• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Layers

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Accuracy Assessment of Feature Collection Method with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images Using Stereo Plotting Program StereoCAD (수치도화 프로그램 StereoCAD를 이용한 무인 항공영상의 묘사 정확도 평가)

  • Lee, Jae One;Kim, Doo Pyo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 2020
  • Vectorization is currently the main method in feature collection (extraction) during digital mapping using UAV-Photogrammetry. However, this method is time consuming and prone to gross elevation errors when extracted from a DSM (Digital Surface Model), because three-dimensional feature coordinates are vectorized separately: plane information from an orthophoto and height from a DSM. Consequently, the demand for stereo plotting method capable of acquiring three- dimensional spatial information simultaneously is increasing. However, this method requires an expensive equipment, a Digital Photogrammetry Workstation (DPW), and the technology itself is still incomplete. In this paper, we evaluated the accuracy of low-cost stereo plotting system, Menci's StereoCAD, by analyzing its three-dimensional spatial information acquisition. Images were taken with a FC 6310 camera mounted on a Phantom4 pro at a 90 m altitude with a Ground Sample Distance (GSD) of 3 cm. The accuracy analysis was performed by comparing differences in coordinates between the results from the ground survey and the stereo plotting at check points, and also at the corner points by layers. The results showed that the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) at check points was 0.048 m for horizontal and 0.078 m for vertical coordinates, respectively, and for different layers, it ranged from 0.104 m to 0.127 m for horizontal and 0.086 m to 0.092 m for vertical coordinates, respectively. In conclusion, the results showed 1: 1,000 digital topographic map can be generated using a stereo plotting system with UAV images.

Characteristics and Implications of Lava Tubes from Geophysical Exploration in Jeju Island (지구물리 탐사에 의해 발견된 제주도 용암동굴의 특징과 의미)

  • Jeon, Yongmun;Ki, Jin Seok;Koh, Su Yeon;Kim, Lyoun;Ryu, Choon Kil
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.473-484
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    • 2015
  • Geophysical exploration using electric resistivity, ground penetrating radar (GPR), and impedance high-frequency (ZHF) surveys was conducted in Gujwa-eup, Jeju City, Jeju Island, an island in the Korea Strait, to confirm the existence of new caves near known caves. The exploration revealed a number of anomaly zones, presumed to be caves; 27 sites at suitable locations and depth ranges were selected for drilling and further surveys. However, contrary to predictions, most of the anomaly zones were clinker layers or paleosols intercalated with lavas. Only five boreholes intersected caves. The clinker layers and paleosols were possibly detected as anomalies owing to their different physical properties from the other rocks. Two of the five cave-finding boreholes penetrated Yongcheon Cave; a new cave was found at the other. The two boreholes that penetrated Yongcheon Cave were drilled in areas where the cave has not been previously reported, and thus helped correct an error in the cave distribution map. The cave newly discovered in this boring exploration is 180 m long, and it is connected to the upstream part of Dangcheomul Cave (110 m). The cave contains well-developed lava helictites, lava levees, and ropy structures; carbonate speleothems such as soda straws, stalagmites, columns, and curtain shawls are also well preserved. Notably, the unique shape of the carbonate speleothems is attributed to their growth in relation to the cavern water that flowed into the cave along plant roots.

Comparative Study of GDPA and Hough Transformation for Linear Feature Extraction using Space-borne Imagery (위성 영상정보를 이용한 선형 지형지물 추출에서의 GDPA와 Hough 변환 처리결과 비교연구)

  • Lee Kiwon;Ryu Hee-Young;Kwon Byung-Doo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.261-274
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    • 2004
  • The feature extraction using remotely sensed imagery has been recognized one of the important tasks in remote sensing applications. As the high-resolution imagery are widely used to the engineering purposes, need of more accurate feature information also is increasing. Especially, in case of the automatic extraction of linear feature such as road using mid or low-resolution imagery, several techniques was developed and applied in the mean time. But quantitatively comparative analysis of techniques and case studies for high-resolution imagery is rare. In this study, we implemented a computer program to perform and compare GDPA (Gradient Direction Profile Analysis) algorithm and Hough transformation. Also the results of applying two techniques to some images were compared with road centerline layers and boundary layers of digital map and presented. For quantitative comparison, the ranking method using commission error and omission error was used. As results, Hough transform had high accuracy over 20% on the average. As for execution speed, GDPA shows main advantage over Hough transform. But the accuracy was not remarkable difference between GDPA and Hough transform, when the noise removal was app]ied to the result of GDPA. In conclusion, it is expected that GDPA have more advantage than Hough transform in the application side.

