• Title/Summary/Keyword: Martagon

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A taxonomic note of the genus Lilium section Martagon in Korea (한국산 백합속(Lilium) 내 말나리절의 분류학적 검토)

  • Song, Ji-Hee;Lee, Woong-Bin
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.46-50
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    • 2017
  • The genus Lilium comprises about 100 species and is a major element of the family Liliaceae in temperate region of North Hemisphere. In the light of recent studies on the genus, we tried to examine the taxonomy of three Korean species (L. hansonii, L. tsingtauense, and L. distichum) belonging to section Martagon. The four available chloroplast regions (rbcL, matK, ndhF, and atpB) in Lilium species were selected and analyzed for a maximum likelihood phylogeny. As a results, three Korean species of section Martagon formed a monophyletic group. However, they nested within paraphyletic section Sinomartagon. Further, the discussions on taxonomic affinities of Korean species have made based on comparison between topology of phylogenetic tree and morphology.

Interspecific Pollination of Oriental, Martagon and Trumpet Group as Male Parent in Lilium spp. (Oriental, Martgon 및 Trumpet Group을 화분친으로 사용한 백합의 종간수분)

  • Lee, Ji-Yong;Yoon, Eui-Soo;Lim, Yong-Pyo
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2004
  • This study was undertaken to study the effect of interspecific pollination of L. longiflorum and L. ${\times}$formolongi as the female parent with Oriental, Martagon and Trumpet group as the male parent by cut-style pollination. In the interspecific pollination of L. longiflorum cv. Gelria and Lorina with Oriental group as the male parent, the corresponding fruits obtained immature embryo were 1, 8, and the mean number of embryo per fruit were 11.0, 3.0, respectively. In the interspecific pollination of L. ${\times}$formolongi cv. Raizan, the corresponding fruits obtained immature embryo were 17, and the mean number of embryo per fruit were 4.0. On the other hand, in the interspecific pollination between L. longiflorum and L. ${\times}$formolongi as the female parent and Martagon and Trumpet group as the male parent, the pollination of L. ${\times}$formolongi as the female parent and L. henryi of Trumpet group as the male parent were obtained only 2 fruits, however no embryo.

Production of Interspecific Hybrids Using Lilium Asiatic Hybrid 'Tiny Ghost' as Female Parent (Lilium Asiatic hybrid 'Tiny Ghost'를 모본으로 한 종간잡종 생산)

  • Suh, Dong Hee;Hwang, Yoon Jung;Park, In Sook;Park, Song Kyoung;Chung, Jae-Dong;Lim, Ki Byung
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.118-123
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    • 2008
  • For effective production of interspecific hybrids of Lilium and valuable new cultivars, we used Lilium Asiatic hybrid 'Tiny Ghost' as the female parent, and Oriental group, and Longiflorum group and Martagon as the male parents. Percentage pollen germination in Oriental hybrid 'Sorbonne' was the highest with 64%. As results of using normal style pollination and cut style pollination methods, all seed sets were formed in normal style pollinated treatment, except in 'Aktiva'. Pollen germination percent of Longiflorum hybrid 'Norina' was higher than that 'Gelria'. However, all crossings using 'Norina' failed to set seeds. Corresponding fertilization ratio was different from genetic compatibility, even in the same group. From the crossing using 'Aktiva' as the male parent one bulb was obtained derived from one embryo sac. And using 'Sorbonne' as the male parent, one plantlet was obtained after four ovule cultures. Crossing using 'Gelria' as the male parent five embryos, 15 embryo sacs, and seven ovules per one ovary were obtained. Among them, 18 plantlets germinated, with the germination percent of 66.7%. Crossings using L. hansonii, Martagon group, as the male parent resulted in 40% germination from five ovules.