• Title/Summary/Keyword: Matlab/Simulink Model

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Design of Fuzzy Logic Tuned PID Controller for Electric Vehicle based on IPMSM Using Flux-weakening

  • Rohan, Ali;Asghar, Furqan;Kim, Sung Ho
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.451-459
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    • 2018
  • This work presents an approach for modeling of electric vehicle considering the vehicle dynamics, drive train, rotational wheel and load dynamics. The system is composed of IPMSM (Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) coupled with the wheels through a drive train. Generally, IPMSM is controlled by ordinary PID controllers. Performance of the ordinary PID controller is not satisfactory owing to the difficulties of optimal gain selections. To overcome this problem, a new type of fuzzy logic gain tuner for PID controllers of IPMSM is required. Therefore, in this paper fuzzy logic based gain tuning method for PID controller is proposed and compared with some previous control techniques for the better performance of electric vehicle with an optimal balance of acceleration, speed, travelling range, improved controller quality and response. The model was developed in MATLAB/Simulink, simulations were carried out and results were observed. The simulation results have proved that the proposed control system works well to remove the transient oscillations and assure better system response in all conditions.

Driving Performance Analysis of a Rear In-wheel Motor Vehicle with Simultaneous Control of Driving Torque and Semi-active Suspension System (후륜 인휠 모터 전기자동차의 구동 및 반능동 현가시스템 동시 제어를 통한 주행 성능 분석)

  • Shin, Sulgi;Choi, Gyoojae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the in-wheel motor vehicle is rapidly developed to solve energy exhaustion and environmental problems. Especially, it has the advantage of independently driving the torque control of each wheel in the vehicle. However, due to the weight increase of wheel, the comfort of vehicle riding and performance of road holding become worse. In this paper, to compensate the poor performance, a simultaneous control of the driving torque and semi-active suspension system is investigated. A vehicle model is generated using CarSim Software and validated by field tests. Co-simulation of CarSim and MATLAB/Simulink with control logics is carried out, and it is found that simultaneous control of the driving torque and semi-active suspension system can improve driving stability and durability of the in-wheel motor system.

Development of Lane Change System considering Acceleration for Collision Avoidance (충돌회피를 위한 가속도를 고려한 차선 변경 시스템 개발)

  • Kang, Hyunkoo;Lee, Donghwi;Huh, Kunsoo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents the lane change system for collision avoidance. The proposed algorithm for the collision avoidance consists of path generation and path following. Using a calculated TTC (Time to Collision), partial braking is operated and collision avoidance path is generated considering relative distance, velocity and acceleration. Based on the collision avoidance path, desired yaw angle and yaw rate are calculated for the automated path following. The lateral controller is designed by a Lyapunov function approach using 3 D.O.F vehicle model and vehicle parameters. The required steering angle is determined from wheel velocity, longitudinal and lateral velocity in order to follow the desired yaw angle and yaw rate. This system is developed MATLAB/Simulink and its performance is evaluated using the commercial software CarSim.

Development and Validation of an Energy Management System for an Electric Vehicle with a split Battery Storage System

  • Becker, Jan;Schaeper, Christoph;Rothgang, Susanne;Sauer, Dirk Uwe
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.920-929
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    • 2013
  • Within the project 'e performance' supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) an electric vehicle, powered by two lithium-ion battery packs of different capacity and voltage has been developed. The required Energy Management System (EMS) in this system controls the current flows of both packs independently by means of two individual dc-dc converters. It acts as an intermediary between energy storage (battery management systems-BMS) and the drivetrain controller on the vehicle control unit (VCU) as well as the on-board charger. This paper describes the most important tasks of the EMS and its interfaces to the BMS and the VCU. To validate the algorithms before integrating them into the vehicle prototype, a detailed Matlab / Simulink-model was created in the project. Test procedures and results from the simulation as well as experiences and comparisons from the real car are presented at the end.

High-Performance Elevator Traction Using Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive

  • Arafa, Osama Mohamed;Abdallah, Mohamed Elsayed;Aziz, Ghada Ahmed Abdel
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1156-1165
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents a detailed realization of direct torque controlled induction motor drive for elevator applications. The drive is controlled according to the well-known space vector modulated direct control scheme (SVM-DTC). As the elevator drives are usually equipped with speed sensors, flux estimation is carried out using a current model where two stator currents are measured and accurate instantaneous rotor speed measurement is used to overcome the need for measuring stator voltages. Speed profiling for a comfortable elevator ride and other supervisory control activities to provide smooth operation are also explained. The drive performance is examined and controllers' parameters are fine-tuned using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The blocks used for flux and torque estimation and control in the offline simulation are compiled for real-time using dSPACE Microlabox. The performance of the drive has been verified experimentally. The results show good performance under transient and steady state conditions.

