• Title/Summary/Keyword: Measurement during tunnel construction

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Displacement Behavior Analysis of Subway Tunnel Structure by Construction Step of Adjacent Excavation (인접굴착공사 시공단계별 지하철 터널구조물의 변위거동분석)

  • Jung-Youl Choi;Chang-Kyu Lee;Jee-Seung Chung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.751-758
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, an automatic measurement system is being introduced in the vicinity of subway tunnel structures to manage the safety of subway tunnel structures in real time during construction. However, the current monitoring results of the automatic measurement system are evaluated by comparing the maximum value among the results measured within a certain period with the safety management standard. In addition, the utilization of the measurement results is very low, and research on reliable standards and evaluation methods is insufficient. In this study, the construction step that affects the behavior was analyzed using the results of long-term tunnel structure displacement behavior monitoring during adjacent excavation. In the field measurement, displacement behavior monitoring data according to the construction for a total of 24 months after installing an tunnel convergence meter(TL) in the subway tunnel structure were collected. In addition, vertical displacement data that can directly affect the damage to the subway tunnel structure were collected. In this study, the process that affects the subway tunnel structure during adjacent excavation was identified using long-term measured data, and the vulnerable parts and safety were evaluated.

A Case Study on Construction of Tunnel at Limestone Cavity Site (석회암공동 분포지역에서의 터널 시공사례)

  • Kim, Si-Kyeok;Kang, In-Seop;Kim, Yong-Ha;Yoon, Il-Byung;Moon, Hoon-Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2006.10a
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2006
  • As construction for road tunnel is increasing, various geotechnical conditions can be faced during the construction stage. Especially, if the tunnel is located in limestone area, many kinds of site investigations such as in-situ boring, electrical resistance survey, TSP(Tunnel Seismic Prediction) and etc., are conducted before and during the construction. By conducting these preliminary tests, location, size, and filling materials in limestone cavities can be approximately estimated. Once some cavities which can be harmful for tunnel safety are predicted, methods for ground reinforcement and tunnel excavation, corresponding those ground conditions, have to be established and verified by measurement data and numerical analysis. If necessary, invert lining should be also considered. In this paper, by studying some cases of tunnels constructed in limestone area, predicted problems during construction and rational countermeasures for those are presented.

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  • Kim, In-Kuin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1990.10a
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 1990
  • For the construction of twin single track subway tunnels by NATM within close proximity of existing vehicle underpass in the highly congested area of downtown Seoul, finite element analyses were performed to evaluate the ground responses during tunnelling and also the stability and safety of the underpass structure and subway tunnels. Results of the analyses indicated the need to improve the soil beneath the underpass, and pre-grouting was carried out prior to the tunnel excavation. During tunnel construction field measurement program was implemented to confirm the results of anslyses and to control the tunnel construction procedures, thus ensuring stability of the existing structres.

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The Pre-Evaluation of Stability during Tunnel Excavation using Unconfined Compression Strength of Intact Rock or Rock Mass and Crown Settlement Data (터널천단변위와 암석 또는 암반의 일축압축강도를 이용한 시공 중인 터널의 예비 안정성 평가)

  • Park, Young Hwa;Moon, Hong Duk;Ha, Man Bok
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2015
  • PURPOSES : It is difficult to estimate tunnel stability because of lack of timely information during tunnel excavation. Tunnel deformability refers to the capacity of rock to strain under applied loads or unloads during tunnel excavation. This study was conducted to analyze a methods of pre-evaluation of stability during tunnel construction using the critical strain concept, which is applied to the results of tunnel settlement data and unconfined compression strength of intact rock or rock mass at the tunnel construction site. METHODS : Based on the critical strain concept, the pre-evaluation of stability of a tunnel was performed in the Daegu region, at a tunnel through andesite and granite rock. The critical strain concept is a method of predicting tunnel behavior from tunnel crown settlement data using the critical strain chart that is obtained from the relationship between strain and the unconfined compression strength of intact rock in a laboratory. RESULTS : In a pre-evaluation of stability of a tunnel, only actually measured crown settlement data is plotted on the lower position of the critical strain chart, to be compared with the total displacement of crown settlement, including precedent settlement and displacement data from before the settlement measurement. However, both cases show almost the same tunnel behavior. In an evaluation using rock mass instead of intact rock, the data for the rock mass strength is plotted on the lower portion of the critical strain chart, as a way to compare to the data for intact rock strength. CONCLUSIONS : From the results of the pre-evaluation of stability of the tunnel using the critical strain chart, we reaffirmed that it is possible to promptly evaluate the stability of a tunnel under construction. Moreover, this research shows that a safety evaluation using the actual instrumented crown settlement data with the unconfined compression strength of intact rock, rather than with the unconfined compression strength of a rock mass in the tunnel working face, is more conservative.

