• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map making

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An ESDA Tool for Time-series Spatial Association (지역분석을 위한 시계열 공간연관성 탐색도구)

  • Ahn Jae-Seong;Park Key-Ho;Lee Yang-Won
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.14 no.1 s.36
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    • pp.163-176
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    • 2006
  • The concept of 'spatial association' explains spatial distribution pattern of geographical phenomenon based on similarity with neighborhoods, as in the Tobler's Law of Geography: 'Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.' In this study, we develop a time-series exploratory analysis tool for discovering temporal patterns of spatial association by combining spatial statistics and geo-visualization, and thus present a possibility to support spatial decision-making process. As for the spatial proximity weight matrix indispensable to measuring global and local spatial association, we employ a variety of flexible weighting schemes using geometric characteristics of areal unit. In addition, we renovate the existing visualization methods for more effective understanding of the procedures and results of time-series analysis on spatial association: for instance, temporal parallel coordinate plot with box plot, animated map for spatial association, and 3D Moran scatterplot. The feasibility of our system is verified by time-series analysis experiments on the spatial association of land price fluctuation rate for all administrative units in Korea, $1995{\sim}2004$.

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A Study on the Development of GIS based Integrated Information System for Water Quality Management of Yeongsan River Estuary (영산강 하구역 수질환경 관리를 위한 GIS기반 통합정보시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung Joo;Kim, Kye Hyun;Park, Young Gil;Lee, Geon Hwi;Yoo, Jea Hyun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2014
  • The government has recently carried out monitoring to attain a better understanding of the current situation and model for prediction of future events pertaining to water quality in the estuarine area of Yeongsan River. But many users have noted difficulties to understand and utilize the results because most monitoring and model data consist of figures and text. The aim of this study is to develop a GIS-based integrated information system to support the understanding of the current situation and prediction of future events about water quality in the estuarine area of Yeongsan River. To achieve this, a monitoring DB is assembled, a linkages model is defined, a GUI is composed, and the system development environment and system composition are defined. The monitoring data consisted of observation data from 2010 ~ 2012 in the estuarine area of Yeongsan River. The models used in the study are HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran) for simulation of the basin and EFDC (Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code) for simulation of the estuary and river. Ultimately, a GIS based system was presented for utilization and expression using monitoring and model data. The system supports prediction of the estuarine area ecological environment quantitatively and displays document type model simulation results in a map-based environment to enhance the user's spatial understanding. In future study, the system will be updated to include a decision making support system that is capable of handling estuary environment issues and support environmental assessment and development of related policies.

Quality Analysis of Three-Dimensional Geo-spatial Information Using Digital Photogrammetry (수치사진측량 기법을 이용한 3차원 공간정보의 품질 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;Ru, Ji-Ho;Kim, Sang-Youn
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2010
  • Three-dimensional geo-spatial information is important for the efficient use and management of the country and the three-dimensional expression and analysis of urban projects, such as urban plans devised by local governments and urban management. Thanks to the revitalization of the geo-spatial information service industry, it is now being variously used not only in public but also private areas. For the creation of high-guiltily three-dimensional geo-spatial information, emphasis should be placed on not only the quality of the source image and three-dimensional geo-spatial model but also the level of visualization, such as level of detail and texturing. However, in the case of existing three-dimensional geo-spatial information, its establishment process is complicated and its data are not updated frequently enough, as it uses ready-created digital maps. In addition, as it uses Ortho Images, the images exist Relief displacement. As a result, the visibility is low and the three-dimensional models of artificial features are simplified to reach LoD between 2 and 3, making the images look less realistic. Therefore, this paper, analyzed the quality of three-dimensional geo-spatial information created using the three-dimensional modeling technique were applied using Digital photogrammetry technique, using digital aerial photo images by an existing large-format digital camera and multi-looking camera. The analysis of the accuracy of visualization information of three-dimensional models showed that the source image alone, without other visualization information, secured the accuracy of 84% or more and that the establishment of three-dimensional spatial information carried out simultaneously with filming made it easier to gain the latest data. The analysis of the location accuracy of true Ortho images used in the work process showed that the location accuracy was better than the allowable horizontal position accuracy of 1:1,000 digital maps.

