• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mapping system

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Cascade Composition of Translation Rules for the Ontology Interoperability of Simple RDF Message (단순 RDF 메시지의 온톨로지 상호 운용성을 위한 변환 규칙들의 연쇄 조합)

  • Kim, Jae-Hoon;Park, Seog
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.528-545
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    • 2007
  • Recently ontology has been an attractive technology along with the business strategy of providing a plenty of more intelligent services. The essential problem in application domains using ontology is that all members, agents, and application programs in the domains must share the same ontology concepts. However, a variety of mobile devices, sensing devices, and network components manufactured by various companies, a variety of common carriers, and a variety of contents providers make multiple heterogeneous ontologies more likely to coexist. We can see many past researches fallen into resolving this semantic interoperability. Such methods can be broadly classified into by-mapping, by-merging, and by-translation. In this research, we focus on by-translation among them which uses a translation rule directly made between two heterogeneous ontology data like OntoMorph. However, the manual composition of the direct translation rule is not convenient by itself and if there are N ontologies, the direct method has the rule composition complexity of $O(N^2)$ in the worst case. Therefore, in this paper we introduce the cascade composition of translation rules based on web openness in order to improve the complexity. The research result made us recognize some important factors in an ontology translation system, that is speediness of translation, and conveniency of translation rule composition, and some experiments and comparing analysis with existing methods showed that our cascade method has more conveniency with insuring the speediness and the correctness.

A neural network model for recognizing facial expressions based on perceptual hierarchy of facial feature points (얼굴 특징점의 지각적 위계구조에 기초한 표정인식 신경망 모형)

  • 반세범;정찬섭
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.12 no.1_2
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2001
  • Applying perceptual hierarchy of facial feature points, a neural network model for recognizing facial expressions was designed. Input data were convolution values of 150 facial expression pictures by Gabor-filters of 5 different sizes and 8 different orientations for each of 39 mesh points defined by MPEG-4 SNHC (Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Coding). A set of multiple regression analyses was performed with the rating value of the affective states for each facial expression and the Gabor-filtered values of 39 feature points. The results show that the pleasure-displeasure dimension of affective states is mainly related to the feature points around the mouth and the eyebrows, while a arousal-sleep dimension is closely related to the feature points around eyes. For the filter sizes. the affective states were found to be mostly related to the low spatial frequency. and for the filter orientations. the oblique orientations. An optimized neural network model was designed on the basis of these results by reducing original 1560(39x5x8) input elements to 400(25x2x8) The optimized model could predict human affective rating values. up to the correlation value of 0.886 for the pleasure-displeasure, and 0.631 for the arousal-sleep. Mapping the results of the optimized model to the six basic emotional categories (happy, sad, fear, angry, surprised, disgusted) fit 74% of human responses. Results of this study imply that, using human principles of recognizing facial expressions, a system for recognizing facial expressions can be optimized even with a a relatively little amount of information.

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3D Quantitative Analysis of Cell Nuclei Based on Digital Image Cytometry (디지털 영상 세포 측정법에 기반한 세포핵의 3차원 정량적 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Yun;Choi, Hyun-Ju;Choi, Heung-Kook
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.846-855
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    • 2007
  • Significant feature extraction in cancer cell image analysis is an important process for grading cell carcinoma. In this study, we propose a method for 3D quantitative analysis of cell nuclei based upon digital image cytometry. First, we acquired volumetric renal cell carcinoma data for each grade using confocal laser scanning microscopy and segmented cell nuclei employing color features based upon a supervised teaming scheme. For 3D visualization, we used a contour-based method for surface rendering and a 3D texture mapping method for volume rendering. We then defined and extracted the 3D morphological features of cell nuclei. To evaluate what quantitative features of 3D analysis could contribute to diagnostic information, we analyzed the statistical significance of the extracted 3D features in each grade using an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Finally, we compared the 2D with the 3D features of cell nuclei and analyzed the correlations between them. We found statistically significant correlations between nuclear grade and 3D morphological features. The proposed method has potential for use as fundamental research in developing a new nuclear grading system for accurate diagnosis and prediction of prognosis.

