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A Study on Health Aspects of Daily Life of Elementary School Children in an Urban Area (일부도시국민학교취학아동의 보건생활에 관한 실태조사연구)

  • 구외행
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.36-49
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    • 1973
  • This study was carried out for the objectives to collect the basic informations on the health behaviors of the elementary school children in an urban area in Korea. Seven hundred students were drawn to fill in the designed questionnaire which carries variety of Questions on health re-lated behaviors in general, eating habits, disease history, mental health, and sex education. Questionnaire were filled in by their parents. Major findings are as follows: ① 55.7% had habits of washing the hands before eating whereas 59.8% trashing their hands after toilet. The others had no idea of washing hands before eating and after toilet. ② 26,5% had habits of brushing the teeth twice a day 54.7% only once in the morning, and 2.6% once only in the evening. Thus, the idea of prevention from decayed teeth seems to be lacking among the school children. ③ Bathing habits were also inquired to get 40.3% of bathing more than once a week, 43.1% once every two weeks, and the rest of 16.6% once every one to three months. ④ 41.7% keep the regular bedding time whereas 58.3% irregular. Physical exercises were con-ducted by 76.6% on the ground while 23.5% did not practice any physical exercises at all. Of those physical exercises, rope skipping occupied 37.5%, and the other 66.9% consisted of 14 different kinds of individual type physical exercises such as gymnastic exercise. The main reasons for not enjoying exercises were different by sex; boys largely complained the inadequacy and lack of gymnastic facilities and girls felt in short of friends who could join the exercises. ⑤ 31.9% of the school children had been taking not much of food while 28.3% had unbalanced diets. Of these unbalanced diets, meat occupied 33.2% to be the priority to have an order of the following items such as vegetables, bread or noodle, and fishes as next to each. For eating habits, 88.5% take simple snack such as bread (38.4%, cookies, fruits, and candies in order. 25.8% of the children were provided such snacks or their parents regularly. Breakfast was sufficiently taken by 45.0% whereas 8.4% had never sufficiently. As to the lunch, 63.6% had sufficiently while 16.8% insufficiently. 70.6% take breakfast with all family members together and 30.4% separately. Correlation of sufficient taking of breakfast and eating together of tile family member's seems to be significant when we compare 72.5% of sufficient takers who enjoy breakfast together with the family members with 55.6% of insufficient takers who enjoy it with the family. This finding allows the investigator to point out the importance of table circumstances for children's eating. ⑥ The most common disease was catching a cold (38.8%), and the second was stomach trouble to be followed by the frequency of car sickness, headache, and skin infection. Doctors are consulted only by 23.9% when they are sick whereas 59.7% resorted to the drug stores. The lower the educational attainment of the parents, the lower the rate of visiting clinics. ⑦ 36.7% of their parents pointed out the problems of personality guidance as the most difficult thing at home 71.3% of their parents worried about and unsatisfied with their children's personality traits. Of these complains of the parents, impatience stood at the top to be tabulated at 24.1%, and 21.1% indicated narrow-mindedness. In line with this primary socialization at home, the most crucial problem seems to be related with the lack or recognition of the parents'own role when we find only 43.1% of the parents understood the importance of their own role for the home education of children; the latter group attributed tile responsibility of personality formation to the children themselves. ⑧ As to the sex educational aspects, 30.9% of children have ever asked about the physiology of reproduction or sexual matters to their parents, of those parents only 17.0% could give the constructive responses to the inquiries of the children. In companies on with these data, 25.6% recognized their own role in sex education for their own children while the large segments of the parents (51.1%) attributed the responsibility of sex education to tile low level of 38.3% who recognized the importance of sex education in the school curriculum and 25.1% of the parents insisted to wait until they get to know naturally about sex. 38.1% of the parents said they had some knowledge on sex from books while 16.9% through mass media. The next groups had common senses of sex from their own parents, school friends and other sources.

