• 제목/요약/키워드: Maternal attachment

검색결과 154건 처리시간 0.025초

생식보조시술시 단백질원으로서 인간난포액의 적합성 및 효율성에 관한 연구;II. 인간난포액이 생쥐수정란의 체외발달에 미치는 효과 (Studies on the Suitability and Efficiency of Human Follicular Fluid as Protein Supplement in Assisted Reproductive Technology(ART);II. Effect of Human Follicular Fluid on Development of Mouse Embryos In Vitro)

  • 김동훈;지희준;김지연;구정진;장상식;정길생
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 1996
  • This study was performed to investigate the effect of human follicular fluid (HFF) on development of mouse embryos, for evaluating the suitability of HFF as a substitutive material of human fetal cord serum in ART program. The various concentrations of HFF were added into the culture medium and the effects of HFF concentrations were examined to identify the optimal concentration of HFF for embryo development. The potency of HFF in improving embryo development was compared to that of other protein supplement. Collected HFFs were classified with the maturity of the containing oocytes; mature, immature, atretic, and then the effects of the classified HFFs on embryo development were examined. Also, HFF was separated into the low (<30,000 Da) and high (>30,000 Da) molecular weight fractions and the effects of the fractions on embryo development were investigated. The highest development rate was found in culture medium supplemented with 20% HFF, bnt this rate was reversely reduced at the concentrations of HFF higher than 20%. The development rates to the blastocyst, hatching blastocyst, attachment and outgrowth cultured in mature HFF was significantly higher than those in immature and atretic HFF, and mean cell number in blastocyst was higher in mature HFF than in immature and atretic HFF. The development rates of mouse embryos according to protein sources were significantly higher in HFF than in fetal cord serum (FCS), maternal serum (MS) and bovine serum albumin (BSA), and mean cell number in blastocyst cultured in HFF was higher than that in FCS, MS and BSA. The development rates of embryo and mean cell number in blastocyst cultured in high molecular weight fraction of HFF were higher than those in low molecular weight fraction, but the results of high molecular weight fraction were lower than those of whole HFF. Therefore, these results indicated that human mature follicular fluid was useful for improving the development of mouse embryos, which suggests a possibility that HFF also may be used efficiently for improving the culture condition in human ART program as a protein supplement.

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Presence of Transcription Factor OCT4 Limits Interferon-tau Expression during the Pre-attachment Period in Sheep

  • Kim, Min-Su;Sakurai, Toshihiro;Bai, Hanako;Bai, Rulan;Sato, Daisuke;Nagaoka, Kentaro;Chang, Kyu-Tae;Godkin, James D.;Min, Kwan-Sik;Imakawa, Kazuhiko
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.638-645
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    • 2013
  • Interferon-tau (IFNT) is thought to be the conceptus protein that signals maternal recognition of pregnancy in ruminants. We and others have observed that OCT4 expression persists in the trophectoderm of ruminants; thus, both CDX2 and OCT4 coexist during the early stages of conceptus development. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of CDX2 and OCT4 on IFNT gene transcription when evaluated with other transcription factors. Human choriocarcinoma JEG-3 cells were cotransfected with an ovine IFNT (-654-bp)-luciferase reporter (-654-IFNT-Luc) construct and several transcription factor expression plasmids. Cotransfection of the reporter construct with Cdx2, Ets2 and Jun increased transcription of -654-IFNT-Luc by about 12-fold compared with transfection of the construct alone. When cells were initially transfected with Oct4 (0 h) followed by transfection with Cdx2, Ets2 and/or Jun 24 h later, the expression of -654-IFNT-Luc was reduced to control levels. OCT4 also inhibited the stimulatory activity of CDX2 alone, but not when CDX2 was combined with JUN and/or ETS2. Thus, when combined with the other transcription factors, OCT4 exhibited little inhibitory activity towards CDX2. An inhibitor of the transcriptional coactivator CREB binding protein (CREBBP), 12S E1A, reduced CDX2/ETS2/JUN stimulated -654-IFNT-Luc expression by about 40%, indicating that the formation of an appropriate transcription factor complex is required for maximum expression. In conclusion, the presence of OCT4 may initially minimize IFNT expression; however, as elongation proceeds, the increasing expression of CDX2 and formation of the transcription complex leads to greatly increased IFNT expression, resulting in pregnancy establishment in ruminants.

모자동실군과 모자별실군 질식분만 산모의 피로도 비교 (A Comparative Study on the Level of Postpartum Women's Fatigue between Rooming-in and Non Rooming-in Groups)

