• Title/Summary/Keyword: Manifesto

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도서관, 정보서비스 기관, 지적 자유에 관한 글래스고 선언 및 ifla 인터넷 성명

  • Korean Library Association
    • KLA journal
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    • v.43 no.5 s.336
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    • pp.105-108
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    • 2002
  • 지난 8월 16일에서 24일까지 영국 글래스고에서 개최된 제68차 국제도서관협회연맹 대회 총회에서는 '도서관, 정보서비스 기관, 지적 자유에 관한 글래스고 선언(The Glasgow Declaration Libraries, Information Services and Intellectual Freedom, 원문은 http://www.ifla.org/faife/policy/iflastat/gldeclar-e.html 참조)'과 'IFLA 인터넷 설명서(The IFLA Internet Manifesto, 원문은 http://www.ifla.org/III/misc/internetmanif.htm 참조)'가 채택되었다. 이 같은 성명의 체택은 도서관ㆍ정보분야에서 지적자유에 관해 국제적 합의를 명확히 하고 이해와 협력을 구하기 위한 것으로 지난 해 발생한 미국 9.11테러 사태 이후 일어나고 있는 일련의 조치에 (국민의 기본권을 제한할 수 있는 법률의 제정 등) 대한 도서관계의 능동적인 대응이라는 의미가 크다. 국내 도서관인에게 참고가 될 만한 자료라 생각되어 '도서관문화' 편집실에서 이를 번역하여 게재코자 한다.

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Crying Sea, The Sound Installation: Artistic Considerations for Coexistence between Human and Technology

  • Park, Jungsun;Wi, Hyeongseok;Park, Sungwoo
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2022
  • As the discourse on Anthropocene grows, this exploratory research investigates the interrelationship and interconnectivity between humanity and technology by analyzing a sound art installation created by the author. Crying Sea is a sound installation that uses plastic wastes collected from the shore to create symbolic narratives and artistic experience connecting humans, objects, and nature through interactive digital technology. In this installation, the audiences are guided to walk over the wastes, and the sounds created by the footsteps are recorded in real-time, which then are distorted and amplified into disturbing sounds through speakers filling up the room. In analyzing this artwork, three theories from technological, philosophical, and ecological backgrounds were used; specifically, Bernard Stiegler's pharmakon theory, Dona Haraway's cyborg manifesto, and Timothy Morton's dark ecology theory. A common factor revealed from all three theories by analyzing the Crying Sea is that humans, technologies, and all other entities within nature are interconnected and resonated. The awareness of this recursive relationship allows us to consider sustainable balancing.

Study on the Effect of Quantitative and Qualitative Easing(QQE) in Japan (日本の量的·質的金融緩和(QQE)の効果について)

  • Yeom, Dongho
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.143-162
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    • 2018
  • This paper focuses on the policy framework about "Quantitative and Qualitative Easing (QQE)" of Japan, and analyzes reasons why the policy goal was not reached. The QQE was introduced by the Bank of Japan in 2013 with the purpose of meeting the price stability target of 2% and getting out of deflation that prevents sustained price decline. However, despite the implementation of the bold monetary easing policy unprecedented in the world, the policy goal was not achieved as of June 2018. As a result of analyzing the causes, the following three structural factors were confirmed. 1) The rise in prices by QQE was limited because Japan's consumer price is strongly depending on import price. 2) The effect is high degree of uncertainty and limited because theoretical framework of reflationist which adopted QQE depends on "expectation formation" by "self-fulfilling expectation" and "multiple equilibria". 3) It was confirmed that the expansion of the monetary base did not lead to money stock due to the existence of Japanese liquidity trap, long-term low interest rate policy.