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The Physiological Responses and Behavior Characteristics of Sensory Stimulation of ADHD Children: A Systematic Review (ADHD아동의 감각자극에 대한 생리학적 반응 특성과 행동학적 특성: 체계적 고찰)

  • Lee, Na-Hael;Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2011
  • Objective : The characteristics of physiological responses of ADHD children to sensory stimulation were examined by types of sensory stimulation, measurement tools, and responses. In addition the behavioral characteristics were examined by analyzing items of common problems according to the measuring tool, frequency, and measurement tools. Methods : A systematic review methods were used. Papers published in the Journal between January, 1990 and December 31, 2011 were searched through Riss4U, MEDLINE /PubMed, CINAH. The main terms searched were "ADHD, Children, Sensory processing, Sensory integration, SP, SSP, SOR, TIE, CSP, SEP, EDR", and 15 papers were analyzed. Results : 1. The number of studies on physiological responses of children with ADHD to sensory stimulation was five (33.33 percent), the number of studies on behavioral responses was ten(66.67%), and the number of studies combined the two kinds of study was two (13.33%), where a total of 15 (100%) papers were analyzed. 2. In five studies on the physiological response, there were three studies using tactile and proprioceptive stimulations and two studies using olfactory, auditory, visual, tactile, and vestibular sensories. 3. In ten studies on the behavioral responses, there were five studies using SP, three studies using SSP, two studies using SOR, one study using TIE, and one study using CSP. Conclusion : In the characteristics of physiological responses of children with ADHD children to sensory stimulation, there was in the action potential of the cells in hand region of the primary sensorimotor cortex neurons. It was analyzed that there was an initial state and it appeared show a obvious and fast habituation in the later state; the time of recovery seemed to have many non-specific responses. In the characteristics of behavioral responses, there were inattention / distraction, vestibular processing, sensory processing related to endurance / tone, modulation of sensory input affecting emotional responses, low energy/weak.

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Studies on the Taxonomical Characters in Populus tomentiglandulosa and P. glandulosa (Populus tomentiglandulosa와 P. glandulosa의 분류학적(分類學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Sam Sik;Kim, Chung Suk;Noda, Shozo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 1981
  • Populus glandulosa and Populus tomentiglandulosa, which were known to be natural hybrids, were examined for morphological, physiological and karyological traits to illucidate its hybridity and taxonomical importance. The results abtained were as follows; 1. Survival rate in rooting of cuttings and grafting was different between the hybrids and their rooting abilities showed incomplete dominance. 2. Their leaf openings showed incomplete dominance. The leaf longevities of P. alba × glandulosa and P. tomentiglandulosa were stronger than the other hybrids. 3. There were differences in resistance to toxicity of KClO3 between the hybrids. 4. Many external leaf characters of the hybrids also showed incomplete dominance. P. tomentiglandulosa was similar in those characters to P. alba × glandulosa while P. glandulosa was similar to hybrids crossed, reciprocally crossed or back-crossed between P. davidiana and P. alba. 5. Their numbers of male flower showed incomplete dominance or hybrid vigor. The numbers of P. tomentiglandulosa were similar to thosa of P. alba × glandulosa while those of P. glandulosa to those of P. alba × davidiana or P. davidiana × alba. 6. Morphology and band color of male catkin bract showed incomplete dominance. Those of P. glandulosa were similar to those of P. alba × davidiana while those of P. tomentiglandulosa to those of. P. alba × glandulosa. 7. There were differences in vascular bundle number and arrangement of petiole between the hybrids. 8. Differences in the anatomical traits of stem did not exist between the hybrids but those in wood fiber size existed. 9. The chromosomes of artificial hybrids, P. glandulosa and P. tomentiglandulosa showed irregular behavior in metaphase I and II. 10. All hybrids including P. glandulosa and P. tomentiglandulosa showed small number of P.M.C. with 19 II but many univalent chromosomes were exhibited in metaphase I. 11. All hybrids including P. glandulosa and P. tomentiglandulosa showed a little abnormal nuclear plates as laggard chromosome and chromosome bridge in anaphase I and II. 12. The frequency of pollen tetrad and fertile pollen was low in most of the hybrids including P. glandulosa and P. tomentiglandulosa.

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Care Labels and Consumer's Care Behavior of Hat Products (모자제품의 레이블과 소비자 관리행동)

