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Effects of surface modification with hydroxyl terminated polydimethylsiloxane on the corrosion protection of polyurethane coating

  • Jeon, Jae Hong;Shon, MinYoung
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.170-177
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    • 2014
  • Polyurethane coating was designed to give a hydrophobic property on its surface by modifying it with hydroxyl terminated polydimethylsiloxane and then effects of surface hydrophobic tendency, water transport behavior and hence corrosion protectiveness of the modified polyurethane coating were examined using FT-IR/ATR spectroscopy, contact angle measurement and electrochemical impedance test. As results, the surface of polyurethane coating was changed from hydrophilic to hydrophobic property due primarily to a phase separation tendency between polyurethane and modifier by the modification. The phase separation tendency is more appreciable when modified by polydimethylsiloxane with higher content. Water transport behavior of the modified polyurethane coating decreased more in that with higher hydrophobic surface property. The decrease in the impedance modulus Z at low frequency region in immersion test for polyurethane coatings was associated with the water transport behavior and surface hydrophobic properties of modified polyurethane coatings. The corrosion protectiveness of the modified polyurethane coated carbon steel generally increased with an increase in the modifier content, confirming that corrosion protectiveness of the modified polyurethane coating is well agreed with its water transport behavior.

A Study on Prediction of Surface Temperature and Reduction of Infrared Emission from a Naval Ship by Considering Emissivity of Funnel in the Mid-Latitude Meterological Conditions (중위도 기상조건에서 함정의 연돌 방사율을 고려한 적외선 복사량 예측 및 감소방안 연구)

  • Gil, Tae-Jun;Choi, Jun-Hyuk;Cho, Yong-Jin;Kim, Tae-Kuk
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.44 no.1 s.151
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2007
  • This study is focused on developing a software that predicts the temperature distribution and infrared Emission from 30 objects considering the solar radiation through the atmosphere. The solar radiation through the atmosphere is modeled by using the well-known LOWTRAN7 code. Surface temperature information is essential for generating the infrared scene of the object. Predictions of the transient surface temperature and the infrared emission from a naval ship by using the software developed here show fairly good results by representing the typical temperature and emitted radiance distributions expected for the naval ship considered in mid latitude. Emissivity of each material is appeared to be an important parameter for recognizing the target in Infrared band region. The numerical results also show that the low emissivity surface on the heat source can be helpful in reducing the IR image contrast as compared to the background sea.

Characteristics of Springtime CO and O3 according to Transport at Cheeka Peak Observatory(CPO), Northwest of USA (미국 서북부 Cheeka Peak에서의 수송에 따른 봄철 CO와 O3의 특성)

  • 전병일
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.507-517
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    • 2002
  • Cheeka Peak is a unique site for monitoring the background chemistry and aerosol contents of pristine marine air at mid-latitude. During long-range onshore winds that occur frequently throughout the year, it is predicted to have the cleanest air in the northern hemisphere. Measurements of CO and O3were conducted at Cheeka Peak Observatory(CPO) on the northwestern tip of Washington state, USA during March 6 ∼May 29, 2001. The data have been segregated to quantify the mixing ratio of these species in the Pacific marine atmosphere. Also the marine air masses were further classified into four categories based on 10-day backward isentropic trajectories; high, mid, and low latitude and those which had crossed over the Asian industrial region. The diurnal variation of CO and O3at CPO showed a similar to tendency of background measurement site. When marine air mass flowed to CPO, CO concentration was lower and O3was similar or higher than those of total data. The westerly flow from ocean, not easterly from continent occurred the high concentration of CO and O3at CPO. Using the trajectory segregation of marine air mass, the comparison of concentration according to latitude calculated. the CO concentration of Asian trajectory was lower than other latitudes, O3concentration was higher.