Single Image Super Resolution Based on Residual Dense Channel Attention Block-RecursiveSRNet (잔여 밀집 및 채널 집중 기법을 갖는 재귀적 경량 네트워크 기반의 단일 이미지 초해상도 기법)

  • Woo, Hee-Jo;Sim, Ji-Woo;Kim, Eung-Tae
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.429-440
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    • 2021
  • With the recent development of deep convolutional neural network learning, deep learning techniques applied to single image super-resolution are showing good results. One of the existing deep learning-based super-resolution techniques is RDN(Residual Dense Network), in which the initial feature information is transmitted to the last layer using residual dense blocks, and subsequent layers are restored using input information of previous layers. However, if all hierarchical features are connected and learned and a large number of residual dense blocks are stacked, despite good performance, a large number of parameters and huge computational load are needed, so it takes a lot of time to learn a network and a slow processing speed, and it is not applicable to a mobile system. In this paper, we use the residual dense structure, which is a continuous memory structure that reuses previous information, and the residual dense channel attention block using the channel attention method that determines the importance according to the feature map of the image. We propose a method that can increase the depth to obtain a large receptive field and maintain a concise model at the same time. As a result of the experiment, the proposed network obtained PSNR as low as 0.205dB on average at 4× magnification compared to RDN, but about 1.8 times faster processing speed, about 10 times less number of parameters and about 1.74 times less computation.

Apartment Price Prediction Using Deep Learning and Machine Learning (딥러닝과 머신러닝을 이용한 아파트 실거래가 예측)

  • Hakhyun Kim;Hwankyu Yoo;Hayoung Oh
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.59-76
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    • 2023
  • Since the COVID-19 era, the rise in apartment prices has been unconventional. In this uncertain real estate market, price prediction research is very important. In this paper, a model is created to predict the actual transaction price of future apartments after building a vast data set of 870,000 from 2015 to 2020 through data collection and crawling on various real estate sites and collecting as many variables as possible. This study first solved the multicollinearity problem by removing and combining variables. After that, a total of five variable selection algorithms were used to extract meaningful independent variables, such as Forward Selection, Backward Elimination, Stepwise Selection, L1 Regulation, and Principal Component Analysis(PCA). In addition, a total of four machine learning and deep learning algorithms were used for deep neural network(DNN), XGBoost, CatBoost, and Linear Regression to learn the model after hyperparameter optimization and compare predictive power between models. In the additional experiment, the experiment was conducted while changing the number of nodes and layers of the DNN to find the most appropriate number of nodes and layers. In conclusion, as a model with the best performance, the actual transaction price of apartments in 2021 was predicted and compared with the actual data in 2021. Through this, I am confident that machine learning and deep learning will help investors make the right decisions when purchasing homes in various economic situations.

Implementation of a Weather Hazard Warning System at a Catchment Scale (집수역 규모 기상위험 경보체계 구축)

  • Park, Ju Hyun;Kim, Seong Kee;Shin, Yong Soon;Ahn, Mun Il;Han, Yong Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.389-395
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    • 2014
  • This technical note describes about the base stages of technology implementation for establishing "Early Warning System for Weather Hazard Management in Climate-smart Agriculture" to national onsite service. First of all, a special weather report service at catchment was represented sequential risk of 810 units of catchment by spatial statistical methods to existing 150 counties units special weather report released in KMA. The second, chronic hazard alarm service based on daily data of 76 Synoptic stations was monitor about 810 Catchment of mid-long term lapse weather and represented as a relative risk index chronic hazard risk of this time in preparation for the climatological normal conditions in the same period. Finally, we establish the foundation for delivering individually calculated field specific in hazard risk about volunteer farmer of early warning service demonstration area in seomjin downstream watershed. These three types of information were built a near real-time map service on the VWORLD background map of Ministry of Land as superposed layers nationwide catchment and demonstration areas within the farm unit weather hazard.

Microzonation on Site-specific Seismic Response at a Model Area in Seoul Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 서울 시범 지역에서의 부지고유 지진 응답의 정밀구역화)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk;Chun, Sung-Ho;Jang, Eui-Ryong;Chung, Choong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 2007
  • As computer technology has been rapidly advanced, geographic information system (GIS) is recently used in many disciplines. In this study, for a model area in Seoul, seismic hazard potential relating to site effects, which are influenced by the subsurface geotechnical conditions, was estimated using the GIS tool. The distribution of pre-existing borehole drilling data in Seoul metropolitan area was examined for the regional estimation of site-specific seismic responses at the model area. Spatial geo-layers across the entire model area were predicted by constructing a GIS-based geotechnical information system (GTIS). A microzonation of site period $(T_G)$ for estimating site-specific seismic responses at the model area was performed within the GTIS. The spatial microzoning map of $T_G$ indicated seismic vulnerability of two- to four-storied buildings in the model area. Furthermore, a site classification map for determining the design ground motion was established based on the $T_G$ within the GTIS. This informed that most of location in the model area was categorized into current site classes C and D. This seismic microzonation framework for the model area could be applicable particularly in the entire Seoul metropolitan area based on the pre-existing borehole data.

