• Title/Summary/Keyword: Location system

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A Study on the Application of the Smartphone Hiking Apps for Analyzing the User Characteristics in Forest Recreation Area: Focusing on Daegwallyoung Area (산림휴양공간 이용특성 분석을 위한 국내 스마트폰 산행앱(APP)의 적용성 및 활용방안 연구: 대관령 선자령 일대를 중심으로)

  • Jang, Youn-Sun;Yoo, Rhee-Hwa;Lee, Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.3
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    • pp.382-391
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to verify whether smartphone hiking apps, which generate social network data including location information, are useful tools for analyzing the use characteristics of a forest recreation area. For this purpose, the study identified the functions and service characteristics of smartphone hiking apps. Also, the use characteristics of the area of Daegwallyoung were analyzed, compared with the results of the field survey, and the applicability of hiking apps was reviewed. As a result, the service types of hiking apps were analyzed in terms of three categories: "information offering," "hiking record," and "information sharing." This study focused on an app that is one of the "hiking record" types with the greatest number of users. Analysis of the data from hiking apps and a field survey in the Daegwallyoung area showed that both hiking apps and the field survey can be used to identify the movement patterns, but hiking apps based on a global positioning system (GPS) are more efficient and objective tools for understanding the use patterns in a forest recreation area, as well as for extracting user-generated photos. Second, although it is advantageous to analyze the patterns objectively through the walking-speed data generated, field surveys and observation are needed as complements for understanding the types of activities in each space. The hiking apps are based on cellphone use and are specific to "hiking" use, so user bias can limit the usefulness of the data. It is significant that this research shows the applicability of hiking apps for analyzing the use patterns of forest recreation areas through the location-based social network data of app users who record their hiking information voluntarily.

A Study on Landscape of Cheongpunggye (청풍계(淸風溪) 경관에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Hyang;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 2011
  • Cheongpunggye is located in a valley where Baekaksan, the main mountain of Seoul and Inwang Mountain corresponding to right-white tiger(石白虎) divination based on topography are crossed. The owner of Cheongpunggye is Seonwon Kim Sangyong and many people had visited there without pause because of beautiful landscape since the early times of Chosun. Seonwon Kim Sangyong had ever studied together with Yulgok Yi I and Woogye Seong Hon. He was one of the Western faction(Seo-in) which was the leading power of Injo Coup and died for his chastity during Second Manchu Invasion of Chosun. He is known as a model of fidelity which is a symbol for scholar's spirit in Chosun together with his younger brother Cheongeum Kim Sangheon. Jangdong region, the clan village of New Andong family was the birthplace of Yulgok School which was the fundamental of scholar spirit of Chosun. And Jangdong would be the source of Jin-Gyeong(Real Scenery) Culture which was bloomed by Baekak club composed of Gyeomjae Jeong Seon, Sacheon Lee Byeongyeon, and Gwanajae Cho Yeongseok. The contents of this study are as follows. First, this study explored the placeness of Seochon region through the historical background like the relation between Jangdong, the clan village of Andong Kim family and Andong Kim family, and achievements of Seonwon Kim Sangyong and circumstances of that times. Second, this study tried to know original landscape of Cheongpunggye by investigating location, topography, water system etc. based on analysis of literature, old map, and paintings describing Cheongpunggye. The study was progressed in this way. To infer the original landscape, about 50 landscape elements of Cheongpunggye shown in Punggyejibseunggi(楓溪集勝記), Cheongpunggye Cheop, Cheongpunggye(淸風溪), the work of Gyeomjae Jeong Sean were searched, and then the location and form of the elements was analyzed. Furthermore, by analyzing the meanings of the names for the landscape elements, the thoughts(Naturalism, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) supporting the structure of Cheongpunggye could be inferred. It is thought that these findings can contribute to exploration of placeness of Cheongpunggye. The study on original landscape of Cheongpunggye can be used as basic data when these works are executed-revival of Cheongpunggye, restoration of small streams in upper part of Cheonggyecheon, renewal of Seochon region.

