• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical Information Technology

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The IoT Implementation Technology for e-Health Device Connection (e-Health장비 연결을 위한 IoT구현기술)

  • Yoo, Jinho
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.394-399
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    • 2015
  • This paper is a study related to connecting to medical device in IoT environment for e-Health Implementation. The implementation environment of this paper consists of sensing device node, gateway and its server. The information from medical devices on sensor node is transferred to gateway. The gateway transfers the information from their devices into the server and the server saves their transferred information. The medical information from medical devices is ready to use in making medical decision which is saved in database. In this paper, we connected the gateway to the commercial sensor node for implementing gateway functions. We studied and implemented how their network entities communicate each other.

Comprehensive Strategies through the Application of Medical Information Management for the Mitigation of Lumbago

  • Seong-Ran Lee
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.57-61
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    • 2024
  • Back pain is a pain that occurs from the waist to the legs. If back pain continues, the quality of life is mentally and physically degraded. The purpose of this study is to implement comprehensive strategies through the application of medical information management for the mitigation of lumbago. This study was analyzed using interviews and surveys from Januanry 17 to March 22, 2024. It is classified as 43 members of the experimental group and 43 members of the control group. Low back pain symptoms and treatment were measured by a t-test before and after the application of medical information management. The results of this study are as follows. Firstly, in the experimental group, 67.4% of those who sat for more than 10 hours were significantly higher than 32.6% of those who sat for less than 9 hours a day(X2=3.19, p=.00). Secondly, the forward bending has been increased significantly from the average of 30.58 points before the application of medical information management to 46.27 points after the application(t=-1.65, p=.03). Thirdly, lumbago has been shown to decrease continuously since 6 days. Fourthly, stretching continued to rise significantly from 3 days after applying medical information management. The results of this paper will contribute to reducing symptoms in patients with lumbago.

Security and Law for Medical Information (의료정보보호를 위한 법률과 방안)

  • Woo, Sung-hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.677-680
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    • 2013
  • The risk of leakage of personal information is growing with new services such as social networking and cloud services by the rapid development of information. In particular, the field of medical IT technology is required to solve problems arising from the aging society and sustainable economic development, and in accordance with the requirements to improve the quality of life, a new market for medical devices and healthcare services can be expected. However, most of the medical information system was computerized with the introduction of IT technology, and when they exchange and transfer of medical information between institutions, medical information leakage occurs and security risk is growing. In this paper we review and analyse the security of personal health information related to the major legal systems and technical and administrative protection.

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Design of Interworking Technology for Heterogeneous Medical Device Networks in Smart Healthcare Environments (스마트 의료 환경에서 이기종 네트워크 간 연동 기술 설계)

  • Kim, Minjin;Lee, Seunghan;Kim, Jaesoo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2015
  • Smart healthcare environments which merge medical and IT technology are getting ready for the third generation centering EHR from current second generation. As a basic technology for the introduction and activation of EHR systems it requires heterogeneous network interworking techniques between various wired and wireless medical devices. Interworking technology for heterogeneous network among various medical devices is needed to introduce EHR system. The heterogeneous network interworking technology is needed for construction of a reliable data system to convert each of unstructured data into structured data. Therefore, in this paper, we identify the domestic and international trends of smart medical field and analyze the characteristics of wired and wireless communication technology that is used in a heterogeneous network. and also suggest requirements needed for interworking technology and provide interworking technology based on them. we expect that proposed method which is designed for smart healthcare environments would provide a basic architecture needed for third smart medical technology generation.

A Design of Service Improvement Model for Emergency Medical System using Augmented Reality (증강현실을 이용한 응급환자 의료서비스 향상 모델 설계)

  • Jeong, Yoon-Su;Kim, Yong-Tae;Park, Gil-Cheol
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2017
  • In the medical field, augmented reality is being used for surgical and medical education. However, augmented reality technology is not applied to emergency patients. In this paper, we propose a medical service support model that can support rapid medical service to emergency patients through an augmented reality - based IT device. The proposed model has the function of collecting the information necessary for the first aid simply through the IT equipment based on the reality of reality, and also receiving the first aid method appropriate for the emergency situation to the medical staff and supporting the service. In addition, the proposed model hierarchically collects information related to emergency patient information inquiry, emergency patient status and emergency treatment based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The collected information uses a pair of comparison matrices to compensate for the ambiguity between the information. In particular, the collected information is stored in the server of the medical staff, and in addition to the unique information of the collected information, the collected information can be reflected in the medical service of the medical staff.