A Study on Random Selection of Pooling Operations for Regularization and Reduction of Cross Validation (정규화 및 교차검증 횟수 감소를 위한 무작위 풀링 연산 선택에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Seo-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a method for the random selection of pooling operations for the regularization and reduction of cross validation in convolutional neural networks. The pooling operation in convolutional neural networks is used to reduce the size of the feature map and for its shift invariant properties. In the existing pooling method, one pooling operation is applied in each pooling layer. Because this method fixes the convolution network, the network suffers from overfitting, which means that it excessively fits the models to the training samples. In addition, to find the best combination of pooling operations to maximize the performance, cross validation must be performed. To solve these problems, we introduce the probability concept into the pooling layers. The proposed method does not select one pooling operation in each pooling layer. Instead, we randomly select one pooling operation among multiple pooling operations in each pooling region during training, and for testing purposes, we use probabilistic weighting to produce the expected output. The proposed method can be seen as a technique in which many networks are approximately averaged using a different pooling operation in each pooling region. Therefore, this method avoids the overfitting problem, as well as reducing the amount of cross validation. The experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve better generalization performance and reduce the need for cross validation.


  • Wu, Mu-Lin;Wang, Yu-Ming;Wong, Deng-Ching;Chiou, Fu-Shen
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.551-554
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    • 2006
  • House management is very important in water resource protection in order to provide sustainable drinking water for about four millions population in northern Taiwan. House management can be a simple job that can be done without any ingredient of remote sensing or geographic information systems. Remote sensing and GIS integration for house management can provide more efficient management prescription when land use enforcement, soil and water conservation, sewage management, garbage collection, and reforestation have to be managed simultaneously. The objective of this paper was to integrate remote sensing and GIS to manage houses in a water resource protection district. More than four thousand houses have been surveyed and created as a house data base. Site map of every single house and very detail information consisting of address, ownership, date of creation, building materials, acreages floor by floor, parcel information, and types of house condition. Some houses have their photos in different directions. One house has its own card consists these information and these attributes were created into a house data base. Site maps of all houses were created with the same coordinates system as parcel maps, topographic maps, sewage maps, and city planning maps. Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#.NET have been implemented to develop computer programs for house information inquiry and maps overlay among house maps and other GIS map layers. Remote sensing techniques have been implemented to generate the background information of a single house in the past 15 years. Digital orthophoto maps at a scale of 1:5000 overlay with house site maps are very useful in determination of a house was there or not for a given year. Satellite images if their resolutions good enough are also very useful in this type of daily government operations. The developed house management systems can work with commercial GIS software such as ArcView and ArcPad. Remote sensing provided image information of a single house whether it was there or not in a given year. GIS provided overlay and inquiry functions to automatically extract attributes of a given house by ownership, address, and so on when certain house management prescriptions have to be made by government agency. File format is the key component that makes remote sensing and GIS integration smoothly. The developed house management systems are user friendly and can be modified to meet needs encountered in a single task of a government technician.

  • PDF

Animation and Machines: designing expressive robot-human interactions (애니메이션과 기계: 감정 표현 로봇과 인간과의 상호작용 연구)

  • Schlittler, Joao Paulo Amaral
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.677-696
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    • 2017
  • Cartoons and consequently animation are an effective way of visualizing futuristic scenarios. Here we look at how animation is becoming ubiquitous and an integral part of this future today: the cybernetic and mediated society that we are being transformed into. Animation therefore becomes a form of speech between humans and this networked reality, either as an interface or as representation that gives temporal form to objects. Animation or specifically animated films usually are associated with character based short and feature films, fiction or nonfiction. However animation is not constricted to traditional cinematic formats and language, the same way that design and communication have become treated as separate fields, however according to $Vil{\acute{e}}m$ Flusser they aren't. The same premise can be applied to animation in a networked culture: Animation has become an intrinsic to design processes and products - as in motion graphics, interface design and three-dimensional visualization. Video-games, virtual reality, map based apps and social networks constitute layers of an expanded universe that embodies our network based culture. They are products of design and media disciplines that are increasingly relying on animation as a universal language suited to multi-cultural interactions carried in digital ambients. In this sense animation becomes a discourse, the same way as Roland Barthes describes myth as a type of speech. With the objective of exploring the role of animation as a design tool, the proposed research intends to develop transmedia creative visual strategies using animation both as narrative and as an user interface.