• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical Information Technology

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Analysis of major indicators of departments of emergency medical technology in college through the university information disclosure system (대학정보공시를 통한 3년제 응급구조과의 주요 지표 분석)

  • Lee, Jung Eun;Koh, Bong-Yeun;Hong, Sung-Gi
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study looked into the reality of the emergency medical technology department by analyzing the major indicators of university information disclosure systems and finding the competitiveness of the department of emergency medical technology by reviewing various evaluation indices. Methods: This study is a survey of 24 colleges with emergency medical technology and emergency medical technology departments across the country. Quantitative index data from 2017 to 2019 were collected and analyzed through the university information disclosure center web site. Results: Departments of emergency medical technology are generally higher than the target colleges in quantitative indicators, but the indices are somewhat insufficient in terms of "rate of faculty in full service" and "research performance of per one faculty in full service." Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, we recommend increasing the low indicators to enhance the competitiveness of the departments of emergency medical technology.

Prevention and Early Detection of Occupational Cancers - a View of Information Technology Solutions

  • Davoodi, Somayeh;Safdari, Reza;Ghazisaeidi, Marjan;Mohammadzadeh, Zeinab;Azadmanjir, Zahra
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.14
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    • pp.5607-5611
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    • 2015
  • Thousands of people die each year from cancer due to occupational causes. To reduce cancer in workers, preventive strategies should be used in the high-risk workplace. The effective prevention of occupational cancer requires knowledge of carcinogen agents. Like other areas of healthcare industry, occupational health has been affected by information technology solutions to improve prevention, early detection, treatment and finally the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the healthcare system. Information technology solutions are thus an important issue in the healthcare field. Information about occupational cancer in information systems is important for policy makers, managers, physicians, patients and researchers; because examples that include high quality data about occupational cancer patients and occupational cancer causes are able to determine the worker groups which require special attention. As a result exposed workers who are vulnerable can undergo screening and be considered for preventive interventions.

Issues on the Patient's Information Protection (환자 의료정보 보호의 문제)

  • Jeong, Bu-Gyun
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.339-382
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    • 2008
  • Medical information is one of significant private information that includes in-dividual's own diverse information. Once opened, it exposes one's health condition and medical history to a third party, which could bring about serious troubles. On this account, the third parties are of much concerns about the information. If medical information collected through various routes is used with another purpose, oilier than the initial intention, it might cause serious results beyond one's control. Thus, it is essential to keep the information confidential. Also, the discrimination based on the medical information ought to be banned because it is likely to happen that exposed information socially stigmatizes a person, being discriminated in a work place or a school when he/she is employed or gets an insurance. In the current system, only medical institutions are responsible for protecting or securing medical records. Despite the information technology development and the increased interests in medical information, there are quite a few limitations in legal, technical, and administrative aspects. All kinds of organizations, involved in collecting and using the information, as well as medical institutions primarily producing and managing it should share the responsibilities.

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A Study on the Establishment of Integrated Health Information Service Model of Public Libraries

  • Noh, Younghee;Baek, Min-Kyung;Ro, Ji-Yoon
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2022
  • Currently, it is not easy for most domestic public libraries to collect and provide reliable health information services on their own. Health information is distributed or professional, making it inconvenient for users to use. Based on the implications derived from the case study, the Library Health Information Integration Service Model was proposed as a specialized information service. The model consists of a composition shared by librarians, health and medical experts, and users, focusing on library websites that provide integrated health information integration services, and has the following features. First, it provides health and medical information on a specialized subject. Second, it provides integrated health and medical information services provided in various ways. Third, librarians and health and medical experts work together to provide information services. Fourth, users can freely use health information integration services online and offline. The model presented in this study means that libraries can play a leading role in health information integration services to increase the utilization rate of public libraries and further contribute to librarians serving as experts in health information services.

A Study of Framework of System for Medical Information Searching (의료정보 검색을 위한 시스템의 프레임 워크에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sung Ho;Kim, Young Seop
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.113-116
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    • 2014
  • This paper has been forged to suggest 'Medical Information Searching System'. This system sets itself to conduct searching of medical information stored in a wide variety of medical institutions. This system aims to suggest a flexible, compatible and effective standard on medical information searching through this. So, In this paper, we present a framework to help medical institutions search the requiring medical information in conjunction with analysis on 'medical information request'.

Factors Influencing the Use Diffusion of Cosmetic Medical Information Mobile Platform: Based on Technology Acceptance Model (미용성형의료정보 모바일 플랫폼의 사용확산에 영향을 미치는 요인: 기술수용모델을 기반으로)

  • Youyoung Park;Jeman Boo
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.279-300
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    • 2020
  • The cosmetic medical information mobile platform is evolving into a new channel for searching and obtaining relevant information before using cosmetic medical service. In addition, the medical institutions can facilitate the medical contracts, and take advantage of systemic customer management through the cosmetic medical information mobile platform. Therefore, the paradigm of the cosmetic medical mobile service industry is facing a flow of change through the use diffusion of cosmetic medical information mobile platform. In this study, in order to explore the factors affecting the use diffusion of the cosmetic medical information mobile platform, this study used the research model of the influence of the characteristics of the cosmetic medical information mobile platform on perceived convenience and usefulness, and use diffusion by applying TAM(Technology Acceptance Model). As a result, immediateness, interactivity, and customization in the characteristics of cosmetic medical information mobile platform had positive effects on the perceived convenience. Also, interactivity, customization, and economics had positive impacts on perceived usefulness. In addition, perceived convenience and usefulness had positive effects on the use diffusion. Through this study, the factors influencing the use diffusion of cosmetic medical information mobile platform were actually explored, and the service value of the cosmetic medical information mobile platform were categorized. Future research is expected to contribute to the continuous improvement of quality and expansion of the cosmetic medical service market based on various research.