Major causes of failure and recent measurements of tunnel construction (터널시공 중 붕락발생 원인과 최신 보강기술)

  • Park, Bong-Ki;Hwang, Je-Don;Park, Chi-Myeon;Kim, Sang-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.140-153
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    • 2005
  • During the tunnel construction the major failure mode can be categorized as: tunnel failure just after the tunnel excavation without support, failure after application of shotcrete and finally failure after setting the concrete lining. The failure mode just after the tunnel excavation without support, can be further classified as : bench failure, crown failure, face failure, full face failure, failure due to weak strata and failure due to overburden. Moreover the failure after application of shotcrete is classified as heading face failure, settlement of shotcrete support, local failure of shotcrete lining and invert shotcrete. To find out the major causes of tunnel collapse, the investigation was done in case of the second phase of Seoul subway construction. The investigation results depicted that the major causes of tunnel collapse were due to the weak layer of rock/fault and sudden influx of ground water from the tunnel crown. While the investigation results of the mountain road tunnels construction have shown that the major causes of tunnel failure were inadequate analysis of tunnel face mapping results, intersection of faults and limestone cavities. In this paper some recent measurement in order to mitigate such tunnel collapse are presented

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A Study on Behavior of 2-Arch Tunnel by Numerical Approach (수치해석적 접근을 통한 2Arch 터널의 거동양상 고찰)

  • 김상균;박동욱
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2003.03a
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2003
  • The behaviour of ground induced by tunneling of 2arch tunnels may differ from the one caused by usual type tunnels. This paper describe the behaviour created by the size of pilot tunnel and the condition on the construction method of center piller Also, loads acting on the supports of the first tunnel and the center pillar during the excavation of second tunnel is investigated by numerical analyses. The results of numerical analyses are compared to the data records of measurement results, i.e. force on the support system and ground displacement.

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Consideration of stress and load state changes using measurement results of a shield tunnel in operation (운용 중 쉴드터널 계측결과를 이용한 응력 및 하중상태 변화추이 고찰)

  • Yong Hag Kim;Kook Hwan Cho
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.463-476
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    • 2024
  • The shield TBM method can eliminate environmental hazards such as noise and vibration, and is environmentally friendly and allows safe tunnel construction even in soft ground conditions, but there are many restrictions on its application due to its high construction costs compared to the NATM. Therefore, in order to increase the applicability of the shield TBM method, it is necessary to ensure economic efficiency by reducing construction costs, and it is very important to reduce segment construction costs, which account for the largest proportion of shield TBM tunnel construction costs at about 35 to 40%. As part of this, this paper considers the changes in segment stress during tunnel construction and operation, tunnel external load conditions, etc. through analysis of long-term measurement data of shield TBMs in Japan, which has abundant experience in shield TBM construction, and compares and analyzes the differences between predicted values at the design stage and measured values during operation. Through this, we study improvements to ensure segment economic efficiency at the shield TBM design stage.

Forecasting Final Displacement With Displacement Functions Using Deformation Measurements While Constructing a Tunnel (계측치와 변위함수에 의한 시공 중인 터널의 최종변위 예측)

  • Kim, Chee-Hwan
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.408-420
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    • 2010
  • It is important to forecast the final deformation of a tunnel during construction for evaluating its mechanical stability. In this study, the final deformation of a tunnel is forecasted by fitting tunnel deformations measured while excavating to a displacement function and exterpolating it. The tunnel for the study was built in two stages divided into an upper and a lower part. During the lower part construction of the tunnel, the displacement function forecasts the final incremental displacement well compared to the increment measured after completion of the tunnel. It is because the critical initial displacement occurred on passing the measurement pins can be adequately measured during excavating the lower part, which can not be measured during the upper part excavation of the tunnel.

Failure Mechanism of NATM tunneling using Computational Methods and Geology Investigation (수치해석수법과 지질공학적 분석을 통한 NATM터널의 붕괴메커니즘에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Ho;Kim, Young-Su;Choi, Hea-Jun;Jeong, Yun-Young;Jin, Guang-Ri;Rim, Hong-Rae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.742-753
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    • 2008
  • Currently an increasing number of urban tunnels with small overburden are excavated according to the principle of the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM). Therefore, a possibility of a tunnel collapse during excavation is getting higher in a proportionate manner. This paper will analyze causes the failure mechanism of a shallow NATM tunnel for different geological conditions, ground-water and invert solutions by investigation typical collapse site during tunnel construction. In this paper, this analysis performed two phase, firstly, the field investigation considering displacement measurement, ground-water level, geological characteristic, secondly, the numerical simulation considering the exist of invert construction and the effect of ground-water. It has been found that environmental factors such as state of underground water or construction sequences could influence failure mechanism of a shallow tunnel.

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A Study on the Safety Assessment Technique of a Tunnel Using Critical Stain Concept (한계변형률 개념을 활용한 터널 안정성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Si-Hyun;Shin, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2007
  • An assesment technique for the quantitative evaluation of tunnel safety during tunnel excavation was newly proposed in this study using displacement measurements. First of all, field measurement guidelines used at tunnel construction sites in Korea and other countries were investigated. It was found out that the criteria of the guidelines were not clear and varied depending on the construction sites. The practical use of field measurement data for the evaluation of tunnel safety was very limited due to uncertainties of the guidelines related to the interpretation of measured data during the excavation. Critical strain concept is introduced in this study for the assesment of tunnel safety during the tunnel excavation. Moreover, the characteristics of tunnel displacements caused by the tunnel excavation were investigated in detail in order to investigate the practical application of the critical strain concept. The total tunnel displacements can be subdivided into three parts: displacements occurring ahead of tunnel face, displacements occurring prior to measurements, and displacements occurring after the installation of instruments. The characteristic of each portion of displacements is analysed in this study. Finally, a general method on the use of the displacement measurement data for the critical strain concept was suggested in the concrete manner, considering the field measurement practice in Korea.