• Title/Summary/Keyword: Load frequency control

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Analysis on Active spring effect in human-body having redundant actuation with application to motion frequency (여유구동을 지닌 인체의 능동스프링 현상에 대한 해석과 운동주파수 제어방식으로의 적용)

  • Yi, Byung-Ju
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.5 no.8
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    • pp.977-989
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how the human body having more muscles than its degree-of-freedom modulates an effective stiffness using redundant actuation, and to apply this concept to the design and control of advanced machines which requires adaptable spring. To investigate the adaptable stiffness phenomenon due to redundant actuation in the human body, this paper derives a general stiffness model of the Human body. In particular, for a planar 1 DOF human arm model, a planar 2 DOF human arm model, a spherical 3 DOF shoulder model, a 4 DOF human arm model, and a 7 DOF human arm model, the required nonlinear geometry ad the number of required actuator for successful modulation of the effective stiffness are analyzed along with a load distribution method for modulation of the required stiffness of such systems. Secondly, the concept of motion frequency modulation is introduced to show the usefulness of adaptive stiffness modulation. The motion frequency modulation represents a control of stiffness and / or inertia properties of systems. To show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, simulations are performed for 2 DOF anthropomorphic robot.

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A Prospect of Battery Storage System in Korea (우리나라 전력시장 전자시스템의 전망)

  • Kim, Jae-Eon;Kim, H.Y.;Ko, Y.;Sohn, S.K.;Nam, K.Y.;Ko, Y.S.;Ro, D.S.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1989.07a
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    • pp.251-253
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    • 1989
  • The Battery Storage System (BSS) has been used in foreign country for Load Levelling, Flicker Compensation, Load Frequency Control, etc. because it has easy application characteristics compared to the other storage system such as the Pumped Hydro System, Compressed Air System, etc.. In this paper, the application field and available capacity of BSS is outlined in Korea.

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  • Kohishi, Yoshihiro;Wang, Shengpei;Shirakawa, Shinya;Nakaoka, Mutsuo
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.1024-1029
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, the voltage-fed series compensated inductor type load-resonant high-frequency inverter is originally presented for driving a newly-developed silent discharge ozone generating tube. The effective power regulation scheme of this ozonizer is proposed, which is based on PDM (Pulse Density Modulation) related PWM strategy due to DSP implementation. The effectiveness of this inverter type ozonizer is proved in simulation and experiment.

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Full Bridge Resonant Inverter Using Asymmetrical Control with Resonant-frequency Tracking for Ultrasonic Cleaning Applications

  • Jittakort, Jirapong;Sangswang, Anawach;Naetiladdanon, Sumate;Koompai, Chayant;Chudjuarjeen, Saichol
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1150-1159
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    • 2017
  • Flexibility in the power control of ultrasonic transducers has remained a challenge for cleaning applications. This paper introduces a modification of the existing piezoelectric ceramic transducer (PCT) circuit to increase the range of operation through its impedance characteristics. The output power is controlled using the asymmetrical voltage-cancellation (AVC) method. Together with a phase-locked loop control, the switching frequency of the inverter is automatically adjusted to maintain a lagging phase angle under load-parameter variations during the cleaning process. With the proposed modification, the region of the zero-voltage switching (ZVS) operation is extended, which results in a wider range of output power control. A hardware prototype is constructed and the control algorithm is implemented using an STM32F4 microcontroller. Simulation and experimental results are provided to verify the proposed method for a 50-W PCT. The operating frequency and output power ranges under study are 37 - 41 kHz and 15.8 - 50 W, respectively.

Parallel Control of Shunt Active Power Filters in Capacity Proportion Frequency Allocation Mode

  • Zhang, Shuquan;Dai, Ke;Xie, Bin;Kang, Yong
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.419-427
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    • 2010
  • A parallel control strategy in capacity proportion frequency allocation mode for shunt active power filters (APFs) is proposed to overcome some of the difficulties in high power applications. To improve the compensation accuracy and overall system stability, an improved selective harmonic current control based on multiple synchronous rotating reference coordinates is presented in a single APF unit, which approximately implements zero steady-state error compensation. The combined decoupling strategy is proposed and theoretically analyzed to simplify selective harmonic current control. Improved selective harmonic current control forms the basis for multi-APF parallel operation. Therefore, a parallel control strategy is proposed to realize a proper optimization so that the APFs with a larger capacity compensate more harmonic current and the ones with a smaller capacity compensate less harmonic current, which is very practical for accurate harmonic current compensation and stable grid operation in high power applications. This is verified by experimental results. The total harmonic distortion (THD) is reduced from 29% to 2.7% for a typical uncontrolled rectifier load with a resistor and an inductor in a laboratory platform.