A Trusted Sharing Model for Patient Records based on Permissioned Blockchain

  • Kim, Kyoung-jin;Hong, Seng-phil
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2017
  • As there has been growing interests in PHR-based personalized health management project, various institutions recently explore safe methods of recording personal medical and health information. In particular, innovative medical solution can be realized when medical researchers and medical service institutes can generally get access to patient data. As EMR data is extremely sensitive, there has been no progress in clinical information exchange. Moreover, patients cannot get access to their own health data and exchange it with researchers or service institutions. It can be operated in terms of technology, yet policy environment are affected by state laws as well as Privacy and Security Policy. Blockchain technology-independent, in transaction, and under test-is introduced in the medical industry in order to settle these problems. In other words, medical organizations can grant preliminary approval on patient information exchange by using the safely encrypted and distributed Blockchain ledger and can be managed independently and completely by individuals. More apparently, medical researchers can gain access to information, thereby contributing to the scientific advance in rare diseases or minor groups in the world. In this paper, we focused on how to manage personal medical information and its protective use and proposes medical treatment exchange system for patients based on a permissioned Blockchain network for the safe PHR operation. Trusted Model for Sharing Medical Data (TMSMD), that is proposed model, is based on exchanging information as patients rely on hospitals as well as among hospitals. And introduce medical treatment exchange system for patients based on a permissioned Blockchain network. This system is a model that encrypts and records patients' medical information by using this permissioned Blockchain and further enhances the security due to its restricted counterfeit. This provides service to share medical information uploaded on the permissioned Blockchain to approved users through role-based access control. In addition, this paper presents methods with smart contracts if medical institutions request patient information complying with domestic laws by using the distributed Blockchain ledger and eventually granting preliminary approval for sharing information. This service will provide an independent information transaction and the Blockchain technology under test will be adopted in the medical industry.

Deformable Registration for MRI Medical Image

  • Li, Binglu;Kim, YoungSeop;Lee, Yong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.63-66
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    • 2019
  • Due to the development of medical imaging technology, different imaging technologies provide a large amount of effective information. However, different imaging method caused the limitations of information integrity by using single type of image. Combining different image together so that doctor can obtain the information from medical image comprehensively. Image registration algorithm based on mutual information has become one of the hotspots in the field of image registration with its high registration accuracy and wide applicability. Because the information theory-based registration technology is not dependent on the gray value difference of the image, and it is very suitable for multimodal medical image registration. However, the method based on mutual information has a robustness problem. The essential reason is that the mutual information itself is not have enough information between the pixel pairs, so that the mutual information is unstable during the registration process. A large number of local extreme values are generated, which finally cause mismatch. In order to overcome the shortages of mutual information registration method, this paper proposes a registration method combined with image spatial structure information and mutual information.

Status of Medical Library Resources and Services in Teaching Hospitals in Enugu State, Nigeria: implications for quality health care services

  • Okeke, Oluchi C.;Eze, Samuel Godwin N;Eze, Jacintha U.;Asogwa, George E.
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.21-40
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    • 2017
  • Considering the need for quality health information and resultant health care services in any society, this study was carried out to look into the status of library and information resources and services provided by medical libraries in Enugu State, Nigeria. The main objective of the study was to find out the information resources and services available for medical library users towards quality health care provision. Five (5) medical libraries of major teaching hospitals were used for the study with 980 registered users as the study population from where 245 users were sampled. Observation checklist was used to collect data on resources while questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents on the services provided. The Medical Library Association Standard guided the analysis of data from observation while frequency counts and mean scores were used to analyze data from the questionnaire. Major findings showed that even though some of the required resources and services are available and provided the medical libraries, most of the required resources and services are not adequately provided by these libraries.

A study of plan for traceability of a Korean herb using RFID technology (RFID 기술을 이용한 한약재 이력관리 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chul;Song, Mi-Young
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.12 no.3 s.18
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 2006
  • Nowadays Korean governments use Information Technology to improve the quality of life for a people. One of these tries is building the Food Tracing System based on Information Technology. Koreans have big concern about food that is good for health. The Food Tracing System means that the system can follows, traces, and records every steps of production and delivery of food and its ingredient. And this process should be identified and grouped by using tags, marks, and other methods. For example, producer of ingredient, processing steps of food, delivered place could be traced. In addition to food, medical herbs need consumer's trust in production and delivery. To trace and prosecute contaminated medical herbs, medical herbs also need this kind of Tracing System based on Information Technology. This study shows current medical herbs tracing ways and RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification) technology trend. As preceding study for future RFID based medical herbs tracing system, this study suggests the building plan and scenario of the Medical Herbs Tracing System. The determination of the main body for sticking RFID Tags is very important to design for RFID Traceability System. In this study, the starting point of information to medical herbs is an inspection agency. The Medical Herbs to product domestically or import moved to an inspection agency. An inspection agency bond the RFID Tags to packing of the Medical Herbs after examining the a basic its component. At the same time inspector give the information of production or importation to the Tags. This Tags are moved for logistical process to end point, the Korean medicine agency. The customer confirmed the traceability and certification information of the Medical Herbs. For success tracing of medical herbs, institutional support and close cooperation between related organizations is necessary besides good system design.

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