• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medication

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The Effects of Saengjingamrotang and Saengjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis in Streptozotocin induced Hyperglycemic Rats (생진감노탕(生津甘露湯)과 생진감로탕가천화분(生津甘露湯加天花粉)이 고혈당(高血糖) 백서(白鼠)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Baek, Jung-Han
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.81-103
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    • 2002
  • This present study was carried out to investigate the effect of Saengjingamrotang and Saengjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis in streptozotocin induced hyperglycemic rats. Body weigh, serum levels of glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, triglyceride and urine levels of volume, glucose, protein were measured in streptozotocin induced hyperglycemic rats orally receiving extracts of Sanengjingamrotang and Saengjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis for 4 days. The results were as follows: 1. The change of body weight, the medication group of Saengjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis concentration has the notable increase, the medication group of Saengjingamrotang concentration has no notable change, as compared to control group. 2. The change of the content on serum glucose, the medication group of Saengjingamrotang conctntration have notable decrease, as compared to control group. 3. The change of the content on serum insulin, the medication group of Saengjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis concentration has the notable increase, the medication group of Saengjingamrotang concentration has no notable change, as compared to control group. 4. The change of the content on serum total cholesterol, the medication group of saengjingamrotang concentration and the medication group of Saengjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis concentration have notable decrease, as compared to control group. 5. The change of the content on serum triglyceride, the medication group of Saengjingamrotang concentration and the medication group of Saengjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis Concentration have notable decrease, as compared to control group. 6. The change of urine volume, the medication group of Saengjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis concentration has the notable decrease, the medication group of Saengjingamrotang concentration has no notable change, as compared to control group. 7. The change of the content on urine glucose, the medication group of Saengjingamrotang concentration and the medication group of Saengjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis concentration have notable decrease, as compared to control group. 8. The Change of the content of serum protein, the medication group of Saengjingamrotang concentration and the medication group of Saengjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis concentration have notable decrease, s compared to control group. 9. The change of body weight, serum insulin and urine volume, the medication group of saenfjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis concentration has more notable change than the medication group of Saengjingamrotang concentration, as compared to control group. According to above mentioned results, Saengjingamrotang and Saenfjingamrotang plus Radix Trichosanthis have the effect of decreased blood sugar, serum lipid levels and urine volume, protein, glucose in streptozotocin induced hyperglycemic rats, and so they were expected to be appled to the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

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Field Study For The Improvement of Medication System and Method for Inpatients at General Hospital (입원환자의 투약체계와 방법의 개선을 위한 현장연구)

  • Yoo, Hyung-Sook;Kuwan, Young-Mi;Song, Mi-Sook;Kim, Hyung-Ae;Park, Kyung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.147-211
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    • 1995
  • Medication is a kind of medical service and a therapeutic nursing function which takes large portion of nursing service and requires complicated procedures. So many different medical personnel should be involved and cooporate each other in order to accomplish medication. Medication is also a vital nursing service, So nurse feels heavy responsibi lity in that she gives medication to the patient finally, so she has much responsibility if medication error is happened. Therefore it seems very important to clarify the problem of medication system and method, and find the subculture of medication situation because it may promote nursing productivity. The study was conducted to 1. Describe and interpret medication situation. 2. Find out the problem of medication system and method and on alternatives. 3. Compare the medication system and method of hospitals which are located in Seoul with object hospital Ethnographic methodology was used to study medication situation by doing participant observation and interview of health care personnel. Ten nurses and three nurse aids were interviewed. Two residents and internists, two phamacists and two accountants were also interviewed. Data was obtained and analized according to Developmental Research Sequence introduced by Spradly. On the basis of this data the results were as follows. 1. The overall flow of medication system was devided into six stage : first, checking doctor's order : second writing doctor's order, : third, transfering slip into the related departments such as account department, pharmacy : fourth, distribution of medication from pharmacy to unit : fifth, identifing medication by nurses : and finally, medicating to the patient. Behaviorors have been under a lot of stress in that they have to do much works, especially paperworks, So too much time were needed. They also have been suffered interpersonal conflicts among health care personnel and role conflicts in the process of doing medication service. 2. In the process of checking order, the problem was that too much time was required for checking order and paperwork. The more the order changes the more the paperwork is. Nurses have been suffering difficulties in calling internist in order to get bill. Even if writing down slip for medication order is doctor's job, Sometimes nurse has been expected to write slip by doctors or nurse would write slip beacuse of two much complexities and efforts for calling doctors. If the slip were incorrect, much time complicated procedures were more required for correcting it. So delay of administering drug would be resulted consequently. Drugs were delivered from pharmacy to units by delivery agent and phamacist. But because drugs were delivered without arranging room number of patient. Nurse should rearrange drugs in order of the room number So it had made waste time and effort, and Even when emergency drugs were needed, Prompt delivery of drug was not easy because of many reasons. For nurses, it took too long in the identification of the right drug. Actually nurses have heavy burden when medication error happens because nurse is the final actor who gives medication to the patient, So every three shift nurse ought to check drugs as soon as every shift begins. That's why it took too much time due to repeated confirming procedure. When nurses had to go patient room in order to give medications, there were difficulties in watching patient until the patient take medicine correctly. So it was impossible to check every patient wheather he took medicine or not especially in hectic situation. 3. There were many hospitals in Seoul which have similar medication system and method as object hospital according to the results of questionaire. This means that many hospitals have been suffering srimilar problems which were identified in object hospital. 4. Recommendations for promoting simplification of medication system and method were the following : Redesigning of slip from two pieces of paper into one : early discharge announcement system, and slip confirming through computer and controlling of period of prescreption from one day to two or three days : designing personal drug storage box for each patient and using it. If nurses follow the recommendations, they will make medication short & simple, and also have enough time of direct nursing care 5. Even though there were many difficulties in medicating patients. Medication itself has been considered as a caring among nurses because it makes rapport between nurse and patient. So nurses had better accept medication as a portion of nusing service not a original portion of phamacist. There are some limits in this research in terms of confining to only one unit of one hospital, and treating it especially in view of nurses' aspects, So further researchs should be continnued from various kmds of viewpoints of doctors, phamacists and so on. ${\cdot\cdot\cdot}$. Especially esthnographic study of computerized medication system and method seems to be followed.