Continuous Measurements of Aromatic VOCs in a Mid-eastern Region of Seoul during Winter 2002/2003 (방향족 휘발성 유기화합물의 겨울철 연속 관측 연구)

  • 최여진;오상인;김기현
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.491-502
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    • 2003
  • In the present work, the distribution characteristics of ambient volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were investigated at high temporal resolution from a monitoring station located in a mid-eastern area of Seoul. A total number of 587 samples were collected during December 2002 to January 2003. The measurements of VOC were conducted by a combination of on-line air sampling and thermal desorption unit (TDU) coupled with capillary GC/FID analysis. A total of five aromatic compounds (BTEX: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m, p-xylene, and o-xylene) were measured routinely at hourly intervals during the whole study period. The mean concentrations of BTEX measured in our study period were found in the order: toluene (8.99 ±5.38 ppb) > benzene (0.92±0.52 ppb) > m, p-xylene (0.51±0.34 ppb) > 0- xylene (0.48±0.35 ppb) > ethyl benzene (0.43± 0.32 ppb). The BTEX concentrations were generally higher during the daytime than the nighttime, exhibiting certain patterns on a weekly basis. Results of our analysis indicate that the unusually high concentrations of toluene, while showing good correlations with other VOCs, can be a good indicator of air pollution in the study area.

Current Wet Deposition of Pu Isotopes in the mid-Yellow Sea Coast of Korea (최근 한반도 중부 황해안의 Pu 핵종 습식 침착)

  • 이상한;정창수;김석현;이광우
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 1999
  • 239+240Pu concentrations in precipitation were determined for the period of May 1994 to August 1996 in oder to describe current 239+240Pu deposition at the mid-western coat of Korea (Ansan, 3717'N, 12650'E). 239+240Pu concentration in daily precipitation varied from 0.05 to 131μBq kg1 with a geometric mean of 1.26μBq kg1. The concentration was high in the period of Yellow Sand Storm in spring and low in wet summer monsoon. The specific 239+240Pu concentration in daily precipitation appears to be controlled by the 239+240Pu input to the atmosphere in spring and washout effects by precipitation in the wet summer monsoon. Wet depositional flux of 239+240Pu varied from 4 to 123μBq m2d1 with a geometric mean of 33.8μBq m2d1 and with a maximum in the period of Yellow Sand Storm and a minimum in the period of wet summer monsoon. 238Pu/239+240Pu activity raios(0.04~0.31) in precipitation for March-June period suggested that one of the major sources of Pu isotopes falling in Ansan area is the arid region of the Chinese continent.

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Distribution of Time-dependent Strains In the Top Slab of PSC Box Girder Bridge (PSC박스거더교 상부슬래브에서의 시간의존적 변형률 분포)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Kim, Byung-Suk;Kawrk, Jong-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.538-541
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    • 2006
  • PSC(Prestressed Concrete) box girder bridges have been widely applied in Korea. A number of these bridges have been built by the segmental construction method in the longitudinal direction and(or) vertically along the cross-sectional depth with MSS(Moving Scaffolding System). An actual 2-span continuous PSC box girder bridge of Kyeongbu high speed railway was selected and instrumented with 96 vibrating wire embedded type strain gauges and 2 thermocouples. The long-term behavior of the bridge was monitored through two major points located at mid-span of the first span and at the internal support. Data collection started just after the casting of the first segment (U section). Concrete strain and temperature data were gathered regularly by a data logger (CR10) during 600 days under and after construction. According to this measurement, the parabolic longitudinal strain distribution in the top slab at mid-span is shown. And also, the same distribution at the interior support is shown. The compressive strains at the cantilever region are larger than at the web position and the internal part in the top slab. Strain difference largely happened during the early construction period.

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Analysis and Comparison of Labor Market Stability by Business Categories in Urban and Rural Areas : Industrial Group, Employment Size, and Survival Duration (도시 및 농촌지역 사업체 유형별 노동시장 안정성 비교분석: 산업군, 종사자규모 및 존속기간별 유형을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jemyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.97-112
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    • 2017
  • Stability of labor market in rural areas was analyzed in this paper with categories of industrial group, employment scale, surviving period, and founder group. The stability of each classified labor market was compared with each other to figure out the stable business class and the unstable class in rural areas. The results of rural areas were compared with those of urban areas. The stability was analyzed with average and coefficient of variation (C.V.) of annual total employees' change rates. It was revealed that labor market of 'primary industry', including agriculture, is unstable. Especially, labor market of 'mid-size' and 'primary industry' businesses founded as 'incorporated company' in rural areas is vulnerable. While labor market of 'large-size' is proved to be unstable, it is confirmed that 'small-size' or 'mid-size', and 'over-ten-year survived' businesses have positive contribution to the stable labor market in rural and urban areas. The results show that the stability of labor market is different in each category of business and in each region of rural or urban area. It is expected that the results can be utilized for the regional development policies, of labor and industry part.

