• 제목/요약/키워드: MSDs

검색결과 296건 처리시간 0.027초

국내외 발암성물질의 관리기준과 정보제공 현황에 관한 연구 (A study on the criteria and supply status of information for managing carcinogens in domestic and foreign)

  • 이권섭;이종한;이혜진
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2011
  • This study was intended to resolve problems caused by different classification criteria and management methods of carcinogenicity, which have made industrial safety & health institutions and business employers difficult to execute projects or to carry out occupational safety and health related works, and have affected how civic groups perceive carcinogens. The content of this study contained the comparison of management and categorization standards for carcinogens between Korea and other countries as well as the current carcinogenicity-related information supply status of each professional institution. Furthermore, this research examined the current state of supplying information on carcinogenicity among major institutional information supply according to the categorization standard for carcinogens by UN GHS, Ministry of Employment and Labor in Korea(KMoEL), and GHS MSDS provided by Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency(KOSHA). Now, professional agency provide 927 kinds of IARC, 237 kinds of NTP, 351 kinds of ACGIH and 1,006 kinds of EU ECHA information on carcinogenic agents. KMoEL provides carcinogenicity-related information of 58 chemical agents in accordance with the category of carcinogens guided by ACGIH. KOSHA offers 13,232 kinds of GHS MSDS information including 2,484 carcinogenic substances. Therefore, carcinogenicity-related information of chemical substances, which are not available on the existing GHS MSDS DB, should be updated for the future reference.

시설채소 농업인의 건강 상태 및 근골격계 질환 실태 (Health Condition and Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Greenhouse Vegetable Farmers)

  • 김경란;최정화;이경숙;송은영
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this study is to survey the risk factors of greenhouse vegetables farmers' work-related musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs). To offer the fundamental data for agricultural improvement of greenhouse vegetable farms, the questionnaire of MSDs and heath condition were carried out. A group of 736 workers(males=492, females=244) in 6 branches constitutes the population and database for the analysis between 2004 and 2005. The sample branch was chosen based on paper are watermelon, strawberry, tomato, melon, cucumber, lettuce. The results are as follows: 1. Smoking rates in cucumber and tomato is the highest. 2. Drinking rates in strawberry, cucumber and lettuce is the highest in males, watermelon and melon are the highest in females. 3. Regular exercise rates in melon are the highest. 4. Physical and mental fatigue in females is higher than that of males in most crops except melon. That of strawberry and tomato is the highest. 5. The prevalence rates of medical diagnosed diseases are higher in order of osteoarthritis, herniated nucleus pulposus(HNP), and hypertension. That of strawberry, melon, and cucumber is high in case of osteoarthritis; Strawberry, melon, and watermelon are high in case of HNP. 6. Prevalence rates of musculoskeletal symptoms among the various pain areas are higher in order of low back, knees, and shoulders. That of tomato and watermelon is high in case of low back; strawberry and tomato are high in case of knees. These results can be used practically for agricultural improvement of greenhouse vegetables farms to prevent MSDs.

물질안전보건자료 대상물질의 유해성 분류기준 적용 연구 (Study on applying to Hazard Classification Criteria of Chemicals subject to Material Safety Data Sheets)

  • 이혜진;이나루;이인섭
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.280-291
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: Hazard classification is a controversial issue in the new MSDS system in which chemical companies have to prepare and submit MSDS for chemicals that they manufacture or import to the competent authorities according to the amended Occupational Safety and Health Act. The aim of this study is to suggest how to apply and manage harmonized hazard classification criteria and results by investigating current hazard classification systems and trends. Methods: The domestic issues about different hazard classification criteria and results were investigated by reviewing the literature and business outcomes regarding KOSHA. We also checked official and unofficial reports from the UN to understand international discussion about the topic. Chemical hazard classification results from agencies providing chemical information were analyzed to compare a harmonized rate between classifications. Furthermore, a field survey of a few chemical companies was conducted. Results: Under the related competent authorities, an integrated standard proposal was developed to harmonize the domestic hazard classification criteria. Although harmonized chemical information is strongly needed, we recognized the uncertainty and difficulty of harmonized hazard classification from the UN global list project review. In practice the harmonization rate of the classification was generally low between the classification in KOSHA, MoE, and EU CLP. Among hazard classes, health hazards largely led the disharmony. The field survey revealed a change of perception that the main body of chemical information production is manufacturers. Approaches and solutions about hazard classification issues differed depending on business size, types of chemical handling, and other factors. Conclusions: We proposed reasonable ways by time and step to apply hazard classification in the new MSDS system. Chemical manufacturers should make and offer chemical information including responsible hazard classifications. The government should primarily accept these classifications, evaluate them by priority, and support or supervise workplaces in order to communicate reliable chemical information.

