• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mechanical softening

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A Study on Effect of PWHT in AH36-TMCP Steel (AH36-TMCP강의 용접후열처리 효과에 관한 연구)

  • 유효선;장원상;안병국;정세희
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 1998
  • It is well known that the fine bainitic microstructure obtained by TMCP(thermo-mechanical control process) secures the high toughness of base metal. Besides, TMCP steel is very suitable for high heat input in welding as it has low carbon equivalent. In HAZ, however, the accelerated cooling effect imparted on the matrix by the weld thermal cycles is relieved and thus the weldment of TMCP steel has softening zone which shows low fracture toughness compared with base metal. Therefore, PHWT of weldment is carried out to improve the fracture toughness in weldment of TMCP steel which has softening zone. In this study, the effects of PWHT on the weldment of AH36-TMCP steel are investigated by the small punch (SP) test. From the several results such as SP energy and displacement at room temperature, the behavior of transition curves, the fracture strength at -196$^{\circ}C$, distribution of (DBTT)sp and (DBTT)sp, the PWHT condition of A.C. after 85$0^{\circ}C$-1 sec W.C. was suitable condition for recovering a softening zone of HAZ as welded.

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Low cycle fatigue behaviour of TMCP steel in as-received and welded states (TMCP 고장력강재와 그 용접부의 저사이클피로특성에 관한 연구)

  • 김영식;한명수
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.46-57
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    • 1990
  • TMCP steel manufactured by controlled rolling followed by accelerated cooling process is known to have extra-ordinary mechanical properties such as tensile strength and toughness. However, there is much uncertainty about the fatigue fracture characteristics, especially, in the welded state of this steel. In case of this steel, the softening zone by welding is generated in heat affected zone in contrast with the case of conventional normalized high strength steel. This softening zone is considered to play significant roles in low cycle fatigue fracture of the welded part of this steel. In this paper, the low cycle fatigue behaviors of TMCP steel were inspected in as-received and welded state using the smooth specimen. The fatigue life-time was seperately investigated on the basis of failure of the specimen and crack initiation which is detected by differential strain method. Moreover, the low cycle fatigue characteristics of TMCP steel were quantitatively compared with those of the conventional normalized steel of same strength level.

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A Study on Tensile Properties and HAZ Softening Depending on the Amount of Heat Input in MIG Welding of Al6082-T6 (Al6082-T6의 MIG용접부에서 입열량에 따른 열영향부의 연화와 인장특성에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Sang-Yeob;Park, Kyung-Do;Kim, Won-Il;Cho, Sang-Myung
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2011
  • Al6082-T6 is widely used because of its corrosion resistance and excellent strength. HAZ softening occurs in MIG welding process for this aluminium alloys because this aluminium alloy is heated to higher temperature than its aging temperature during welding. Therefore, low heat input and minimum standard deviation of heat input are required for narrow HAZ width and, for higher strength of welds. In this study, Al6082-T6 was used to examine for HAZ softening with various heat input in aluminium MIG welding. For weldments, micro hardness was measured and tensile test was carried out. Minimum hardness was increased at high speed welding such as 80cm/min and 120cm/min in welding speed comparing with 40cm/min. Also, in case of high speed welding such as 80cm/min and 120cm/min, tensile strength of weldments was increased about 10% comparing with low speed welding(40cm/min).

Determination of Strain Energy Function of Rubber Materials Considering Stress Softening Behavior (응력연화거동을 고려한 고무 재료의 변형률 에너지 함수 결정)

  • Kim, W.S.;Hong, S.I.
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 2007
  • When the rubber vulcanizates reinforced with carbon black or silica are subjected to cyclic loading from its virgin state, the stress required on reloading is less than that on the initial loading. This stress softening phenomenon is referred to as the Mullins effect. The strain energy function of rubber vulcanizates was investigated using theory of pseudo-elasticity incorporated damage parameter that Ogden and Roxburgh have proposed to describe the damage-induced stress softening effect in rubber-like solids. The quasi-static cyclic loading test was performed using the NR-SBR vulcanizates reinforced with carbon black, and then the effect of a damage parameter to stress-strain curve in reloading and subsequent reloading paths was studied. The strain energy function of the rubber vulcanizates with a different filler content was also evaluated.

Experimental and Analytical Researches on Mechanical Properties Related to Formability of AZ31B Alloy Sheet (AZ31B 합금판재 성형관련 기초물성 실험 및 해석 연구)

  • Kim, S.H.;Park, K.D.;Jang, J.H.;Kim, K.T.;Lee, H.W.;Lee, G.A.;Kim, K.P.;Lee, Y.S.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.466-472
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, tension tests and formability tests are performed to construct a database related to mechanical properties and the formability of the AZ31B Mg alloy sheet. A forming test with a hemi-spherical punch is conducted at varying temperatures to establish a forming limit diagram. In order to verify the applicability of the analysis using the conventional flow hardening model, a finite element analysis is performed on the hemi-spherical punch forming process and the results are compared with experimental ones. The study investigates problems involving a computational analysis that does not consider flow softening of the magnesium alloy at elevated temperatures.