Aviation Safety Regulation and ICAO's Response to Emerging Issues (항공안전규제와 새로운 이슈에 대한 ICAO의 대응)

  • Shin, Dong-Chun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.207-244
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    • 2015
  • Aviation safety is the stage in which the risk of harm to persons or of property damage is reduced to, and maintained at or below, an acceptable level through a continuing process of hazard identification and risk management. Many accidents and incidents have been taking place since 2014, while there had been relatively safer skies before 2014. International civil aviation community has been exerting great efforts to deal with these emerging issues, thus enhancing and ensuring safety throughout the world over the years. The Preamble of the Chicago Convention emphasizes safety and order of international air transport, and so many Articles in the Convention are related to the safety. Furthermore, most of the Annexes to the Convention are International Standards and Recommended Practices pertaining to the safety. In particular, Annex 19, which was promulgated in Nov. 2013, dealing with safety management system. ICAO, as law-making body, has Air Navigation Commission, Council, Assembly to deliberate and make decisions regarding safety issues. It is also implementing USOAP and USAP to supervise safety functions of member States. After MH 370 disappeared in 2014, ICAO is developing Global Tracking System whereby there should be no loophole in tracking the location of aircraft anywhere in world with the information provided by many stakeholders concerned. MH 17 accident drove ICAO to install web-based repository where information relating to the operation in conflict zones is provided and shared. In addition, ICAO has been initiating various solutions to emerging issues such as ebola outbreak and operation under extreme meteorological conditions. Considering the necessity of protection and sharing of safety data and information to enhance safety level, ICAO is now suggesting enhanced provisions to do so, and getting feedback from member States. It has been observed that ICAO has been approaching issues towards problem-solving from four different dimensions. First regarding time, it analyses past experiences and best practices, and make solutions in short, mid and long terms. Second, from space perspective, ICAO covers States, region and the world as a whole. Third, regarding stakeholders it consults with and hear from as many entities as it could, including airlines, airports, community, consumers, manufacturers, air traffic control centers, air navigation service providers, industry and insurers. Last not but least, in terms of regulatory changes, it identifies best practices, guidance materials and provisions which could become standards and recommended practices.

Variation of Hospital Costs and Product Heterogeneity

  • Shin, Young-Soo
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.123-127
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    • 1978
  • The major objective of this research is to identify those hospital characteristics that best explain cost variation among hospitals and to formulate linear models that can predict hospital costs. Specific emphasis is placed on hospital output, that is, the identification of diagnosis related patient groups (DRGs) which are medically meaningful and demonstrate similar patterns of hospital resource consumption. A casemix index is developed based on the DRGs identified. Considering the common problems encountered in previous hospital cost research, the following study requirements are estab-lished for fulfilling the objectives of this research: 1. Selection of hospitals that exercise similar medical and fiscal practices. 2. Identification of an appropriate data collection mechanism in which demographic and medical characteristics of individual patients as well as accurate and comparable cost information can be derived. 3. Development of a patient classification system in which all the patients treated in hospitals are able to be split into mutually exclusive categories with consistent and stable patterns of resource consumption. 4. Development of a cost finding mechanism through which patient groups' costs can be made comparable across hospitals. A data set of Medicare patients prepared by the Social Security Administration was selected for the study analysis. The data set contained 27,229 record abstracts of Medicare patients discharged from all but one short-term general hospital in Connecticut during the period from January 1, 1971, to December 31, 1972. Each record abstract contained demographic and diagnostic information, as well as charges for specific medical services received. The 'AUT-OGRP System' was used to generate 198 DRGs in which the entire range of Medicare patients were split into mutually exclusive categories, each of which shows a consistent and stable pattern of resource consumption. The 'Departmental Method' was used to generate cost information for the groups of Medicare patients that would be comparable across hospitals. To fulfill the study objectives, an extensive analysis was conducted in the following areas: 1. Analysis of DRGs: in which the level of resource use of each DRG was determined, the length of stay or death rate of each DRG in relation to resource use was characterized, and underlying patterns of the relationships among DRG costs were explained. 2. Exploration of resource use profiles of hospitals; in which the magnitude of differences in the resource uses or death rates incurred in the treatment of Medicare patients among the study hospitals was explored. 3. Casemix analysis; in which four types of casemix-related indices were generated, and the significance of these indices in the explanation of hospital costs was examined. 4. Formulation of linear models to predict hospital costs of Medicare patients; in which nine independent variables (i. e., casemix index, hospital size, complexity of service, teaching activity, location, casemix-adjusted death. rate index, occupancy rate, and casemix-adjusted length of stay index) were used for determining factors in hospital costs. Results from the study analysis indicated that: 1. The system of 198 DRGs for Medicare patient classification was demonstrated not only as a strong tool for determining the pattern of hospital resource utilization of Medicare patients, but also for categorizing patients by their severity of illness. 2. The wei틴fed mean total case cost (TOTC) of the study hospitals for Medicare patients during the study years was $11,27.02 with a standard deviation of $117.20. The hospital with the highest average TOTC ($1538.15) was 2.08 times more expensive than the hospital with the lowest average TOTC ($743.45). The weighted mean per diem total cost (DTOC) of the study hospitals for Medicare patients during the sutdy years was $107.98 with a standard deviation of $15.18. The hospital with the highest average DTOC ($147.23) was 1.87 times more expensive than the hospital with the lowest average DTOC ($78.49). 3. The linear models for each of the six types of hospital costs were formulated using the casemix index and the eight other hospital variables as the determinants. These models explained variance to the extent of 68.7 percent of total case cost (TOTC), 63.5 percent of room and board cost (RMC), 66.2 percent of total ancillary service cost (TANC), 66.3 percent of per diem total cost (DTOC), 56.9 percent of per diem room and board cost (DRMC), and 65.5 percent of per diem ancillary service cost (DTANC). The casemix index alone explained approximately one half of interhospital cost variation: 59.1 percent for TOTC and 44.3 percent for DTOC. Thsee results demonstrate that the casemix index is the most importand determinant of interhospital cost variation Future research and policy implications in regard to the results of this study is envisioned in the following three areas: 1. Utilization of casemix related indices in the Medicare data systems. 2. Refinement of data for hospital cost evaluation. 3. Development of a system for reimbursement and cost control in hospitals.

