• Title/Summary/Keyword: MAXIMUM STRENGTH

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Influence of twisting angle between fixed contact and movable contact on arc driving force in 3petal spiral type vacuum interrupter (3petal spiral type vacuum interrupter에서 가동접점전극과 고정접점전극간의 마주보는 각도의 변화가 아크구동력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Byoung-Chul;Yun, Jae-Hun;Lee, Seung-Soo;Kang, Seong-Hwa;Lim, Kee-Joe
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.480-480
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    • 2008
  • Vacuum circuit breaker(VCB) is now emerging as an alternative of gas circuit breaker(GCB) which uses SF6 gas as insulating material whose dielectric strength is outstanding. But we have to reduce SF6 gas because SF6 gas is one of greenhouse gas and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas are now trend of the world. Therefore, we can say VCB is the optimal alternative of GCB because vacuum is environmentally friendly. The vacuum interrupter is the core part of VCB to interrupt arcing current. There are mainly two methods to extinguish arc. One is radial magnetic field (RMF) method and the other is axial magnetic field (AMF) method. We deals with RMF method in this paper. Compared with AMP, RMF arc quenching method has different principle to extinguish arc. In case of RMF method, pinch effect is much larger than AMF method. Because of pinch effect RMF type contact electrodes have the single large spot which is severly damaged and melted while AMF type contact electrodes have small and multiple spots which are slightly damaged and melted. To prevent contact electrode being damaged and melted from high temperature-arc, RMF method uses Lorentz force to move arc. In this paper we calculated and compared the arc driving force of two cases and we analyzed the force acting on each part of arc by means of commercial finite element method software Maxwell 3D. They have 3petals and we considered two cases. One is the case when fixed(upper) and movable(lower) contacts are in mirror arrangement (Case 1). The other is the case when one of two contacts (movable contact) is revolved at maximum angle as possible as it can be (Case 2). And at each case above, we analyzed arc driving force at two positions, position 1 is the closest to the center of contact and position 2 is near the edge of petal on fixed contact. As a result we could find that Case 2 generated stronger arc driving force than Case 1 at position 1. But at position 2 Case 1 generated stronger arc driving force than Case 2. This simulation method can contribute to optimizing spiral-type electrode designs in a view of arc driving force.

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Strength Safety Study on the Stress Characteristics of a Composite Pressure Cylinder for 35MPa Hydrogen Gas Vehicle (35MPa 수소가스 자동차용 복합소재 압력용기의 응력특성에 관한 강도안전성 연구)

  • Kim, Chung-Kyun;Kim, Do-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents a stress safety of a composite pressure cylinder in which is composed of an aluminum liner and composite layers with carbon fiber/epoxy and glass fiber/epoxy resigns. The composite pressure cylinder for a hydrogen gas vehicle contains 9.2 liter hydrogen gas, and hydrogen gases are compressed by a filling pressure of 35MPa. The FEM computed results are analyzed based on the US DOT-CFFC basic requirement for a hydrogen gas cylinder and KS B ISO specification. The FEM results indicate that the stress, 247MPa of an aluminum liner is sufficiently low compared with that of 272MPa, which is 95% level of a yield stress for aluminum. And, the carbon fiber composite layers in which are wound on the surface of an aluminum cylinder are safe because the maximum carbon fiber stresses from 29.43% to 28.87% in hoop and helical directions are below 30% for a given minimum required burst pressure level, respectively. The carbon fiber composite layers are also safe because the stress ratios from 3.40 to 3.46 in hoop and helical directions are above 2.4 for a minimum safety level, respectively.

Removal of Impurities by Magnetic Separation from Waste Fluidized Cracking Catalyst for Its Reuse (폐FCC 촉매의 재활용 과정에서 자력 선별법에 의한 불순물 제거 연구)

  • Ban Bong-Chan;Lee Jin-Suk;Kim Dong-Su
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2003
  • Presently, the reuse of waste FCC catalysts, which generated from the refining process of crack oil, after the removal of con-taminated metallic impurities have not been attempted domestically yet because the separation technology f3r the impurities from waste catalysts has not been established. As a basic study far the reusable portion from the waste FCC catalysts and treatment of metallic impurities are assured, there will be invoked an significant contribution not only in the recycling of abandoned wastes up to date but also in the treatment efficiency of wastes and extraction of economical benefits from them. The magnetic separation of impurities such as Fe, Ni, and V, from waste FCC catalyst has been attempted with or without its pre-oxidation at high temperature for the purpose of its reuse. The results showed that the separability of impurities by magnetic force was high far non-preoxidized catalysts compared with preoxidized ones, and employment of screen-type matrix showed a higher separation efficiency than ball-type matrix. The separability increased with the strength of magnetic field, and the method of ball matrix has separation efficiency of maximum 51.10%. The amount of metallic impurities was in the decreasing order of V, Ni, and Fe depending upon ICP analysis.