  • 송주은
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.241-255
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    • 2001
  • This is a cross-sectional descriptive study which compares the level of postpartum women's physical, phychological, neurosensory fatigue between rooming-in and non rooming-in groups. The data were collected by using self-report questionnaire from April 1 to May 31, 2001. Subjects were 68 mothers who opted the rooming-in choice and 98 mothers who did not choose the rooming-in at one hospital in Seoul, Korea. They all had NSVD. The research questionnaire consisted of 36 items on general chracteristics and 30 items on postpartum fatigue developed by Pugh (1993). The data were analyzed by using the SPSS 10.0 window program. The results of this study were as follow: 1. There was significant statistical difference in general characteristics between rooming-in and non rooming-in groups in prenatal class attendance ($x^2$=3.935, p=0.047), maternal fetal attachment score (t=2.130, p=0.035), husband attendance during the labor and delivery ($x^2$=9.147, p=0.002), breast feeding ($x^2$=12.503, p=0.000), and self feeding time including bottle feeding (t=4.588, p=0.000). 2. There was no significant statistical difference in the level of total fatigue score between two groups (t=0.282, p=0.780). 3. The physical and neurosensory fatigue scores were slightly higher in rooming-in group ($21.63{\pm}4.92$, $18.53{\pm}4.60$) than those ($20.71{\pm}5.78$, $18.23{\pm}5.39$) of non rooming-in group. And the phychological fatigue score was slightly higher in non rooming-in group ($17.67{\pm}4.95$) than that ($17.04{\pm}4.63$) of rooming-in group. However, there was no significant statistical difference in the level of three sub-dimension fatigue between two groups (t=1.068, p=0.287; t=-0.827, p=0.410; t=0.368, p=0.714). 4. Even after controlling characteristics showed significant differences between two groups, there was no significant statistical difference in the level of fatigue between two groups (F=0.135, p=0.714). According to this study, there was no significant statistical difference in the level of postpartum fatigue whether they were rooming-in or not. Based on this result, the common notion of rooming-in mothers will be more fatigue than non rooming-in mothers is proved to be false. However, it is necessary to develop appropriate nursing interventions to meet the need of mothers who decide to rooming-in.

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한국 민담에서 살펴본 여성의 부성 콤플렉스 - <심청전>과 <바리공주> 중심으로 - (Womans' Father Complex in Fairy-Tales - Focused on two Korean Fairy-Tales <Shimchung> und <Barli Princess> -)

  • 李裕瓊
    • 심성연구
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.65-101
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    • 2010
  • 현대 사회에서 부성 콤플렉스의 여성이 증가하는 이유를 크게 두 가지 관점에서 고려할 수 있다. 우선 사회적 요구가 여성으로 하여금 기존의 여성의 입장에서 벗어나 새로운 역할을 강요하고 있다. 이러한 우리 시대의 사회적 요구는 본성을 억압하도록 하는 부성적 특성의 외압으로 작용한다. 따라서 현대의 여성은 저절로 부성상의 지배 하에 놓이게 되는 부성 콤플렉스의 여성이 된다. 또 다른 관점에서 보면 무의식의 보상성에 의하여 부성 콤플렉스의 여성 유형이 증가하고 있다고 볼 수도 있다. 부성상은 언제나 집단의식과 관련되는 심상이다. 집단의식에 문제가 생기고, 이에 대한 해결을 위하여 소위 부성상의 부름을 받은 여성의 경우도 부성 콤플렉스의 여성이 될 것이다. 부성콤플렉스의 여성이 증가하고 있는 현대의 추세는 그만큼 집단 사회의 문제를 폭로하는 것이고, 그에 대한 해결의 욕구가 절실해진 것으로 이해될 수 있다. 부성상의 영향력은 여성에게 긍정적이든 부정적이든 병리적 현상을 야기할 정도로 치명적이다. 그러나 모든 원형상이 그러하듯 그러한 영향력의 이면에는 궁극적으로 도달하고자 하는 목적의미가 숨어 있다. 이를 고려한다면 치명적으로 작용하는 부성상의 요구를 제대로 이해하고, 성공적으로 실현하는 것은, 부성 콤플렉스의 여성 개인에게서는 부성상의 극복이자 동시에 부성상의 치유이고, 궁극적으로는 집단의식이 가진 문제를 해결하게 되는 것이다. 연구를 위하여 부성상의 영향 하에 있는 여성 인물상을 다루는 두 민담을 선택하였다. <심청전>은 긍정적인 부성 콤플렉스의 여성을 위하여, 그리고 <바리공주>는 부정적 부성 콤플렉스의 여성을 위하여 선택되었다. 연구의 진행은 부성상과 관련된 여성 주인공의 민담의 분석심리학적 해석을 통하여 크게 세 가지 국면으로 살펴보려고 하였다. 그 첫 번째는 민담의 해석을 통하여 부성상의 지배 하에 있는 여성이 겪는 전형적인 문제점을 살펴보는 것이다. 특히 부성이 갖는 긍정적 영향력과 부정적 영향력을 여성의 삶과 연결시켜 구체적으로 다룰 것이다. 두 번째는 민담에서 강력한 부성상의 지배로부터 여성 주인공이 어떻게 벗어나는지를 살펴보게 될 것이다. 이는 부성 콤플렉스의 여성 유형이 여성성을 회복하고 전(全)인격적 실현에 이르는 길을 제시하는 내용이 된다. 마지막으로 부성상의 지배 하에 있게 된 여성은 궁극적으로 집단이 가진 문제를 해결하고 치유하도록 부름을 받았다는 관점을 제시할 것이다. 여성 주인공이 성공적으로 부성상에서 벗어나 오히려 부성상의 문제를 해결한다면 이는 집단의 삶에 새로운 면모를 가져다줄 하나의 전형이 될 것이다. 이것이 두민담을 통하여 다루려는 부성 콤플렉스의 진정한 목적의미가 될 것이다.