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The Senile Cyborg: Science, Technology, and Aging in Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (노쇠한 사이보그: <공각기동대 Stand Alone Complex>로 본 노화와 과학기술)

  • Park, Hyung Wook
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.41-76
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    • 2013
  • Based on an analysis of the Japanese animation director Kamiyama Kenji's Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex series, this paper discusses two important subjects in modern technoscience-cyborg and old age. In fact, age has been an important social and political category in the modern world, along with gender, race, and class. However, age has not been a significant research topic for STS scholars. Even though many of these investigators have extensively explored the complex relationship between gender and technoscience, especially after the publication of Donna Haraway's "Cyborg Manifesto" (1991), few of them have been interested in how age is reconfigured by modern science and technology. If women, as Haraway has claimed, can have a different political and cultural outlook by becoming cyborgs, then, can we expect a similar socio-cultural transformation with regard to the interaction between cyborg and old age? Do the elderly experience lesser age discrimination through the growth of biomedicine and technoscience? Indeed, it is believed that seniors are increasingly becoming cyborgs with advancing age, since their declining bodily functions are consistently replaced and assisted by various biomedical technologies. Does this enable them to overcome ageism and age discrimination as well as their alleged physiological and mental limitations? As an answer to this question, Mike Featherstone has asserted that becoming a cyborg in old age could make the wrinkled skin a mere mask and create diverse new possibilities that were hitherto unavailable to an aging person. Based on my reading of Ghost in the Shell, however, I analyze a more complex set of problems when the senile cyborg is created through the encounter between the elderly and technoscience. I argue that while the senile cyborg could challenge traditional family ideology and nationalism it would leave ageism intact and define a new individualistic life form through a body controlled within the globalized internet and capitalist economy.

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Election Prediction on Basis of Sentimental Analysis in 3rd World Countries

  • Bilal, Hafiz Syed Muhammad;Razzaq, Muhammad Asif;Lee, Sungyoung
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.928-931
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    • 2014
  • The detection of human behavior from social media revolutionized health, business, criminal and political prediction. Significance of it, in incentive transformation of public opinion had already proven for developed countries in improving democratic process of elections. In $3^{rd}$ World countries, voters poll votes for personal interests being unaware of party manifesto or national interest. These issues can be addressed by social media, resulting as ongoing process of improvement for presently adopted electoral procedures. On the optimistic side, people of such countries applied social media to garner support and campaign for political parties in General Elections. Political leaders, parties, and people empowered themselves with social media, in disseminating party's agenda and advocacy of party's ideology on social media without much campaigning cost. To study effectiveness of social media inferred from individual's political behavior, large scale analysis, sentiment detection & tweet classification was done in order to classify, predict and forecast election results. The experimental results depicts that social media content can be used as an effective indicator for capturing political behaviors of different parties positive, negative and neutral behavior of the party followers as well as party campaign impact can be predicted from the analysis.

A Study on the Awareness of Mobile Manifesto Infestions and Security Vulnerabilities (모바일 악성코드 감염과 보안취약성에 대한 학부생의 인식조사 연구)

  • Kim, MyeongOh;Kang, KyeongHyeok;Kim, TaeYang;Park, GunWoo;Kim, SeokMin;Jang, YoungSu
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.133-134
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    • 2018
  • 모바일 기기를 이용하는 인터넷 서비스가 증가하고 있다. 반면 응용소프트웨어의 보안 허점을 노린 바이러스, 웜, 악성코드는 나날이 증가하여 개인은 물론 기업, 국가차원의 대책이 요구되고 있다. 악성코드는 악의적인 목적을 위해 작성된 코드를 통칭하며 시스템 성능저하, 개인정보 유출, 파일 감염 및 손상을 입힌다. 본 논문에서는 모바일 기기의 악성코드 종류, 증상, 감염경로를 알아보고, 보안 취약성에 대한 학부생의 인식도를 조사하여 예방하는데 그 목적을 둔다. 이러한 인식도 조사를 통해 모바일 악성코드에 대한 학부생의 인식을 향상시키고, 기초 예방만으로도 쉽게 감염률을 낮출 수 있도록 백신을 설치하고 수시로 업데이트하여 이용자들에게 악성코드 감염 증상과 사례의 심각함을 알려줌으로써 예방 인식도를 함양 시킬 수 있다.

