Penthiopyrad is a fungicide agent in types of pyrazole which is showing the effect of prevention in fungal disease and powdery mildew. In order to register this new pesticide, reports of acute toxicity and chronic toxicity by animal study were examined to set acceptable daily intake to evaluate hazards of consumers. Acute toxicity was low in toxic, and it did not have the effect of acute dermal toxicity, acute eye irritation, or skin sensitization. As the result of the study in chronic toxicity, the common effect of chemical appeared in the liver and thyroid which was proven as a toxic effect. Two-generation reproduction toxicity, genotoxicity, and prenatal development toxicity were not proven. As the result of carcinogenic study, increase of thyiroid follicular adenoma in the rat and the frequency of liver hepatocellar adenoma in mice were also increased. However, it was decided that the threshold value on the effect in chemicals could be controlled through study liver enzyme induction. Therefore, the ADI for penthiopyrad is 0.081 mg/kg/ bw/day, based on the NOAEL of 8.10 mg/kg bw/day of twelve-months dogs study and applying an uncertainty factor of 100.
The mechanism by which VH region gene segments is selected in B lymphocyte is not known. Moreover, evidence for both random and nonrandom expression of VH genes in matured B cells has been presented previously. In this report, the technique of in situ hybridization allowed us to analyze expressed VH gene families in normal B lymphocyte at the single cell level. The analysis of normal B cells in this study eliminated any posssible bias resulting from transformation protocols used previously and minimized limitation associated with sampling size. Therefore, an accurate measure of the functional and expressed VH gene repertoire in B lymphocyte could be made. One of the most important controls for the optimization of in situ hybridization is to establish probe concentration and washing stringency due to the degree of nucleotide sequence similarlity between different families which in some cases can be as high as 70%. When the radioactive Cμ and VHJ558 RNA probes are tested on LPS-stimulated adult spleen cells, 2∼4×106cpm/slide shows low background and reasonable frequency of specific positive cells. For the washing condition. 40~50% formamide at 54∘C is found to be optimum for the Cμ. VHS107 and VHJ558 probes. The analyzed results clearly demonstrate that the level of each different VH gene family expression is dependent upon the complexity or size of that family. These findings are also extended to the level of VH gene family expression in separated bone marrow B cells depend upon the various stage of differentiation and conclude no preferential utilization of specific VH gene family. Thus, the utilization of VH gene segments in B lymphocyte of adult BALB/c mice is random and is not regulated or changed during the differentiation of B cells.
Park Sung Min;Son Hosung;Shin Jaesung;Sohn Young-sang;Sun Kyung;Choi Young Ho;Kim Kwan Taik;Lee In Sung;Kim Hackje;Kim Hyung Mook
Journal of Chest Surgery
In spite of the improvement in the quality of artificial heart valves and surgical techniques, the incidence of the complications following valve replacement is still high. We reviewed the clinical results of the valve replacements peformed in Korean University Anam Hospital during the last 26 years. Material and Method: The data of 571 patients who received valve replacement between December 1976 and December 2003 were reviewed. Result: There were 304 cases of MVR which was the most common procedure performed. There were 122 cases of AVR, and 111 cases of AVR with MVR. Among the 47 patients who received redo operation 38 cases were redo cases including 31 cases of MVR. 32.5% of the patients who had tissue valve replacement had second valve replacement with 10.2 ± 3.9 years interval. 24.3% (139/571) of the patients developed valve related complications and cerebral infarction was the highest in frequency. Atrial fibrillation was related with increased complication rates and the mechanical valve replaced group had higher hemorrhagic complication rate than tissue valve replaced group. The operative mortality was 3.68% and the most common cause of the failure was low output syndrome. The operative mortality was higher in the patient group who had valve replacement before the year 1990. The patient group who had mechanical valve replacement had higher operative mortality rate th;3n the tissue valve group. The 5-year survival rate was 92.2% and 10 year survival rate was 85.7%. Conclusion: The operative mortality of valve replacement has been improved. The mechnical valve replaced patients had higher hemorrhagic complication rate than the tissue valve replaced patients and more tissue valve replaced patients received redo valve replacement.
Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Selective mutism is a childhood condition defined by persisten failure to speak in specific social situation when speaking is expected, dispite preserved ability to comprehend spoken language and speak. Present study is to investigate clinical characteristics, treatment method and outcome of 23 children who were diagnosed as selective mutism by DSM-IV criteria at the child psychiatry ouptatient department of SNUH. The results were as follows : 1) The Sex ratio was 1: 4.8, female dominant Mear age of onset was 33 years old and mean age of first referral was 7.7 years old. 2) 22% of subjects had perinatal problem such as low birth weight, preterm birth, 26% of the subjects have history of delayed language development. There are subjects who had been separated with mam caretaker before 3 years old(26%) and who experienced physical or psychological trauma before 3 years old(26%). A few subjects had enurests(30%) and encoprests(4%). 3) Many subjects(65%) had symbiotic relationship with their mother. These families consist of dominant, verbally aggressive mother and passive father. Parents of 39% of all subjects were judged to have definite psychopathology(social phobic, depression, hysterical trait or alcohol problem) 26% of all subject, were reported physically abused. 4) The personality trait of the subjects were frequently described as follows(in order of frequency) ; Shy(100%), anxious(83%), stubborn(83%)m rigid and tense posture(78%), immature(65%) overdependent(65%), irritable(52%), manipulative(39%), depressive(39%). 5) The mean performance IQ of 16 subjects by KEDI-WISC was 88.3 Among them, the subjects with IQ below 69 were seven and those with IQ above 70 were nine. When comparing these two group(Mental retardation group vs Normal IQ group), we could find some difference in language development, personality trait, family dynamics and treatment outcome. 6) Among several treatment methods for selective mutism, play therapy was the most frequently used method(65%). Other commonly used treatment methods were pharmacotherapy(21%), behavioral therapy(8%), combined therapy(play therapy+pharmacotherapy+family therapy+behavioral therapy)(12%), 7) Regarding the outcome of treatment 8.6% was evaluated as Excellent, 30.4% as Good, 52% as Fair, 8.7% as Poor at the tinic of treatment. At follow up interview 21.7% was evaluated Excellent, 13% as Good, 21.7% as Fair, 34.8% as Poor. 8) We classified all subjects by Havden's 4 subtype. Symbiotic mutism was most common(65%) and other subtypes are Speech phobic mutism(8.6), Reactive mutism(13%) and Passive-aggressive mutism(30%).
Seo, Jae-Seong;Min, Hak-Jin;Yoon, Ui-Seong;Kim, Hee-Seon;Kim, Yoon-Jong;Kim, Yoo-Mih
Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
Purpose: To study the long-term outcome of arthroscopic meniscectomy with regard to clinical symptoms and radiographic signs of osteoarthritic change. Materials and Methods: The materials for the investigation consisted of 79 individuals among 144 patients who underwent knee arthroscopy due to an isolated meniscal tear from October 1990 to September 1992 in our hospital. Those 79 individuals were followed up for 10∼15 years after the knee arthroscopy and were took clinical examination through the review of knee radiographies obtained with weight bearing. 52 of the 79 patients were men, and the mean age of the total materials was 34.6 years old (in the range 17∼48). Results: At follow-up, radiographic changes including Fairbank changes and joint space narrowing were seen from 45 of the 79 patients (56.2%). In other calculation, radiographic changes were seen in 23 out of 54 patients (42.6%) who had a partial meniscectomy, but were presented in 22 out of 25 patients (88.0%) who had a total meniscectomy. As a result, more radiographic changes were seen after total meniscectomy (p=0.03). In clinical results, 39 out of 54 patients (72.2%) after partial meniscectomy were satisfactory, and 14 out of 25 patients (56.0%) after total meniscectomy were satisfactory, therefore, more percentage of patients were satisfactory in partial meniscectomy group than in total meniscectomy group, but the statistical differences were absent (p=0.24). Conclusion: The frequency of radiographic changes in 10∼15 years after meniscectomy was related to the quantity of the meniscus removed, but the differences of these changes were low and had little influence on activity and knee function.