Safety Evaluation of Concert Hall Floor Vibration Using Numerical Analysis Model (수치해석모델을 이용한 콘서트 홀 바닥진동 안전성 평가)

  • Roh, Ji-Eun;Heo, Seok-Jae;Moon, Dae-Ho;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Rha, Chang-Soon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.469-477
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, the floor vibration of an example concert hall building was measured and floor safety criteria were analytically checked through comparison between experimental and analytical results. The floor bottom plate model was constructed considering the composite effect and the analytical model was modified to have the natural frequency identical to the measured one. Also, time history analysis was conducted using the dynamic loads induced by human rhythmic movement during a musical performance, and the analytically calculated floor accelerations were similar to the measured one. Based on this model, the floor vibration level due to the group activities of about 400 persons, maximum available persons for the concert hall, was estimated. It was confirmed that the human induced dynamic loads applied to the column and beam would be much lower than the design strength. In addition, the horizontal acceleration level is just 2% of the design seismic load, so the concert hall is safe in both vertical and horizontal excitations by human rhythmic movements.

The effects of MMH task conditions on muscle activity and fatigue of the trunk musculature (MMH 작업조건에 따른 몸통부위 근육군의 활동변화에 관한 연구)

  • 이욱기;김상호;정민근
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.223-235
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    • 1993
  • 요통(Lowback Pain)을 유발하는 주요원인으로 알려져있는 MMH(Manual Materials Handling) 작업에 있어서 작업조건의 변화가 근육의 활동과 피로도에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위해 4가지 서로 다른 작업조건하에서 몸통부위(Trunk)의 주요근육에 대한 EMG 파형분석을 실시 하였다. 본 연구에서의 분석대항작업은 실제 작업조건과 유사하레 설계된 120분간의 단속적인 인양(Lifting)/하역(Lowering) 작업으로서 작업중량은 작업자의 MVIS(Maximum Voluntary Isometric Strength)를 기준으로 설정되었으며, 매 10분 간격으로 EMG 측정이 이루어졌다. 작업물이 작업자의 정면에 위치한 대칭형(Symmetric) 작업의 경우 배면부(Dorsal) 근육인 천극근(Erector Spinae)과 활배근(Latissimus Dorsi)이 활동근(Active Muscle)인 것으로 나타났으며, 정중면(Medial Plane)을 중심으로 좌우측 근육이 동일한 근력을 발휘하였다. 작업물이 작업자의 한쪽 측면에 위치한 90도 비대칭형(Asymmetric) 작업의 경우 천극근과 활배근외에 작업물과 반대쪽 외사근(External Oblique)이 활동근으로 추가되었으며, 작업물과 반대쪽의 근육들이 더욱 큰 근력을 발휘하였다. 작업의 반복에 따른 근육의 피로도를 평가하기 위해 실시한 EMG 파형의 Spectral Analysis 결과, 비대칭형 작업시 작업물과 반대쪽의 천극근에서 작업시간의 경과에 따라 중위주파수(Median Power Frequency)가 저주 파수대로 천이(Lower Shift)하는 현상이 나타났으며, 일정한 작업량이라도 작업중량을 줄이고 작업 빈도를 높여서 작업할 경우에 이러한 현상이 더욱 두드러졌다. 작업시간의 경과에 따른 MVIS의 감소 현상은 작업빈도가 높고 비대칭형 작업일 때 가장 크게 나타났다. 총손실을 줄이고, 상대적 비용절감효과를 갖게할 수 있다고 하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 성인 여성기성복의 치수적합성을 높이기위하여 출산 후 중년에 접어 들면서 체형이 변화되는 것을 고려하여 연령을 분류하고(18세-34세, 30세-51세), 각 연령 집단에 따른 체형을 각각 3가지로 분류하였다. 이에 따라 의복 생산시의 총손실을 줄이기위한 상의, 하의생산시 필요한 부위별 최적규격치 간격을 제시하였다.적인 기능으로 보여지는 것에 좁혀서 작업능력의 연령증가 변화에 대하여다원적 평가를 하는 것이 실제적이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 인간이 가지고 있는 다수의 기능중에서 수지교 치성과 연령증가와의 관계를 조사한다. 만약 연령증가 만으로 수지교치성을 평가 할 수 없는 경우에는 어떠한 요인이 수지기민성의 변화에 영향을 미치는가를 검토한다.t list)에서 자동적으로 사건들의 순서가 결정되도록 확장하였으며, 설비 제어방식에 있어서도 FIFO, LIFO, 우선 순위 방식등을 선택할 수 있도록 확장하였다. SIMPLE는 자료구조 및 프로그램이 공개되어 있으므로 프로그래머가 원하는 기능을 쉽게 추가할 수 있는 장점도 있다. 아울러 SMPLE에서 새로이 추가된 자료구조와 함수 및 설비제어 방식등을 활용하여 실제 중형급 시스템에 대한 시뮬레이션 구현과 시스템 분석의 예를 보인다._3$", chain segment, with the activation energy of carriers from the shallow trap with 0.4[eV], in he amorphous regions.의 증발산율은 우기의 기상자료를 이용하여 구한 결과 0.05 - 0.10 mm/hr 의 범위로서 이로 인한 강우손실량은 큰 의미가 없음을 알았다.재발이 나타난 3례의 환자를 제외한 9례 (75%)에서는 현재까지 재발소견을 보이지 않고 있다. 이러한 결과는 다른 보고자들과 유사한 결과를