How to Improve the Electoral Polls? : The Case of the 2006 Local Elections (선거여론조사의 문제점과 개선 방향: 2006년 지방선거 전화조사를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ji-Yun;Na, Yun-Jeong;Lee, Myoung-Jin;Cho, Sung-Kyum
    • Survey Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.31-54
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    • 2007
  • This paper examined the electoral polling methodologies such as sampling method, sampling frame and the classification of the don't-know responses. Quota sampling method seemed to be one of the major factors for the declining trust in the poll results. We suggested that new procedures for random sampling as well as the bad number screening procedures for RDD selection of phone numbers need to be developed. Also we reviewed how the KBS used the polls in defining voters' agenda and in communicating the public agenda to the candidates. In Korea, rates for the polls were based mainly on the number of interviews completed. It seemed to keep the polling companies from tim new and more time-demanding polling methods. Also various utilization of the polls are limited by the tendency to keep the questionnaire short.

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A Study on the Costume Designs of Arts in the Italian & Russian Avant-Garde - Focused on Futurism and Constructivism - (이탈리아와 러시아 전위(Avant-Garde) 예술의상 디자인 연구 - 미래주의(Futurism)와 구성주의(Constructivism)를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Yoon-Jeong
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.128-149
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    • 2011
  • This study dealing with the Italian futurist and Russian constructivist costume designs which aimed for new fashion design freed from the conventional meanings of fashion and explore the artistic purpose reflected within the designs expressed differently according to cultural and regional differences in order examine the early 20th century Avant-grade costume designs. The scope of this study is limited to the 1910s to the 1930s when the Italian futurism and the Russian constructivism were originated and were most active. This monograph focused on the works of the Italian futurists, Giacomo Balla who declared the 'Manifesto delle moda minile futurista', Fortunato Depero, and Thayaht who suggested a new direction for the futurist, and on the works of the Russian constructivists Alexander Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova and Liubov Popova. As an one method of investigated, this paper is used materials of various sources to examine their features. Futurists costume designs expressed a radical conception of progress and their source of aesthetics was dynamism. The concept of 'power' which was the basis of the futurists was incorporated in the costumes while non-symmetrical cut-outs and bright and vivid colors completed the futurist costume designs. Moreover the Russian constructivists brought advances in the field of fabric and textile designs. What was particularly interesting about the Russian constructivist costumes was that the artists worked at the textile mills themselves, directly involved in the designs and manufacturing of fabric, developing an advancement in textile and a new understanding of costume. Furthermore, many Russian artists settled in Paris, actively participating in the fashion industry, and therefore, they have greatly contributed to the development of the early 20th century Avant-garde costume designs.

An Evaluation on Karl Marx's View on Social Policy (칼 맑스와 사회정책)

  • Cho, Young Hoon
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2016
  • This article aims to find Karl Marx's views on the social policy and to reorganize them into a systematic social policy theory. His views on the welfare state are scattered in diverse works including Capital and Communist Manifesto, and are very complicated and sometimes contradictory. This article further aims to reinterpret his contradictory views on social policy and to attempt to show what he really meant on social policy. By so doing, this article will contribute to re-establishing Karl Marx's status in the field of social policy study. Karl Marx's social policy theory is one of the least researched area in social policy, although several Western scholars introduce and evaluate his views on the welfare state in social policy textbooks and articles. In particular, it is very difficult to find a work attempting to reorganize and reinterpret Karl Marx's contradictory views on social policy. In this regard, this article deserves a significant academic concern.

A Descriptive Study on Chinese Newspaper Coverages of Gwangju Student Movement (광주학생독립운동 중국 신문 보도에 관한 기술적 연구)

  • Seongwoo, Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.223-238
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    • 2022
  • The discovery of new historical resources is important in that it ensures the sustainability of future researches and enables new interpretations and expansion of them. The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics of Chinese reports related to the newly discovered Gwangju Student Movement in terms of contents. In particular, since Chinese reports contain the same expressions and contents, we tried to figure out which materials from Korea and Japan were cited the same and what kind of relationships there were. The analysis results are as follows: First, the relationship between the reports on December 6, 1929, which were newly claimed as the first reports, and the Gwangju Student Movement was explained in detail. Although there is no specific indication that the distributing of manifesto and arresting case on December 6th in Seoul was related to the Gwangju Student Movement, it should be viewed as the first reports made to support it. Second, in previous studies, it was revealed that the contents known as the newspaper's own reports were actually quoted from previous reports in Korea or Japan. Third, it was confirmed that the contents of reports could be affected by the citation reports according to the political characteristics of the newspapers.