A study on the distribution of the major domiant species of macrobenthos was carried out in Chinhae Bay from lune 1987 to May 1990. The 13 dominant species, based on the number of individuals and frequency, occupied more than 70%70% of the total individuals. Of these species, 11 species represented polychaetes (85%)(85%) and 2 species molluscs (15%)(15%). The dominant species included Lumbrineris longifolia, Paraprionospio pinnata and Theora fragilis, with a density of 173.3(±55.4),169.3(±257.8)and81.8(±93.3)ind./m2173.3(±55.4),169.3(±257.8)and81.8(±93.3)ind./m2, respectively. In terms of biomass these dominant species occupied move than 75%75% of the total biomass of the macrobenthos. These were composed of 6 species of polychaetes, 7 of molluscs and one echinoderm. The biomass of Macoma tokyoensis, Periglypta cf. puerpera and Paraprionospio pinnata were predominant (more than 45%45% of the total biomass), and their biomass were 14.69(±30.17),8.71(±29.40),4.17(±11.93)g/m214.69(±30.17),8.71(±29.40),4.17(±11.93)g/m2, respectively. In terms of density, distribution patterns of Lumbrineris iongifolia, Paraprionospio pinnata, Aricidea jeffreysii, Magelona japonica, Sigambra tentaculata, Raetellops pulchella, Glycinde gurjanovae were discussed. In the inner area of the bay with high organic content, Lumbrineris longifolia, Paraprionospio pinnata, Aricides jeffreysii, Sigambra tentaculata, Raetellops pulchella were pvedominant, whereas in the mouth of the bay with low organic content, Magelona japonica, Glycinde gurjanovae, Sternaspis scutata, Theora fragilis were dominant. Lumbrineris longifolia was widly distributed throughout the bay. However, Paraprionospio pinnata, Aricidea jeffreysii and Sigambra tentaculata had high density particularly in the central pan of the bay where there was high organic content in surface sediment, and these species possibly can be used as the potential pollution indicating species.