Dynamic model and simulation of microturbine generation system for grid-connected operation (마이크로터빈발전시스템 계통연계운전을 위한 동적 모델링 및 시뮬레이션)

  • Hong, Won-Pyo;Cho, Jea-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2009
  • Distributed Generation (DG) is predicted to play a important role in electric power system in the near future. insertion of DG system into existing distribution network has great impact on real-time system operation and planning. It is widely accepted that micro turbine generation (MTG) systems are currently attracting lot of attention to meet customers need in the distributed power generation market In order to investigate the performance of MT generation systems, their efficient modeling is required. This paper presents the modeling and simulation of a MT generation system suitable for grid-connected operation. The system comprises of a permanent magnet synchronous generator driven by a MT. A brief description of the overall system is given, and mathematical models for the MT and permanent magnet synchronous generator are presented. Also, the use of Power electronics in conditioning the power output of the generating system is demonstrated. Simulation studies with MATLAB/Simulink have been carried out in grid-connected operation mode of a DG system. The control strategies for grid connected operation mode of DG system is also presented.

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An Analysis of the Limit Cycle Oscillation in Digital PID Controlled DC-DC Converters

  • Chang, Changyuan;Hong, Chao;Zhao, Xin;Wu, Cheng'en
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.686-694
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    • 2017
  • Due to the wide use of electronic products, digitally controlled DC-DC converters are attracting more and more attention in recent years. However, digital control strategies may introduce undesirable Limit Cycle Oscillation (LCO) due to quantization effects in the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and Digital Pulse Width Modulator (DPWM). This results in decreases in the quality of the output voltage and the efficiency of the system. Meanwhile, even if the resolution of the DPWM is finer than that of the ADC, LCO may still exist due to improper parameters of the digital compensator. In order to discover how LCO is generated, the state space averaging model is applied to derive equilibrium equations of a digital PID controlled DC-DC converter in this paper. Furthermore, the influences of the parameters of the digital PID compensator, and the resolutions of the ADC and DPWM on LCO are studied in detail. The amplitude together with the period of LCO as well as the corresponding PID parameters are obtained. Finally, MATLAB/Simulink simulations and FPGA verifications are carried out and no-LCO conditions are obtained.

Double Line Voltage Synthesis Strategy for Three-to-Five Phase Direct Matrix Converters

  • Wang, Rutian;Zhao, Yanfeng;Mu, Xingjun;Wang, Weiquan
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes a double line voltage synthesis (DLVS) strategy for three-to-five phase direct matrix converters. In the proposed strategy, the input and expected output voltages are divided into 6 segments and 10 segments, respectively. In addition, in order to obtain the maximum voltage transfer ratio (VTR), the input line voltages and "source key" should be selected reasonably according to different combinations of input and output segments. Then, the corresponding duty ratios are calculated to determine the switch sequences in different segment combinations. The output voltages and currents are still sinusoidal and symmetrical with little lower order harmonics under unbalanced or distorted input voltages by using this strategy. In addition, the common mode voltage (CMV) can be suppressed by rearranging some of the switching states. This strategy is analyzed and studied by a simulation model established in MATLAB/Simulink and an experimental platform, which is controlled by a DSP and FPGA. Simulation and experimental results verify the feasibility and validity of the proposed DLVS strategy.

A study of Detecting Fish Robot Position Using The Define Average Color Weight Algorithm (평상 색상 구분 알고리즘을 이용한 물고기 로봇 위치 검출 연구)

  • Angani, Amaranth Varma;Lee, Ju Hyun;Shin, Kyoo Jae
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.1354-1357
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, the designed fish robot is researched and developed for aquarium underwater robot. This paper is a study on how the outside technology merely to find the location of fish robots without specific sensor or internal devices for these fish robot. The model of the fish is designed to detect the position of the optical flow of the Robotic Fish in the Simulink through Matlab. This paper intends to recognize the shape of the tank via a video device such as a camera or camcorder using an image processing technique to identify the location of the robotic fish. Here, we are applied to the image comparing algorithm by using the average color weight algorithm method. In this, position coordinate system is used to find the position coordinates of the fish to identify the position of the Robotic fish. It was verified by the performance test of design robot.

Electric power frequency and nuclear safety - Subsynchronous resonance case study

  • Volkanovski, Andrija;Prosek, Andrej
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.1017-1023
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    • 2019
  • The increase of the alternate current frequency results in increased rotational speed of the electrical motors and connected pumps. The consequence for the reactor coolant pumps is increased flow in primary coolant system. Increase of the current frequency can be initiated by the subsynchronous resonance phenomenon (SSR). This paper analyses the implications of the SSR and consequential increase of the frequency on the nuclear power plant safety. The Simulink $MATLAB^{(R)}$ model of the steam turbine and governor system and RELAP5 computer code of the pressurized water reactor are used in the analysis. The SSR results in fast increase of reactor coolant pumps speed and flow in the primary coolant system. The turbine trip value is reached in short time following SSR. The increase of flow of reactor coolant pumps results in increase of heat removal from reactor core. This results in positive reactivity insertion with reactor power increase of 0.5% before reactor trip is initiated by the turbine trip. The main parameters of the plant did not exceed the values of reactor trip set points. The pressure drop over reactor core is small discarding the possibility of core barrel lift.