• Title/Summary/Keyword: Large Scale Data

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Faraday Rotation Measure in the Large Scale Structure III

  • Akahori, Takuya;Ryu, Dong-Su
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.75.1-75.1
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    • 2010
  • The nature and origin of the intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF) are an outstanding problem of cosmology, yet they are not well understood. Measuring Faraday rotation (RM) is one of a few promising methods to explore the IGMF. We have theoretically investigated RM using a model of the IGMF based on a MHD turbulence dynamo (Ryu et al. 2008; Cho et al. 2009). In the previous KAS meeting, we reported the results for the present-day local universe; for instance, the probability distribution function (PDF) of ${\mid}RM{\mid}$ follows the lognormal distribution, the root mean square (rms) value for filaments is ~1 rad m^{-2}, and the power spectrum peaks at ~1 h^{-1} Mpc scale. In this talk, we extend our study of RM; by stacking simulation data up to redshift z=5 and taking account of the redshift distribution of radio sources, we have reproduced an observable view of RM through filaments against background radio sources. Our findings are as follows. The inducement of RM is a random walk process, so that the rms of RM increases with increasing path length. The rms value of RM for filaments reaches several rad m^{-2}. The PDF still follows the lognormal distribution, and the power spectrum of RM peaks at less than degree scale. Our predictions of RM could be tested, for instance, with LOFAR, ASKAP, MEERKAT, and SKA.

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A Study on the Spatial Characteristics of Franchise Beauty Salon in Korea (국내 프랜차이즈 미용실의 공간 특성에 관한 연구-세트부스를 중심으로-)

  • 홍승대;이상호;신은주
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.22
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze characteristics of set-booth in beauty salon as well as to suggest the basic design data for franchise beauty salon. The method of this research was based on field observation of the franchise beauty salon in Seoul. The results of this research are as follows. 1) In set-booth type analysis, set-mirror wall type and set-mirror partition type are mainly used, but set-mirror table type is not showed in this research. 2) In terms of scale, wall type and partition type are classified as large scale, wall type and partition type are used as meduim scale. In shop front analysis, the result is shown in two things. If it is type, they used partition type and if it is close type, they used wall type. 3) Set-mirror is consisted of mirror and drawer and it is classified by 4 types with combination method. In a result, most of them used separated mirror type because they want to emphasize the separation between set booth and its layout. 4) Lighting method has 4 types; corniced type, bracket type, pendant type and downlight type. Among them, downlight is showed as the most-used.

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Feasibility Study on Production of Liquid Fertilizer in a 1 ㎥ Reactor Using Fishmeal Wastewater for Commercialization

  • Gwon, Byeong-Geun;Kim, Joong-Kyun
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2012
  • A scaled-up bioconversion of fishmeal wastewater (FMW) into liquid fertilizer was performed five times in a $1m^3$ reactor in order to examine the feasibility of commercialization. The importance of aeration was marked. Analyses indicated that dissolved oxygen (DO) level was closely related to the value of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and it was crucial to achieve high-quality liquid fertilizer. When pure oxygen was supplied through four diffusers into the reactor, DO levels and ORP values were maintained over 1.2 mg/L and 0.2 mV, respectively all the time during 52 hr of bioconversion. The pH changed from 6.8 to 5.9. The average removal percentages of chemical oxygen demand ($COD_{Cr}$) and total nitrogen (TN) were 75.0% and 71.6%, respectively. Compared to the result acquired in a 5-L reactor, bioconversion of FMW into liquid fertilizer was achieved in a shorter time under the same removal percentages of $COD_{Cr}$ and TN. The 52-hr culture of inoculated FMW was phytotoxic-free and it possessed comparable fertilizing ability to a liquid fertilizer made from the fish waste in hydroponic culture with amino acid contents of 5.93 g/ 100 g sample. From all the above results, transferring lab-scale data to large-scale production appeared to be successful. As a result, the commercialization of a liquid fertilizer made from FMW was feasible.

Implementation of Standard Platform for Distributing Usage Statistics of Digital Scholarly Information (전자학술정보 이용통계 유통을 위한 표준 플랫폼 구축)

  • Jung, Youngim;Kim, Jayhoon;Kim, Kwangyoung;Kim, Hwanmin
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2014
  • Recently usage on digital scholarly information has been analyzed with various respects by various parties since the rapid expansion of digital scholarly information use and the increasing availability of large-scale log data. Nevertheless, no standard platform for distributing usage statistics of scholarly information at the national scale has been suggested so far. Therefore, this paper suggests a generalized SUSHI (Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative) platform for distributing usage statistics of digital scholarly information at the national scale.

Development of Facial Nerve Palsy Grading System with Image Processing (영상처리를 이용한 안면신경마비 평가시스템 개발)

  • Jang, Min;Shin, Sang-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2013
  • Objectives The objective and universal grading system for the facial nerve palsy is needed to the objectification of treatment in Oriental medicine. In this study, the facial nerve palsy grading was developed with combination of image processing technique and Nottingham scale. Methods The developed system is composed of measurement part, image processing part, facial nerve palsy evaluation part, and display part. With the video data recorded by webcam at measurement part, the positions of marker were measured at image processing part. In evaluation part, Nottingham scales were calculated in four different facial expressions with measured marker position. The video of facial movement, time history of marker position, and Nottingham scale were displayed in display part. Results & Conclusion The developed system was applied to a normal subject and a abnormal subject with facial nerve palsy. The left-right difference of Nottingham scores was large in the abnormal compared with the normal. In normal case, the change of the length between supraorbital point and infraorbital point was larger than that of the length between lateral canthus and angle of mouth. The abnormal case showed an opposite result. The developed system showed the possibilities of the objective and universal grading system for the facial nerve palsy.