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Fine mapping of rice bacterial leaf blight resistance loci to major Korean races of Xoo (Xanthomonas oryzae)

  • Lee, Myung-Chul;Choi, Yu-Mi;Lee, Sukyeung;Yoon, Hyemyeong;Oh, Sejong
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.73-73
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    • 2018
  • Bacterial leaf blight(BLB), caused by X. oryzae pv. oryzae(Xoo), is one of the most destructive diseases of rice due to its high epidemic potential. Understanding BLB resistance at a genetic level is important to further improve the rice breeding that provides one of the best approaches to control BLB disease. In the present investigation, a collection of 192 accessions was used in the genome-wide association study (GWAS) for BLB resistance loci against four Korean races of Xoo that were represented by the prevailing BLB isolates under Xoo differential system. A total of 192 accessions of rice germplasm were selected on the basis of the bioassay using four isolated races of Xoo such as K1, K2, K3 and K3a. The selected accessions was used to prepare 384-plex genotyping by sequencing (GBS) libraries and Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired- end read was used for GBS sequencing. GWAS was conducted using T ASSEL 5.0. The T ASSEL program uses a mixed linear model (MLM). T he results of the bioassay using a selected set of 192 accessions showed that a large number of accessions (93.75%) were resistant to K1 race, while the least number of accessions (34.37%) resisted K3a race. For races K2 and K3, the resistant germplasm proportion remained between 66.67 to 70.83%. T he genotypic data produced SNP matrix for a total of 293,379 SNPs. After imputation the missing data was removed, which exhibited 34,724 SNPs for association analysis. GWAS results showed strong signals of association at a threshold of [-log10(P-value)] more than5 (K1 and K2) and more than4 (K3 and K3a) for nine of the 39 SNPs, which are plausible candidate loci of resistance genes. T hese SNP loci were positioned on rice chromosome 2, 9, and 11 for K1 and K2 races, whereas on chromosome 4, 6, 11, and 12 for K3 and K3a races. The significant loci detected have also been illustrated, NBS-LRR type disease resistance protein, SNARE domain containing protein, Histone deacetylase 19, NADP-dependent oxidoreductase, and other expressed and unknown proteins. Our results provide a better understanding of the distribution of genetic variation of BLB resistance to Korean pathogen races and breeding of resistant rice.

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Real-Time Forecast of Rainfall Impact on Urban Inundation (강우자료와 연계한 도시 침수지역의 사전 영향예보)

  • KEUM, Ho-Jun;KIM, Hyun-Il;HAN, Kun-Yeun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.76-92
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to establish database of rainfall inundation area by rainfall scenarios and conduct a real time prediction for urban flood mitigation. the data leaded model was developed for the mapping of inundated area with rainfall forecast data provided by korea meteorological agency. for the construction of data leaded model, 1d-2d modeling was applied to Gangnam area, where suffered from severe flooding event including september, 2010. 1d-2d analysis result agree with observed in term of flood depth. flood area and flood occurring report which maintained by NDMS(national disaster management system). The fitness ratio of the NDMS reporting point and 2D flood analysis results was revealed to be 69.5%. Flood forecast chart was created using pre-flooding database. It was analyzed to have 70.3% of fitness in case of flood forecast chart of 70mm, and 72.0% in case of 80mm flood forecast chart. Using the constructed pre-flood area database, it is possible to present flood forecast chart information with rainfall forecast, and it can be used to secure the leading time during flood predictions and warning.

Towards remote sensing of sediment thickness and depth to bedrock in shallow seawater using airborne TEM (항공 TEM 을 이용한 천해지역에서의 퇴적층 두께 및 기반암 심도 원격탐사에 관하여)

  • Vrbancich, Julian;Fullagar, Peter K.
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2007
  • Following a successful bathymetric mapping demonstration in a previous study, the potential of airborne EM for seafloor characterisation has been investigated. The sediment thickness inferred from 1D inversion of helicopter-borne time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) data has been compared with estimates based on marine seismic studies. Generally, the two estimates of sediment thickness, and hence depth to resistive bedrock, were in reasonable agreement when the seawater was ${\sim}20\;m$ deep and the sediment was less than ${\sim}40\;m$ thick. Inversion of noisy synthetic data showed that recovered models closely resemble the true models, even when the starting model is dissimilar to the true model, in keeping with the uniqueness theorem for EM soundings. The standard deviations associated with shallow seawater depths inferred from noisy synthetic data are about ${\pm}5\;%$ of depth, comparable with the errors of approximately ${\pm}1\;m$ arising during inversion of real data. The corresponding uncertainty in depth-to-bedrock estimates, based on synthetic data inversion, is of order of ${\pm}10\;%$. The mean inverted depths of both seawater and sediment inferred from noisy synthetic data are accurate to ${\sim}1\;m$, illustrating the improvement in accuracy resulting from stacking. It is concluded that a carefully calibrated airborne TEM system has potential for surveying sediment thickness and bedrock topography, and for characterising seafloor resistivity in shallow coastal waters.

