• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Reduce

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The Accuracy Estimation of Profile Generation for Planning using 3D Topographical Model (3차원 지형모델을 이용한 설계용 프로파일 생성 정확도 평가)

  • Um, dae-yong;Lee, eun-soo;Kim, ji-hye
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.892-896
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    • 2008
  • In construction work's process of a basic planning, we must carry out a topographical for construction reserved land and to the basis of this, production of profile is Indispensable factor for the purpose of every construction work such as road, rail way, canal and etc. From this research, the production of profile about construction reserved land, using topography information of numerical value topographical map produced by NGIS construction project, construct precision 3D topography model and from this, propose plans for utilizing by producing automatic profile. With the aim of this, abstract every layers of main facilities and altitude from numerical value topographical map and while producing 3D topography model by using this, we produce and product automatic profile from construct precision 3D topography. And about the produced profile's process, a topographical by mutual analysis was carried out to check whether the automatic produced profile's accuracy could be accepted at actual estimation and permissible accuracy. It is considered that the result of the research could be suggested as a new formation techniques concept which can reduce the designing time and expenses and increase the efficiency of planning in the basic design process for the construction.

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Ionosphere Modeling and Estimation Using Regional GPS Data (지역적인 GPS 관측 데이터를 이용한 이온층 모델링 및 추정)

  • 황유라;박관동;박필호;임형철;조정호
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2003
  • We present a GPS-derived regional ionosphere model, which estimates Total Electron Content (TEC) in a rectangular grid on the spherical shell over Korea. After dividing longitude and latitude over Korea with 1$^{\circ}$$\times$1$^{\circ}$ spatial resolution, the TEC at the vertex of the grid was estimated by the Kalman filter. The GPS data received from nine nationwide GPS stations, operated by Korea Astronomy Observatory (KAO), were used for this study. To reduce inherent noises, the pseudorange data were phase-leveled by a linear combination of pseudoranges and carrier phases. The solar-geomagnetic reference frame, which is less variable to the ionosphere movement due to the Sun and the geomagnetic field than an Earth-fixed frame, was used. During a quiet time of solar activity, the KAO's regional ionosphere map indicated 30-45 Total Electron Content Unit at the peak of the diurnal variation. In comparison with the Global ionosphere Map of the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe, RMS differences were at the level of 4-5 TECU for five days.

Prediction of Land Surface Temperature by Land Cover Type in Urban Area (도시지역에서 토지피복 유형별 지표면 온도 예측 분석)

  • Kim, Geunhan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.6_3
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    • pp.1975-1984
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    • 2021
  • Urban expansion results in raising the temperature in the city, which can cause social, economic and physical damage. In order to prevent the urban heat island and reduce the urban land surface temperature, it is important to quantify the cooling effect of the features of the urban space. Therefore, in order to understand the relationship between each object of land cover and the land surface temperature in Seoul, the land cover map was classified into 6 classes. And the correlation and multiple regression analysis between land surface temperature and the area of objects, perimeter/area, and normalized difference vegetation index was analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the normalized difference vegetation index showed a high correlation with the land surface temperature. Also, in multiple regression analysis, the normalized difference vegetation index exerted a higher influence on the land surface temperature prediction than other coefficients. However, the explanatory power of the derived models as a result of multiple regression analysis was low. In the future, if continuous monitoring is performed using high-resolution MIR Image from KOMPSAT-3A, it will be possible to improve the explanatory power of the model. By utilizing the relationship between such various land cover types considering vegetation vitality of green areas with that of land surface temperature within urban spaces for urban planning, it is expected to contribute in reducing the land surface temperature in urban spaces.

Analysis of Sound Distribution Characteristics and Its Impact on National Park - Mudeungsan National Park - (국립공원 내 소리 분포 특성 분석 연구 - 무등산국립공원 -)

  • Yoo, Ji-su;Ryu, Hun-jae;Moon, Sung-joon;Chang, Seo-Il;Ki, Kyong-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.350-357
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    • 2022
  • A national park is a place to conserve natural resources and visitors to experience nature, and thus, it is necessary to identify the noise distribution characteristic in the national park and preserve and restore the soundscape. However, most national parks in Korea are exposed to noise, leading to negative perceptions of the national park's soundscape and affecting the ecosystem. Many national parks in other countries have investigated the ecosystem impacts caused by noise and have performed various management to reduce the noise. However, in Korea, there is still a lack of awareness of the effect on the ecosystem, overlooking the need for soundscape management. Therefore, in this study, we developed a noise map of Mudeungsan National Park to investigate the quantitative impact of noise on visitors and the ecosystem. Also, we measured the trail's soundscape to describe a sound grade classification, and the soundscape of main spots in the park was recorded for a year and then analyzed. Finally, the sound resource distribution map was described, which can be used as preliminary data to determine the national park's sound distribution characteristics and manage the soundscape.