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Impact of Cognitive Function and Self-efficacy on Medication Adherence of Elderly Patients with Chronic Disease (노인 만성질환자의 인지기능과 자기 효능감이 약물복용 이행도에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Kyung-Hee;Son, Youn-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was aimed to describe the level of medication adherence and to identify the impact of cognitive function and self-efficacy on medication adherence of elderly patients with chronic disease. Methods: The descriptive study included 303 patients over 65 years with chronic diseases from two medical centers in Cheonan city. Data were collected from July to November 2011. A questionnaire including questions on the Korean version of mini-mental state examination (MMSE-K), self-efficacy and medication adherence were completed by the subjects. Data were analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 20.0 program. Results: The mean score of medication adherence was $1.4{\pm}1.6$. In univariate analysis, exercise (t=2.85, p=.005), type of disease (F=3.91, p=.001) and self-efficacy (r=-.57, p<.001) were the significant factors related to medication adherence. Linear regression analysis demonstrated that self-efficacy (${\beta}$=-.57, p<.001) was a significantly associated factor with medication adherence. Self-efficacy explained about 33% of the total variance of the medication adherence in elderly patients. Conclusion: The results suggest that self-efficacy to medication can be a facilitator to medication adherence in elderly patients. However, these results indicate that there remains much work to be done in identifying other predictors of medication adherence of elderly patients with chronic diseases.

Perceptions of Anticoagulation Therapy and Medication Adherence among Patients taking Warfarin (와파린 복용 환자의 항응고요법에 대한 인식과 약물복용 이행)

  • Chu, Sang-Hui;Kang, Seok-Min;Kim, Do-Ree;Lee, Yoon-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to measure medication adherence and perceptions of anticoagulation therapy and its relationship to patients taking warfarin. Methods: in a cross-sectional survey, 150 patients taking warfarin who had visited an outpatient clinic of a cardiovascular center in Seoul were included as research subjects. Medication adherence was measured using a visual analogue rating scale (VAS). Barriers and attitudes toward adherence, and oral anticoagulation knowledge, were measured using a structured questionnaire. Participants' medical records also were reviewed to identify clinical characteristics. Results: About one third of the participants (30.7%) reported medication adherence as 100%. The major barriers to adherence were identified as "Forgetting the time of medication" and "Not carrying their medication". Overall attitudes toward medication adherence were high, but oral anticoagulation therapy knowledge was low. To determine the relationship of medication adherence and perceptions of anticoagulation therapy, participants were stratified into three groups, based on their medication adherence levels (high adherence, moderate adherence, low adherence). Participants in the high adherent group more likely to be older (OR: 1.04, 95% CI: 1.005-1.071) and to have positive attitudes toward medication adherence (OR: 1.12, 95% CI:1.013-1.229) compared to the other two groups. Conclusion: The results show that age and attitude exerts significant influence on medication adherence in patients taking warfarin.

