• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical IT System

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The Development of the Medical Information's Transmission System Using the Bluetooth (블루투스 통신을 이용한 의료정보 전송 시스템의 개발)

  • Hong, Seung-Beom;Jie, Min-Seok
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.787-792
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    • 2009
  • A number of very promising applications such as health monitoring and U-Health of ubiquitous techniques has attracted interest in recent years. Because it can observes the condition of patient from long distance using the equipment which combines with radio communication and medical monitoring system. If it is at emergency situation, it can disposes the condition of the patient. In this paper, we propose the new data format and the transmission communication system of combination medical information with the bluetooth. And we produce the on-board system which transmits the medical information. This system integrated the blood pressure and glucose monitor of personal medical equipment, and the medical information which obtained from on-board system acquires through the gateway with the bluetooth. Medical information is transmitted to the tele-monitor server by the wireline network. We evaluated the proposed system under the laboratory environment and confirmed the excellent performance of transmission of the medical information.

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RNSXI(real-name shooting X-ray of inspector) Settlement Realization applying PACS Database, In Digital Medical environment (PACS Database를 활용한 촬영실명제 정착화 실현)

  • Kang, Ji-Youn;Lee, Lae-Gon;Kang, Doo-Hee;Lee, Hwa-Sun;Hwang, Sun-Gwang
    • Korean Journal of Digital Imaging in Medicine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2007
  • As developing the medical treatment image portion with the change of these times, PACS, which is able to digitalize image portion data, has a lot of data-based image data. Applying this PACS, we would like to settle down RNSXI(real-name shooting X -ray of inspector) system. We interviewed with P ACS's operators of university hospitals which is using PACS in Seoul about the present conditions whether using of RNSXI or not. And we inquired the RNSXI equipments, applying PACS database, and Interface conditions undertook to do in our hospital. All university hospitals in Seoul are set up the P ACS system. But no hospital use the RNSXI. In our hospital, we can check inspector' name or initials who exposure x-ray with the PACS Viewer by looking over equipments(CR, DR, US, MG, MR, CT) and Interface of the DICOM Header data. However, some equipments like RF and Angio can not check inspector' name or initials. Under the Film/System environment, RNSXI system has been used frequently like that inspector's signature or initial added to a patient data. Though the digital medical treatment was developed, RNSXI system was declined. It is necessary to using RNSXI system in order to improving radiologists' rights, even if it is not under the application of the medical treatment image laws. If RNSXI system use, radiologists should specialize in their major and the Repeat rate should be reduced. In environment of PACS, RNSXI system can be used by linking both the equipments and the Interface with a production enterprise of P ACS. Therefore RNSXI system applying the P ACS datebase should settle down in our medical system for being provided lots of data.

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Establishment of Healthcare Delivery System through Improvement of Health Insurance System (건강보험수가제도 개선을 통한 의료전달체계 확립방안)

  • Oh, Youngho
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.248-261
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    • 2019
  • Establishing a healthcare delivery system is key to building a cost-effective healthcare system that can prevent the waste of healthcare resources and increase efficiency. Recently, the rapid increase in the national medical expenditures due to the aging of the population and the increase in chronic diseases has raised the question about the sustainability of the healthcare system including the health insurance system. This is why we need to reform the medical delivery system, including the function setting of medical institutions. Accordingly, gradual and practical efforts based on the recognition of reality are needed for solving the problems and improving the medical delivery system. The first effort is to secure policy measures to establish functions and roles of medical institutions which are the basis of the healthcare delivery system, and a systematic medical use system for appropriate medical use. This approach can be achieved through a reasonable health insurance schemes. Without reasonable reform efforts, it will be difficult for Korea's health care system to develop into a system that can provide cost-effective and high-quality medical services that the people want.

