• 제목/요약/키워드: Low-Cost Camera

검색결과 254건 처리시간 0.039초

적외선 레인지파인더와 CCD 카메라를 이용한 지능 휠체어용 표적 추적 시스템 (Target Tracking System for an Intelligent Wheelchair Using Infrared Range-finder and CCD Camera)

  • 하윤수;한동희
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.560-570
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we discuss the tracking system for a wheelchair which can follow the path of a human target such as a nurse in hospital. The problem of human tracking is that it requires recognition of feature as well as the tracking of human positions. For this purpose the use of a high cost visual sensor such as laser finder or streo camera makes the tracking a high cost additional expense. This paper proposes the tracking system uses a low cost infrared range-finder and CCD camera, The Infrared range-finder and CCD camera can create a target candidate through each target recognition algorithm. and this information is fused in order to reduce the uncertainties of a target decision and correct the positional error of the human. The effectiveness of the proposed system is verified through experiments.

Comparison the Mapping Accuracy of Construction Sites Using UAVs with Low-Cost Cameras

  • Jeong, Hohyun;Ahn, Hoyong;Shin, Dongyoon;Choi, Chuluong
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2019
  • The advent of a fourth industrial revolution, built on advances in digital technology, has coincided with studies using various unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) being performed worldwide. However, the accuracy of different sensors and their suitability for particular research studies are factors that need to be carefully evaluated. In this study, we evaluated UAV photogrammetry using smart technology. To assess the performance of digital photogrammetry, the accuracy of common procedures for generating orthomosaic images and digital surface models (DSMs) using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) techniques was measured. Two different type of non-surveying camera(Smartphone camera, fisheye camera) were attached to UAV platform. For fisheye camera, lens distortion was corrected by considering characteristics of lens. Accuracy of orthoimage and DSM generated were comparatively analyzed using aerial and TLS data. Accuracy comparison analysis proceeded as follows. First, we used Ortho mosaic image to compare the check point with a certain area. In addition, vertical errors of camera DSM were compared and analyzed based on TLS. In this study, we propose and evaluate the feasibility of UAV photogrammetry which can acquire 3 - D spatial information at low cost in a construction site.

Hand Gesture 인식을 이용한 아바타 제어 (Avatar Control by using hand gesture recognition)

  • 최우영;김소연;송백균
    • 한국정보통신학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양정보통신학회 2004년도 춘계종합학술대회
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    • pp.616-619
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    • 2004
  • As interests Un virtual reality being increased, the importance of HCI(Human computer interaction) field using gesture is also increased. However, in the preceding gesture recognition, the requirement of high-cost peripheral equipments limits users right. In this paper we suggest that through using low cost of USB PC-camera users are allowed to have more flexibly and cost down so that it can be adopted much commonly.

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도심 자율주행을 위한 라이다 정지 장애물 지도 기반 위치 보정 알고리즘 (LiDAR Static Obstacle Map based Position Correction Algorithm for Urban Autonomous Driving)

  • 노한석;이현성;이경수
    • 자동차안전학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents LiDAR static obstacle map based vehicle position correction algorithm for urban autonomous driving. Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS is commonly used in highway automated vehicle systems. For urban automated vehicle systems, RTK GPS have some trouble in shaded area. Therefore, this paper represents a method to estimate the position of the host vehicle using AVM camera, front camera, LiDAR and low-cost GPS based on Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Static obstacle map (STOM) is constructed only with static object based on Bayesian rule. To run the algorithm, HD map and Static obstacle reference map (STORM) must be prepared in advance. STORM is constructed by accumulating and voxelizing the static obstacle map (STOM). The algorithm consists of three main process. The first process is to acquire sensor data from low-cost GPS, AVM camera, front camera, and LiDAR. Second, low-cost GPS data is used to define initial point. Third, AVM camera, front camera, LiDAR point cloud matching to HD map and STORM is conducted using Normal Distribution Transformation (NDT) method. Third, position of the host vehicle position is corrected based on the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF).The proposed algorithm is implemented in the Linux Robot Operating System (ROS) environment and showed better performance than only lane-detection algorithm. It is expected to be more robust and accurate than raw lidar point cloud matching algorithm in autonomous driving.

TEC-less 비냉각 열영상 검출기용 소형카메라 모듈 개발 (Small Camera Module for TEC-less Uncooled Thermal Image)

  • 김종호
    • 대한임베디드공학회논문지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2017
  • Thermal imaging is mainly used in military equipment required for night observation. In particular, technologies of uncooled thermal imaging detectors are being developed as applied to low-cost night observation system. Many system integrators require different specifications of the uncooled thermal imaging camera but their development time is short. In this approach, EOSYSTEM has developed a small size, TEC-less uncooled thermal imaging camera module with $32{\times}32mm$ size and low power consumption. Both domestic detector and import detector are applied to the EOSYSTEM's thermal imaging camera module. The camera module contains efficient infrared image processing algorithms including : Temperature compensation non-uniformity correction, Bad/Dead pixel replacement, Column noise removal, Contrast/Edge enhancement algorithms providing stable and low residual non-uniformity infrared image.

