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Effects of Maturing Stage of Corn Hybrids on Silage Yield, Feeding Value for Dairy Cows and Milk Production in a Cold Region of Japan

  • Oshita, Tomoko;Takayama, Hideki;Otsuka, Hiroshi;Igarashi, Hiroaki;Nonaka, Kazuhisa;Kume, Shinichi
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.511-516
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    • 2007
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of differently maturing corn hybrids on silage production and milk production per unit area in the northern part of Japan, where grain development occurs under decreasing ambient temperature. Both hybrids were harvested at the same time. The stages of maturity for the early-maturing hybrids (EH; 80 d relative maturity) and the mid-maturing hybrids (MH; 93 d relative day) were early dent and late dough stage, respectively. The plant yields for MH were higher than those for EH. The dry matter (DM) content of MH was lower than that for EH, and the effluent loss for MH silage was greater than that for EH silage. Therefore, the DM yields of prepared silage per area were similar for both treatments. Twelve multiparous mid-lactation Holstein cows (58±13 days in milk) were fed diets based on EH or MH silage in a crossover design with two 3-week periods. Cows were fed 3 kg of hay crop silage (DM basis) and either EH or MH silage ad libitum, and concentrates were supplied to meet NRC requirement for dairy cows. Silage DM intake for EH was found to be higher (p<0.05) than that for MH (10.0 vs. 9.1 kg/day). Milk production and milk composition for EH were similar to those for MH. Feed efficiency per total feed intake was similar in both treatments, although the feed efficiency per concentrate intake tended to be higher for the EH than that for the MH diet. These results indicate that differences in maturation in corn hybrids affect the effluent production of silage and the silage intake of dairy cows. It may be advantageous to plant early hybrid corn with a reduction in effluent production of silage as well as a reduction in purchased feed costs for dairy cows under the climatic conditions of the northern part of Japan.

Correlation between Soil Nutrient Contents and Water Pollutant Loads in Hydrologic Unit Watersheds: Implication on the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) (수질오염총량관리 단위유역내 토양 양분 및 수질오염 부하량 상관관계 비교)

  • Cho, Kyung-Sik;Lee, Ho-sik
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.509-515
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    • 2011
  • For this study the 4 sub-watersheds Okdong A, Hankang B, Jecheon A and Hankang C which are the main streams of the Han River within the mid-level region of Chungju Dam are selected and the analysis of soils has been carried out through the soil basic survey. When it comes to the soil erosion amount the soil nutrient load has been calculated by utilizing the RUSLE erosion equation. In case of the data related to the measurement of water flow and quality the information available from the "Water Information System" one of the websites run by the Ministry of Environment has been used to calculate the water pollution load. The correlation between the soil nutrient load and the water pollutant load has been analyzed through making comparison. According to the results related to the soil nutrient load of each sub-watershed the Hankang C shows the highest values TOC 29,986.92 ton/yr, TN 3,860.33 ton/yr and TP 973.97 ton/yr respectively. Even when it comes to the loads related to water quality the Hankang C shows also comparatively high values TOC 6,625.64 ton/yr, TN 7,335.01 ton/yrand TP 145.49 ton/yr respectively. The soil nutrient loads of the sub-watersheds are shown to increase towards the lower stream meaning the load increases in the order of Hankang CHankang B and Okdong A. When it comes to the water pollutant load the value goes up along down the water system meaning the load gets higher in the order of Hankang C, Hankang B and Okdong A while utilizing the mainstream within the mid-level region of Chungju Dam as the basis. The correlation study showed that the nutrient content of soil is proportional to the pollutant load in water with the strongest positive correlation with TOC.

Anatomical knowledge of zygomatico-buccal plexus in a cadaveric study

  • Sukanya Uruwan;Chalermquan Rungsawang;Tawiwan Sareebot;Tanvaa Tansatit
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2023
  • The details of the facial nerve pattern were clearly explained in the parotid gland (PG), lateral area of the face, and periorbital areas to prevent the unexpected outcome of medical intervention. However, it remains unclear whether information about the zygomatico-buccal plexus (ZBP) in the masseteric and buccal regions. Therefore, this study aimed to help clinicians avoid this ZBP injury by predicting their common location. This study was conducted in forty-two hemifaces of twenty-nine embalmed cadavers by conventional dissection. The characteristics of the buccal branch (BB) and the ZBP were investigated in the mid-face region. The results presented that the BB gave 2-5 branches to emerge from the PG. According to the masseteric and buccal regions, the BB were arranged into ZBP in three patterns including an incomplete loop (11.9%), a single-loop (31.0%), and a multi-loop (57.1%). The mean distance and diameter of the medial line of the ZBP at the corner of the mouth level were 31.6 (6.7) and 1.5 (0.6) mm respectively, while at the alar base level were 22.5 (4.3) and 1.1 (0.6) mm respectively. Moreover, the angular nerve arose from the superior portion of the ZBP at the alar base level. The BB formed a multiloop mostly and showed a constant medial line of ZBP in an area approximately 30 mm lateral to the corner of the mouth, and 20 mm lateral to the alar base. Therefore, it is recommended that physicians should be very careful when performing facial rejuvenation in the mid-face region.