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An Implementation of Lighting Control System using Interpretation of Context Conflict based on Priority (우선순위 기반의 상황충돌 해석 조명제어시스템 구현)

  • Seo, Won-Il;Kwon, Sook-Youn;Lim, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2016
  • The current smart lighting is shaped to offer the lighting environment suitable for current context, after identifying user's action and location through a sensor. The sensor-based context awareness technology just considers a single user, and the studies to interpret many users' various context occurrences and conflicts lack. In existing studies, a fuzzy theory and algorithm including ReBa have been used as the methodology to solve context conflict. The fuzzy theory and algorithm including ReBa just avoid an opportunity of context conflict that may occur by providing services by each area, after the spaces where users are located are classified into many areas. Therefore, they actually cannot be regarded as customized service type that can offer personal preference-based context conflict. This paper proposes a priority-based LED lighting control system interpreting multiple context conflicts, which decides services, based on the granted priority according to context type, when service conflict is faced with, due to simultaneous occurrence of various contexts to many users. This study classifies the residential environment into such five areas as living room, 'bed room, study room, kitchen and bath room, and the contexts that may occur within each area are defined as 20 contexts such as exercising, doing makeup, reading, dining and entering, targeting several users. The proposed system defines various contexts of users using an ontology-based model and gives service of user oriented lighting environment through rule based on standard and context reasoning engine. To solve the issue of various context conflicts among users in the same space and at the same time point, the context in which user concentration is required is set in the highest priority. Also, visual comfort is offered as the best alternative priority in the case of the same priority. In this manner, they are utilized as the criteria for service selection upon conflict occurrence.

Evaluation on the Radiation Exposure of Radiation Workers in Proton Therapy (양성자 치료 시 방사선 작업 종사자에게 미치는 방사선 피폭에 대한 평가)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyun;Jang, Yo-Jong;Kim, Tae-Yoon;Jeong, Do-Hyung;Choi, Gye-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Unlike the existing linear accelerator with photon, proton therapy produces a number of second radiation due to the kinds of nuclide including neutron that is produced from the interaction with matter, and more attention must be paid on the exposure level of radiation workers for this reason. Therefore, thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) that is being widely used to measure radiation was utilized to analyze the exposure level of the radiation workers and propose a basic data about the radiation exposure level during the proton therapy. Materials and Methods: The subjects were radiation workers who worked at the proton therapy center of National Cancer Center and TLD Badge was used to compare the measured data of exposure level. In order to check the dispersion of exposure dose on body parts from the second radiation coming out surrounding the beam line of proton, TLD (width and length: 3 mm each) was attached to on the body spots (lateral canthi, neck, nipples, umbilicus, back, wrists) and retained them for 8 working hours, and the average data was obtained after measuring them for 80 hours. Moreover, in order to look into the dispersion of spatial exposure in the treatment room, TLD was attached on the snout, PPS (Patient Positioning System), Pendant, block closet, DIPS (Digital Image Positioning System), Console, doors and measured its exposure dose level during the working hours per day. Results: As a result of measuring exposure level of TLD Badge of radiation workers, quarterly average was 0.174 mSv, yearly average was 0.543 mSv, and after measuring the exposure level of body spots, it showed that the highest exposed body spot was neck and the lowest exposed body spot was back (the middle point of a line connecting both scapula superior angles). Investigation into the spatial exposure according to the workers' movement revealed that the exposure level was highest near the snout and as the distance becomes distant, it went lower. Conclusion: Even a small amount of exposure will eventually increase cumulative dose and exposure dose on a specific body part can bring health risks if one works in a same location for a long period. Therefore, radiation workers must thoroughly manage exposure dose and try their best to minimize it according to ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) as the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recommends.

