• Title/Summary/Keyword: Library Materials

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A Comparative Study on the Classification System of Material Library (소재도서관 분류체계에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Chung, Ok-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.297-317
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to propose a classification system that can classify various industrial and craft materials consistently and systematically by comparing and analyzing the classification system of materials libraries in domestic and foreign. For this study, it was investigated the operation cases and classification system of domestic and foreign material libraries, and then proposed a method to classify consistently and systematically by comparing and analyzing the classification items of KDC and DDC. The classification system of material library was not classified by subject, but classified into the name of material and type, or the classification system of a material library was divided by Arabic numeral as a general classification system. It is difficult to access and share information because most of material libraries use the classification system developed by the library itself. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a standard classification system to share the information stored in the material libraries.

The Study on the User Perception for Church Library in Korea (국내 교회도서관에 대한 이용자의 인식 연구)

  • Shin, Dong Min
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.239-264
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    • 2014
  • The study aims to study the user perception and satisfaction on the current church library services in Korea. 100 registered attendees and 10 priests, from three different groups were randomly selected for the survey. Three groups - the one with its own library, another with a community type library, and the other without church library - were compared. A literature review and survey were executed, and the questionnaires of the survey for analysis in this research contained demographic information, usage of church library, mission and function of the church library, library space, librarians, collection, community services of the church library, and perception on the effect of the library's community service on a specific religious activity (evangelism). The analysis revealed that the satisfaction level on church library service was relatively high (3.5 point on average, 5-point Likert scale), even though the frequency of using the church library service was relatively low. The study also found that users perceived the library as a community library or archives of the church, and study rooms and reading rooms as its major functions. It reveals that religious materials were preferred as the church library collection and the service of the church library to its community was perceived as being a effective and positive factor on evangelism. Applying church library service should be considered in order to enhance the understanding on the religion and effective results of evangelism.

STUDY ON THE KOREAN UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES FROM 1924-1945 (우리나라 대학도서관(大学図書館)에 관(関)한 고찰(考察) -1924년(年)~1941년대(年代)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Yoon, Seung-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.133-164
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    • 1981
  • "Jonkyongkak" which King, Sungjong of Yi dynasty established within Sungkyunkwan in 1475 is regarded as the first university library in Korea. On the basis of modern librarianship, however, it is desirable to recognize the fact that Keijo Imperial University Library is really the first university library in Korea. In this thesis, an attempt to study the Korean university libraries under the period of Japanese control is provided. Keijo Imperial University Library is the key institution in this study. This study will focus to review the following facts: 1) the historical background of Keijo. Imperial University Library; 2) the organization and staffing pattern, and budget of this library; 3) the acquisition policy and basic collection development plan of this library; 4) the library and other services of this library including readers services; 5) the relationship with other private college libraries; and 6) the impact of this library on the present Seoul National University Library. The followings are the outlined conclusions: 1. Japanese Government had established Keijo Imperial University Library in order to perform the colonial education policy of Korean peninsula. Furthermore, it was one of the import supporting agencies for the research activities which were necessary for Japan to govern the Southeast Asia including Korean Peninsula 2. The organization and staffing size and pattern of this library are much below to those of modern university libraries. They are somewhat below to the level which is necessary to perform the minimum basic library functions. 3. The priorities of book collection of this library are 1) humanities and social sciences especially, materials on Law are much emphasized; 2) pure sciences and 3) technologies and agriculture. Therefore, the quantity of the materials on the field of technology and agriculture is very small. 4. The acquisition policies of this library are deeply influenced by the Japanese Government's colonial policy of Korean peninsula and her aggressive policy of Chinese Continent. 5. The major contribution of this library to the present Seoul National University Library is the transfer of 550,000 volumes of books and library building, but this building is now removed according to the transfer of Seoul National University Campus. 6. The staffing pattern of this library was, however, much ahead of that times. Especially, the facts that professional librarians were eligible to be appointed as the director of this library, and they had the faculty membership including faculty rank should be highly appreciated.

