• Title/Summary/Keyword: Leakage Experimental Test

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Experimental Study on the Leakage Performance Characteristics of Floating Ring Seal (플로팅 링 실의 누설 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 안경민;이용복;김창호;하태웅
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2004
  • The floating ring seal is used in an oxidizer and a fuel pump of the turbo pump unit in the liquid rocket engine to optimize a leakage without rubbing phenomenon. The damper floating ring seal, one of the floating ring seals, is with round hole pattern surfaces. It can reduce the leakage by increased friction factor that obtained from experimental data. In this paper, the leakage test about floating ring seal and damper floating ring seal was conducted. The test result showed the leakage performance of damper floating ring seal was better than the leakage performance of floating ring seal. With the leakage test the lock-up and rotation test about seal was conducted and that position is measured. The relatively large lock-up eccentric ratio was obtained from the test result of damping floating ring seal. The attitude angle of seal increases with increasing of shaft rotation.

Experimental Study on the Leakage Performance Characteristics of floating Ring Seal (플로팅 링 실의 누설 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 안경민;이용복;김창호;하태웅
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.820-825
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    • 2004
  • The floating ring seal is used in an oxidizer and a fuel pump of the turbo pump unit in the liquid rocket engine to optimize a leakage without rubbing phenomenon. The damper floating ring seal, one of the floating ring seals, is with round hole pattern surfaces. It can reduce the leakage by increased friction factor that obtained from experimental data. In this paper, the leakage test about floating ring seal and damper floating ring seal was conducted. The test result showed the leakage performance of damper floating ring seal was better than the leakage performance of floating ring seal. With the leakage test the lock-up and rotation test about seal was conducted and that position is measured. The relatively large lock-up eccentric ratio was obtained from the test result of damping floating ring seal. The attitude angle of seal increases with increasing of shaft rotation

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Test Results of Leakage Performance for Anti-Swirl Self-Injection Seals (역방향스월자기주입 시일의 누설 성능에 관한 실험 연구)

  • 김창호;이용복
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.41-45
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    • 1991
  • An experimental investigation for leakage performance of five anti-swirl self-injection seals was carried out to select an optimum configuration for minimum leakage. Test results show that the self-injection mechanism with a plain seal generally degrades the leakage performance of noncontacting seals; however, through a series of the test program, an optimum anti-swirl self injection seal was selected to obtain a comparable leakage performance with a damper seal. A 12 holes anti-swirl and anti-leakage self-injected. configuration with a labyrinth surface gives minimum leakage among the tested anti-swirl self-injection seals.

The Error Analysis of Leak Measurement for Pneumatic Cylinder Using Isothermal Chamber

  • Jang, Ji-Seong;Ji, Sang-Won;Kagawa, Toshiharu
    • Transactions of The Korea Fluid Power Systems Society
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.6-12
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    • 2008
  • ISO pneumatic cylinder reliability test requires air leakage measurement. Air cylinder has many parts and the leakage shall be measured before, during and after endurance test, and, the leakage should smaller than the specified value. The existing measurement method needs complex operation and the calibration of leak detector, and, has to separate the testing cylinder from endurance test device, which causes the change of contact condition of seal in the cylinder. Therefore, it is hard to evaluate the air leakage during endurance test, and guarantee the reliability of the conventional measurement method. In this paper, a new method for air leakage measurement using isothermal chamber, which does not requires calibration or temperature compensation, and, can measure air leakage accurately with quite simple operations, is proposed. As a result, reliability of air leakage measurement can be improved because the proposed method does not have to separate the testing cylinder from the endurance test device for air leakage measurement. The effectiveness of the proposed method is proved by error analysis of leak measurement from experimental result.

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Experimental study of air leakage of reinforced concrete panel with cracks

  • Yousang Lee;Hong-Gun Park
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.4755-4769
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    • 2024
  • Evaluation of the leakage rate is necessary for infrastructure where hermetic performance holds critical importance. This study conducted a test to evaluate the air leakage rate of cracked reinforced concrete panels. Hollow beam specimens with an air chamber in the web were prepared to provide a relatively simple setup for airtight pressure testing under 200 kPa pressure. While testing, the lower flange of the beam specimen was subjected to tension cracking under transverse loading, and air pressure was applied to the air chamber of the beam to measure the air leakage rate through the flange plate as the magnitude of loading increased. The test variables were the differential air pressure, flange plate thickness, and reinforcement ratio. The test results showed that the leakage rate increased in proportion to the differential pressure. When the reinforcement ratio increased from 0.7 to 1.3 %, the leakage rate decreased by 90 %. When the plate thickness increased from 75 to 100 mm, the leakage rate decreased by 91 %. The analysis of the test results showed that the leakage rate was proportional to the cube of the crack width (R2 = 0.91-0.95), which agreed with existing prediction models. When the crack width at rebar location was used, the existing models showed the best predictions for test results. This result indicates that to accurately predict the air leakage rate of reinforced concrete members, the critical crack width at the location of reinforcement (i.e. the smallest crack width in the member thickness) is more important than the crack width at the member surface.

