• Title/Summary/Keyword: MCZ Crystal Grower

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Fuzzy Controller Design and Its Application to MCZ Crystal Grower (단결정 실리콘 성장기를 위한 퍼지 제어기 구성 및 적용)

  • 김광대;한형석
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.71-71
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, the fuzzy system is applied to MCZ Crystal Grower using at industrial field. The existing controller, which is PID controller, has a fixed gain and as a result of it it can not have an adaptive control function against the error or disturbance. Hence, the machine operator should always check the process status and when the error is occurred, the quality and the productivity may be decreased by each personal capability. In order to remove this drawback, a fuzzy control system which is known to be adaptive and flexible is applied to the machine. After applying the fuzzy system, and compared with the existing system, the diameter deviation and the defects were decreased. we proved the possibility of application fuzzy system to single silicon crystal grower.

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