  • Kim, Cha-Hyun;Park, Myung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1784-1792
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    • 2007
  • This study set out to identify the problems with hat labels and to search for improvement measures by examining and analyzing consumers' practice of managing their hats. It also intended to provide accurate and enough information about how to keep and wash hats and thus help consumers use their hats for a long period. In an attempt to investigate how consumers wash and manage their hats, a survey was carried out to 395 individuals in their twenties and over who owned hats living in urban areas including Seoul, and were quota sampled according to age and gender. The survey period is March to April 2007. The collected data were statistically treated with the SPSS 12.0 program in terms of frequency, percentage, mean, standard error, cross tabulation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The findings were as followed. First, the respondents were in the average level of perceiving and practicing the washing methods of their hats. The female respondents who had more experiences with laundering than the males knew and practiced the washing methods for hats better than males. Second, compared to other clothing items, hat wearers were more likely to pay careful attention to their hats by putting their hats in a laundry net and applying a laundry detergent for wool fabrics when using a washing machine or washing their hats with their own hands. And third, most of the hat wearers were aware of the importance of hat labels and showed a lower level of trust in them than other clothing items. The suppliers need to offer accurate and practical labels in order to regain the consumers' trust. Many consumers had some difficulties figuring out the size system of hats. In particular, the male consumers had a low level of perception of labels, which implies that there should be specific efforts to educate them about general labels.

Freshwater Fish Utilization of Fishway Installed in the Jangheung Dam (장흥댐에 설치되어 있는 어도와 담수어류의 이용 분석)

  • Yoon, Ju-Duk;Kim, Jeong-Hui;Joo, Gea-Jae;Seo, Jin-Won;Pak, Hubert;Jang, Min-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.264-271
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    • 2011
  • At the Jangheung multipurpose dam, which is on the Tamjin River, a trapping and trucking operation was established to maintain continuous upstream migration of fish,. To facilitate fish gathering, installation of an effective fishing trap was required. In this study, we evaluated the fish trap, established at the Jangheung dam, using PIT (Passive Integrated Transponder) telemetry. A total of 254 individuals from 15 species were monitored. Among these tagged species, 36 individuals from 6 species (Carassius auratus, C. cuvieri, Zacco temminckii, Z. platypus, Pungtungia herzi, and Pseudobagrus koreanus) were detected; a 14.2% detection rate. C. auratus recorded the highest detection rate of 44.2% while P. herzi was 14.3%. Z. temminckii and Z. platypus showed relatively low detection, 5% and 7.7% respectively. Some of individuals from C. auratus and Z. platypus did not pass through the antenna at the first attempt but were continuously detected on multiple days. There were no statistical differences in body size (total length, standard length and body weight) of individuals that did or did not swim into the trap (Mann-Whitney U test, p>0.05). Fish mainly swam into the trap during outflow of water from the dam (Mann-Whitney U test, p<0.001) and showed a higher detection frequency in daytime than nighttime (Mann-Whitney U test, p<0.001). Thus, for fish movement into the trap, external factors such as outflow from dam and time of day have important roles. Based on detection rate, not all fishes showed upstream migration but represented selective migration. Consequently, the establishment of flexible outflow strategies that take into consideration ecological characteristics of fishes should required for improving the efficiency of fishway.

Flavonoid Profiles of Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb. and Q. serrata Murray (Fagaceae) in Mt. Seorak, Korea: Taxonomical and Ecological Implications (설악산 신갈나무와 졸참나무의 플라보노이드 조성과 분류학적, 생태학적 의미)

  • Park, Jin Hee
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.1092-1101
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the distribution patterns of Quercus mongolica and Q. serrata in Korea were investigated, and the possibility of introgressive hybridization and gene flow between Q. mongolica and Q. serrata in Mt. Seorak was inferred by flavonoid analyses. The most critical factor in the vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of Q. mongolica and Q. serrata was the temperature, in accordance with latitude and altitude. The species showed a zonal distribution, with a Q. mongolica zone in the upper area and a Q. serrata zone in the lower area. In Mt. Seorak, Central Korea, the range of the vertical distribution of Q. mongolica was generally above an altitude of 100 m, whereas that of Q. serrata was an altitude of 0-400 m (-500) and rarely above an altitude of 500 m. However, in Mt. Jiri, Southern Korea, Q. serrata was found up to an altitude of 1,000~1,200 m, whereas the frequency of Q. mongolica was reduced at lower elevations and the species was rare below an altitude of 300 m, although pure stands were found on higher mountain slopes above an altitude of 1,200 m. The altitudinal distribution of the two species overlapped, where the two species occurred together. The leaf flavonoid constituents of thirty-four individuals of Q. mongolica and Q. serrata in Mt. Seorak and Mt. Jiri, Korea were examined. Twenty-four flavonoid compounds were isolated and identified. These were glycosylated derivatives of flavonols kaempferol, quercetin, isorhamnetin, myricetin. Five compounds among the flavonoid compounds were acylated. Kaempferol 3-O-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-galactoside, and its acylated compounds were major constituents and present in all individuals. Quercus mongolica is distinguished from Q. serrata by the presence of quercetin 3-O-arabinosylglucoside, a high concentration of three acylated compounds (kaempferol 3-O-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-glucoside, and quercetin 3-O-galactoside), and a relatively low concentration or lack of rhamnosyl flavonol compounds. Intraspecific variations, however, were found in the flavonoid profiles of Q. mongolica and Q. serrata, and the flavonoid profiles of individuals belonging to the two species in a hybrid zone (sympatric zone) tended to be similar, qualitatively and quantitatively. These findings strongly suggest that gene exchange or gene flow occurs through introgressive hybridization between Q. mongolica and Q. serrata in Mt. Seorak.