Using Digital Climate Modeling to Explore Potential Sites for Quality Apple Production (전자기후도를 이용한 고품질 사과생산 후보지역 탐색)

  • Kwon E. Y.;Jung J. E.;Seo H. H.;Yun J. I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.170-176
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to establish a spatial decision support system for evaluating climatic aspects of a given geographic location in complex terrains with respect to the quality apple production. Monthly climate data from S6 synoptic stations across South Korea were collected for 1971-2000. A digital elevation model (DEM) with a 10-m cell spacing was used to spatially interpolate daily maximum and minimum temperatures based on relevant topoclimatological models applied to Jangsoo county in Korea. For daily minimum temperature, a spatial interpolation scheme accommodating the potential influences of cold air accumulation and the temperature inversion was used. For daily maximum temperature estimation, a spatial interpolation model loaded with the overheating index was used. Freezing risk in January was estimated under the recurrence intervals of 30 years. Frost risk at bud-burst and blossom was also estimated. Fruit quality was evaluated for soluble solids, anthocyanin content, Hunter L and A values, and LID ratio, which were expressed as empirical functions of temperature based on long-term field observations. AU themes were prepared as ArcGlS Grids with a 10-m cell spacing. Analysis showed that 11 percent of the whole land area of Jangsoo county might be suitable for quality 'Fuji' apple production. A computer program (MAPLE) was written to help utilize the results in decision-making for site-selection of new orchards in this region.

The Blueprint of Service Encounter by Types of Restaurants (레스토랑 유형별 서비스 인카운터 청사진 설계 및 비교)

  • Jo, Mi-Na;Shin, Seo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.1088-1096
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the service encounter blueprint by types of restaurants in order to manage moment of truth when customers who visit a restaurant encounter services. The service encounter blueprint gives an overall picture of the service provision to visualize an entire service process and its integrated structure. The blueprint is used for service process analysis technique. The random samples of 15 customers were observed by types of restaurants and the records were collected for three-days' observation. Interviews were performed by 3 managers, 3 service encounter employees, 3 cashiers, 3 cooks and 10 customers by types of restaurants. After drawing the first service blueprint, it was revised by the interview with the 3 managers and 6 service encounter employees. In this paper, restaurant service processes are reviewed and analyzed. By use of service blueprint, the processes are analyzed to find a fail point, customer wait, employee decision. As a result of making a blueprint of service encounter by types of restaurant, blueprints of fine-dining restaurants and family restaurants were similar, while fast-food restaurants showed a little difference. In particular, difference was indicated in a point where interaction of service encounter occurred. Difference was indicated depending on types of restaurants. Therefore, the efforts to improve this problem were needed. The blueprint is a map or flowchart (called a process chart in manufacturing) of all transactions constituting the service delivery process. The results showed that service encounter blueprint can be used to improve the service process in the restaurant's encounter.

Comparison and Analysis on Risk Assessment Models of Coastal Waters considering Human Factors (인적요인을 고려한 연안해역 위험도 평가모델 비교·분석)

  • Kim, In-Chul;An, Kwang
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2016
  • For the prevention of marine casualties, international bodies have mainly focused on strengthening ship's stability and design, maritime education and training, and improving maritime traffic environment. Statistics analysis on marine casualties showed that most of casualties occurred in coastal waters, especially by human elements. In order to review the conformity of existing prevention measures with the result of the statistics analysis, the IMO's SHELL model was applied to the established measures. As a result, ergonomic approaches were needed for the prevention of human errors in coastal waters, so that the priority should be given to the interface between ship's operator and navigational environment. For this study, Rasmussen's SRK pyramid, which showed decision making mechanism of human, and the US Coast Guard's investigation manual on marine casualties concerning the collapse of safe maritime transportation system were reviewed, and the merits and demerits within the risk assessment tools such as IWRAP, PAWSA, ES model, PARK model, and NURI model were also studied. Although the effectiveness of the existing risk assessment models was proved in ports and approaching channels, it is concluded that the need of new models for converting Korean seafarers' qualitative risk to quantitative risk was proposed so as to print hazard maps which make seafarers instinctively recognize comparative hazard levels of coastal waters.

