• Title/Summary/Keyword: MapWindow

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A Framework for Wide-area Monitoring of Tree-related High Impedance Faults in Medium-voltage Networks

  • Bahador, Nooshin;Matinfar, Hamid Reza;Namdari, Farhad
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • Wide-area monitoring of tree-related high impedance fault (THIF) efficiently contributes to increase reliability of large-scaled network, since the failure to early location of them may results in critical lines tripping and consequently large blackouts. In the first place, this wide-area monitoring of THIF requires managing the placement of sensors across large power grid network according to THIF detection objective. For this purpose, current paper presents a framework in which sensors are distributed according to a predetermined risk map. The proposed risk map determines the possibility of THIF occurrence on every branch in a power network, based on electrical conductivity of trees and their positions to power lines which extracted from spectral data. The obtained possibility value can be considered as a weight coefficient assigned to each branch in sensor placement problem. The next step after sensors deployment is to on-line monitor based on moving data window. In this on-line process, the received data window is evaluated for obtaining a correlation between low frequency and high frequency components of signal. If obtained correlation follows a specified pattern, received signal is considered as a THIF. Thereafter, if several faulted section candidates are found by deployed sensors, the most likely location is chosen from the list of candidates based on predetermined THIF risk map.

Window Configurations Comparison Based on Statistical Edge Detection in Images (영상에서 윈도우 배치에 따른 통계적 에지검출 비교)

  • Lim, Dong-Hoon
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.615-625
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    • 2009
  • In this paper we describe Wilcoxon test and T-test that are well-known in two-sample location problem for detecting edges under different window configurations. The choice of window configurations is an important factor in determining the performance and the expense of edge detectors. Our edge detectors are based on testing the mean values of local neighborhoods obtained under the edge model using an edge-height parameter. We compare three window configurations based on statistical tests in terms of qualitative measures with the edge maps and objective, quantitative measures as well as CPU time for detecting edge.

Image Restoration of Remote Sensing High Resolution Imagery Using Point-Jacobian Iterative MAP Estimation (Point-Jacobian 반복 MAP 추정을 이용한 고해상도 영상복원)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.817-827
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    • 2014
  • In the satellite remote sensing, the operational environment of the satellite sensor causes image degradation during the image acquisition. The degradation results in noise and blurring which badly affect identification and extraction of useful information in image data. This study proposes a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation using Point-Jacobian iteration to restore a degraded image. The proposed method assumes a Gaussian additive noise and Markov random field of spatial continuity. The proposed method employs a neighbor window of spoke type which is composed of 8 line windows at the 8 directions, and a boundary adjacency measure of Mahalanobis square distance between center and neighbor pixels. For the evaluation of the proposed method, a pixel-wise classification was used for simulation data using various patterns similar to the structure exhibited in high resolution imagery and an unsupervised segmentation for the remotely-sensed image data of 1 mspatial resolution observed over the north area of Anyang in Korean peninsula. The experimental results imply that it can improve analytical accuracy in the application of remote sensing high resolution imagery.

Dosimetric Analysis of Respiratory-Gated RapidArc with Varying Gating Window Times (호흡연동 래피드아크 치료 시 빔 조사 구간 설정에 따른 선량 변화 분석)

