• 제목/요약/키워드: Linear regression model equation

검색결과 171건 처리시간 0.033초

Distribution of the Estimator for Peak of a Regression Function Using the Concomitants of Extreme Oder Statistics

  • Kim, S.H;Kim, T.S.
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.855-868
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    • 1998
  • For a random sample of size n from general linear model, $Y_i= heta(X_i)+varepsilon_i,;let Y_{in}$ denote the ith oder statistics of the Y sample values. The X-value associated with $Y_{in}$ is denoted by $X_{[in]}$ and is called the concomitant of ith order statistics. The estimator of the location of a maximum of a regression function, $ heta$($\chi$), was proposed by (equation omitted) and was found the convergence rate of it under certain weak assumptions on $ heta$. We will discuss the asymptotic distributions of both $ heta(X_{〔n-r+1〕}$) and (equation omitted) when r is fixed as nolongrightarrow$\infty$(i.e. extreme case) on the basis of the theorem of the concomitants of order statistics. And the will investigate the asymptotic behavior of Max{$\theta$( $X_{〔n-r+1:n〕/}$ ), . , $\theta$( $X_{〔n:n〕}$)}as an estimator for the peak of a regression function.

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초등학교 세면시설의 적정 설치에 관한 연구 (A Study on Installation of Washstands in Bathrooms of Elementary School)

  • 권우택;이우식
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제37권6호
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    • pp.460-466
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: Students in elementary schools usually wash their hands in a washstand. However, little attention is paid to the washstand itself. Today, the importance of personal sanitation and hygiene is greatly emphasized. Therefore students' parents and the public are growing increasingly interested in accessibility to washstands by elementary school students in their schools. Methods: With respect to this study, a survey of students and teachers inelementary schools was performed on the installation of washstands in order to determine the proper number of washstands per school. Results: The results show that 1.1 boys (per class) need a washstand, while 1.8 girls (per class) do so in order to maintain a 50% level of crowdedness. By of the regression equation, to maintain 50% congestion (50% of all students feel congestion) there should be 18.5 boys, and the 15.76 girls per washstand. Table 3 is based on the above results, the number of students per washstand (x) and congestion (y), separated by gender according to the results of regression analysis, the correlation of male models in the linear regression analysis and correlation of girls in the regression equation can be obtained. The linear regression fit of less than 0.7 determines that the coefficients of determination are 0.5399 and 0.4195, respectively. Significance was much smaller. Also, according to the simulation using the diffusion model, with 29 students per class more than one washstand should be provided in a school. Girls (per class) need 0.7 more washstands than boys (per class). Conclusions: More washstand facilities for girls than boys are needed. If the target is based on school class size two washstands should be installed. Finally, guidelines and/or standards in the Schools Health Act of Korea forin elementary school washstands is considerably needed.


  • Ohtake, Atsushi;Takatera, Masayuki;Furukawa, Takao;Shimizu, Yoshio
    • 한국감성과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국감성과학회 2000년도 춘계 학술대회 및 국제 감성공학 심포지움 논문집 Proceeding of the 2000 Spring Conference of KOSES and International Sensibility Ergonomics Symposium
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    • pp.240-243
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    • 2000
  • An apparel products retrieval system was proposed in which users can refer to products using Kansei evaluation values. The system adopts relevance feedback using history of the retrieval to learn the tendency of user evaluation. The system is based on a vector space retrieval model using products images expression as semantic scales. The system makes a query from user inputting information and retrieves closest products from the database. Revising algorithms of the difference method. linear multiple regression performed to investigate the effectiveness and criteria of the search. As a result of evaluation of the accuracy, it was found that the linear multiple regression and the neural network models are effective for the retrieval considering the individual Kansei.