EMR System and Patient Medical Information Protection (전자의무기록(EMR)의 활용과 환자정보보호)

  • Jeun, Youngl-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.213-224
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the most successful way for the protection of medical information focusing on the electronic medical record(EMR). In this study, every aspect of the EMR is reviewed in terms of the hospital management. In particular, definitions, major functions, strengths and weaknesses of the EMR are considered. This study also examines the general development of the EMR as well as the current situation of applying the EMR. Important issues such as the protection of patient Medical information, informed consent, and the customer-oriented hospital information system are discussed and interpreted in light of the introduction of the EMR into the area of the hospital management. Finally, in this paper Protection of medical information by major Issues on Patient medical information.

A Design for Medical Information System of Emergency Situation Prediction using Body Signal (생체신호를 이용한 응급상황 예측 의료정보 시스템의 설계)

  • Park, Sun;Kim, Chul Won
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we proposes a emergency medical information system for predicting emergency situation by using the body's vital signs. Main research of existing emergency system has focused on body sensor networks. The problem of these studies have a delay of the emergency first aid since occurring of an emergency situation send a message of emergency situation to user. In the serious situation, patients of these problem can lead to death. To solve this problem, it need to the prediction of emergency situation for doing quickly the First Aid with identify signs of a pre-emergency situations until an emergency occurs. In this paper, the sensor network technology, the security technology, the internet information retrieval techniques, data mining technology, and medical information are studied for the convergence of medical information systems of the prediction of emergency situations.

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A Survey on VR-Based Annotation of Medical Images

  • Mika Anttonen;Dongwann Kang
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.418-431
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    • 2024
  • The usage of virtual reality (VR) in healthcare field has been gaining attention lately. The main use cases revolve around medical imaging and clinical skill training. Healthcare professionals have found great benefits in these cases when done in VR. While medical imaging on the desktop has lots of available software with various tools, VR versions are mostly stripped-down with only basic tools. One of the many tool groups significantly missing is annotation. In this paper, we survey the current situation of medical imaging software both on the desktop and in the VR environment. We will discuss general information on medical imaging and provide examples of both desktop and VR applications. We will also discuss the current status of annotation in VR, the problems that need to be overcome and possible solutions for them. The findings of this paper should help developers of future medical image annotation tools in choosing which problem they want to tackle and possible methods. The findings will be used to help in our future work of developing annotation tools.

Medical Image Watermarking Based on Visual Secret Sharing and Cellular Automata Transform for Copyright Protection

  • Fan, Tzuo-Yau;Chao, Her-Chang;Chieu, Bin-Chang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.6177-6200
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    • 2018
  • In order to achieve the goal of protecting medical images, some existing watermark techniques for medical image protection mainly focus on improving the invisibility and robustness properties of the method, in order to prevent unnecessary medical disputes. This paper proposes a novel copyright method for medical image protection based on visual secret sharing (VSS) and cellular automata transform (CAT). This method uses the protected medical image feature as well as VSS and a watermark to produce the ownership share image (OSI). The OSI is used for medical image verification and must be registered to a certified authority. In the watermark extraction process, the suspected medical image is used to generate a master share image (MSI). The watermark can be extracted by combining the MSI and the OSI. Different from other traditional methods, the proposed method does not need to modify the medical image in order to protect the copyright of the image. Moreover, the registered OSI used to verify the ownership and its appearance display meaningful information, facilitating image management. Finally, the results of the final experiment can prove the effectiveness of our method.

3D Printing Application Cases for Medical Service (의료 서비스를 위한 3D 프린팅 기술 적용 사례)

  • Woo, Sung-hee;Kwak, Ji-yeon;Hong, Sung-won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.988-991
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    • 2015
  • 3D printing technology is instrument that can create real objects in three-dimensional space, as printed on paper, if the three-dimensional designs are made. 3D printing technology has been recently used in various field of medicine, and also biomedical application of three dimensional printing technology remains one of the most important research topics until now. 3D printing technology is causing a revolutionary change in the overall automotive manufacturing, aerospace, marine, medical and so on. The medical industry applications of current 3D printer are a virtual simulation, custom medical implants manufactured, practice of medical personnel. In this study, we analyzed 3D printing technology and application cases for medical services.

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