  • Yoon, Mee Sun;Kim, Yong-Hyeob;Jeong, Jae-Uk;Nam, Taek-Keun;Ahn, Sung-Ja;Chung, Woong-Ki;Song, Ju-Young
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2015
  • The gated RapidArc may produce a dosimetric error due to the stop-and-go motion of heavy gantry which can misalign the gantry restart position and reduce the accuracy of important factors in RapidArc delivery such as MLC movement and gantry speed. In this study, the effect of stop-and-go motion in gated RapidArc was analyzed with varying gating window time, which determines the total number of stop-and-go motions. Total 10 RapidArc plans for treatment of liver cancer were prepared. The RPM gating system and the moving phantom were used to set up the accurate gating window time. Two different delivery quality assurance (DQA) plans were created for each RapidArc plan. One is the portal dosimetry plan and the other is MapCHECK2 plan. The respiratory cycle was set to 4 sec and DQA plans were delivered with three different gating conditions: no gating, 1-sec gating window, and 2-sec gating window. The error between calculated dose and measured dose was evaluated based on the pass rate calculated using the gamma evaluation method with 3%/3 mm criteria. The average pass rates in the portal dosimetry plans were $98.72{\pm}0.82%$, $94.91{\pm}1.64%$, and $98.23{\pm}0.97%$ for no gating, 1-sec gating, and 2-sec gating, respectively. The average pass rates in MapCHECK2 plans were $97.80{\pm}0.91%$, $95.38{\pm}1.31%$, and $97.50{\pm}0.96%$ for no gating, 1-sec gating, and 2-sec gating, respectively. We verified that the dosimetric accuracy of gated RapidArc increases as gating window time increases and efforts should be made to increase gating window time during the RapidArc treatment process.

Depth Extraction From Focused Images Using The Error Interpolation (오류 보정을 이용한 초점 이미지들로부터의 깊이 추출)

  • 김진사;노경완;김충원
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.627-630
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    • 1999
  • For depth extraction from the focus and recovery the shape, determination of criterion function for focus measure and size of the criterion window are very important. However, Texture, illumination, and magnification have an effect on focus measure. For that reason, depth map has a partial high and low peak. In this paper, we propose a depth extraction method from focused images using the error interpolation. This method is modified the error depth into mean value between two normal depth in order to improve the depth map.

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Analysis of Cloud Types and Low-Level Water Vapor Using Infrared Split-Window Data of NOAA/AVHRR (NOAA/AVHRR 적외 SPLIT WINDOW 자료를 이용한 운형과 하층수증기 분석)

  • 이미선;이희훈;서애숙
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.31-45
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    • 1995
  • The values of brightness temperature difference (BTD) between 11um and 12um infrared channels may reflect amounts of low-level water vapor and cloud types due to the different absorptivity for water vapor between two channels. A simple method of classifying cloud types at night was proposed. Two-dimensional histograms of brightness temperature of the 11um channel and the BTD between the split window data over subareas around characteristic clouds such as Cb(cumulonimbus), Ci(cirrus), and Sc(stratocumulus) was constructed. Cb, Ci and Sc can be classified by seleting appropriate thresholds in the two-dimensional histograms. And we can see amounts of low-level water vapor in clear area as well as cloud types in cloudy area in the BTD image. The map of cloud types and low-level water vapor generated by this method was compared with 850hPa and 1000hPa relative humidity(%) of numerical analysis data and nephanalysis chart. The comparisons showed reasonable agreement.

AAW-based Cell Image Segmentation Method (적응적 관심윈도우 기반의 세포영상 분할 기법)

  • Seo, Mi-Suk;Ko, Byoung-Chul;Nam, Jae-Yeal
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.14B no.2
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we present an AAW(Adaptive Attention Window) based cell image segmentation method. For semantic AAW detection we create an initial Attention Window by using a luminance map. Then the initial AW is reduced to the optimal size of the real ROI(Region of Interest) by using a quad tree segmentation. The purpose of AAW is to remove the background and to reduce the amount of processing time for segmenting ROIs. Experimental results show that the proposed method segments one or more ROIs efficiently and gives the similar segmentation result as compared with the human perception.

Blind Helper program development by using Wireless Camera and Window Phone (무선 카메라 모듈과 Window Phone을 이용한 시각장애인 보조 프로그램 개발)