Health promotion has come to the fore through new concept approach in consequence of the increase of chronic diseases. increase of medical cost and social trend of putting more emphasis on the individual responsibility for health. Studies of health promotion can be classified into two types: one is micro intervention method which is mainly focused on modifying individual life style and the other. macro intervention method in which they put another emphasis on the environment the individual is surrounded. in addition to modifying individual life style. This study belongs to the later. This study aims to develop nursing activities and program it for the purpose of community health promotion. The process of the study can be briefed as follows: to draw out nursing contents to intervene for community health promotion: to promote community health to develop nursing action indicators; to develop nursing action indicators for the development of main nursing activities. And those developed nursing activities are programmed systematically. The community health promotion program is composed of a hierarchical structure with nursing process that the nurses are supposed to apply to perform professional nursing. the level of nursing perform. the main items of nursing process. health promotion nursing indicators. health promotion nursing activities. The conclusion of this study according to objectives are as follows. First. community health promotion contents at individual and community level are remained revised and complemented and those at organizational level are developed. The developed main contents of community health promotion nursing are as follows. 1) Revised individual level nursing contents: 35 items. 2) Developed organizational level nursing contents: 24 items. 3) Revised community level nursing contents: 36 items. Second. for the development of the health promotion nursing action indicators. principles were set up and applied as follows. 1. Developed indicators should be provided with such qualities as comprehensiveness. diversity. developability, availability. practicability. 2. Developed indicators should be provided with functional abilities to measure the conditions and changes in any phenomena or state. inspect the development of the states. control the implementing program. evaluate the result of program and grasp what nurses should do. 3. Developed indicators should be provided with relevance and sequence. 4. Developed indicators should be undergo inspections from the expert. The developed community health promotion action indicators developed in this study. observing above mentioned principles. are total 330 indicators of 95 items. Third. when the main nursing activities were developed for each nursing action indicator. five priciples were set up in accordance with each nursing action indicators to decide main nursing activities. Main nursing activities developed observing those principles. are total 1273. Forth. for the programming of the developed nursing activities. three principles were set up. 1. The nursing activities are systematized in line with (nursing process) (nursing client) (key items of nursing process) (nursing action indicators for health promotion) (nursing activities). 2. The program is constructed in downward and hierarchical order. 3. The program is constructed not in relation to same level activities but in relation to high and low level activities. The process step of programming of developed main health promotion nursing activities are; Step 1. The Developed nursing action indicators are classified into nursing process. Step 2. The main nursing activities are allocated per each nursing action indicators. Step 3. The statement of main nursing activities are inspected. Step 4. The items of main nursing activities allocated by a certain nursing action indicators are sequenced. taking into consideration the elaborateness of activity. the sequency of activity. familiarity of activity. the difficulty of activity. the interest of activity. the frequency of activity. Step 5. The whole developed program should undergo comprehensive and critical inspections.
Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
During the industrialization and urbanization of the country, urban rivers have been covered over and developed without forethought and thus became estranged from spaces utilized by area residents in everyday life. Recently, an influx of people and uses have increased largely because accessibility improved through restoration projects which have transformed these river areas into pleasant environments. It thus appears that these projects have an impact on community consciousness for area residents who live near the restored rivers to some extent. The purpose of this study was to determine via questionnaire the effects and influences of urban river restoration on area residents targeting visitors to Seongnaecheon(stream), Songpa-gu, Seoul, which has been restored recently. Factors in the questionnaire analysis included such items as the use status of Seongnaecheon, community consciousness(feeling of belonging, solidarity, feeling settled), and a before and after comparison of the restoration(change of consciousness, regional effects), etc. According to the results of analysis, visitors who have utilized the stream more than 1~2 times per week after the restoration project accounted for the greatest portion. The main purposes of these visits were to 'rest' and 'exercise' while the ratio of using it as a 'meeting space with neighbors and strangers' was low. Community consciousness of area residents using Seongnaecheon was generally high. As a result of an analysis of consciousness differences between groups after dividing visitors into 3 groups according to the frequency of visits, there were significant differences in the consciousness level between groups with high community consciousness levels in visitors who visited frequently. In consideration of these results, the provision of programs along with proper facilities that can be used is deemed important for area residents so as to inspire community consciousness of the area by means of activating both community activities and the progressive use of the restored river.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the distribution and change of curvature of the anterior corneal surface with age in emmetropia. 504 subjects who have emmetroia with good naked vision of at least 0.6-1.0 (spherical equivalent: +0.75D- -0.75D) participated in this study. The 504 subjects into 8 groups with 10 year interval from 3-year to 83-year, and their corneal curvatures were analyzed using manual keratometry. The results are as follows. In individual analysis: First, regression analysis of corneal curvature radius with age has given an equation: Y = -0.003x + 7.796 (r = -0.26). The average corneal curvature radii was measured to be 7.68±0.25mm at 38.3-year and range was 6.98-8.54 mm. Second, frequency of corneal curvature radius were obtained in 36% between 7.61 and 7.80 mm, 78% between 7.41 and 8.00 mm, 96% between 7.21 and 8.20 mm, 100% between 6.98 and 8.54 mm. Third, as for the comparison of corneal curvature radius with respect to sex, The mean value of male (n = 304, mean: 37.6-year 7.72±0.24mm, Range: 7.09-8.54 mm) is larger than that of female (n = 200, mean: 39.3-year 7.62±0.24mm, Range: 6.98-8.42 mm) by 0.1mm (p<0.01). In groups analysis: First, regression analysis of corneal curvature radius with age has given an equation: Y=−0.0066x2+0.0227x+7.7282 (r = -0.90). Second, vertical and horizontal curvature radius decreased with age (p < 0.01). Especially the decrease of horizontal curvature radius were more pronounced than the decrease of vertical (horizontal:10-70 age group: 0.38 mm decrease, vertical:10-70 age group: 0.20 mm decrease). Third, difference between steep and flat meridian (astigmatism) progressively decreased with age. (low age group:0.18 mm difference, high age group: 0.08 mm difference). Fourth, the corneal curvature radius of male was larger than female's in total groups(p < 0.01). Consequently, the change of corneal curvature radius with age progressively decreased in all conditions (mean, vertical, horizontal, male, and female) and this change was more outstanding in horizontal rather than in vertical.
