• Title/Summary/Keyword: Maesil (Japanese apricot) juice

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Quality Characteristics and Antioxidative Activity of Garlic Pickles Prepared with Persimmon Vinegar and Maesil (Japanese Apricot) Juice (감식초와 매실액을 첨가한 마늘 피클의 품질 특성 및 항산화성)

  • Song, Mi-Ran;Kim, Mee-Jeong;Kwon, Oh-Yoon;Kim, Hye-Ran;Kim, Mee-Ree
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.981-986
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    • 2009
  • The quality characteristics and antioxidative activity of garlic pickles prepared with persimmon vinegar with or without Maesil (Japanese apricot) juice were investigated. Heat treated garlic cloves ($110^{\circ}C$, 5 min and then rapidly cooling) were salted with NaCl and $CaCl_2$, and then soaked in pickling solution, and stored at $20^{\circ}C$. The pH of the garlic pickles initially ranged from 2.36~3.24, after which the pH slightly increased to 3.22~4.13 during storage, while the acidity was decreased to 1~1.97. Throughout the entire storage periods, the acidity of the garlic pickle containing persimmon vinegar and Maesil was the highest (1.97%). The hardness of the control sample (non heated garlic) decreased during storage, whereas the hardness of all the heat treated groups did not change after 21 days of storage. Moreover, the chewiness of the persimmon vinegar+Maesil group was the highest among the groups. The Hunter color L value of garlic pickles decreased during storage, while the b value (yellowness) increased for all groups except the two persimmon groups. The $IC_{50}$ of the DPPH radical scavanging activity of garlic pickles at 5 day of storage was 85.98~97.81 mg/mL. However, the antioxidative activity of garlic pickles gradually increased with longer storage times. The persimmon vinegar+Maesil group showed the highest antioxidative activity. Results from the sensory evaluation showed that scores of flavor, taste and over-all preference were higher for the persimmon vinegar+Maesil group than the other groups (p<0.05).

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