactile perception. Results: As the physical function of children with spastic cerebral palsy deteriorated, there was a decrease in tactile sensation in the thigh area corresponding to the proximal lower extremity. (p <.05). Conclusion: Children with spastic cerebral palsy and poor physical function have sensory loss not only in the distal part but also in the proximal part, so a treatment approach that recognizes and improves it is necessary.