• 제목/요약/키워드: Limb Size

검색결과 84건 처리시간 0.03초

Variation in Solar Limb Darkening Coefficient Estimated from Solar Images Taken by SOHO and SDO

  • Moon, Byeongha;Jeong, Dong-Gwon;Oh, Suyeon;Sohn, Jongdae
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.99-103
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    • 2017
  • The sun is not equally bright over the whole sphere, but rather is darkened toward the limb. This effect is well-known as limb darkening. The limb darkening coefficient is defined by the ratio of the center intensity to limb intensity. In this study, we calculate the limb darkening coefficient using the photospheric intensity estimated from solar images taken by solar and helispheric observatory (SOHO) and solar dynamics observatory (SDO). The photospheric intensity data cover almost two solar cycles from May 1996 to December 2016. The limb darkening coefficient for a size of 0.9 diameter is about 0.69 and this value is consistent with solar limb darkening. The limb darkening coefficient estimated from SOHO shows a temporal increase at solar maximum and a gradual increase since the solar minimum of 2008. The limb darkening coefficient estimated from SDO shows a constant value of about 0.65 and a decreasing trend since 2014. The increase in the coefficient reflects the effect of weakened solar activity. However, the decrease since 2014 is caused by the aging effect.

컴퓨터 작업에서 마우스 종류에 따른 상완 부하 평가 (Assessment of the Upper Limb Work Load according to the Mouse Size in VDT Tasks)

  • 송영웅;김경아
    • 대한산업공학회지
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.209-215
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to determine whether there are differences in hand muscle activities (APB : abductor pollicis brevis, ED : extensor digitorum, ECU : extensor carpi ulnaris, and EI : extensor indicis) and subjective discomfort according to the three mouse sizes (small, medium, large) and two task types (pointing and scrolling). The mouse size and task type showed significant interaction effects on the total NEMG (p = 0.004) and on the NEMG of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle (p = 0.001). The total NEMG and the NEMG of APB showed the highest value in the 'scrolling' task using the 'small' mouse. However, the NEMG of the EI was different according to the mouse size, and the 'small' mouse showed the lowest value. The subjective discomfort was the lowest in the 'medium' mouse, and all nine subjects preferred the 'medium' size. The hand-size related anthropometric variables showed different correlations according to the task type and mouse size with the NEMGs and subjective discomfort. The results of this study could be used as a basic information for the determination of the proper mouse size according to the hand size.

국소 진동 자극과 양쪽 팔 훈련의 융합 중재가 뇌졸중 환자의 팔 기능 회복에 미치는 효과 (The Effect of Convergence Intervention of Focal Vibration Stimulation and Bilateral Upper Extremity Training on Recovery of Upper Limb Function in Stroke Patients)

  • 김선호
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구의 목적은 국소 진동 자극과 양측성 팔 훈련의 융합 중재를 뇌졸중 환자에게 적용했을 때, 팔 기능 개선에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것이다. 20명의 뇌졸중 환자를 국소 진동 자극과 양측성 팔 훈련의 융합 중재를 실시한 실험군과 양측성 팔 훈련만 실시한 대조군으로 나누어, 회기 당 30분씩 4주간, 총 20회 실시하였다. 진동자극은 실험군의 손상측 팔에 훈련이 이루어지는 30분간 적용되었다. 평가는 손상 측 팔의 회복정도와 양측 팔 의 사용량, 양손 사용의 수행의 질과 만족도를 측정하였으며, 대응표본 t-검정을 사용하여 그룹 내, 공분산 분석을 사용하여 그룹 간 비교를 하였다. 연구 결과, 실험군은 대조군보다 손상 측 팔의 기민성과 손상 측의 사용량에서 유의한 차이의 변화를 보였다. 효과 크기는 모든 항목에서 작은 효과 크기 이상의 차이를 보였다. 본 연구를 통해, 국소 진동 자극과 양측성 팔 훈련의 융합 중재가 뇌졸중 환자의 팔 기능 회복을 위한 효율적 중재로써 임상에서 사용 될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.

