• Title/Summary/Keyword: Large break loss of coolant accident

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Investigation of a Hydrogen Mitigation System During Large Break Loss-Of-Coolant Accident for a Two-Loop Pressurized Water Reactor

  • Dehjourian, Mehdi;Sayareh, Reza;Rahgoshay, Mohammad;Jahanfarnia, Gholamreza;Shirani, Amir Saied
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.1174-1183
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    • 2016
  • Hydrogen release during severe accidents poses a serious threat to containment integrity. Mitigating procedures are necessary to prevent global or local explosions, especially in large steel shell containments. The management of hydrogen safety and prevention of over-pressurization could be implemented through a hydrogen reduction system and spray system. During the course of the hypothetical large break loss-of-coolant accident in a nuclear power plant, hydrogen is generated by a reaction between steam and the fuel-cladding inside the reactor pressure vessel and also core concrete interaction after ejection of melt into the cavity. The MELCOR 1.8.6 was used to assess core degradation and containment behavior during the large break loss-of-coolant accident without the actuation of the safety injection system except for accumulators in Beznau nuclear power plant. Also, hydrogen distribution in containment and performance of hydrogen reduction system were investigated.

ROSA/LSTF test and RELAP5 code analyses on PWR 1% vessel upper head small-break LOCA with accident management measure based on core exit temperature

  • Takeda, Takeshi
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.50 no.8
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    • pp.1412-1420
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    • 2018
  • An experiment was performed using the large-scale test facility (LSTF), which simulated a 1% vessel upper head small-break loss-of-coolant accident with an accident management (AM) measure under an assumption of total-failure of high-pressure injection (HPI) system in a pressurized water reactor (PWR). In the LSTF test, liquid level in the upper head affected break flow rate. Coolant was manually injected from the HPI system into cold legs as the AM measure when the maximum core exit temperature reached 623 K. The cladding surface temperature largely increased due to late and slow response of the core exit thermocouples. The AM measure was confirmed to be effective for the core cooling. The RELAP5/MOD3.3 code indicated insufficient prediction of primary coolant distribution. The author conducted uncertainty analysis for the LSTF test employing created phenomena identification and ranking table for each component. The author clarified that peak cladding temperature was largely dependent on the combination of multiple uncertain parameters within the defined uncertain ranges.

Loss of coolant accident analysis under restriction of reverse flow

  • Radaideh, Majdi I.;Kozlowski, Tomasz;Farawila, Yousef M.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.1532-1539
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    • 2019
  • This paper analyzes a new method for reducing boiling water reactor fuel temperature during a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA). The method uses a device called Reverse Flow Restriction Device (RFRD) at the inlet of fuel bundles in the core to prevent coolant loss from the bundle inlet due to the reverse flow after a large break in the recirculation loop. The device allows for flow in the forward direction which occurs during normal operation, while after the break, the RFRD device changes its status to prevent reverse flow. In this paper, a detailed simulation of LOCA has been carried out using the U.S. NRC's TRACE code to investigate the effect of RFRD on the flow rate as well as peak clad temperature of BWR fuel bundles during three different LOCA scenarios: small break LOCA (25% LOCA), large break LOCA (100% LOCA), and double-ended guillotine break (200% LOCA). The results demonstrated that the device could substantially block flow reversal in fuel bundles during LOCA, allowing for coolant to remain in the core during the coolant blowdown phase. The device can retain additional cooling water after activating the emergency systems, which maintains the peak clad temperature at lower levels. Moreover, the RFRD achieved the reflood phase (when the saturation temperature of the clad is restored) earlier than without the RFRD.

Uncertainty analysis of ROSA/LSTF test by RELAP5 code and PKL counterpart test concerning PWR hot leg break LOCAs

  • Takeda, Takeshi;Ohtsu, Iwao
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.829-841
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    • 2018
  • An experiment was conducted for the OECD/NEA ROSA-2 Project using the large-scale test facility (LSTF), which simulated a 17% hot leg intermediate-break loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR). In the LSTF test, core uncovery started simultaneously with liquid level drop in crossover leg downflow-side before loop seal clearing, and water remaining occurred on the upper core plate in the upper plenum. Results of the uncertainty analysis with RELAP5/MOD3.3 code clarified the influences of the combination of multiple uncertain parameters on peak cladding temperature within the defined uncertain ranges. For studying the scaling problems to extrapolate thermal-hydraulic phenomena observed in scaled-down facilities, an experiment was performed for the OECD/NEA PKL-3 Project with the Primarkreislaufe Versuchsanlage (PKL), as a counterpart to a previous LSTF test. The LSTF test simulated a PWR 1% hot leg small-break loss-of-coolant accident with steam generator secondary-side depressurization as an accident management measure and nitrogen gas inflow. Some discrepancies appeared between the LSTF and PKL test results for the primary pressure, the core collapsed liquid level, and the cladding surface temperature probably due to effects of differences between the LSTF and the PKL in configuration, geometry, and volumetric size.