Forecast Impact of the Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder (GeoHIS) using the Korean Integrated Model-Observing System Simulation Experiment (KIM-OSSE) (한국형수치예보모델 가상관측 영향평가체계(KIM-OSSE)를 활용한 정지궤도 초분광적외탐측기(GeoHIS) 예측 영향평가)

  • Young-Jun Cho;Hyun-Jun Han;Chang-Hwan Kim;Hyoung-Wook Chun;Jeon-Ho Kang;Ji-Young Son;Yong Hee Lee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2025
  • The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) will operate a hyperspectral infrared sounder based on a geostationary satellite in 2037. The next-generation Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder (GeoHIS) observes vertical temperature and humidity with high temporal and spatial resolution. Therefore, it can be used not only directly in nowcasting but also as input data for numerical prediction model, which is expected to improve weather forecast. We analyzed the forecast impact of the next-generation GeoHIS, which has high density in the Asia region, using the Korean Integrated Model-Observing System Simulation Experiment (KIM-OSSE). As a result of the forecast impact, improvements were confirmed in the mid to upper-level geopotential height (500~250 hPa) and lower-level temperature (850 hPa) of the troposphere in the globe and the Northern Hemisphere. In particular, we confirmed a significant improvement in the mid to upper-level geopotential height in the Asia region. These results will be used as support material for advancing of satellite data assimilation technology and for the establishment of next-generation satellite launch plans.

From Corridors to Intercity Networks : The Role of the Emerging Urban System in Building Regional Networks in Northeast Asia

  • Terry G. McGee;Xiaomin Pang;Shin, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.21-38
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    • 1999
  • This paper is concerned with analyzing the role of Northeast Asia intercity networks in Northeast Asia in creating regional networks. For the purpose of this paper, we have followed Choe's (1996) definition of Northeast Asia which includes the Russian Fat East, the Northeast region of China, South Korea, North Korea and Japan. The central hypothesis of the paper is that the geopolitical conditions of Northeast Asia compared for example with Southeast Asia, favor bilateral rather than multilateral linkages between nation states. In these circumstances, it is our hypothesis that cities will play an important role in developing a "local image" of regio-nalism and intercity networks. In order to analyze this hypothesis, the paper is divided into three parts. Part A analyzes the emerging urban system of the Northeast Asia region using Choe's concept of the BESETO corridor and updating his data from the late 1980s to the mid 1990s just prior to the financial crisis. This analysis is further supported by the analysis of economic and transportation linkages within the urban system of the region with some discussion of emerging urban nodes. Part B looks at the specific case studies of the region including the Bohai Sea region, the Japan Sea and case studies of Sapporo, the Japan Sea and case studies of Sapporo, Pusan and Shandong province cities. Part C summarizes this preceding analysis and that the development of regionalism and servicing urban nodes is move likely to emerge from a myriad of linkages developed between the region's cities than from a supra-regional role of nation states. This finding has important implications for regional policy formation suggesting that there should be considerate national support for international linkages between cities.en cities.

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A study on the present condition and development direction of China's Agricultural Tourism - Centered on Takgeuktak County of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in Particular - (중국(中國) 관광농업(觀光農業)의 현황(現況) 및 발전(發展) 방향(方向) - 내몽고(內蒙古) 자치구(自治區) 탁극탁현(托克托縣)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Park, Jae-Chul;Xu, Ying-Mei;Jung, Kyoung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.213-226
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    • 2013
  • Agricultural tourism is a new kind of industry, which combined agriculture with tourism. It not only has the productive function, but also has the function of improving the quality of ecological environment and supplying people with sightseeing, leisure, vacation. Agricultural tourism is a new kind of industry from the amalgamation of agriculture and tourism: it is based on farm work, characterized by agricultural management, combines agriculture and tourism, and includes the city as a market-place. It satisfies tourist demand with food, lodging, excursions, shopping and entertainment provided by agricultural places and agricultural products. After combining the substance of this study with the primary sources regarding the development of agricultural tourism, I suggest plans for the development of local agricultural tourism on the basis of sustainable tourism theory in case of the Inner Mongolia region. To conduct research, various data such as literature research and surveys are collected and analyzed. According to the result of the research, the Inner Mongolia region has great-wealthy resources for agricultural tourism. However, they have problems as well such as lack of funds, low infrastructure, low business-mind level, low management-mind, the scarcity of mid-supporting organizations for research and education, low awareness, and low service level of the agricultural tourism. In order to solve these problems, have to strengthen publicity, strengthen the county and city communication, educates continuously profession talented person, establish related laws and regulations, increase the integrity of infrastructure. As a developing industry, agricultural tourism is a new field of study which needs more encouraging research. The agricultural tourism of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has only just started development resulting in a limited amount of information available for this study. Future planned work entails a continuous in-depth study of Chinese agricultural tourism, considering Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in particular.