Selectivity of Gillnet for Neon Flying Squid, Ommastrephes bartrami (LeSueur) in the North Pacific

  • LEE Jang-Uk;AN Doo-Hae;BAIK Chul-In
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.916-922
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    • 1997
  • This paper attempted to estimate mesh selectivity of gill nets for neon flying squid in the north Pacific Ocean. The 11 linear regressions, (P<0.05) were obtained using the data on catch ratios derived from mesh size combinations between two slightly different mesh sizes of 12 kinds of research gillnet (namely 33, 37, 42, 48, 55, 63, 72. 76, 86, 96, 105 and 115 mm in stretched mesh size). There was an increase in the optimum length with the increase in mesh size but standard deviation showed somewhat increase with the increase in the mesh size. The selectivity curves were well fitted to the length frequency distributions obtained from samples for the mesh sizes from 48 mm through 86 mm. For the mesh sizes of 33, 37 and 42 mm the DML (Dorsal Mantle Length) compositions were distributed towards the right hand-limb of the curves. The DML distributions from the 96 mm and larger meshes showed a trend towards the left hand-limb of the curves. The selectivity curves for different mesh sizes indicate that large mesh sizes catch a greater size range of squid, and the gill net fishery in the north Pacific Ocean captures effectively neon flying squid within the range of $9\~43cm$ DML.

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Relationships Between the Transfemoral Socket Interface Pressure and Myoelectric Signal of Residual Limb During Gait

  • Hong, J.H.;Lee, J.Y.;Chu, J.U.;Lee, J.Y.;Mun, M.S.
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2002년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1070-1073
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    • 2002
  • The biomechanical interaction between the stump and the prosthetic socket is critically important to achieve close-to-normal ambulation. Many investigators suggested that the pressure changes during gait of transfemoral amputees are closely related to the prosthetic alignment, the socket shape, the stump size, and the residual muscle activity. The effects of the prosthetic alignment, the socket shape, and the stump size on the interface pressure were investigated previously. However, there is no report how the residual muscle activities in the transfemoral stump affect the socket interface pressure characteristics during gait. Since designs of socket fur lower limb amputees need to consider the socket interface pressure characteristics, the interface pressure patterns by the residual muscle activities during gait should be investigated. In this study, myoelectric signals (MES) and socket interface pressure in residual limb of transfemoral amputees were measured during the stance and swing phases of gait. For the purpose, specially designed quadrilateral sockets that MES electrodes could be instrumented were fabricated. A total of two transfemoral amputees were participated in the experiments. The measured temporal MES amplitude and interface pressure in knee flexor (biceps femoris) and extensor (rectus femoris) had significant correlations (P < 0.05). Based on the test results, It was suggested that the residual muscle activity of transfemoral amputees stump is an important factor affecting socket pressure changes during walk.

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Using 3D Bioprinted Autologous Minimally Manipulated Homologous Adipose Tissue for Limb Salvage in Treating Diabetic Foot Ulcer

  • Hyeon Min Yoon;Woo Jin Song
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제51권3호
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    • pp.332-336
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    • 2024
  • Reconstructive surgeons face challenges when considering limb salvage methods for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). In this article, we present our experience with autologous fat grafting as a viable alternative in cases where flap reconstruction is difficult. We encountered a 78-year-old female patient with a nonhealing DFU who had multiple comorbidities, including renal failure and severe peripheral arterial disease. During the initial multidisciplinary meeting, due to extensive necrosis and osteomyelitis, amputation was recommended. However, the patient expressed a strong preference for a salvage procedure and refused amputation. After careful consideration, we opted to reconstruct the patient's foot using three-dimensional bioprinted autologous minimally manipulated homologous adipose tissue. The AMHAT was engrafted well without complications such as autolysis, graft failure, or infection. After the operation, the large defect with partial bone exposure was covered with healthy granulation tissue. The size of the wound decreased to less than half its original size after 6 weeks of surgery, and it decreased to less than 25% after 12 weeks of surgery. The AMHAT may be an appealing treatment option for diabetic foot patients who are unsuitable for flap reconstruction due to comorbidities.

하지동작(下肢動作)에 따른 Slacks 구성요인(構成要因) 분석(分析) (An Analysis on the Constructional Factor of Slacks by Lower-Limb Movement)

  • 박영득;서영숙
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.648-662
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    • 1993
  • The summarized findings resulted from experiments and investigation are suggested as follows ; The analysis of measurements on the lower limb movements : For this experimentation, data was collected from three hundred and eighty female, age 19 to 23, who answered five lower limb movements(M1~M5). The statistics show that the order of the expansion ratio is gluteal area-length/knee-girth/back-line/knee-depth/thigh-depth/hip-girth, from the highest to the lowest in all movements. When comparing the correlation coefficient of the measurements, the values of the correlation coefficient of the height and the length items are very low, but those of the girth, the breadth, and the depth items are relatively high and those of the waist and the hip items are highest. For more sophisticated analysis, the factor analysis was conducted on the lower limb movements. Four factors were classified on the factor load by the "varimax rotation" method. Each movement shows the most important factor differently, as follows ; the most important factor in M1 is "the shape factor of lower limb below hip-line", that in M2 is "the cross-sectional shape factor", that in M3 is "the size factor of abdominal and loins region", and those in M4 and M5 accord with the interpretation of M3. When the investigation of the estimated function was conducted, in the selectional case of representative items on the slacks construction, it found that it would be better to add abdomen and thigh items as important considerations to waist girth, hip girth and crotch length.