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An Electromagnetic Shock Wave Generator Employing a Solenoid Coil for Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy: Construction and Acoustical Properties (체외 충격파 치료술을 위한 솔레노이드 코일을 이용한 전자기식 충격파 발생기: 구성 및 음향학적 특성)

  • Choi Min Joo;Lee Jong Soo;Kang Gwan Suk;Paeng Dong Guk;Lee Yoon Joon;Cho Chu Hyun;Rim Geun Hie
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.271-281
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    • 2005
  • An electromagnetic type shock wave generator suitable for extracorporeal shock wave therapy has been constructed by employing a solenoid coil. The Property of the shock waves produced by the shock wave generator was evaluated using a needle hydrophone. It was shown that, as the capacitor discharging voltage increased from 8 to 18 kV, the Positive Peak Pressure (P+) of the shock wave increased non-linearly from 10 to 77 Wa. In contrast. the negative peak Pressure (f) varied between -3.2 and -6.8 MPa. had its absolute maximum of -6.9 ma at 14 kV The peak amplitudes P+ measured repeatedly under the same voltage setting varied within $5\;\%$ from mean values and this is very small compared to about $50\;\%$ for electrohydraulic type shock wave generators. It could be observed, from the hydrophone signal recorded over 1 ms. several sequential acoustic impulses representing bubble collapses. namely. acoustic cavitation. induced by the shock wave. A technique based on wavelet transformation was used to accurately measure the time delay between the 1st and 2nd collapse known to be closely related to the shock strength. It was observed that the measured time delay increased almost linearly from 120 to $700\;{\mu}s$ with the shock wave Pressure P+ increasing from 10 to 77 MPa.

Performance Evaluation of Long Span Bridge Columns Strengthened with High-Performance Glass Fiber (고성능 유리섬유로 보강된 해상장대교량 교각의 보강성능평가)

  • Chang, Chun-Ho;Jang, Kwang-Seok;Lee, Jae-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 2010
  • Researches and studies which have been conducted so far on external confinement of long span concrete columns have mainly concentrated on concentric loading. But, long span bridge concrete columns over the sea are mainly subjected to concentrated axial load, and at the same time lange amount of moment by eccentric load. This paper experimentally investigates the performance of externally confined high-strength concrete columns subjected to loading mechanism and evaluates the effectiveness of two confinement materials carbon fibre and high performance glass fibre. Twelve short columns with the same dimensions were cast and tested Six columns were reinforced with hoop bars, the remaining six columns were reinforced with spiral bars and wrapped with three layers of carbon failure and high performance glass FRP sheets. Test variables considered were the shape of internal reinforcement and strengthening materials according to loading location. The experimental results showed that eccentric load could obviously lower down the maximum failure load of FRP-confined concrete columns, compared with the columns under concentric load. And compared with the carbon FRP-confined reinforced concrete columns, high performance glass FRP-confined columns displayed a higher load capacity and ductility, when tested both concentrically and eccentrically.