A Geostatistical Block Simulation Approach for Generating Fine-scale Categorical Thematic Maps from Coarse-scale Fraction Data (저해상도 비율 자료로부터 고해상도 범주형 주제도 생성을 위한 지구통계학적 블록 시뮬레이션)

  • Park, No-Wook;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.525-536
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    • 2011
  • In any applications using various types of spatial data, it is very important to account for the scale differences among available data sets and to change the scale to the target one as well. In this paper, we propose to use a geostatistical downscaling approach based on vaiorgram deconvloution and block simulation to generate fine-scale categorical thematic maps from coarse-scale fraction data. First, an iterative variogram deconvolution method is applied to estimate a point-support variogram model from a block-support variogram model. Then, both a direct sequential simulation based on area-to-point kriging and the estimated point-support variogram are applied to produce alternative fine-scale fraction realizations. Finally, a maximum a posteriori decision rule is applied to generate the fine-scale categorical thematic maps. These analytical steps are illustrated through a case study of land-cover mapping only using the block fraction data of thematic classes without point data. Alternative fine-scale fraction maps by the downscaling method presented in this study reproduce the coarse-scale block fraction values. The final fine-scale land-cover realizations can reflect overall spatial patterns of the reference land-cover map, thus providing reasonable inputs for the impact assessment in change of support problems.

Wired/Wireless LED Lighting Communication Using Reconfigurable Peripheral Unit (재구성형 주변장치유닛을 사용한 유무선 LED 조명 통신)

  • Yoo, Sehoon;Gong, Jungchul;Kim, Kichul
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.407-417
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, a reconfigurable peripheral unit for LED lighting communication is presented. Embedded lighting devices require various communication protocols. Usually, serial communication protocols and lighting control communication protocols such as DALI, DMX512, UART, SPI, IrDA, etc. are used in lighting devices. When the requirements of communication protocols are satisfied with separate IPs, the cost and the power consumption can considerably increase. We propose a reconfigurable communication peripheral unit which uses analysis of signal formats of the protocols. The gate count of the reconfigurable peripheral unit uses only 57% of the gate count of the separate implementation. Also, in this paper, a mapping table based DALI-ZigBee interfacing method for flexible lighting network configurations is proposed. Using this method, various DALI-ZigBee network systems can be easily set up. An LED lighting system platform is implemented to verify the operation of the DALI-ZigBee interfacing method. The reconfigurable peripheral unit and the DALI-ZigBee interfacing method can be efficiently used to implement various wired/wireless lighting communication systems.

Identification of Flooded Areas and Post-flooding Conditions: Developing Flood Damage Mitigation Strategies Using Satellite Radar Imagery (레이더 위성영상을 활용한 침수피해 지역 파악 및 완화방안 연구)

  • Lee, Moungjin;Myeong, Soojeong;Jeon, Seongwoo;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2009
  • This study applied satellite radar imagery to identify flooded areas and examined post-flooding conditions using time-series satellite radar imagery for the development of flood damage mitigation strategies. Using time-series satellite radar images, this study constructed a map delineating areas vulnerable to frequent flood damage. The extracted flooded areas were combined with reference land use maps to examine flood damage by land use type. Major landuse types with severe flood damage were agricultural and forested areas. The analysis of the damage conditions, in terms of land use, served as the basis for developing flood damage mitigation policies, in conjunction with land use planning. The policies for flood damage mitigation can be summarized as land use regulations, land use planning, and flood damage mapping. A preventive measure to minimize flood damage of properties, which regulates developing areas with high flooding potential, is highly recommended. Although this study suggested a number of policies for flood damage mitigation, they represent only a small number of possible policies useful for mitigating flood damage and other environmental problems. Based upon the results of this study, it may be concluded that satellite radar imagery has great potential in providing basic data for large-scale environmental problems such as flooding and oil spills. Nevertheless, further examinations should be conducted and the application of satellite radar imagery should be used to examine other environmental problems.

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Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Ensemble FR and LR models at the Inje Area, Korea (FR과 LR 앙상블 모형을 이용한 산사태 취약성 지도 제작 및 검증)

  • Kim, Jin Soo;Park, So Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2017
  • This research was aimed to analyze landslide susceptibility and compare the prediction accuracy using ensemble frequency ratio (FR) and logistic regression at the Inje area, Korea. The landslide locations were identified with the before and after aerial photographs of landslide occurrence that were randomly selected for training (70%) and validation (30%). The total twelve landslide-related factors were elevation, slope, aspect, distance to drainage, topographic wetness index, stream power index, soil texture, soil sickness, timber age, timber diameter, timber density, and timber type. The spatial relationship between landslide occurrence and landslide-related factors was analyzed using FR and ensemble model. The produced LSI maps were validated and compared using relative operating characteristics (ROC) curve. The prediction accuracy of produced ensemble LSI map was about 2% higher than FR LSI map. The LSI map produced in this research could be used to establish land use planning and mitigate the damages caused by disaster.