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고유수용성신경근촉진법의 상하지 협응 운동이 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 균형 능력에 미치는 효과 (The Effects of Upper and Lower Limb Coordinated Exercise of PNF for Balance in Chronic Stroke Patients)

  • 조혁신;노현정
    • PNF and Movement
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study aimed to examined the effects of upper and lower limb coordinated exercise of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) on static and dynamic balance ability. Methods: The subjects of this study were 18 patients who had been diagnosed with a stroke and hospitalized and who had received rehabilitation treatment at D rehabilitation hospital located in J city. They were randomly and equally assigned to a PNF upper and lower limb coordinated exercise group and an ordinary central nervous system development and treatment group, and they conducted exercises for eight weeks. They carried out exercise three times per week, for 30 minutes per each time. After each four minutes of exercise, each participant was given a and rest for one minute after exercise for four minutes was given. In order to test the subjects' static and dynamic balance ability and their dynamic balance ability, frailty and injuries,: a cooperative studyies of intervention techniques (FICSIT-4) test, a four- step square test (FSST), a timed up and go test (TUG), and a TWT3M tests wasere conducted before and after the exercise. Descriptive statistics were taken for the general characteristics of the subjects, and an independent t-test was conducted both before and after the exercise in order to examine differences between the two groups before and after the exercise were conducted. The A statistical significance level was set at p= 0.05. Results: In all the tests (of FICSIT-4, FSST, TUG, and TWT3M), both the experimental group and the control group saw more improved results, but the experimental group's results were significantly higher than those of the control group, and the size of the effects was larger in the experimental group than in the control group, with statistically significant results. Conclusion: PNF upper and lower limb coordinated exercise applied to chronic stroke patients produced brought significant results in static and dynamic balance ability. PNF and is considered as an important intervention program to improve stroke patients' balance ability.

$Moir\'{e}$ Photography법에 의한 동작시 체표면 형태 변화에 관한 연구 -상지 및 견갑골 부위를 중심으로- (A Study on the Variation of the Skin Surface According to Arm Movement by $Moir\'{e}$ Photography Method -In the area of uppearm and shoulder blade-)

  • 김혜경;조정미;서추연
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.292-304
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    • 1990
  • The surface change of upperarm and shoulder blade area are caused by the extensive upper limb movement, thus it is necessary to measure the amount of change for constructing the clothing. Moire photography was taken after plastic casters of upperarm and shoulder blade area was prepared. 1. For the shoulder blade area, subjects showed the same change of surface area for the various limb positions, wherease, for the upperarm only at the $0^{\circ}\;and\;180^{\circ}$ limb position, same change was observed. 2. As the movement of the upperarm was increased, surface area of axillary part was increased and that of shoulder part was decreased. 3. To make a bodice pattern, the minimum size of the back with the ease were $\frac{B}{4}$+3.13 cm R for normal wear and $\frac{B}{4}$+5.75 cm for active wear. 4. As the movement of the arm was increased, the cross section for the upperarm were changed to elliptical shape. 5. For each horizontal basic line, there was a positive correlation between the amount of change of shoulder blad area and that of upperarm area.

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상지장애인을 위한 시선 인터페이스에서의 객체 확대 및 음성 명령 인터페이스 개발 (Object Magnification and Voice Command in Gaze Interface for the Upper Limb Disabled)

  • 박주현;조세란;임순범
    • 한국멀티미디어학회논문지
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    • 제24권7호
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    • pp.903-912
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    • 2021
  • Eye tracking research for upper limb disabilities is showing an effect in the aspect of device control. However, the reality is that it is not enough to perform web interaction with only eye tracking technology. In the Eye-Voice interface, a previous study, in order to solve the problem that the existing gaze tracking interfaces cause a malfunction of pointer execution, a gaze tracking interface supplemented with a voice command was proposed. In addition, the reduction of the malfunction rate of the pointer was confirmed through a comparison experiment with the existing interface. In this process, the difficulty of pointing due to the small size of the execution object in the web environment was identified as another important problem of malfunction. In this study, we propose an auto-magnification interface of objects so that people with upper extremities can freely click web contents by improving the problem that it was difficult to point and execute due to the high density of execution objects and their arrangements in web pages.