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Effect of the new photoatomic data library EPDL2017 to mass attenuation coefficient calculation of materials used in the nuclear medicine facilities using EpiXS software

  • Jecong, J.F.M.;Hila, F.C.;Balderas, C.V.;Guillermo, N.R.D.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.9
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    • pp.3440-3447
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    • 2022
  • The accuracy of the photoatomic cross-section data is of great importance in the field of radiation protection, particularly in the characterization of radiation shielding materials. With the release of the latest and probably the most accurate photoatomic data library, EPDL2017, the need to re-evaluate all the existing and already established mass attenuation coefficients (MACs) of all radiation shielding materials arises. The MACs of several polymers, alloy-based, glasses, and building materials used in a nuclear medicine facility were investigated using the EPDL2017 library embedded in EpiXS software and were compared to MACs available in the literature. The relative differences between MACEpiXS and MACXCOM were negligible, ranging from 0.02% to 0.36% for most materials. However, for material like a glass comprising of elements Te and La evaluated near their corresponding K-edge energies, the relative differences in MACs increased up to 1.46%. On the other hand, a comparison with MACs calculated based on EPDL97 (a predecessor of EPDL2017) revealed as much as a 6.61% difference. Also, it would seem that the changes in MACs were more evident in the materials composed of high atomic number elements evaluated at x-ray energies compared to materials composed of low atomic number elements evaluated at gamma-ray energies.

A Critical Study on Validity of the Present Purpose of the Public Library Defined in the Korean Library Act ('도서관법(圖書館法)' 중(中) '공공도서관(公共圖書館)의 목적(目的)'에 대한 비판적(批判的) 고찰(考察))

  • Choi, Sung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.132-177
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    • 1974
  • Toe public library may perform a social good only when its objectives are adequate to the community's needs. The present purpose of the public library in the Korean Library Act has no direct concern for our social needs from its very beginning because it was not created in response to our social needs but transplanted from American principles. It is, therefore. difficult to expect socially useful output of our public library programs under the present purpose which may be inadequate to our social tradition and needs. This study purposes to examine validity of the present purpose of the public library in the Korean Library Act, in the light of our community needs and our own library tradition. The methods employed to achieve the purpose of the study are (1) to survey needs of the library frequenters through questionnaire, and interviews with the public librarians in Seoul, (2) to gather the statistical data relevant to, and supporting, the hypothesis, and (3) to compare our social background with that of the United States of which the American purpose, a model for our present purpose, came out. The conclusion is as follows: A. The idea to induce people to pull themselves upward by providing for all the members of the community access to the world's best books shelved in the public library should be abandoned. The reasons are (1) that the idea is alien in our public library tradition, (2) that little demand of the community goes with the idea, and (3) that reading outside the library has come into wide practice, thanks to recent increase in individual income and that in publications. B. That the public library maintains fiction and other recreational reading materials is meaningless in the light of the community needs. These are the two explanations supporting the thesis. (1) The "uplift" theory has proved inoperative and people apparently do not progress from, light fiction to more respectable fare. (2) The conviction that fiction and other recreational reading materials keep the middling classes from the "vicious" entertainments maintaining order in the community by giving them a harmless source of recreation has lost its significance as the modern society provides a number of choices in recreation: television is an obvious example. C. The nature of the informational needs of the community has radically changed, so radically as to require substantial changes in the outlook, collections, and services of the public library, which is :slow in adopting itself to the new social surroundings in Korea. D. 92.2 per Cent of the present frequenters of the public library are high school and college students. Since the library is to meet the existing community needs it should turn its attention to the student group, and develop the means to serve it better, not the "theoretical group of specialists who do not come to "the public library. E. In revision of the purpose of the public library, priority of each objective should be given. The priorities in the last analysis are research and information. culture, recreation in that order.