A Study on the Adjustment System and Role of an Expert Witness based on the Medical Dispute Settlement Act. (의료분쟁조정법상 조정제도와 감정의 역할)

  • Kim, Kee hong
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.185-198
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    • 2020
  • In the event of a medical conflict in South Korea, civil lawsuits can be very complicated, time-consuming, and costly. Under the Medical Conflict Conciliation Act, the mediation system has expanded its function to coordinate disputes between individuals and medical institutions in a more efficient manner prior to litigation. Currently, conflict mediation organizations and legal systems are established in each sector, and the Healthcare Dispute Settlement Commission will also play an important role in the public sector. In this study, the characteristics of the evaluation system of the Korea Institute of Medical Conflict Arbitration are examined; and, by looking at the case of medical examinations, it is proposed to show the mediation system and the manner and role of the examinations. Medical expertise is a very important area of the qualitative standards and expertise of participants because the participants must play a role in medical consultation and appraisal in connection with medical experts.

The Criteria of Medical Malpractice of Medical Doctors and Oriental Medical Doctors in Korea (이원적 의료체계에서 의사와 한의사의 과실판단)

  • Lee, Baek-Hyu
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.123-158
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    • 2011
  • The Korea health care system has been divided into Western and Oriental (Korea traditional) medicine since 1951. In accordance with dualistic medical system, there are many conflict cases between medical doctors and oriental medical doctors. Meanwhile, there were much discussions about the meaning and criteria of medical malpractice(negligence). Especially, many cases have been built up about the criteria of medical malpractice through lawsuits. But, comparatively, there's few the medical malpractice case of the oriental medical doctors. According to a recent ruling of the Supreme Court, the legal principles of medical doctor's malpractice case are equally applied to the criteria of the oriental medical doctor's malpractice case. But there are much considerations in addition to these principles for the dualistic medical system and academic distinctiveness. This study is intended to review the dualistic medical system, the criterion of medical malpractice, and analysis this issues. To make long story short, under our dualistic medical system, judging the medical and oriental malpractice should be considered relatively. However, it makes sense that we want medical doctor or oriental medical doctor to demand the reinforced negligence to restrict the unnecessary discretion. If there is lack of evidence-based medicine or the rationality suspected, the health care providers must give enough proof.

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Development of a Mini-OCS System for Voluntary Medical Services in the Challenged Regions

  • Park, Junghun;Oh, Dongik;Shin, Wonhan
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we present our recent effort on the development of a portable OCS system (SCH-mOCS), which provides minimal but essential functionalities of conventional OCS systems. SCH-mOCS is targeted for the environment where Internet connection is not available and fast processing of essential patient information is needed. The main usage could be found at the outdoor environment, such as voluntary medical services at challenged regions. The target of the first usage of the system is in the rural area of Cambodia where medical service and ICT infrastructure is poor. We have been conducting voluntary medical services for 15 years in Cambodia, where the services usually run for 3 days and include outpatient diagnosis/consultation, medication, and simple surgeries. This medical service started in 2002, where about 20 SoonChunHyang University Bucheon Hospital staffs (doctors, nurses, and pharmacists) participated. We realized that a system like SCH-mOCS is needed: we have to consult many patients in a short period, so that a prompt response and prescription to the patients are very important. However, the conventional OCS system is not suitable, because the service is usually conducted outdoor environment where Internet connected computers cannot be installed. Moreover, since the service needs only a subset of the conventional hospital information system and fast system response, application of a full OCS is not practical. The adequate system is a bare minimal OCS system, with very simple and quickly manageable patient admission, consultation, and prescription functionalities. In this paper, we describe hardware as well as the software aspect of a mini-OCS we have developed for the purpose. We named the system SCH-mOCS (SoonChunHyang mini-OCS). We also describe the usage scenario of SCH-mOCS in order to demonstrate that the system is general enough to apply for other similarly challenged regions.

Review of Regulatory Management System on Side Effects for Veterinary Medical Devices in Korea (국내 동물용의료기기 부작용 관리시스템에 대한 고찰)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Mook;Park, Hee-Myung;Lee, Chang-Min;Kang, Min-Hee;Suh, Tae-Young;Kang, Hwan-Goo;Moon, Jin-San
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2018
  • This study reviewed the regulatory safety management system for prevention of side effects of veterinary medical devices in Korea based on data obtained through analyses of those medical devices. In order to ensure the safety of medical devices, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has established the management system include licensing, test inspection (134 designated clinical trial agencies) and post management. In addition, it was introduce the good manufacture practice (GMP) certification system and device tracking requirements. In contrast, it is necessary to establish regulations for side effects report and awareness on veterinary medical devices in Korea. The center for veterinary medicine of FDA in the United States has been operated side effects reporting system of veterinary medical devices from user, manufactures and distributor. Due to increase the use of various kinds of veterinary medical devices for animals, it should be required to improve regulation related to the licensing procedures, GMP system, and the side effects reporting system in our country.