Design and Implementation of PDA-based Image Surveillance System for Harbor Security using IP Camera

  • Shim, Joon-Hwan
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제31권9호
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    • pp.779-784
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    • 2007
  • This paper describes a new progressive embedded Internet Protocol(IP) camera available for real-time image transmission. It was applied for ship safety and security on seashore area. The functions of developed embedded system was more effective and excellent than conventional systems. Nowadays, each nation has established harbor security systems to jump up their ports to international port. Recently Incheon port has tried to change man security into center security system used by image security system. The security system of Incheon port has some advantages like effectivity of security system and reduction of manpower and cost, installed by image security system with CCTV cameras at the entrance gate and around the fence. Thus in this paper, we have designed and implemented a Personal Digital Assistants(PDA) based Image Surveillance System for Harbor Security using IP Camera under ubiquitous environment. This system has big advantages which are more effective in an emergency and low cost and small manpower than conventional systems.

저가의 머신 비전 카메라를 이용한 2차원 진동의 측정 및 교정 (Measurement of two-dimensional vibration and calibration using the low-cost machine vision camera)

  • 김서우;이정권
    • 한국음향학회지
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2018
  • 현존하는 진동 측정 센서는 정밀도 면에서는 대부분의 진동을 측정하기에 충분하나, 센서 한 개로 하나의 지점이나 방향에 한정하여 측정할 수밖에 없다는 단점을 갖고 있다. 반면 카메라의 경우, 정밀도나 측정 가능한 주파수 영역의 면에서는 다소 불리하지만, 한 번에 광범위한 영역의 진동을 측정할 수 있고 가격 면에서 유리하며 다자유도의 진동을 동시에 측정할 수 있다는 큰 장점을 갖고 있다. 본 연구에서는 저가의 머신 비전 카메라가 진동 측정 센서로서 어느 정도의 오차 범위 내에서 진동을 측정할 수 있는지 알아본 후, 실제 외팔보의 진동을 측정하였다. 카메라의 2차원 평면 이미지는 두 방향의 직선 운동과 한 방향의 회전 운동을 나타낼 수 있다. 먼저 단일 점의 진동을 카메라로 측정하고, LDV(Laser Doppler Vibrometer) 측정을 기준으로 한 카메라 측정의 오차를 실험적으로 교정하였다. 다음으로 다중점의 진동을 한 번에 측정하여 회전 진동과 외팔보 전체 형상의 진동을 측정하였다. 외팔보 전체 형상 진동은 주파수와 시간 영역 모두에 대하여 분석하였다.

On low cost model-based monitoring of industrial robotic arms using standard machine vision

  • Karagiannidisa, Aris;Vosniakos, George C.
    • Advances in robotics research
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.81-99
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    • 2014
  • This paper contributes towards the development of a computer vision system for telemonitoring of industrial articulated robotic arms. The system aims to provide precision real time measurements of the joint angles by employing low cost cameras and visual markers on the body of the robot. To achieve this, a mathematical model that connects image features and joint angles was developed covering rotation of a single joint whose axis is parallel to the visual projection plane. The feature that is examined during image processing is the varying area of given circular target placed on the body of the robot, as registered by the camera during rotation of the arm. In order to distinguish between rotation directions four targets were used placed every $90^{\circ}$ and observed by two cameras at suitable angular distances. The results were deemed acceptable considering camera cost and lighting conditions of the workspace. A computational error analysis explored how deviations from the ideal camera positions affect the measurements and led to appropriate correction. The method is deemed to be extensible to multiple joint motion of a known kinematic chain.

이종 입체 영상 카메라의 광학 특성 일치화 (Optical Properties Correction of a Heterogeneous Stereoscopic Camera)

  • 정은경;백승해;박순용;장호욱
    • 전자공학회논문지
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    • 제49권11호
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    • pp.74-85
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문에서는 이종 입체 카메라 시스템의 광학적 특성을 일치화하여 동일한 품질의 입체영상을 생성하는 기술을 제안한다. 이종 입체 카메라의 광학적 특성에는 크게 줌, 심도, 초점이 있으며 이들의 차이는 결과적으로 입체영상의 품질에 영향을 주어 사람의 시각 피로를 발생시키는 요인이 된다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 광학 특성 일치화 기술은 이종 카메라의 줌 영상을 일치한 후 동일 피사체에 대해 초점을 맞추고 심도를 일치화하는 과정으로 이루어진다. 이를 위하여 이종 입체 카메라의 줌 영상의 비교 알고리즘을 통하여 줌 렌즈에 대한 룩업테이블(LUT)을 작성하였다. 그리고 입체 영상의 에지(edge)에서 초점 정보를 추출하여 심도를 일치화하였다. 광학적 특성 일치화 실험을 위하여 직교방식의 리그를 제작하고 서로 다른 사양의 HD급 카메라를 이용하여 입체 카메라 장치를 구성하였다. 줌 일치화 및 심도 일치화에 대한 실험 결과로 시각 피로를 줄일 수 있는 입체 영상 생성이 가능함을 보였다.