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The Investigation Image-guided Radiation Therapy of Bladder Cancer Patients (방광암 환자의 영상유도 방사선치료에 관한 고찰)

  • Bae, Seong-Soo;Bae, Sun-Myoung;Kim, Jin-San;Kang, Tae-Young;Back, Geum-Mun;Kwon, Kyung-Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: In hospital image-guided radiation therapy in patients with bladder cancer to enhance the reproducibility of the appropriate amount, depending on the patient's condition, and image-guided injection of saline system (On-Board Imager system, OBI, VARIAN, USA) three of the Cone-Beam CT dimensional matching (3D-3D matching) to be the treatment. In this study, the treatment of patients with bladder cancer at Cone-Beam CT image obtained through the analysis of the bones based matching and matching based on the bladder to learn about the differences, the bladder's volume change injected saline solution by looking at the bladder for the treatment of patients with a more appropriate image matching is to assess how the discussion. Materials and Methods: At our hospital from January 2009 to April 2010 admitted for radiation therapy patients, 7 patients with bladder cancer using a Folly catheter of residual urine in the bladder after removing the amount determined according to individual patient enough to inject saline CT-Sim was designed after the treatment plan. After that, using OBI before treatment to confirm position with Cone-Beam CT scan was physician in charge of matching was performed in all patients. CBCT images using a total of 45 bones, bladder, based on image matching and image matching based on the difference were analyzed. In addition, changes in bladder volume of Eclipse (version 8.0, VARIAN, USA) persuaded through. Results: Bones, one based image matching based on the bladder and re-matching the X axis is the difference between the average $3{\pm}2mm$, Y axis, $1.8{\pm}1.3mm$, Z-axis travel distance is $2.3{\pm}1.7mm$ and the overall $4.8{\pm}2.0mm$, respectively. The volume of the bladder compared to the baseline showed a difference of $4.03{\pm}3.97%$. Conclusion: Anatomical location and nature of the bladder due to internal movement of the bones, even after matching with the image of the bladder occurred in different locations. In addition, the volume of saline-filled bladder showed up the difference between the 4.03 percent, but matched in both images to be included in the planned volumes were able to confirm. Thus, after injection of saline into the bladder base by providing a more accurate image matching will be able to conduct therapy.

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Design Strategies for Ecological Restoration Using System Dynamics - Focused on 2015 Miryang-si Jayeon Madang Development Project - (시스템 다이내믹스를 활용한 생태복원 설계 전략 - 2015 밀양시 자연마당 조성사업을 사례로 -)

  • Ham, Eun-Kyung;Song, Ki-Hwan;Chon, Jinhyung;Cho, Dong-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.86-97
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    • 2015
  • "The Jayeon Madang Development Project("JMDP")" is a project being promoted by the Ministry of Environment to create a cultural space and a natural rest area within the city. Abuksan, located at Abuksan in Gyeongsangnam-do Miryang-si Naeil-dong, has suffered a substantial amount of environmental degradation over time, so the need for ecological restoration made it a natural choice for the location of the JMDP's site. The purpose of this study is to examine ecological restoration design strategies used in Abuksan as part of the JMDP using system dynamics. The national archery center, hole, and arable land sites are key restoration areas in Abuksan that have faced with ecological problems. In this study, we identified the status of each site, determined key strategies being implemented, and designed based on the strategies implemented up to this point for solving problems associated with each sites through the use of causal loop diagrams. The results of the causal loop diagram analysis are as follows. The national archery center site was designed around strategies including planting green manure crops and introducing hugelkultur to reduce soil acidification and green network degradation. The hole site was designed as a constructed wetland based on the emergence of hygropreference vegetation, hydrated by rainwater collected at the bottom of hole, ecological and cultural benefits of such an environment. The arable land site restoration design was built around planting native vegetation on one part of the arable land site after soil quality improved and around restoration of grassland and a dry wetland on the other part of the site to reduce soil acidification, erosion, and green network degradation. This study is a significant attempt to apply principles of system dynamics to ecological restoration by providing the design strategies using comprehension of some problems in the ecosystem feedback loops, which has not been used before in general design processes for ecological restoration.