Assessment of Gas Leakage for a 30-inch Ball Valve used for a Gas Pipeline (가스 파이프라인용 30인치 볼 밸브의 누설량 평가)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.230-235
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the gas leakage for a 30-inch ball valve. The ball valve was designed and manufactured for a natural gas transportation through a long-distance pipeline mainly installed in the permafrost region. The gas leakage assessment is based on the pressure testing criteria of international standards. Pressure conditions of the gas leakage test was employed 70 bar, 100 bar, and 110 bar. The amount of the gas leakage at each pressure condition was small and had a value under the pressure testing criteria, ISO 5208. Gas leakage with respect to the test pressure was predicted by the polynomial curve fitting using the experimental results. It is found that the gas leakage rate according to the pressure is proportion to a second order curve.

A Study on the Measurement Method of Leakage for Pneumatic Cylinder (공기압실린더의 누설유량 계측에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, J.S.;Ji, S.W.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.98-102
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    • 2007
  • In this study, a measurement method of leakage flow-rate for pneumatic driving apparatus is proposed. The existing measurement methods of leakage flow-rate of air need disassemble the test component. Therefore, there is no effective method to measure the leakage flow-rate while operating pneumatic driving apparatus. In this study, the leakage flow-rate is measured from the pressure change in an isothermal chamber that can realize isothermal conditions by stuffing the steel wool into it. Therefore, a wide range of flow-rate could be measured only from the pressure response and the leakage flow-rate can be measured during operating pneumatic driving apparatus. The effectiveness of the proposed method is proved by experimental results.

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A Study on the Measurement Method of Leakage Flow-rate for Pneumatic Cylinder (공압실린더의 누설유량 계측방법에 관한 연구)

  • Jang J.S.;Ji S.W.;Jeong J.H.;Kang B.S.
    • Transactions of The Korea Fluid Power Systems Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.15-19
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    • 2006
  • In this study, a measurement method of leakage flow-rate for pneumatic driving apparatus is proposed. The existing measurement methods of leakage flow-rate of air need disassemble the test component. Therefore, there is no effective method to measure the leakage flow-rate while operating pneumatic driving apparatus. In this study, the leakage flow-rate is measure from the pressure change in an isothermal chamber that can realize isothermal conditions by stuffing steel wool into it. Therefore, wide range of flow-rate could be measured only from the pressure response and the leakage flow-rate can be measured during operating pneumatic driving apparatus. The effectiveness of the proposed method is proved by experimental results.

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A Study on Performance Evaluation of SPD Varistor by Temperature Measurement(I) (온도측정에 의한 SPD용 배리스터의 성능평가에 관한 연구(I))

  • Yeo, In-Sik;Ko, Young-Min;Lee, Ki-Sik
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.490-494
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, how the temperature of a varistor changes when $10/350{\mu}s$ surge currents and/or DC leakage currents are applied on it, respectively, are investigated. The temperature change in varistor is related with injection energy and leakage current. which is the integration of power in time. By the surge current test, we found that the temperature jump is proportional to the level of surge current with slant 52.535 and has no relation with the ambient temperature. And by the DC leakage current test, the difference in temperatures between varistor and ambient is proportional to the magnitude of leakage current. The slope of measured line(the temperature difference vs. the leakage current) shows alteration around $100{\mu}A$. The varistors can not be used more than $100{\mu}A$ region any more. From the above experimental results, we can conclude that data of the surge current test and also those of DC leakage current test can predict the performance of varistors of which the surge protective devices are made.

Development of leakage test facility for leak signal characteristic analysis in water pipeline (상수도관로 누수신호의 특성 분석을 위한 누수 실험시설 개발)

  • Park, Sanghyuk;Kwak, Philljae;Lee, Hyundong;Choi, Changho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.459-469
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    • 2017
  • A real scale leakage test facility was developed to study the leak signal characteristics of water supply pipelines, and then leak tests were carried out. The facility was designed to overcome the limited experimental circumstances of domestic water supply pipeline experimental facilities. The length of the pipeline, which was installed as a straight line, is 280m. Six pipes were installed on a 70m interval with different pipe material and diameters that are DCIP(D200, D150, D100, D80), PE(D75) and PVC(D75).The intensity of the leakage is adjusted by changing the size of the leak hole and the opening rate of ball valve. Various pressure conditions were simulated using a pressure reducing valve.To minimize external noise sources which, deteriorate the quality of measured leak signal, the facility was built at a quiet area, where traffic and water consumption by customers is relatively rare. In addition, the usage of electric equipment was minimized to block out noise and the facility was operated using manual mode. From the experimental results of measured leakage signal at the facility, it was found that the signal intensity weakened and the signal of high frequency band attenuated as the distance from the water leakage point increased.