Factors Predicting Medication Compliance among Elderly Visitors of Public Health Centers (보건소 방문보건 대상 노인들의 투약 지시이행에 미치는 영향요인 분석)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Suk;Kim, Hee-Young
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate compliance with prescribed medication in the elderly visiting public health centers. Method: Data were collected from 665 elders living in Seoul and the Gyeonggi Province during the period from February 21 to June 30 in 2006. The data were collected through individual interviews and were analyzed using correlation and multiple regression analysis with the SAS 9.1 program. Results: The mean of medication compliance was 2.97(${\pm}.68$) on a 5-point Likert scale. Specifically, compliance 3.14(${\pm}.70$) for medication dose, 2.94(${\pm}.77$) for medication frequency, and 2.84(${\pm}.79$) for medication time. The elderly with a higher level of education (${\beta}=.095$, p<.001), with health insurance (${\beta}=.208$, p=.0009) and with a higher level of family support (${\beta}=.040$, p=.0306) showed a higher level of mediation compliance. Female elders (${\beta}=.142$, p<.001) kept higher medication compliance than male ones. Conclusion: These findings suggest that people with low education, low socioeconomic status and less family support need more education before medication. The evaluation of medication compliance needs to be encouraged before starting medication to distinguish those who may not comply with medical prescription. Predictive factors identified in this study must be considered when designing interventions, program development and education for appropriate medication management for the elderly.

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Factors Influencing Medication Adherence and Status of Medication Use of the Elderly with Chronic Disease Taking Non-opioid Analgesics (만성질환 관련 비마약성 진통제 처방 노인의 약물사용 실태 및 약물복용이행에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jeon, Hae Ok;Kim, Bockryun;Kim, Haesook;Chae, Myung-Ock;Kim, Myeong Ae;Kim, Ahrin
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.18-29
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study investigates the status of medication use of the elderly with chronic disease taking non-opioid analgesics and attempts to identify factors influencing medication adherence. Methods: Data were collected from September 1 to October 19, 2016. A structured questionnaire was used for face-to-face interview with a convenience sample of 161, elderly people with chronic disease taking non-opioid analgesics. The survey included questions about status of medication use, medication adherence, symptom experience, depression and family function. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression with IBM SPSS 23.0 program. Results: The mean score of medication adherence of the elderly with chronic disease was $4.48{\pm}2.35$. Experiences of side effects (${\beta}=.31$, p< .001), use of over-the-counter pain medication (${\beta}=.19$, p= .009), and family function (${\beta}=.16$, p= .031) were identified as significant predictors. The final model explained 18.0% of the variation of medication adherence of the elderly with chronic disease taking non-opioid analgesics (F= 12.30, p< .001). Conclusion: Therefore, as a strategy to improve medication adherence of the elderly with chronic disease, therapeutic intervention should be developed to improve family function and to manage with personalized plans considering experiences of side effects and use of over-the-counter pain medication.

Factors Influencing Medication Adherence in Hemodialysis Patients: Focusing on Primary and Secondary Medical Care (혈액투석 환자의 약물복용 이행도 및 이행 영향요인: 1차, 2차 의료기관 중심)

  • Seo, Yon Hee;Lim, Sun Og;Hyeon, Eun Hee;Kim, Hae Won;Eom, Mi Ran
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.60-70
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing medication adherence in hemodialysis patients among primary medical care and secondary medical care. Methods: A cross-sectional survey design was utilized. Data were collected using questionnaires from 280 hemodialysis patients who had taken prescribed medication regularly as a result of chronic renal failure at primary and secondary medical care in Korea. Data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression. Results: There were statistically significant differences in medication adherence according to living area (p=.002), health condition (p<.001), amount of medication (p=.004), inconvenience for taking medication (p<.001), and depression level (p=.001). The mean of medication adherence was 3.72 points. Medication adherence was explained by perceived barrier related to medication taking (${\beta}=.338$), attitude (${\beta}=.250$), and depression (${\beta}=.132$). Conclusion: This study strongly recommended that nursing intervention program to improve medication adherence should be developed and a match control study in improvement of medication adherence for hemodialysis patients needs to be done.