The Impact of Climate Changes on Ski Industry in Central Region of Korea: The Case of Yongpyong.Yangji.Jisan Ski Resort (기후변화가 우리나라 중부지방의 스키산업에 미치는 영향 -용평.양지.지산 스키리조트를 사례로-)

  • Heo, In-Hye;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.444-460
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzed the changes in climate elements that affects the opening and closing dates of the ski resorts, and the snowmaking. Climatology data from the weather stations adjacent to the ski resorts in the central region of Korea were analysed to understand the snowmakig status. The fan type snowmaker has been used in the capital region (over 94% of the whole snowmaking), while the gun type snowmaker has been used in Yongpyong. There has been obviously an increased trend of the daily minimum temperature in November in Daegwallyeong and a little decreased trend in Icheon after 1980s. That caused the effect on the opening dates of the ski resort in the capital region of Korea during 2000s. Closing dates of ski resorts were earlier in the capital region (with 24C of daily maximum temperature in mid-February) than in Yongpyong. The obviously increasing rate of the snowmelting day in Icheon also hardened the management and maintenance of the ski resorts in the capital region of Korea.

The CTIO 4m UBVI & Hα photometry and spatial variation of the reddening law in the η Carina nebula

  • Hur, Hyeonoh;Sung, Hwan Kyung;Lim, Beomdu;Chun, Moo-Young;Sohn, Sangmo Tony
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.71.3-71.3
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    • 2015
  • Deep UBVI and Hα photometry of the η Carina nebula, one of the brightest nebulae on the sky, was obtained with the CTIO 4m telescope and MOSAIC II CCD Camera to determine the initial mass function down to low-mass (~1 M¤) stars. We modified the spatial variation coefficients in transformation relations of the MOSAIC II CCD. From the cross-identification of optical sources with previous surveys in X-ray, near-infrared, and mid-infrared, a clear PMS sequence is revealed in the optical color-magnitude diagrams down to V=23 mag. Our previous SSO 1m UBVI data for Trumpler 14 (Tr 14) and Trumpler 16 (Tr 16) region, and additional SSO 1m UBVI data for Trumpler 15 (Tr 15) region were combined with the CTIO 4m data to re-examine the reddening law and distance of the young open clusters in the η Carina nebula. From the new photometric data for Tr 15 region, we report that RV[=AV/E(B-V)], the total-to-selective extinction ratio, decreases from southern part of the nebula (Tr 14 and Tr 16) to northern part (Tr 15) in our field of view.

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The Spatial and temporal distributions of NET(Net Effective Temperature) with a Function of Temperature, Humidity and Wind Speed in Korea (한반도의 날씨 스트레스 지수 NET(Net Effective Temperature) 분포의 특성)

  • 허인혜;최영은;권원태
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2004
  • This paper examined the possibility of NET application for a relative weather stress index in Korea. The characteristic of NET distribution used temperature, relative humidity, wind speed which forecasting at Korean Meteorological Administration were analyzed. Regional critical values of daily maximum NET of stress index for summer resembled the distribution of daily maximum temperature because were not impacted wind and humidity but temperature. Regional critical values of daily minimum NET of stress index for winter distributed variously compared with summer. The highland region and the northern region of Seoul were impacted of low temperature and coastal region which strong wind. The occurrences of stressful days did not vary in summer, but obviously increased in winter after mid-1990s.

Near-IR Polarization of the Northeastern Region of the Large Magellanic Cloud

  • Kim, Jaeyeong
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.42.2-42.2
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    • 2017
  • The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is a unique target to study the detail structures of molecular clouds and star-forming regions, due to its proximity and face-on orientation from us. Most part of the astrophysical subjects for the LMC have been investigated, but the magnetic field is still veiling despite its role in the evolution of the interstellar medium (ISM) and in the main force to influence the star formation process. Measuring polarization of the background stars behind interstellar medium allows us to describe the existence of magnetic fields through the polarization vector map. In this presentation, I introduce the near-infrared polarimetric results for the 39×69 field of the northeastern region of the LMC and the N159/N160 star-forming complex therein. The polarimetric observations were conducted at IRSF/SIRPOL 1.4 m telescope. These results allow us to examine both the global geometry of the large-scale magnetic field in the northeastern region and the close structure of the magnetic field in the complex. Prominent patterns of polarization vectors mainly follow dust emission features in the mid-infrared bands, which imply that the large-scale magnetic fields are highly involved in the structure of the dust cloud in the LMC. In addition, local magnetic field structures in the N159/N160 star-forming complex are investigated with the comparison between polarization vectors and molecular cloud emissions, suggesting that the magnetic fields are resulted from the sequential formation history of this complex. I propose that ionizing radiation from massive stellar clusters and the expanding bubble of the ionized gas and dust in this complex probably affect the nascent magnetic field structure.

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