Linkage Disequilibrium and Gene Expression Analyses of IGF2 Gene in Korean Native Pigs (재래돼지를 이용한 IGF2 유전자의 연관불균형과 유전자발현양상에 대한 분석)

  • Li, Song-Lan;Li, Xiaoping;Choi, Bong-Hwan;Lee, Cheol-Koo;Cho, Byung-Wook;Kim, Jong-Joo;Kim, Kwan-Suk
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2009
  • Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) is the first identified imprinted gene, which is paternally expressed in multiple mammalian species. A paternally expressed QTL for muscle growth and backfat thickness (BFT) has previously been identified near the IGF2 locus on the distal tip of pig chromosome 2 (SSC2p). Therefore the IGF2 gene is considered an economically important candidate gene for pig industry. Herein, this study explored genetic variation of IGF2 for in3-G3072A, in7-G162C and a new SNP in intron7 (C1589T) in Korean native pig (KNP) and commercial pig breeds, and detected their linkage disequilibrium within these breeds. Furthermore we investigated the effect of in3-G3072A on IGF2 gene expression in post-natal muscle and backfat tissues. The real-time quantitative PCR results showed that animals inherited allele G from a KNP sire had significant higher IGF2 gene expression in backfat tissue than those inherited allele A from a Yorkshire sire, however opposite situation in muscle. These results demonstrated the allele 3072G is associated with a higher IGF2 gene expression in fat tissues, but low gene expression in muscle tissues when compared with the 3072A allele. These results suggest that KNP with lower muscle mass and higher fat deposition might be associated with a higher frequency of the 3072G allele, and selecting KNP based on IGF2 genotypes could result in an economic benefit to KNP producers.

Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Surface Winds over the Adjacent Seas of the Korean Peninsula (한국 주변해역에서의 해상풍의 시공간적 특성)

  • Han, Sang-Kyu;Lee, Heung-Jae;Na, Jung-Yul
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.550-564
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    • 1995
  • The temporal and spatial characteristics of wind fields over the neighbouring seas of the Korean peninsula are investigated using 10-years daily wind data during 19781987 which have been spatially smoothed and low-pass filtered. Long term annual and monthly means are examined for synoptic patterns and spectral analyses are made for temporal variability and spatial coherence. Spatial patterns of the annual mean wind stress and curl have a strong resemblance with those of monthly means during the winter season. Two outstanding periodicities are observed at 1 and 2 cycles per year. The synoptic winds over the study area are highly coherent at both the annual and semi-annual periodicities. However, each basin has its own characteristic spatial pattern. For instance, the prevailing wind during the winter season is northerIy over the northern East Sea (ES), Yellow Sea (YS), and northern East China Sea (ECS), while it is northwesterly over the southern ES and northesterly over the northern ES and southern ECS. At the same time, the wind stress curl is positive over the northern ES and southern ECS, while it is negative over the southern ES, YS and northern ECS. On the other hand, the wind field during the summer season, with its strength being much reduced, is completely different from that during the winter season, and frequent passage of tropical storms provokes large temporal variability over ECS. One remarkable point is that the annual cycle, dominated by the Siberian High, tends to propagate from northeast to southwest, i.e., from northern 25 toward southern ES, YS and ECS, while the semi-annual cycle propagates in the opposite direction, from southwest to northeast. The semi-annual periodicity may reflect development of extratropical cyclones in spring and fall which frequently cross the Korean peninsula. In higher frequencies, there are no dominant periodicities, but local winds over YS and ES are highly correlated for frequencies larger than 0.1 cycles per day and phase difference increases linearly with frequency. This linear increase of phase corresponds to phase speed of 550 and 730 km/d at 0.1 and 0.3 cpd, respectively, The phase speed is apparently coincident with moving speed of extratropical cyclones across the Korean peninsula in the west-east direction.