Qualitative Study for Medication Use among Visually Impaired in Korea (국내 시각장애인의 의약품 안전사용 실태에 대한 심층면접조사)

  • Koo, Heejo;Jang, Sunmee;Oh, Jung Mi;Han, Nayoung;Han, Euna
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2016
  • Objective: The visually impaired have limited access to health care services and related information, and thus, they can have serious hurdles against properly taking medications. Despite that it is important to improve self-care ability of the visually impaired for correct medication use, there have been few studies investigating their needs for health care services in Korea, particularly focusing on proper medication usage. This study is to explore safety-related issues regarding mediation usage among the visually impaired based on in-depth interview. We particularly focus on any obstacles for safe use of medicines including experience on medication-related adverse effects in order to provide preliminary evidence for policy measures to improve proper medication use among the visually impaired. Methods: Study sample was visually impaired individuals who resided in Seoul area and were registered in the National Association of Visually Impaired. The association helped the process of recruiting the study participants. In-depth interview for each study participants was conducted. Each interview was recorded and later converted into a written script to extract core contents for the analysis. Results: The study participants comprised of three women (42.9%) and four men (57.1%). One was in his 20's, and there were four participants in 30's and two in 40's. Fully impaired participants were majority (5 out of 7). Limitation to physical access to health care providers and health information were the key factors to hamper safe medication utilization among the study participants. Difficulty reading medication information and may take the wrong medication or incorrect doses of medication, resulting in serious consequences, including overdose or inadequate treatment of health problems. Visually impaired patients report increased anxiety related to medication management and must rely on others to obtain necessary drug information. Pharmacists have a unique opportunity to pursue accurate medication adherence in this special population. This article reviews literature illustrating how severe medication mismanagement can occur in the visually impaired elderly and presents resources and solutions for pharmacists to take a larger role in adherence management in this population. Conclusion: The visually impaired had difficulties reading medication information and identifying medicines, and took incorrect doses of medications. Public support for safe medication use and medication management among the visually impaired is necessary.

Effects of Image-Use Medication Education on Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Misuse of Medication in Elderly Inpatients (이미지 활용 약물교육이 노인환자의 약물지식, 복약자기효능감 및 복약오류에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Hyo Jung;Kim, Kon Hee
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.56-66
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This quasi-experimental study was done to develop image-use medication education for older inpatients and to evaluate the effects on their knowledge, self-efficacy, and misuse of medication. Methods: Fifty nine elders (experimental group - 30, and control group - 29) received medication education once a week for 3 weeks. Data were collected before (pretest), right after (post 1), and 4 weeks after the program finished (post 2). Drug Use Knowledge Scale, Self-efficacy for Appropriate Medication Use Scale, and Drug Misuse Scale were used. Analysis included descriptive statistics, $x^2$ test, repeated measured ANOVA. Results: Findings showed significant differences in knowledge of medication and drug misuse between groups according to time(pretest, post 1, and post 2). At post 1 and post 2, knowledge and self-efficacy levels were significantly higher and misuse scores were lower in the experimental group compared to the control group. Conclusion: Findings indicate that elder-tailored medication education consisting of group education and individual guidance with images is effective and practical for medicine safety in elderly inpatients. Moreover, it could lead to a healthier life for elders, even elders with multiple chronic diseases and taking several medications.

Genome-Wide Association Study of Medication Adherence in Chronic Diseases in the Korean Population

  • Seo, Incheol;Suh, Seong-Il;Suh, Min-Ho;Baek, Won-Ki
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2014
  • Medication adherence is generally defined as the extent of voluntary cooperation of a patient in taking medicine as prescribed. Adherence to long-term treatment with chronic disease is essential for reducing disease comorbidity and mortality. However, medication non-adherence in chronic disease averages 50%. This study was conducted a genome-wide association study to identify the genetic basis of medication adherence. A total of 235 medication non-adherents and 1,067 medication adherents with hypertension or diabetes were used from the Korean Association Resource project data according to the self-reported treatment status of each chronic disease, respectively. We identified four single nucleotide polymorphisms with suggestive genome-wide association. The most significant single nucleotide polymorphism was rs6978712 (chromosome 7, $p=4.87{\times}10^{-7}$), which is located proximal to the GCC1 gene, which was previously implicated in decision-making capability in drug abusers. Two suggestive single nucleotide polymorphisms were in strong linkage disequilibrium ($r^2$ > 0.8) with rs6978712. Thus, in the aspect of decision-making in adherence behavior, the association between medication adherence and three loci proximal to the GCC1 gene seems worthy of further research. However, to overcome a few limitations in this study, defining the standardized phenotype criteria for self-reported adherence should be performed before replicating association studies.