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저수지 관리 관행을 반영한 농업용 저수지 저수율 추정 (Estimation of Agricultural Reservoir Water Storage Based on Empirical Method)

  • 강한솔;안현욱;남원호;이광야
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제61권5호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • Due to the climate change the drought had been occurring more frequently in recent two decades as compared to the previous years. The change in the pattern and frequency of the rainfall have a direct effect on the farming sector; therefore, the quantitative estimation of water supply is necessary for efficient agricultural water reservoir management. In past researches, there had been several studies conducted in estimation and evaluation of water supply based on the irrigational water requirement. However, some researches had shown significant differences between the theoretical and observed data based on this requirement. Thus, this study aims to propose an approach in estimating reservoir rate based on empirical method that utilized observed reservoir rate data. The result of these two methods in comparison with the previous one is seen to be more fitted for both R2 and RMSE with the observed reservoir rate. Among these procedures, the method that considers the drought year data shows more fitted outcomes. In addition, this new method was verified using 15-year (2002 to 2006) linear regression equation and then compare the preceeding 3-year (1999 to 2001) data to the theoretical method. The result using linear regression equation is also perceived to be more closely fitted to the observed reservoir rate data than the one based on theoretical irrigation water requirement. The new method developed in this research can therefore be used to provide more suitable supply data, and can contribute to effectively managing the reservoir operation in the country.

Sequential prediction of TBM penetration rate using a gradient boosted regression tree during tunneling

  • Lee, Hang-Lo;Song, Ki-Il;Qi, Chongchong;Kim, Kyoung-Yul
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.523-533
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    • 2022
  • Several prediction model of penetration rate (PR) of tunnel boring machines (TBMs) have been focused on applying to design stage. In construction stage, however, the expected PR and its trends are changed during tunneling owing to TBM excavation skills and the gap between the investigated and actual geological conditions. Monitoring the PR during tunneling is crucial to rescheduling the excavation plan in real-time. This study proposes a sequential prediction method applicable in the construction stage. Geological and TBM operating data are collected from Gunpo cable tunnel in Korea, and preprocessed through normalization and augmentation. The results show that the sequential prediction for 1 ring unit prediction distance (UPD) is R2≥0.79; whereas, a one-step prediction is R2≤0.30. In modeling algorithm, a gradient boosted regression tree (GBRT) outperformed a least square-based linear regression in sequential prediction method. For practical use, a simple equation between the R2 and UPD is proposed. When UPD increases R2 decreases exponentially; In particular, UPD at R2=0.60 is calculated as 28 rings using the equation. Such a time interval will provide enough time for decision-making. Evidently, the UPD can be adjusted depending on other project and the R2 value targeted by an operator. Therefore, a calculation process for the equation between the R2 and UPD is addressed.

근적외선 분광분석기를 이용한 잔디 생체잎의 질소 함량 측정을 위한 검량식 개발 (Prediction from Linear Regression Equation for Nitrogen Content Measurement in Bentgrasses leaves Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy)

  • 차정훈;김경덕;박대섭
    • 아시안잔디학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 2009
  • Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy(NIRS)는 짧은 시간 안에 식물의 다양한 영양소를 동시에 정확하고 빠르게 측정할 수 있다. 본 연구는 creeping bentgrass 'CY2' 엽의 여러 가지 기본 요소의 값을 예측하기 위해서 NIRS(근적의선 분광분석기)를 사용하여 측정하였다. 그 결과, 질소와 수분 그리고 탄수화물의 $r^2$은 각각 0.892, 0.925, 0.971이었다. 검량식에 대한 검증에서 $r^2$이 높은 상관관계를 나타냈으므로, 잔디에서 더 많은 연구를 위한 실용화 가능성을 확인 할 수 있었다.

상류 수위관측소 자료를 활용한 하류 지점 수위 예측 (Prediction of Water Level at Downstream Site by Using Water Level Data at Upstream Gaging Station)

  • 홍원표;송창근
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the overseas construction market has been actively promoted for about 10 years, and overseas dam construction has been continuously performed. For the economic and safe construction of the dam, it is important to prepare the main dam construction plan considering the design frequency of the diversion tunnel and the cofferdam. In this respect, the prediction of river level during the rainy season is significant. Since most of the overseas dam construction sites are located in areas with poor infrastructure, the most efficient and economic method to predict the water level in dam construction is to use the upstream water level. In this study, a linear regression model, which is one of the simplest statistical methods, was proposed and examined to predict the downstream level from the upstream level. The Pyeongchang River basin, which has the characteristics of the upper stream (mountain stream), was selected as the target site and the observed water level in Pyeongchang and Panwoon gaging station were used. A regression equation was developed using the water level data set from August 22th to 27th, 2017, and its applicability was tested using the water level data set from August 28th to September 1st, 2018. The dependent variable was selected as the "level difference between two stations," and the independent variable was selected as "the level of water level in Pyeongchang station two hours ago" and the "water level change rate in Pyeongchang station (m/hr)". In addition, the accuracy of the developed equation was checked by using the regression statistics of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Adjusted Coefficient of Determination (ACD), and Nach Sutcliffe efficiency Coefficient (NSEC). As a result, the statistical value of the linear regression model was very high, so the downstream water level prediction using the upstream water level was examined in a highly reliable way. In addition, the results of the application of the water level change rate (m/hr) to the regression equation show that although the increase of the statistical value is not large, it is effective to reduce the water level error in the rapid level rise section. Accordingly, this is a significant advantage in estimating the evacuation water level during main dam construction to secure safety in construction site.