A study on the Laws and Regulations of the Medical and Pharmaceutical System in Korea from the Modern Period to the Early Days of the Republic - Focusing on the Establishment of the Dualistic Medical and Pharmaceutical System - (근대부터 건국 초기까지의 의약체계 법령 고찰 - 이원적 의약체계 정립을 중심으로 -)

  • Eom, Seok-Ki;Kang, Bong-Seok;Kwon, Soon-Jo
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2013
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to analyze the history and characteristics of laws and regulations of the medical and pharmaceutical system in Korea-focusing on the Korean (Oriental) medical and pharmaceutical system-from the modern period to the early days of the Republic. We reviewed how traditional notions and categories of Oriental medicine, which were regarded as experiential and conventional, became part of the current dualistic medical and pharmaceutical system, and examined problems and effects during the course of positioning. Methods : We classified the development of the medical and pharmaceutical laws and regulations chronologically, from the Korean Empire to the beginning of the Republic. The abolishment of the traditional medical system that was based on laws and regulations of the Joseon Dynasty, the implementation of dualistic medical system in the Korean Empire, the attempt to demolish Korean (Oriental) medicine under the Japanese colonial rule, and the process of developing a statute-based continental law system were thoroughly reviewed. Results : Although the dualistic medical system was specified in legislation via the enactment of the National Medical Services Law in 1951, we found that it was actually enacted in 1963, when the laws and systems regarding the educational institution of Korean (Oriental) medicine were stably established. Moreover, the dualistic pharmaceutical system was specified in legislation through the partial amendment of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act in 1994, but we concluded that the actual enactment was rather in 2000, when the first Korean (Oriental) pharmacist was produced. Discussions and conclusions : An effort to establish a dualistic medical system of Korean (Oriental) medicine and Western medicine during the Korean Empire bore fruit a few decades later, after the Republic of Korea was founded. It means the basis for the legal system finally took shape in spite of the numerous attempts during the Japanese colonial era and the beginning of the Republic to abolish Korean (Oriental) medical and pharmaceutical system.

Medical charges and the cold reality of surgeons of Korea (외과 수가와 외과의사의 현실)

  • Jung, Soo-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Medical Association
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    • v.61 no.11
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    • pp.638-642
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    • 2018
  • Surgery is a very hands-on area of medical care, in that surgeons identify problems in patients' bodies and directly change them through operations. Therefore, it is not only necessary for surgeons to have a high level of expertise, but also to take considerable responsibility for the outcomes of each operation. However, surgery, which was once an object of envy, has long been a process to avoid, due to various circumstances, such as abnormal medical expenses in the medical field and social phenomena that avoids difficult work. It is unfortunate that medical professionals do not receive sympathy from others within the same medical field because of the general difficulties of the profession. The fundamental problem in this situation is the abnormal profit structure of the Korean medical system. Efforts by various related organizations will be needed to objectively evaluate the problems of the current medical insurance system and to make reasonable adjustments considering the difficulty, frequency, and resource-intensiveness of medical care.

Implementation of the Smart Emergency Medical System (스마트 응급의료 시스템 구현)

  • Park, Hong-Jin
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.646-654
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the task in which the number of people of the emergency medical technician whom it boards the ambulance is unreasonably insufficient and in which the fire fighter one person gets in the ambulance and which transfers the patient comes into question often. When the emergency patient is generated, it has to transfer to the special hospital in which above anything else, the measure which is quick and exact is needed and where there is the medical device which is suitable for particularly, the patient. This paper implementations the emergency medical system by the smart phone. The implemented system monitors the heart beat of the patient the monitoring among the patient transport with the real-time type. It can grasp the medical history information of the patient, and etc. in the past. And the system provides the emergency hospital which the patient requires and the pre-hospital phase provides the environment in which the disposition which is quick and efficient is possible to the emergency patient.