Evaluation of the Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale: An Analysis of Electronic Medical Records (소아 낙상위험 측정도구 (Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale) 평가: 전자의무기록을 이용하여)

  • Cho, Yun Hee;Kim, Young Ju
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.142-150
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale as one of the falls risk assessment tools, and also to evaluate risk factors as predictors of falls in pediatric patient populations. Methods: In a retrospective, case-control design with data from the electronic medical records of 13 pediatric patients who fell and 1,941 who did not fall before matching and 429 who did not fall after matching by gender, age, diagnosis, and length of stay. Results: All the variables showed no significant differences after matching. At the cutoff score of 13, sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values were 92.3%, 37.1%, 99.9%, and 0.01%, respectively. The area under the Receiver Operating Characteristics was 0.597. The results from the logistic regression showed that the pediatric inpatient population who had higher risk scores was significantly associated with falls. The odds ratios ranged from 1.31 to 4.71 with 90% confidence interval. Conclusion: The saturation impairments criterion as one of the diagnostic parameter was negatively associated with falls, but the relative risk score was higher than the other criteria. Therefore, it seems that the diagnostic parameter seems to be required to verify results through large sample studies.

An Analysis of Technical Efficiency in Korean RCC/RSC (우리나라 RCC/RSC별 운영효율성 분석)

  • Jang Woon-Jae;Keum Jong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2004
  • This paper is to measure and ealuates the technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency with three inputs and two outputs with the use of DEA(data envelopment analysis) in Korean RCC(Rescue Co-ordination Center/RSC(Rescue Sub-Center). Several conclusion emerge. first the average efficiency of overall technical efficiency measure about $91.03\%$ and pure technical efficiency $96.80\%$ is much large then scale efficiency $93.83\%$. It means that inefficiency has much more to do whit the inefficient utilization of resources rather then the scale of production. second, DRS(decreasing return to scale) is Tongyeong and IRS(increasing return to scale) is Incheon, Taean, Gunsan, Yeosu, Ulsan, Donghae in RCC/RSC. finally, inefficiency RCC/RSC. have to benchmarking with reference sets.

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Finite Element Based Multi-Scale Ductile Failure Simulation of Full-Scale Pipes with a Circumferential Crack in a Low Carbon Steel (유한요소기반 다중스케일 연성파손모사 기법을 이용한 원주방향 균열이 존재하는 탄소강 실배관의 파손예측 및 검증)

  • Han, Jae-Jun;Bae, Kyung-Dong;Kim, Yun-Jae;Kim, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Nak-Hyun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.727-734
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    • 2014
  • This paper describes multi-scale based ductile fracture simulation using finite element (FE) damage analysis. The maximum and crack initiation loads of cracked components were predicted using proposed virtual testing method. To apply the local approach criteria for ductile fracture, stress-modified fracture strain model was adopted as the damage criteria with modified calibration technique that only requires tensile and fracture toughness test data. Element-size-dependent critical damage model is also introduced to apply the proposed ductile fracture simulation to large-scale components. The results of the simulation were compared with those of the tests on SA333 Gr. 6 full-scale pipes at $288^{\circ}C$, performed by the Battelle Memorial Institute.


    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.116-119
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    • 2005
  • As to the synthetical estimation of land covering parameters or the compounded land covering classification for multi-resolution satellite data, former researches mainly adopted linear or nonlinear regression models to describe the regression relationship of land covering parameters caused by the degradation of spatial resolution, in order to improve the retrieval accuracy of global land covering parameters based on 1;he lower resolution satellite data. However, these methods can't authentically represent the complementary characteristics of spatial resolutions among different satellite data at arithmetic level. To resolve the problem above, a new compounded land covering classification method at arithmetic level for multi-resolution satellite data is proposed in this .paper. Firstly, on the basis of unsupervised clustering analysis of the higher resolution satellite data, the likelihood distribution scatterplot of each cover type is obtained according to multiple-to-single spatial correspondence between the higher and lower resolution satellite data in some local test regions, then Parzen window approach is adopted to derive the real likelihood functions from the scatterplots, and finally the likelihood functions are extended from the local test regions to the full covering area of the lower resolution satellite data and the global covering area of the lower resolution satellite is classified under the maximum likelihood rule. Some experimental results indicate that this proposed compounded method can improve the classification accuracy of large-scale lower resolution satellite data with the support of some local-area higher resolution satellite data.

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Adaptive Priority Queue-driven Task Scheduling for Sensor Data Processing in IoT Environments (사물인터넷 환경에서 센서데이터의 처리를 위한 적응형 우선순위 큐 기반의 작업 스케줄링)

  • Lee, Mijin;Lee, Jong Sik;Han, Young Shin
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.1559-1566
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    • 2017
  • Recently in the IoT(Internet of Things) environment, a data collection in real-time through device's sensor has increased with an emergence of various devices. Collected data from IoT environment shows a large scale, non-uniform generation cycle and atypical. For this reason, the distributed processing technique is required to analyze the IoT sensor data. However if you do not consider the optimal scheduling for data and the processor of IoT in a distributed processing environment complexity increase the amount in assigning a task, the user is difficult to guarantee the QoS(Quality of Service) for the sensor data. In this paper, we propose APQTA(Adaptive Priority Queue-driven Task Allocation method for sensor data processing) to efficiently process the sensor data generated by the IoT environment. APQTA is to separate the data into job and by applying the priority allocation scheduling based on the deadline to ensure that guarantee the QoS at the same time increasing the efficiency of the data processing.