Cutting Force Measuring System Using the Load Cell for a Milling Process (로드셀을 이용한 밀링 가공시의 절삭력 측정시스템)

  • Kang, E. G.;Park, S. J.;Lee, S. J.;Kwon, H. D.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2001
  • This paper suggests another system for a cutting force measuring tool in a milling process. Generally, tool dynamometer is taken into account for the most appropriate cutting force measuring tool in the analysis of cutting mechanism. However, high price and limited space make it difficult to be in-situ system for controllable milling process. Although an alternative method using AC current of servo-motor has been suggested, it is unsuitable for cutting force control because of small upper frequency limit and noise. The cutting force measuring system is composed of two load cells placed between the moving table bracket and the nut flange part of ballscrew. It has many advantages such as low cost and wide range measurement than tool dynamometer because of the built-in moving table and the low cost load cell. The static and dynamic model of the measuring system using imbeded load cell is introduced. Various Experiments are carried out to validate both models. By comparing the cutting forces from a series of end milling experiments on the tool dynamometer and the system developed in this paper, the accuracy of the cutting force measuring system is verified. Upper frequency limit is measured by the experiment of dynamic characteristics.

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Modelling and Stability Analysis of AC-DC Power Systems Feeding a Speed Controlled DC Motor

  • Pakdeeto, Jakkrit;Areerak, Kongpan;Areerak, Kongpol
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1566-1577
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents a stability analysis of AC-DC power system feeding a speed controlled DC motor in which this load behaves as a constant power load (CPL). A CPL can significantly degrade power system stability margin. Hence, the stability analysis is very important. The DQ and generalized state-space averaging methods are used to derive the mathematical model suitable for stability issues. The paper analyzes the stability of power systems for both speed control natural frequency and DC-link parameter variations and takes into account controlled speed motor dynamics. However, accurate DC-link filter and DC motor parameters are very important for the stability study of practical systems. According to the measurement errors and a large variation in a DC-link capacitor value, the system identification is needed to provide the accurate parameters. Therefore, the paper also presents the identification of system parameters using the adaptive Tabu search technique. The stability margins can be then predicted via the eigenvalue theorem with the resulting dynamic model. The intensive time-domain simulations and experimental results are used to support the theoretical results.

A Study on the Design of Single Phase Cycloconverter by Cosine Wave Crossing Control Method (코사인 점호방식에 의한 단상 싸이클로콘버터의 설계에 관한 연구)

  • 김시헌;안병원;노창주
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.71-85
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    • 1993
  • The Cycloconverter that the author is going to treat in this paper, has strong advantages over the D.C. Link Inverter in points of chattering torque problem and natural commutation. Thus, the Cycloconverter is expected to be well applied to large and low-speed machines which require better speed control at low frequency. But the control circuit of Cycloconverter has two weak points described as follows. 1) Because of its rather complicated control circuit, it is likely to be illoperating due to unexpected noise signals, thus the higher the accuracy and reliability of the circuit is required to be, the more the circuit may cost. 2) Because the load current is not purely sinusoidal, the Cycloconverter may possibly be destroyed in case of inaccurate convert switching resulted from the difficulties in detecting the load current-zero and the current direction at the moment. In this paper, the author first of all intends to design and build a modified VVVF-type Noncirculating Current Cycloconverter to which recently proposed control methods are applied for improving the circuit simplicity, the control performance, and the system reliability. And then, experiments for observing the output waveforms of the Cycloconverter which is controlled by Singled-Board Computer using 8086 16-bit microprocesser are carried out. Finally the author concludes the result of this study as follows. 1) By replacing the conventional analog control circuits such as Reference Wave Generator, Cosine Timing Wave Generator, and Comparator with softwares, a great circuit simplicity is achieved. 2) The output of the designed Cycloconverter changes its frequency very fast without showing discontinuity of its waveform, and this waveform characteristics enables the smooth speed control of Induction Motor. 3) The design control circuit of Cycloconverter can be applied to the systems of 12 or 24 pulses because of its short processing period.

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Seismic Analysis on a Control Panel of (Nuclear) Power Plant (발전소 주 제어실 제어패널의 내진해석)

  • Lee, Heung-Shik;Kim, Myung-Gu;Cho, Chongdu
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.15 no.6 s.99
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    • pp.652-659
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, seismic qualification analysis for the Plant control Panel is carried out to confirm the structural integrity under the seismic conditions represented by required response spectra(RRS). The finite element method(FEM) is used for the analysis and a mode combination method is adopted to obtain a more reliable spectrum analysis results. In addition, the experimental analysis is performed to compare the reliability of the analytical results. The analysis results shows that the plant control panel system is designed to have the dynamic rigidity with no resonance frequency below 33 Hz. The analytically calculated maximum stress of the plant control panel system is $36\%$ of the field strength of material, thus it can be shown that the system has a stable structure for the seismic load.

A Study on the Optimized Pump Selection of the Cooling System for the PEFP DTL Accelerator (PEFP DTL 냉각시스템의 펌프 선정 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jun;Kim, Kyung-Ryul;Kim, Hyung-Gyun
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.1277-1282
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    • 2009
  • The main objective of this prototype is to control resonance frequency of DTL system through the temperature control of cooling water. It is to resonant frequency of the drift tube cavities to 350 MHz. This paper describes the design of a prototype cooling water skid required for the temperature control of the DTL cavities, focusing in the modeling and simulation of the cooling system, the sizing of water pumping skid component.

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