A Study on the relationship in spatial structure of senior Center in Seoul (서울시 노인종합복지관의 공간 구조적 연결 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-A;Byun, Dae-Joong
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.182-193
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    • 2012
  • The percentage of senior citizens is increasing in Korea and it is expected to become an "aging society". Problems with the elderly are becoming a big concern, such as physical and mental illness, losing their jobs and having difficulties at home. But, the silver generation, as they are being known, has changed a lot these days. With the aid of medical developments, the elderly's lifespan has become longer, making them more independent and active. Senior Welfare Center's are places where the elderly can spend their golden years in comfort, meaningfully. Senior Welfare Center's these days provide many different programs, which naturally lead to an increase in elderly users. With the rise in welfare centers and users, research on the subject also grew. As this topic has only recently become an issue, there were not many spatial structure studies considering elderly movement. Therefore, there should be spatial structure research that considers older users space awareness and how it can be managed effectively. The goal of this study is to present basic resources for providing a comfortable senior welfare center for elders. This will be based on quantitative analysis derived from spatial structure research along with special construction characteristics based on the institution's general plan. As a research method, Senior Welfare Center's will be categorized into corridor type, hall type, and hybrid types which then be reproduced into a j-graph. Based on this, special structure characteristics and connection links will be comprehended. Then the connection link will be analyzed based on the space syntax result calculated from each type's integration, connectivity, control value, and intelligibility. The analysis result shows that Senior Welfare Center j-graph's average arrangement is hybrid>corridor>hall types. Those elders lacking awareness need easily perceivable spatial structure's and hall type's would be the best choice to increase their awareness as it has high articulation. However, hall type's would be difficult to construct with the size increase, so hybrid type would be the next logical solution. Space with relatively high articulation will need to be planned in hybrid type's where rest areas can be created within the halls in the Welfare Center in connection to its corridors.

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Application of Photo-realistic Modeling and Visualization Using Digital Image Data in 3D GIS (디지털 영상자료를 이용한 3D GIS의 사실적 모델링 및 가시화)

  • Jung, Sung-Heuk;Lee, Jae-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2008
  • For spatial analysis and decision-making based on territorial and urban information, technologies on 3D GIS with digital image data and photo-realistic 3D image models to visualize 3D modeling are being rapidly developed. Currently, satellite images, aerial images and aerial LiDAR data are mostly used to build 3D models and textures from oblique aerial photographs or terrestrial photographs are used to create 3D image models. However, we are in need of quality 3D image models as current models cannot express topographic and features most elaborately and realistically. Thus, this study analyzed techniques to use aerial photographs, aerial LiDAR, terrestrial photographs and terrestrial LiDAR to create a 3D image model with artificial features and special topographic that emphasize spatial accuracy, delicate depiction and photo-realistic imaging. A 3D image model with spatial accuracy and photographic texture was built to be served via 3D image map services systems on the Internet. As it was necessary to consider intended use and display scale when building 3D image models, in this study, we applied the concept of LoD(Level of Detail) to define 3D image model of buildings in five levels and established the models by following the levels.

Successful Marriage Adaptation of Korean Husbands Who are Multicultural Families (다문화가정 한국인 남편의 성공적인 결혼적응)

  • Jeong, Hye-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.337-356
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of the research is to explore the main cause and effect of successful marriage that Korean husbands, who are multicultural families had. To do the research, the experiment has been done with 7 husbands for 2 months. The 7 husbands took depths interview and analyzed the result by grounded theory approach. As a result, the husband experienced 'repentance of marriage' because of 'unready marriage', but 'Raising children', 'Helping housework' and 'recognition from friends and colleague' have affected the husbands to have a successful marriage adaptation. Based on the result, a political and practical proposal has been proposed to the Korean husbands who are multi-cultural family. Here are the examples of the proposal. As a social welfare policy, 'obligation of information offering for prospective spouse', 'following the Labor Standards and parental leave', 'expansion of visiting supervise system' and 'making guidance for husbands and distribute map of Immigration Office, Multicultural Family Support Center and Community Center' have proposed. And as an alternative plan for a practical social welfare policy and continuous social awareness improvement, 'various education program', 'a program with domestic married couple', 'a program with parents-in-law', 'a specific program to increase the housework participation for husbands' and necessity of development and practice of group program for husband have been emphasized.

Analysis of Construction Policy System for Quality Assurance of Construction Used Steels (건설용 강재의 품질확보를 위한 건설제도 분석 연구)

  • Yoon, Jongsik;Yu, Ilhan;Kim, Kyungrai;Jung, Daewoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 2019
  • Recently, quality problems of steel used for construction have been raised as a cause of building collapse and safety accidents. Accordingly, it becomes more important to secure quality through material management, procurement management, and construction management for construction used steels. However, the quality management for construction used steels is confined to technical production and process control. So, it does not provide a solution of various non-conforming steel products issues. Therefore, this study suggests improvements of the construction system to secure quality of the construction used steels. Through expert interviews, we identify the items for system improvement and derive the top priority items by considering utility through a structured Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). It also divided the respondents into enterprise and research groups to analyze differences, implications and future improvement issues and suggest a road map. It is expected that the priority items derived in this study could be useful as a basic data for making policy decisions to assure the quality of construction used steel.