FEM Analysis of Blanking of Mild Steel Sheet at Various Punch Speeds (연강 판재의 속도에 따른 블랭킹의 유한요소해석)

  • Song, Shin-Hyung;Choi, Woo Chun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.458-461
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    • 2016
  • In this study, a finite element analysis for high-speed blanking of mild steel is performed. A thermomechanically coupled simulation model of a blanking process was developed using ABAQUS/Explicit. Through a simulation of the high-speed blanking process of mild steel, the influence of the punch speed, tool edge radius, and work material thickness on the development of the plastic heat and punch load were studied. The results of the study revealed that a higher punch speed caused thermal softening of the work material and decreased the punch load. Decreasing tool edge radius could help reduce the punch load. In addition, the results of the study revealed that the thermal softening effect was more dominant in the blanking of a mild steel sheet with a greater thickness as compared to that in the blanking of a mild steel sheet with a lower thickness.

Experimental and Analytical Researches on Mechanical Properties Related to Formability of AZ31B Alloy Sheet (AZ31B 합금판재 성형관련 기초물성 시험 및 해석 연구)

  • Kim, S.H.;Park, K.D.;Jang, J.H.;Kim, K.T.;Lee, H.W.;Lee, G.A.;Choi, S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.366-369
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, tension tests and formability tests are performed to construct a database related to mechanical properties and the formability of the AZ31B Mg alloy sheet. A forming test with a hemi-spherical punch is conducted at varying temperatures to establish a forming limit diagram. In order to verify the applicability of the analysis using the conventional flow hardening model, a finite element analysis is performed on the hemi-spherical punch forming process and the results are compared with experimental ones. The study investigates problems involving a computational analysis that does not consider flow softening of the magnesium alloy at elevated temperatures.

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An improved radius-incremental-approach of stress and displacement for strain-softening surrounding rock considering hydraulic-mechanical coupling

  • Zou, Jin-Feng;Wei, Xing-Xing
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2018
  • This study focused on the mechanical and hydraulic characteristics of underwater tunnels based on Mohr-Coulomb (M-C), Hoek-Brown (H-B) and generalized H-B failure criteria. An improved approach for calculating stress, displacement and plastic radius of the circular tunnel considering hydraulic-mechanical coupling was developed. The innovation of this study was that the radius-incremental-approach was reconstructed (i.e., the whole plastic zone is divided into a finite number of concentric annuli by radius), stress and displacement of each annulus were determined in terms of numerical method and Terzaghi's effective stress principle. The validation of the proposed approach was conducted by comparing with the results in Brown and Bray (1982) and Park and Kim (2006). In addition, the Rp-pin curve (plastic radius-internal supporting pressure curve) was obtained using the numerical iterative method, and the plastic radius of the deep-buried tunnel could be obtained by interpolation method in terms of the known value of internal supporting pressure pin. Combining with the theories in Carranza and Fairhurst (2000), the improved technique for assessing the reliability of the tunnel support was proposed.

Thermal-mechanical Fatigue Life Prediction of 12Cr Forged Steel Using Strain Range Partitioning method (변형률분할법에 의한 12Cr 단조강의 열피로 수명예측)

  • 하정수;옹장우;고승기
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1192-1202
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    • 1994
  • Fatigue behavior and life prediction were presented for thermal-mechanical and isothermal low cycle fatigue of 12Cr forged steel used for high temperature applications. In-phase and out-of-phase thermal-mechanical fatigue test at 350 to 600.deg. C and isothermal low cycle fatigue test at 600.deg. C were conducted using smooth cylindrical hollow specimen under strain-control with total strain ranges from 0.006 to 0.015. Cyclic softening behavior was observed regardless of thermal-mechanical and isothermal fatigue tests. The phase difference between temperature and strain in thermal-mechanical fatigue resulted in significantly shorter fatigue life for out-of-phase than for in-phase. The difference in fatigue lives was dependent upon the magnitudes of inelastic strain ranges and mean stresses. Increase in inelastic strain range showed a tendency of intergranular cracking and decrease in fatigue life, especially for out-of-phase thermal-mechanical fatigue. Thermal-mechanical fatigue life prediction was made by partitioning the strain ranges of the hysteresis loops and the results of isothermal low cycle fatigue tests which were performed under the combination of slow and fast strain rates. Predicted fatigue lives for out-of-phase using the strain range partitioning method showed an excellent agreement with the actual out-of-phase thermal-mechanical fatigue lives within a factor of 1.5. Conventional strain range partitioning method exhibited a poor accuracy in the prediction of in-phase thermal-mechanical fatigue lives, which was quite improved conservatively by a proposed strain range partitioning method.

A study on the weldability of 1500MPa grade hot stamping steels in the GMAW (1500MPa급 Hot stamping 강재의 GMAW 용접성에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, J.;Kim, J.S.;Kim, C.H.;Lee, B.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.64-64
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    • 2009
  • The use of ultra high strength steels (UTSS) is a natural result with increasing the demands for the lightweight materials and developing an innovative steel technology. Recently it has been used a 1500MPa grade hot stamping steel as automobile bodies, reinforcement parts, and seat frame parts in the automotive industry. It is a quenchenable steel manufactured by hot stamping process. It is well known that UTSS welding has softening in the heat affected zone(HAZ). Because welding is a sort of process applying heat, it should change the heat treated features and degrade the strength. This study was performed to investigate the influence of the heat input on the softening of the HAZ in the GMAW process. Each experiment was compared with that in the conditions having a different current and voltage at a same heat input. In order to analysis characteristics of the HAZ, optical microscope was used to observe microstructure and vickers hardness tests were carried out across the welds. Applying low heat input means a fast cooling rate. It leads to high hardness in the HAZ. It is found that characteristics of the HAZ are determined by microstructure obtained by different cooling rate.

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