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Compositions and Contents of Thinner and Reliability of MSDS sold in Busan and Gyeongnam Province (부산,경남에서 판매되는 시너(Thinner)의 구성 성분 중 벤젠 등 일부 독성물질의 함량과 물질안전보건자료에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yu Young;Yang, Seung Hyuk;Lee, Jung Sil;Lee, Hyoung Sook;Jang, Kong Hwa;Jin, Koo Won;Lee, Yong Il;Joo, Woo Hong;Paik, Do-Hyeon;Kang, Dae-Ook;Moon, Ja-Young;Cho, Yong-Kweon;Park, Dong Uk;Yoon, Chung Sik;Ha, Kwon Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.314-323
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to identify ingredients of thinners and to confirm reliability of material safety data sheets (MSDS) of thinners for public and workers' health. The 41 thinner products were collected from paint shops located in Busan and Gyeongnam province. The 12 thinner products among them were identified using product MSDS. GC-MSD was used to analyze 41 kinds of thinners qualitatively and quantitatively. The 12 products MSDS were compared with thinner's component through qualitative analysis to confirm MSDS. Chemical ingredients, such as Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene etc., of thinners were analysed in quantity. The 41 thinner products contained 17 disclosed specific, trade name, or generically described chemical solvent ingredients. These 17 ingredients came under 6 classes: alcohols, aromatic hydrocarbons, esters, glycol ethers, ketones, and mixtures. These 17 ingredients were important in the view of industrial hygiene and had occupational exposure limit in the ambient, such as toluene, xylene, acetone, nonane, EGEE, heptane, cumene, MIBK, indene, tri-methyl benzene, etc, were found in 41 kinds of thinners. Aromatic hydrocarbons were the most identified ingredient in thinners. Especially, the benzene, which induces leukemia, was found in 4 kinds of thinners. The content rates of benzene in thinners were 0.25~1.18%. The benzene in enamel thinner, which were 0.39~0.72%, was highest from chemical classification. The contents of toluene, which was found from 27 kinds of thinners, were 5.35~64.16%, which were highest in sobu thinner as 58.80%. Xylene was found from 22 kinds of thinners and contents of xylene were 4.61~72.42%. Acrylic thinner's contents of xylene were 12.06~51.05%, which was most high. It was found that contents of benzene were increased and frequency of detection was decreased through comparison with other study. The MSDS possession rate of paint shops was low as 29.27%. So it did not provide information with public or workers. Mean of agreement rate between MSDS and components of thinners through qualitative analysis was 42.01% and it has wide range from 8.3% to 75%. There are many deficiencies in MSDS about component of thinners. In some case of sample, expecially, despite containing benzene, information was not written it on MSDS.

Research of Heavily Selective Emitter Doping for Making Solar Cell by Using the New Atmospheric Plasma Jet (새로운 대기압 플라즈마 제트를 이용한 태양전지용 고농도 선택적 도핑에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, I Hyun;Yun, Myung Soo;Son, Chan Hee;Jo, Tae Hoon;Kim, Dong Hea;Seo, Il Won;Rho, Jun Hyoung;Jeon, Bu Il;Kim, In Tae;Choi, Eun Ha;Cho, Guangsup;Kwon, Gi Chung
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.238-244
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    • 2013
  • Doping process using laser is an important process in fabrication of solar cell for heat treatment. However, the process of using the furnace is difficult to form a selective emitter doping region. The case of using a selective emitter laser doping is required an expensive laser equipment and induce the wafer's structure damage due to high temperature. This study, we fabricated a new costly plasma source. Through this, we research the selective emitter doping. We fabricated that the atmospheric pressure plasma jet injected Ar gas is inputted a low frequency (a few tens kHz). We used shallow doping wafers existing PSG (Phosphorus Silicate Glass) on the shallow doping CZ P-type wafer. Atmospheric plasma treatment time was 15 s and 30 s, and current for making the plasma is 40 mA and 70 mA. We investigated a doping profile by using SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy) and we grasp the sheet resistance of electrical character by using doping profile. As result of experiment, prolonged doping process time and highly plasma current occur a deeper doping depth, moreover improve sheet resistance. We grasped the wafer's surface damage after atmospheric pressure plasma doping by using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). We check that wafer's surface is not changed after plasma doping and atmospheric pressure doping width is broaden by increase of plasma treatment time and current.