Pulse pile-up correction by auto-regression on linear operations (ARLO) method: A comparison with integration-based algorithms

  • Mohammad-Reza Mohammadian-Behbahani
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권9호
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    • pp.3904-3913
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    • 2024
  • Radiation detection at high count rate suffers from pulse pile-up, where the counting data and energy information of the system are affected by the overlapping of the system output pulses. There exist various pile-up correction strategies to recover the true information of the pulses, among which pulse-tail extrapolation is a well-known method focused on in this study. Present work aims to use a mono-exponential model for extrapolating the pileup-distorted trailing edge of a pulse, to provide a reference line for calculating the true amplitude of its subsequent overlapping pulse. To this goal, the auto-regression on linear operations (ARLO) method is examined and compared with two integration-based methods (the Foss and the Matheson methods), as well as the non-linear least squares (NLS) method. Despite a higher sensitivity to noise, the ARLO method was able to provide a simple, non-iterative solution with a performance over 400 times faster than the NLS algorithm, according to the analysis of a high count rate set of experimental pulses from a NaI(Tl) detection system. Foss and Matheson methods also provided solutions reasonably faster than NLS (but not surpassing ARLO), performing exactly the same as each other with results very close to NLS, benefiting from their non-iterative nature.


  • Kerr, D.V.;Davison, T.M.;Cowan, R.T.;Chaseling, J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제8권5호
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    • pp.505-513
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    • 1995
  • The major factors affecting productivity on daily farms in Queensland, Australia, were determined using the stepwise linear regression approach. The data were obtained from a survey conducted on the total population of daily farms in Queensland in 1987. These data were divided into six major dailying regions. The technique was applied using 12 independent variables believed by a panel of experienced research and extension personnel to exert the most influence on milk production. The regression equations were all significant (p < 0.001) with the percentage coefficients of determination ranging from 62 to 76% for equations developed using' total farm milk: production as the dependent variable. Three of the variables affecting total farm milk: production were found to be common to all six regions. These were; the amount of supplementary energy fed, the area set aside to irrigate winter feed and the size of the area used for dailying. Higher production farms appeared to be more efficient in that they consistently produced milk production levels higher than those estimated from the regression equation for their region. Other methods of analysis including robust regression and non linear regression techniques were unsuccessful in overcoming this problem and allowing development of a model appropriate for farms at all levels of production.

기계학습을 이용한 유동가속부식 모델링: 랜덤 포레스트와 비선형 회귀분석과의 비교 (Modeling of Flow-Accelerated Corrosion using Machine Learning: Comparison between Random Forest and Non-linear Regression)

  • 이경근;이은희;김성우;김경모;김동진
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2019
  • Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) is a phenomenon in which a protective coating on a metal surface is dissolved by a flow of fluid in a metal pipe, leading to continuous wall-thinning. Recently, many countries have developed computer codes to manage FAC in power plants, and the FAC prediction model in these computer codes plays an important role in predictive performance. Herein, the FAC prediction model was developed by applying a machine learning method and the conventional nonlinear regression method. The random forest, a widely used machine learning technique in predictive modeling led to easy calculation of FAC tendency for five input variables: flow rate, temperature, pH, Cr content, and dissolved oxygen concentration. However, the model showed significant errors in some input conditions, and it was difficult to obtain proper regression results without using additional data points. In contrast, nonlinear regression analysis predicted robust estimation even with relatively insufficient data by assuming an empirical equation and the model showed better predictive power when the interaction between DO and pH was considered. The comparative analysis of this study is believed to provide important insights for developing a more sophisticated FAC prediction model.