Sampling-based Super Resolution U-net for Pattern Expression of Local Areas (국소부위 패턴 표현을 위한 샘플링 기반 초해상도 U-Net)

  • Lee, Kyo-Seok;Gal, Won-Mo;Lim, Myung-Jae
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we propose a novel super-resolution neural network based on U-Net, residual neural network, and sub-pixel convolution. To prevent the loss of detailed information due to the max pooling of U-Net, we propose down-sampling and connection using sub-pixel convolution. This uses all pixels in the filter, unlike the max pooling that creates a new feature map with only the max value in the filter. As a 2×2 size filter passes, it creates a feature map consisting only of pixels in the upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right. This makes it half the size and quadruple the number of feature maps. And we propose two methods to reduce the computation. The first uses sub-pixel convolution, which has no computation, and has better performance, instead of up-convolution. The second uses a layer that adds two feature maps instead of the connection layer of the U-Net. Experiments with a banchmark dataset show better PSNR values on all scale and benchmark datasets except for set5 data on scale 2, and well represent local area patterns.

A Study on the Performance Measurement and Analysis on the Virtual Memory based FTL Policy through the Changing Map Data Resource (멥 데이터 자원 변화를 통한 가상 메모리 기반 FTL 정책의 성능 측정 및 분석 연구)

  • Hyun-Seob Lee
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 2023
  • Recently, in order to store and manage big data, research and development of a high-performance storage system capable of stably accessing large data have been actively conducted. In particular, storage systems in data centers and enterprise environments use large amounts of SSD (solid state disk) to manage large amounts of data. In general, SSD uses FTL(flash transfer layer) to hide the characteristics of NAND flash memory, which is a medium, and to efficiently manage data. However, FTL's algorithm has a limitation in using DRAM more to manage the location information of NAND where data is stored as the capacity of SSD increases. Therefore, this paper introduces FTL policies that apply virtual memory to reduce DRAM resources used in FTL. The virtual memory-based FTL policy proposed in this paper manages the map data by using LRU (least recently used) policy to load the mapping information of the recently used data into the DRAM space and store the previously used information in NAND. Finally, through experiments, performance and resource usage consumed during data write processing of virtual memory-based FTL and general FTL are measured and analyzed.

Simplification Method for Lightweighting of Underground Geospatial Objects in a Mobile Environment (모바일 환경에서 지하공간객체의 경량화를 위한 단순화 방법)

  • Jong-Hoon Kim;Yong-Tae Kim;Hoon-Joon Kouh
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2022
  • Underground Geospatial Information Map Management System(UGIMMS) integrates various underground facilities in the underground space into 3D mesh data, and supports to check the 3D image and location of the underground facilities in the mobile app. However, there is a problem that it takes a long time to run in the app because various underground facilities can exist in some areas executed by the app and can be seen layer by layer. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based K-means vertex clustering algorithm as a method to reduce the execution time in the app by reducing the size of the data by reducing the number of vertices in the 3D mesh data within the range that does not cause a problem in visibility. First, our proposed method obtains refined vertex feature information through a deep learning encoder-decoder based model. And second, the method was simplified by grouping similar vertices through K-means vertex clustering using feature information. As a result of the experiment, when the vertices of various underground facilities were reduced by 30% with the proposed method, the 3D image model was slightly deformed, but there was no missing part, so there was no problem in checking it in the app.