Method of estimating break size in piping loop systems

  • Sheng-Dih Hwang
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.4880-4886
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    • 2024
  • The approach for determining the break size of recirculation loops in a multiple-loop power plant in the event of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) is presented in this study. In this study, the MAAP5 simulation program was used. An approach to measuring the size of a crack or break in the cooling system is the temperature difference between the recirculation loops. This method does not require any additional facilities; it compares the temperatures of the cooling loops to determine which one has a rupture. The best data source was the loop monitoring system, which sends temperature data for analysis to the main control room. A real operating power reactor training simulator and the FSAR are applied to evaluate MAAP5, the methodology's engine. The results of the MAAP5 simulation code were consistent with those of the power plant simulator. Therefore, MAAP5 could produce enough analytical data to create the relationship diagram between temperature difference and break size. The study hypothesized that there exists a maximum value of temperature difference corresponding to each break size and suggested that applying the absolute maximum temperature difference can aid in identifying the break size. This approach proposes an assistive method for determining the size of a fracture or break in the recirculation system by leveraging the temperature difference between each loop. This approach eliminates the need for additional facilities, as temperature data from the recirculation loops can be transmitted to the main control room. After the reactor scram, operators can monitor the maximum temperature differences at the inlet to estimate the break size. Although the fitting curve used to preliminary estimate the Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident break size may overestimate the break size, it still provides valuable insights. This novel tool offers a rapid and comprehensive method for detecting LOCA events in the recirculation loops.

Effect of emergency core cooling system flow reduction on channel temperature during recirculation phase of large break loss-of-coolant accident at Wolsong unit 1

  • Yu, Seon Oh;Cho, Yong Jin;Kim, Sung Joong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.979-988
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    • 2017
  • The feasibility of cooling in a pressurized heavy water reactor after a large break loss-of-coolant accident has been analyzed using Multidimensional Analysis of Reactor Safety-KINS Standard code during the recirculation phase. Through evaluation of sensitivity of the fuel channel temperature to various effective recirculation flow areas, it is determined that proper cooling of the fuel channels in the broken loop is feasible if the effective flow area remains above approximately 70% of the nominal flow area. When the flow area is reduced by more than approximately 25% of the nominal value, however, incipience of boiling is expected, after which the thermal integrity of the fuel channel can be threatened. In addition, if a dramatic reduction of the recirculation flow occurs, excursions and frequent fluctuations of temperature in the fuel channels are likely to be unavoidable, and thus damage to the fuel channels would be anticipated. To resolve this, emergency coolant supply through the newly installed external injection path can be used as one alternative means of cooling, enabling fuel channel integrity to be maintained and permanently preventing severe accident conditions. Thus, the external injection flow required to guarantee fuel channel coolability has been estimated.

Realistic Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident Mass and Energy Release and Containment Pressure and Temperature Analyses

  • Kwon, Young-Min;Song, Jin-Ho
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.229-239
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    • 1997
  • To investigate the realistic behavior of mass and energy release and resultant containment response during large break Loss of Coolant accident (LOCA), analyses are performed for Yonggwang (YGN) 3&4 nuclear power plants by using a merged version of RELAP5/CONTEMPT4 computer code. Comparative analyses by using conservative design computer codes are also peformed. The break types analyzed are the double-ended guillotine breaks at the cold leg and hot leg. The design analysis resulted in containment peak pressure during post-blowdown phase for the cold leg break. However, the RELAP5/CONTEMPT4 analyses show that the containment pressure has a peak during blowdown phase, thereafter it decreases monotonously without the second port-blowdown peak. For the hot leg break, revised design analysis shows much lower pressure than that reported in YGN 3&4 final safety analysis report. The RELAP5/CONTEMPT4 analysis shoos similar trend and confirmed that the bypass flow through the broken loop steam generator during post-blowdown is negligibly small compared to that of cold leg break. The low pressure and temperature predicted tv realistic analysis presented in this paper suggest that the design analysis methodology contains substantial margin and it can be improved to provide benefit in investment protection, such as, relaxing plant technical specifications and reducing containment design pressure.

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