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A Study on the Effective Management Plan for Small Libraries: Focus on Gyeonggi Province (작은도서관의 효과적인 운영방안에 관한 연구 - 경기도 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • You, Yang-Keun;Park, Song-Yi
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.175-192
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the local government's regulation on facilities and the operation method of the small library provided for in 'the Ordinance on the Support for Installation and Operation of Small Libraries', and investigate and analyze the satisfaction with the services and needs on the part of users of small libraries, thus suggesting an effective management plan for them. In this study, literature reviews and questionnaire surveys were conducted simultaneously using monographic publications, theses, legal materials and Internet sites. As for study results, an effective management plan for small libraries was suggested as follow with its division into five realms; that is, facilities, materials, manpower, programs and network.

A Study on Usage of IFD of Open BIM-Based Library (개방형 BIM 기반 라이브러리의 IFD 활용을 위한 기초연구)

  • Cho, Dong-Wan;Kim, In-Han;Seo, Jong-Cheol;Kim, Jong-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2011
  • A variety of BIM libraries are required to apply BIM(Building Information Modeling) software and generate BIM data. However, enterprises are establishing their own libraries using BIM tools, the drawbacks are that these libraries are not open to other users, or they just can be used in some software packages. If IFC(Industry Foundation Classes), the standard format of open BIM, can be applied, the BIM library can be applied in all the BIM software packages. Although the enterprises can collaborate using IFC standard, it is difficult to represent all the property information of the construction materials by IFC. IFD(International Framework for Dictionaries) is used to solve these problems and add the property information of the construction materials easily. Therefore, Open RIM-based library needs to be developed using IFD. In this research, the development and application of BIM library and IFD in domestic and foreign countries were investigated and analyzed, and Open BIM-based IFD scenario was proposed for using, and finally by applying an IFD method, the IFD data was added within an IFC model. Consequently, Open BIM-based library can be extended with rich, formal, and semantic descriptions and enhance data interoperability among BIM software packages adopting Open BIM standard format, by applying the IFD.

A Study on Library Use Competency of High School Students (고등학교 학생들의 도서관 이용능력에 관한 연구)

  • Han Yoon-ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.5
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    • pp.152-178
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    • 1978
  • This has been designed for an attempt to survey a library use competency in order to provide basic information to plan more effective library use instruction for high school students. To get necessary data, a questionnaire was sent to 450 students in the 7 sample high schools in Seoul, and $80\%$ of them responded. The followings are the analysed results. 1. $42\%$ of them responded that they have heard about the decimal classification and $15\%$ of all the students have ever used decimal classification to search for the materials. 2. $3.6\%$ responded that they can understand the decimal classification and $66\%$ of all the students want to know about decimal classification. 3. $94\%$ responded that they have heard about the catalog cards and $41\%$ of all the students used catalog cards to search for the materials. 4. $29\%$ responded that they can understand the catalog cards and $68\%$ of all the students want to know about the catalog cards. 5. $61\%$ responded that they can use reference books. 6. $55.6\%$ responded that they know about the parts of a book. 7. $11\%$ responded that they can footnote. Reviewing the results of this study, library use competency of high school students can be said to be below level. And more effective approach is expected.

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A Study of the Effectiveness of Academic Library User Education on Users' Information Literacy (대학도서관 이용자교육이 이용자의 학술정보이용능력향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Jae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.243-260
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    • 2004
  • This study investigated whether academic library user education contributes to promote users' information literacy. 39 students of Duksung Women's University participated voluntarily for this experiment. A test questions set about locating specific library materials was delivered to participating students, who were to find right answers for each test question. Their answers about test questions were measured in terms of success rate, time used to solve each problem. Self evaluation scores were also collected before and after giving them user education. Academic library user education significantly contributed participating students' ability to locate academic library materials through a library user interface. After receiving user education students were able to solve more successfully test questions, use less time for each question, and evaluate themselves more highly in terms of information utilizing ability. The effectiveness of the academic library user education was lasted for about 8 weeks after the education they received.

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