• 제목/요약/키워드: Litter fall production

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밤나무림에 있어서의 꽃 생산에 관하여 (Flower Production in a Chestnut (Castanea crenata) Forest.)

  • Young-Deuk Rim
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 1978
  • The flower production in the Castanea crenata forest in Gapyong was investigated, by applying litter trap and allometric method. Among serveral variables, DBH is the most reliable one but the estimated value by DBH showed remarkable difference from the value obtained by the litter trap method. Litter trap showed 149.3 kg of flower production per ha in the Castane crenata forest. And the F/L ratro increased with the itme until flowers began to fall. The variation of flower production among trees by allometric method seems to be unreliable.

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광릉숲, 태화산, 가리왕산 활엽수림에서 낙엽에 의한 수종별 엽면적지수 추정 (Estimation of Specific Leaf Area Index Using Direct Method by Leaf Litter in Gwangneung, Mt. Taewha and Mt. Gariwang)

  • 권보람;전지현;김현석;이명종
    • 한국농림기상학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2016
  • 광릉숲, 태화산 서울대 학술림, 가리왕산의 낙엽활엽수림에서 연간 낙엽 낙지 생산량과 가을철 낙엽에 의한 수종별 엽면적지수를 산출하고, 간접적인 방법의 것과 비교하였다. 연간 낙엽 낙지 생산량은 천이 단계 증가에 따른 임분의 바이오매스 축적량이나 수종구성 등에 따라 그 양과 비율이 다르게 나타났으며(Table 2), 특히 수종마다 낙엽의 양에 차이는 있지만 모든 임분에서 여름철 이후에 집중되는 경향을 보여(Fig. 1), 가을철의 한시적인 낙엽 수집만으로도 최대 엽면적지수의 추정은 유효한 것으로 나타났다. 더욱이, 이러한 낙엽의 수집으로 낙엽의 양 뿐만 아니라 수종마다 SLA와 탈락시기를 정확하게 추정할 수 있었고(Table 3), 간접방법으로는 불가능하기 때문에 국내에서는 시도되지 않았던 각 수종별 엽면적지수를 국내 최초로 산출 할 수 있었다(Fig. 2). 본 연구를 통하여 수종별 낙엽량과 엽면적지수는 각 수종의 흉고단면적과 유의한 상관관계를 보였으나, 간접방법에 의한 전체 엽면적지수를 흉고단면적의 비율을 곱하여 수종별 엽면적지수로 추정하는 것은 상당한 오차가 발생할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다(Fig. 3). 또한 간접방법에 의한 엽면적지수는 잎의 양이 늘고 밀집도가 높아질수록 과소평가되는 오류가 발생하기 쉽기 때문에(Fig. 4, 5), 직접방법에 의한 엽면적지수와의 평가는 필수적임을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서, 낙엽에 의한 직접적인 엽면적지수의 측정을 시도함으로써 다양한 수종이 공존하는 우리나라 온대 활엽수림에서 임분의 수종 구성과 밀도, 천이단계, 입지환경 등에 따른 낙엽량과 수종별 엽면적지수의 변화 양상을 정량적으로 확인 할 수 있었다.

Influences of Forest Fire on Forest Floor and Litterfall in Bhoramdeo Wildlife Sanctuary (C.G.), India

  • Jhariya, Manoj Kumar
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.330-341
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    • 2017
  • Tropical forests play a key role for functioning of the planet and maintenance of life. These forests support more than half of the world's species, serve as regulators of global and regional climate, act as carbon sinks and provide valuable ecosystem services. Forest floor biomass and litterfall dynamics was measured in different sites influenced by fire in a seasonally dry tropical forest of Bhoramdeo wildlife sanctuary of Chhattisgarh, India. The forest floor biomass was collected randomly placed quadrats while the litterfall measured by placing stone-block lined denuded quadrat technique. The seasonal mean total forest floor biomass across the fire regimes varied from $2.00-3.65t\;ha^{-1}$. The total litterfall of the study sites varied from $4.75-7.56t\;ha^{-1}\;yr^{-1}$. Annual turnover of litter varied from 70-74% and the turnover time between 1.35-1.43 years. Monthly pattern of forest floor biomass indicated that partially decayed litter, wood litter and total forest floor were differed significantly. The seasonal variation showed that leaf fall differed significantly in winter season only among the fire regimes while the wood litter was found non significant in all the season. This study shows that significant variation among the site due to the forest fire. Decomposition is one of the ecological processes critical to the functioning of forest ecosystems. The decomposing wood serves as a saving account of nutrients and organic materials in the forest floor. Across the site, high fire zone was facing much of the deleterious effects on forest floor biomass and litter production. Control on such type of wildfire and anthropogenic ignition could allow the natural recovery processes to enhance biological diversity. Chronic disturbances do not provide time for ecosystem recovery; it needs to be reduced for ecosystem health and maintaining of the high floral and faunal biodiversity.

잣나무 유림의 수령에 따른 생산량 및 태양에너지 이용효율 비교 (A comparison of Production and Solar Energy Utilization among Young Pinus koraiensis Plantations of Different Ages)