Seasonal Abundance of Deer and Horse Flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) in the Northern Part of Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

  • Suh, Sang Jae;Kim, Heung Chul;Chong, Sung Tae;Kim, Myung Soon;Klein, Terry A.
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.307-314
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    • 2015
  • The seasonal abundance of horse and deer flies (family Tabanidae) was analyzed using Mosquito Magnet(R) traps at 5 sites located near/in the demilitarized zone, northern Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea from late April to early October for 4 consecutive years (2010-2013). A total of 2,999 horse and deer flies (tabanids) belonging to 5 genera and 20 species were collected. Chrysops mlokosiewiczi (90.9%) was the most frequently collected, followed by Haematopota koryoensis (4.8%) and C. suavis (1.0%). The remaining 17 species comprised only of 3.3% of all species collected. C. mlokosiewiczi demonstrated bimodal peak populations during mid-June and early August, while H. koryoensis demonstrated a unimodal peak during mid-July. Overall numbers of tabanids collected were influenced by the previous year's winter temperatures and precipitation. Population abundance was influenced by habitat with most of tabanids collected from habitats near forested areas, followed by rice paddies, and a beef farm.

Near-infrared studies of iron knots in Cassiopeia A supernova remnant: I. Spectral classification using principal component analysis

  • Lee, Yong-Hyun;Koo, Bon-Chul;Moon, Dae-Sik;Burton, Michael G.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.49.1-49.1
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    • 2013
  • We have been carrying out near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as well as [Fe II] narrow band imaging observations of Cassiopeia A supernova remnant (SNR). In this presentation, we describe the spectral classification of the iron knots around the SNR. From eight long-slit spectroscopic observations for the iron-bright shell, we identified a total of 61 iron knots making use of a clump-finding algorithm, and performed principal component analysis in an attempt to spectrally classify the iron knots. Three major components have emerged from the analysis; (1) Iron-rich, (2) Helium-rich, and (3) Sulfur-rich groups. The Helium-rich knots have low radial velocities (vr < 100 km/s) and radiate strong He I and [Fe II] lines, that match well with Quasi-Stationary Flocculi (QSFs) of circumstellar medium, while the Sulfur-rich knots show strong lines of oxygen burning materials with large radial velocity up to +2000 km/s, which imply that they are supernova ejecta (i.e. Fast-Moving Knots). The Iron-rich knots have intermediate characteristics; large velocity with QSF-like spectra. We suggest that the Iron-rich knots are missing "pure" iron materials ejected from the inner most region of the progenitor and now encountering the reverse shock.

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  • Cheon, Ok-Jin;Suhr, Cheong-Hoon
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.20 no.3 s.32
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    • pp.565-581
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    • 1990
  • This study was undertaken to investigate the degree of asymmetry in each part of the head in skeletal craniofacial asymmetric patients, and secondarily to determine the nature of difference existed between asymmetric patients and normal persons. The subjects consisted of 49 asymmetric adult patients and 52 normal adults, and the average ages were 21 years 5 months and 23 years 5 months, respectively. The computerized analyses of 33 linear measurements, 12 angular measurements, and 8 surface areas from posteroanterior cephalometric radiograph were carried out. The conclusions were as follows; 1. Asymmetry was a common finding in both normal and asymmetric group. 2. When the analyses were undertaken after the head was divided into 3 parts anteroposteriorly and superoinferiorly in the asymmetric patients, there were significant asymmetries in all parts excepts in the cranial base region. 3. When the analyses were undertaken after the head was divided into respective 3 parts anteroposteriorly in the asymmetric patients, the more posterior part showed relative stability than the more anterior part. 4. When the analyses were undertaken after the head was divided into 3 parts superoinferiorly in the asymmetric patients, the more superior part showed relative stability than the more inferior part. 5. Twelve variables indicating asymmetry were selected and the highest ranked variable was Me-Mid-sagittal reference line.

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