근골격계부담작업 유해요인조사 이행 실태 파악을 위한 심층 면담 조사 (An in-depth Interview Study to Examine the Performance Status of the Legal Risk Assessment of Musculoskeletal Disorders)

  • 정화식;기도형;이인석;박재희
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.275-283
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the performance status of the ligal examination of risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs). The study was based on in-depth interviews with the persons in charge of the examination in 63 sampled companies, which are various in location, type of industry and size. The interviews were carried out based on detail questions as well as a predefined checklist. The main findings are as follows: 1) More than half of the companies did not properly comply with the laws in performing the examination of MSDs risk factors; 2) In about 60% of the companies, the examination has been carried out by their own persons; 3) 38% of the companies conducting the survey of musculoskeletal symptoms did not diagnosed musculoskeletal symptoms based on the survey; 4) Most companies performed the prevention activities for MSDs such as education/training, stretching, etc.; 5) It was revealed that the 11 high-risk tasks were not considered to be properly defined by the people in the industries, which results in some difficulties such as ambiguity in defining the 11 tasks and unit tasks; 6) The period of the examination of risk factors, classification of periodic and occupational examinations and legalization of employers' obligation for preventing MSDs are considered to be acceptable or desirable, while it was pointed out that regulations for the method of the risk assessment and the person who in charge of the examination need to be modified.

금융직 여성 근로자의 직무스트레스 실태와 근골격계질환 자작증상과의 관련성 연구 (A study on the relationship between job stress and subjective symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders of the financial working woman's)

  • 조기홍;최순영;박동현
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2007
  • This study tried to identify the job stress characteristics of female bank workers and the relationship between their stress and symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs). The total number of 587 female bank tellers have been participated in this study. Specifically, questionnaire surveys regarding job stress and MSDs symptoms were conducted. On the basis of the results from the survey using Korean version of job stress questionnaire with 24 questions, stress scores associated with job requirement and job flexibility were relatively high. The job stress levels regarding job demand, organizational system, occupational climate at the work place were relatively high for the full time workers while the job stress levels regarding insufficient job control, job stability, interpersonal conflict, lack of reward were relatively high for the part time worker. The workers with longer total work years had relatively high job stress associated with interpersonal conflict, and organizational system while the workers with longer work years at the current job had relatively high job stress associated with occupational climate. Also, the workers with longer working hours a day had relatively high job stress associated with job demand, interpersonal conflict, organizational system, and occupational climate. According to the relationship identified in this study, symptoms at the neck, shoulder, hand, low back. leg were associated with the stress levels in terms of job flexibility, interpersonal conflict, job requirement, job stability. In conclusion, female bank workers are exposed to job stress due to their specific job characteristics and there has been certain relationships between their job stress and MSDs symptoms.

경인지역 일부 5인미만 사업장 근로자의 작업환경실태와 관리대책 (The Current Status and Recommendation of Work Environment Management in Small Scale Industry with less than 5 Workers)

  • 김대식;노영만;김현욱;정춘화;유기호
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2001
  • This study was performed to identify the current status of work environment management and to provide appropriate recommendations for small scale industry with less than 5 workers from September, 2000 to October, 2000 in Seoul city and Gyoung-gi province. The 211 companies were surveyed by checklist included the elements of management of work environment, hazardous chemicals, MSDS, personal protective equipment, and ventilation system. The proportion of metal products manufacturing and printing industries are 25.6 % and 22.3%, respectively. The daily working hours in printing industry is longer than others. The industries that produce potentially hazardous agents, such as noise, dust, metal, organic solvents, radiation and chemical material are pulp, plating, machinery, and printing, respectively. In above industries, only 2.8 % of those recognised and had MSDS. The proportion of companies providing fire extinguishers, safety showers are found to be 13.3 %, 7.1 %, respectively. Only 24.2 % of companies provided personal protective equipment to the workers. The ventilation system was operated in most of companies. But local exhaust ventilation system is provided to 22.3 % of those, also had not been annually inspected. This study showed that the current status of occupational safety and health was not appropriate for workers in small scale industries. It is suggested that annual physical examination have to be performed, MSDS usage must become widespread, and employer and emplyees in small scale industry should be educated for the treatment and storage of hazardous chemicals to improve the occupational safety and health of the working environment. also, regulatory standard has to be applied to local exhaust ventilation system in small scale industry to improve the working condition.

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