  • Kim, Yong-Tage;Seung-Woo Lee;Joon-Ho Kim
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 1988
  • Phytomass, annual net production, respiration, annual gros production and litter fall were estimated in young Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) plantations reforested 1,2,3,6,9 and 11 years ago, respectivly. The estimated phytomasses in terms of allometry were 0.07, 0.44, 0.58, 13.37, 32.26 and 48.42ton/ha/yr for annual net production and those of understory with harvest method were 3.70, 4.52, 5.28, 6.72, 7.56 and 5.72ton/ha for standing phytomass and 5.01, 4.71, 5.52m 6.15, 4.51 and 2.08 ton/ha/yr for annual net production at 1,2,3,6,9 and 11 year old plantation, respectively. Although the standing phytomass of understory increased gradually until 9 years thereafter decreased, that of white pine increased suddenly from 6 years after reforestation. The ratios of the annyal net production of understory to that of white pine were 71.57, 1.48 and 0.23 at 1,6 and 11 year old plantations, respectively. The net production in calorie value for whole vegetation of the plantations, respectively. The net production in calorie value for whole vegetation of the plantations increased until 9 years thereafter decreased; i.e. 224, 221, 280, 466, 527 and 494X105 kcal/ha/yr at 1,2,3,6,9 and 11 year old plantation, respectivey. The ratio of annual net production to annual gross production of the undersoty was lower than that of the pine at the same plantation age. Efficiency of solat energy untilization for net production by the pine was lower than that by understory y\until six ear old plantation but that was vice versa over 9 year old plantation. That for gross producrion by the pine was lower than that by the unsersotry at all plantations.

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경기도 광주지방 22년생 잣나무 및 신갈나무림의 물질생산량과 무기영양물분포 (Primary Production and Nutrients Distribution in 22-year-old Pinus koraiensis and Quercus mongolica Stands in Kwangju District)

  • 이경재;박인협
    • 임산에너지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 1987
  • 잣나무림과 신갈나무림의 물질생산량과 영양물질의 현존량을 추정하기 위하여 경기도 광주군 도척면에 위치하는 22년생 임지에 10x10m 조사구 10개씩을 설치하여 직경급을 안배한 표목본 10주씩을 벌목, 간(Ws), 지(Wb), 엽(Wl) 부위로 나누어 건중량을 측정, $D^2H$와 건중량과의 상대생장식에 의해 물질생산량을 추정하였다. 생산구조면에서 광합성부가 잣나무는 지상 4.2m, 신갈나무는 지상 6.2m에서 시작되었고, 수관의 최대광합성층은 각각 7.2m, 9.2m에서 출현하였다. 잎, 가지, 줄기의 건중량과 $D^2H$와의 상대생장식에서 두 수종 모두 유의성이 인정되었다. 현존량은 잣나무림이 152.07ton/ha(지상부 124.92ton/ha, 지하부 27.15t/ha), 신갈나무림이 156.02t/ha(지상부 120.65t/ha, 지하부 35.37t/ha)이었고, 연간순생산량은 각각 24.66t/ha$\cdot$yr이었고, 간재생산능률은 각각 0.62kg/kg$\cdot$yr, 1.10kg/kg$\cdot$yr이었다. 영양물질의 현존량은 잣나무림에서는 질소, 칼슘, 마그네슘은 대부분이 광물질토양층($0\~30$cm)에, 인과 카리는 교목층에 대부분이 함유되어 있었으며, 신갈나무림에서는 질소, 인, 카리, 마그네슘은 대부분이 광물질토양층에, 칼슘은 대부분이 교목층에 분포하였다. 8개월간($3\~11$월)에 채취된 낙엽량은 잣나무림에서 4.013t/ha, 신갈나무림에서 3.490t/ha이었다.

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한강의 Microflora에 관한 연구 (제2보) 춘천 및 청평정수지를 중심으로 한 한강의 식물성 planktond과 그 계절적 소장 (A Study on the Microflora of the Han River(II) The phytoplanktons and its seasonal variaton in the area of the Chun-chon and the Chung-pyong reservoir of the Han River)

  • 정영호
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 1968
  • The Han River was investigated monthly from April through September, 1967 at Chun-chon reservoir, Shin-yean, So-yang, Chung-pyong reservoir, Yang-soo-ri and Gi-doo-won to clarify the phytoplankton and to study its seasonal variation. At the same time, vertical distribution of phytoplankton was also studied from June through September at Chun-chon and Chung-pyong reservoir. The results obtained are as follows: As the environmental conditions, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and transparency were determined. The plankton samples collected from six stations were identified and classified by Engler's classification system. It resulted in 4 phyla, 4 classes, 3 subclasses, 13 orders, 27 families, 5 tribes, 71 genera, 222 species, 1 subspecies, 51 varieties and 2 forms. The total number of phytoplankton identified was 276. Of them, 84 species, 1 subspecies 26 varieties, 2 forms were recorded in this paper for the first time. Considering with the habitat of the total number of phytoplanktons, the highest percentage of Limnoplankton existed in the Chung-pyong reservoir. It suggests that hte Chung-pyong reservoir is becoming to have the character of lake. The planktons appeared commonly during six months at six station belong to Chrysophyta including 22 species in 11 genera. Among these 22 species, Navicula, consists of 6 species, was the most abundant. The number of species identified uniquely at each station were 5 species in the Chun-chon reservoir, 6 in Chung-pyong and Yang-soo-ri, 8 at Shin-yean, 11 at So-yang, and 18 at Gi-doo-won. The number of species occurred at all stations were 29 in spring, 42 in Autumn and during investigation period. The maximum production of total phytoplankton was generally shown in the late spring and the early fall with differences in quantity at six collecting statins. In the Chun-chon reservoir, the high concentration of approximately 1, 190, 000 cells per litter in the months of August and September was due to the increase of Chrysophyte genus, Melosira and the highest concentration of approximately 2, 000, 000 in July at Gi-doo-won was caused Chlorophyte genus, Secenedesmus. The Chun-chon reservoir of three years old was different from the Chung-pyong reservoir of 25 years old with respect to increase in Melosira genus in August and September. After the completion of the Ui-am reservoir, though there was an increase in total density, the number of species of phytoplankton was not changed. It suggests that Ui-am reservoir is similar to the Chun-chon reservoir under the influence of the latter. The density of total phytoplankton was generally high at the depth of 2m to 5m for the two reservoirs.

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