Affinity Filtration Chromatography of Proteins by Chitosan and Chitin Membranes: 1. Preparation and Characterization of Porous Affinity Membranes (키토산 및 키틴 막에 의한 단백질의 친화 여과 크로마토그래피: 1. 다공성 친화 막의 제조와 특성 평가)

  • Youm Kyung-Ho;Yuk Yeong-Jae
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2006
  • Porous chitosan and chitin membranes were prepared by using silica particles as porogen. Membrane preparation was achieved via the following three steps: (1) chitosan film formation by casting an chitosan solution containing silica particles, (2) preparation of porous chitosan membrane by dissolving the silica particles by immersing the film into an alkaline solution and (3) preparation of porous chitin membrane by acetylation of chitosan membrane with acetic anhydride. The optimum preparation conditions which could provide a chitosan and chitin membranes with good mechanical strength and adequate pure water flux were determined. To allow protein affinity, a reactive dye (Cibacron Blue 3GA) was immobilized on porous chitosan membrane. Binding capacities of affinity chitosan and chitin membranes for protein and enzyme were determined by the batch adsorption experiments of BSA protein and lysozyme enzyme. The maximum binding capacity of affinity chitosan membrane for BSA protein is about 22 mg/mL, and that of affinity chitin membrane for lysozyme enzyme is about 26 mg/mL. Those binding capacities are about $several{\sim}several$ tens times larger than those of chitosan and chitin-based hydrogel beads. Those results suggest that the porous chitosan and chitin membranes are suitable in affinity filtration chromatography for large scale separation of proteins.

Examination of the Relationship between Average Particle Size and Shear Strength of Granite-derived Weathered Soils through 2-D Distinct-element Method (이차원 개별요소 수치해석을 통한 화강풍화토의 평균입자크기와 전단강도의 관계 규명)

  • Kim, Seon-Uk;Lim, Heui-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2012
  • We have carried out a series of numerical experiments to study the effect of average particle size on the mechanical properties of granite-derived weathered soils. A distinct-element method was adopted to study the changes in macro-scale mechanical properties with particle size and maximum-to-minimum particle size ratio. The numerical soil specimen with cohesion values of 0.25 MPa and internal friction angle of 29 degrees was prepared for reference. While keeping the porosity values constant, we varied particle size and size distribution to study how cohesion and internal friction angle changes. The experimental results show that the values of cohesion apparently decrease with increasing particle size. Changes in the values of internal friction angles are small, but there is a trend of increase in internal friction angle as the average particle size increases. This study demonstrates a possibility that the results of numerical experiments of this type may be used for rapid estimation of mechanical properties of granite-derived weathered soils. For example, when mechanical properties obtained through in situ tests and particle size data obtained through lab analysis are available for a site, it is expected that the mechanical properties of weathered granite soils with varying degrees of weathering (thus, varying particle size) may be estimated rapidly only with particle size data for that site.

Behavior of Reinforcement Ratio on Concrete Beams Reinforced with Lab Spliced GFRP Bar (GFRP 보강근으로 겹이음된 콘크리트 보의 보강비에 따른 거동특성)

  • Choi, Yun Cheul;Park, Keum Sung;Choi, Hyun Ki;Choi, Chang Sik
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2011
  • The use of glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars in reinforced concrete (RC) structures has emerged as an alternative to traditional RC due to the corrosion of steel in aggressive environments. Although the number of analytical and experimental studies on RC beams with GFRP reinforcement has increased in recent decades, it is still lower than the number of such studies related to steel RC structures. This paper presents the experimental moment deflection relations of GFRP reinforced beam which are spliced. Test variables were different reinforcement ratio and cover thickness of GFRP rebars. Seven concrete beams reinforced with steel GFRP re-Bars were tested. All the specimens had a span of 4000mm, provided with 12.7mm nominal diameter steel and GFRP rebars. All test specimens were tested under 2-point loads so that the spliced region be subject to constant moment. The experimental results show that the ultimate moment capacity of beam increasing of the reinforcement ratio. Failure mode of these specimens was sensitively vary according to the reinforcement ratio. The change of beam effective depth, which was caused by cover thickness variation, controlled the maximum strength and deflection because of cover spalling in tension face.