Speeding Detection and Time by Time Visualization based on Vehicle Trajectory Data

  • Onuean, Athita;Jung, Hanmin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.593-596
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    • 2018
  • The speed of vehicles has remained a significant factor that influences the severity of accidents and traffic accident rate in many parts of the world including South Korea. This behavior where drivers drive at speeds which exceed a posted safe threshold is known as 'speeding'. Over the past twenty years, the Korean National Police Agency (NPA) has become aware of an increased frequency of drivers who are speeding. Therefore, fixed-type ASE systems [1] have been installed on hazardous road sections of many highways. These system monitor vehicle speeds using a camera. However, the use of ASE systems has changed the behavior of the drivers. Specifically, drivers reduce speed or avoid the route where the cameras are mounted. It is not practical to install cameras at every possible location. Therefore, it is challenging to thoroughly explore the location where speeding occurs. In view of these problems, the author of this paper designed and implemented a prototype visualization system in which point and color are used to show vehicle location and associated over-speed information. All of this information was used to create a comprehensive visualization application to show information about vehicle driving. In this paper, we present an approach detecting vehicles moving at speeds which exceed a threshold and visualizing the points those violations occur on a map. This was done using vehicle trajectory data collected in Daegu city. We propose steps for exploring the data collected from those sensors. The resulting mapping has two layers. The first layer contains the dynamic vehicle trajectory data. The second underlying layer contains the static road networks. This allows comparing the speed of vehicles on roads with the known maximum safe speed of those roads, and presents the results with a visualization tool. We also compared data about people who drive over threshold safe speeds on each road on days and weekends based on vehicle trajectories. Finally, our study suggests improved times and locations where law enforcement should use monitoring with speed cameras, and where they should be stricter with traffic law enforcement. We learned that people will drive over the speed limit at midnight more than 1.9 times as often when compared with rush hour traffic at 8 o'clock in the morning, and 4.5 times as often when compared with traffic at 7 o'clock in the evening. Our study can benefit the government by helping them select better locations for installation of speed cameras. This would ultimately reduce police labor in traffic speed enforcement, and also has the potential to improve traffic safety in Daegu city.

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Wildfire-induced Change Detection Using Post-fire VHR Satellite Images and GIS Data (산불 발생 후 VHR 위성영상과 GIS 데이터를 이용한 산불 피해 지역 변화 탐지)

  • Chung, Minkyung;Kim, Yongil
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1389-1403
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    • 2021
  • Disaster management using VHR (very high resolution) satellite images supports rapid damage assessment and also offers detailed information of the damages. However, the acquisition of pre-event VHR satellite images is usually limited due to the long revisit time of VHR satellites. The absence of the pre-event data can reduce the accuracy of damage assessment since it is difficult to distinguish the changed region from the unchanged region with only post-event data. To address this limitation, in this study, we conducted the wildfire-induced change detection on national wildfire cases using post-fire VHR satellite images and GIS (Geographic Information System) data. For GIS data, a national land cover map was selected to simulate the pre-fire NIR (near-infrared) images using the spatial information of the pre-fire land cover. Then, the simulated pre-fire NIR images were used to analyze bi-temporal NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) correlation for unsupervised change detection. The whole process of change detection was performed on a superpixel basis considering the advantages of superpixels being able to reduce the complexity of the image processing while preserving the details of the VHR images. The proposed method was validated on the 2019 Gangwon wildfire cases and showed a high overall accuracy over 98% and a high F1-score over 0.97 for both study sites.

Determination of Floodplain Restoration Area Based on Old Maps and Analysis on Flood Storage Effects of Flood Mitigation Sections (고지도를 활용한 홍수터 복원 구역 선정 및 홍수완충공간의 홍수 저류효과 분석)

  • Dong-jin Lee;Un Ji;Sanghyuk Kim;Hong-Kyu Ahn;Eun-kyung Jang
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 2023
  • To reduce the damage of extreme flooding caused by climate change and to create flood mitigation sections in a nature-friendly riparian area, it is necessary to restore the floodplain area by referring to the past floodplain section of the current inland waterfront area before the levee was built. This study proposed a method of selecting a location for floodplain restoration using old maps of the Geum River study section and analyzed the effect of flood level reduction through unsteady flow numerical simulations using the floodplain as a flood mitigation space. As a result of analyzing changes in the river areas using old maps, the river section was estimated to gradually reduce by 27.8% (1,059,380 m2) in 2020 compared to 1919, and it was found to have an effective storage capacity of 2,200,868 m3 when restored to offline storage. The flood level and discharge control effects analyzed based on HEC-RAS unsteady flow simulation were 16 cm and 219.01 m3/s, respectively, in the downstream cross-section. In the numerical simulation in this paper, the flood mitigation space was applied as an offline reservoir. The effect of reducing the flood level may differ if levee retreat/relocation is applied.