  • Kim, Yoeng-Woon;Park, Jong-Ki;Yu, Jae-Hoon;Hwang, Young-Sup;Heo, Jeong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.11a
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    • pp.474-477
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    • 2012
  • 현대사회는 시각장애인에 대한 복지가 부족하다. 예를 들어 유도블럭의 홰손, 지폐의 점자처리의 모호함 등 시각장애인을 위해 만들어진 복지조차 사용하기 어려운게 현실이다. 그래서 우리는 무선카메라와 Window Phone을 이용하여 상기 불편함을 해소하기 위하여 이 프로젝트를 시작하였다. Guide Line Detection은 앞을 못 보는 시각장애인에게 무선카메라에 보이는 영상에서 유도블럭을 찾아 시각장애인과의 거리를 음성으로 알려준다. Bill Recognition은 지폐를 인식하여 음성으로 알려준다. 길 안내 기능은 길을 찾아가지 못하는 시각장애인에게 특정 지점마다 길 안내정보를 등록하고, 등록된 정보는 시각장애인이 실시간으로 길 안내를 받을 수 있다. 음성인식은 기기를 사용하기 힘든 시각장애인들에 대한 접근성을 높이기 위해 WinPhone Application이 제공하는 모든 기능을 흔들기와 음성만으로 사용할 수 있도록 제공한다. 무선카메라의 화질과 Window Phone의 GPS 불규칙적인 오차 때문에 많은 시행착오가 있었지만 무선카메라는 웹 캠으로, GPS오차는 BingMap API의 GPS 가상 좌표로 대체하여 프로젝트를 마칠 수 있었다.

A Study on the Green Mapping and Its Application in the Case of Seocho-Gu (그린 맵 작성 및 활용에 관한 연구 -서초구의 사례-)

  • 황기원;황윤혜
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to help out the settlement of the Green Map in Korea, and to suggest how to map, and help community people and environmental planner systematically take care of their own towns. This study is also to introduce the green mapping and its usefulness, based on the Green Map Movement, which originated from Net York City and has been expanding through the World. Environmental elements shown on the Green map vary between countries and for the Seocho-Gu Green Map, we have decided to indicate the places that we are proud of, and dishonored of. Especially, this paper is focused on finding the hidden environmental resources in our daily lives. Seocho-Gu, one of 25 self-governmental resources. Since the citizens and government officials are open-minded in their environments, it is a suitable area to start the first Green Map in Korea. As a method of locating the environmental resources, the "Foot Sensing Method" by which residents directly research, is the main difference from typical maps by the "Remote Sensing" which focused on the variety participation of the residents such as questionnaires, investigation with youth volunteers, users interviews which may be more meaningful than the Green Map itself. The purpose of application plan is to preserve the environmental resources through the smooth feedback with the residents. Thus, it must be acted as a opening window linking them with the local circumstances. In line with this, this study proposed the trial-version Web Green Map and Green tour plan. Recently, a need for an environmental map has been reflected in the environmental policies of Seoul Metropolitan City, and it is in place now. If environmental experts of different disciplines use the Green Map for landscape architecture, design, and city planning, it will help them make a better understanding of the needs of the community and to practice the user-centered design. Eventually, the Seocho-Gu Green Map will help its residents, tourists, government, and environmental planners continue establishing the healthy city environments. It is expected that the green map will be employed as a useful method for establishing healthy city and town through right way of use and contents.of use and contents.

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Weighted Census Transform and Guide Filtering based Depth Map Generation Method (가중치를 이용한 센서스 변환과 가이드 필터링 기반깊이지도 생성 방법)

  • Mun, Ji-Hun;Ho, Yo-Sung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.92-98
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    • 2017
  • Generally, image contains geometrical and radiometric errors. Census transform can solve the stereo mismatching problem caused by the radiometric distortion. Since the general census transform compares center of window pixel value with neighbor pixel value, it is hard to obtain an accurate matching result when the difference of pixel value is not large. To solve that problem, we propose a census transform method that applies different 4-step weight for each pixel value difference by applying an assistance window inside the window kernel. If the current pixel value is larger than the average of assistance window pixel value, a high weight value is given. Otherwise, a low weight value is assigned to perform a differential census transform. After generating an initial disparity map using a weighted census transform and input images, the gradient information is additionally used to model a cost function for generating a final disparity map. In order to find an optimal cost value, we use guided filtering. Since the filtering is performed using the input image and the disparity image, the object boundary region can be preserved. From the experimental results, we confirm that the performance of the proposed stereo matching method is improved compare to the conventional method.