The Diagnosis of Work Connectivity between Local Government Departments -Focused on Busan Metropolitan City IT Project - (지자체 부서 간 업무연계성 진단 -부산광역시 정보화사업을 중심으로 -)

  • JI, Sang-Tae;NAM, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.176-188
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    • 2018
  • Modern urban problems are increasingly becoming a market mix that can not be solved by the power of a single department and the necessity of establishing a cooperation system based on data communication between departments is increasing. Therefore, this study analyzed Busan metropolitan city's IT projects from 2014 to 2018 in order to understand the utilization and sharing status of departmental data from the viewpoint that cooperation between departments can start from the sharing of data with high common utilization. In addition, based on the results of the FGI(Focus Group Interview) conducted for the officials of the department responsible for the informatization project, we verified the results of data status analysis. At the same time, we figured out the necessity of data link between departments through SNA(Social Network Analysis) and presented data that should be shared first in the future. As a result, most of the information systems currently use limited data only within the department that produced the data. Most of the linked data was concentrated in the information department. Therefore, this study suggested the following solutions. First, in order to prevent overlapping investments caused by the operation of individual departments and share information, it is necessary to build a small platform to tie the departments, which have high connectivity with each other, into small blocks. Second, a local level process is needed to develop data standards as an extension of national standards in order to expand the information to be used in various fields. Third, as another solution, we proposed a system that can integrate various types of information based on address and location information through application of cloud-based GIS platform. The results of this study are expected to contribute to build a cooperation system between departments through expansion of information sharing with cost reduction.

A study on the developing and implementation of the Cyber University (가상대학 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Sung;Yoo, Gab-Sang
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.116-127
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    • 1998
  • The Necessity of Cyber University. Within the rapidly changing environment of global economics, the environment of higher education in the universities, also, has been, encountering various changes. Popularization on higher education related to 1lifetime education system, putting emphasis on the productivity of education services and the acquisition of competitiveness through the market of open education, the breakdown of the ivory tower and the Multiversitization of universities, importance of obtaining information in the universities, and cooperation between domestic and oversea universities, industry and educational system must be acquired. Therefore, in order to adequately cope wi th these kinds of rapid changes in the education environment, operating Cyber University by utilizing various information technologies and its fixations such as Internet, E-mail, CD-ROMs, Interact ive Video Networks (Video Conferencing, Video on Demand), TV, Cable etc., which has no time or location limitation, is needed. Using informal ion and telecommunication technologies, especially the Internet is expected to Or ing about many changes in the social, economics and educational area. Among the many changes scholars have predicted, the development and fixations of Distant Learning or Cyber University was the most dominant factor. In the case of U. S. A., Cyber University has already been established and in under operation by the Federate Governments of 13 states. Any other universities (around 500 universities has been opened until1 now), with the help of the government and private citizens have been able to partly operate the Cyber University and is planning on enlarging step-by-step in the future. It could be seen not only as U. S. A. trying to elevate its higher education through their leading information technologies, but also could be seen as their objective in putting efforts on subordinating the culture of the education worldwide. UTRA University in U. S. A., for example, is already exporting its class lectures to China, and Indonesia regions. Influenced by the Cyber University current in the U.S., the Universities in Korea is willing .to arrange various forms of Cyber Universities. In line with this, at JUNAM National University, internet based Cyber University, which has set about its work on July of 1997, is in the state of operating about 100 Cyber Universities. Also, in the case of Hanam University, the Distant Learning classes are at its final stage of being established; this is a link in the rapid speed project of setting an example by the Korean Government. In addition, the department of education has selected 5 universities, including Seoul Cyber Design University for experimentation and is in the stage of strategic operation. Over 100 universities in Korea are speeding up its preparation for operating Cyber University. This form of Distant Learning goes beyond the walls of universities and is in the trend of being diffused in business areas or in various training programs of financial organizations and more. Here, in the hope that this material would some what be of help to other Universities which are preparing for Cyber University, I would 1ike to introduce some general concepts of the components forming Cyber University and Open Education System which has been established by JUNAM University. System of Cyber University could be seen as a general solution offered by tile computer technologies for the management on the students, Lectures On Demand, real hour based and satellite classes, media product ion lab for the production of the multimedia Contents, electronic library, the Groupware enabling exchange of information between students and professors. Arranging general concepts of components in the aspect of Cyber University and Open Education, it would be expressed in the form of the establishment of Cyber University and the service of Open Education as can be seen in the diagram below.

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