Kim, Yeo Hyang;Choe, Hee Jung;Kim, Gun Jik;Cho, Joon Yong;Hyun, Myung Chul;Lee, Sang Bum
Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
Purpose : To analyze abnormal ventricular activation in childhood congenital heart disease induced by postoperative changes in ventricular volume and pressure and ventricular scar formation using signal-averaged electrocardiography (SAECG). Methods : Fifty-two patients who had undergone open heart surgery (OHS) were enrolled. Patients were divided into the following 3 groups: right ventricular volume overload (atrial septal defect, group1), left ventricular volume overload (ventricular septal defect, group2), and right ventricular pressure overload (tetralogy of Fallot, group 3). The patients were monitored by standard 12-lead ECG and SAECG before and 2 months after the operation. QRS duration, QT and QTc intervals, filtered QRS (f-QRS), high frequency low amplitude potential (HFLA), and root mean square (RMS) voltage in the terminal 40 ms of SAECG were determined. Results : In the preoperative period, group1 showed significant increase in QRS (P=0.011) compared to those of the other 2 groups. In the postoperative period, group3 showed significant increase in the QTc interval (P=0.004) compared to those in the other 2 groups. SAECG parameters showed no significant differences among the groups in the pre- or postoperative period. Of the 52 patients, 12 (23%) in the preoperative period and 21 (40%) in the postoperative period had at least 1 SAECG abnormality. The prevalence of SAECG abnormalities was significantly higher in the postoperative group 2 and group 3 (preoperative: 20% versus postoperative: 28%, P<0.001, preoperative: 14% versus postoperative: 64%, P<0.001, respectively). Conclusion : Abnormal SAECG patterns may be attributed to postoperative scars, OHS itself, and/or ventricular overload.
Purpose : Streptococcus pneumoniae remains a leading cause of meningitis, sepsis, pneumonia, and otitis media in children worldwide. Emergence of drug-resistant organism has substantially complicated the therapy of these infections. This study was conducted to determine the clinical features and changing patterns of antibiotic-resistant rates of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Methods : We have retrospectively examined 306 cases of culture proven patients who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Severance hospital, from the year 1991 to year 2000. The type of culture specimen used, presence of penicillin resistance, characteristics according to various presenting diseases and their prevailing year were also examined. Results : The mean age of cases was 7.9 year and the ratio of male to female was 1.6 : 1. The main age group of pneumococcal infection was under 2 years(42%). Systemic infections associated with pneumococci were sepsis(19.3%) and meningitis(9.5%), while local infections presented as pneumonia(29.2%), otitis media(19.3%), exudative tonsillitis(13.3%), and sinusitis(9.2%) in the order of frequency. Seasonal variation was seen in the incidence of pneumococcal infection: high incidence of infection was seen in Spring(Mar.~Apr; 32%), while the incidence was low during summer(Aug.~Sep.; 6%). Penicillin-resistant rate of pneumococci was steadily on the increase since the year 1991(65%) to year 2000(84%). Conclusion : Antibiotic-resistant pneumococci increased during the past decade. For effective prevention of pneumococcal infections, national survey of pneumococcal infections and expanded use of pneumococcal vaccination would be needed.
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② 당 사이트는 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 각 범위별로 이용가능시간을 별도로 지정할 수 있습니다. 다만
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제 13 조 (홈페이지 저작권)
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③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에
합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다.
④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
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제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
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제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
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당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
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서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.