• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landsat image

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Mapping of Drought Index Using Satellite Imagery (위성영상을 활용한 가뭄지수 지도제작)

  • Chang, Eun-Mi;Park, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2004
  • It is necessary to manage water resources in rural areas in order to achieve proper development of new water resources, sustainable usage and reasonable distribution. This paper aims to analyze multi-temporal Landsat-7 ETM+data for soil moisture that is essential for crops in Ahnsung area. The ETM data was also fused with KOMPSAT-1 images in order to be used as backdrop watershed maps at first. Multi-temporal Images showed also the characteristics of soil moisture distribution. Images taken in April showed that rice paddy had as low reflectance as artificial features. Compared with April scenes, those taken in Hay and June showed wetness index increased in the rice paddies. The mountainous areas have almost constant moisture index, so the difference between the dates was very low while reservoirs and livers had dramatic changes. We can calculate total potential areas of distribution of moisture content within the basin and estimate the areas being sensitive to drought. Finally we can point out the sites of small rice paddies lack of water and visualize their distribution within the same basin. It can be said that multi-temporal Landsat-7 ETM+ and KOMPSAT data can be used to show broad drought with quick and simple analysis. Drought sensitiveness maps may enable the decision makers on rural water to evaluate the risk of drought and to measure mitigation, accompanied with proper data on the hydrological and climatic drought.

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Updating Land Cover Classification Using Integration of Multi-Spectral and Temporal Remotely Sensed Data (다중분광 및 다중시기 영상자료 통합을 통한 토지피복분류 갱신)

  • Jang, Dong-Ho;Chung, Chang-Jo F.
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.5 s.104
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    • pp.786-803
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    • 2004
  • These days, interests on land cover classification using not only multi-sensor data but also thematic GIS information, are increasing. Often, although we have useful GIS information for the classification, the traditional classification method like maximum likelihood estimation technique (MLE) does not allow us to use the information due to the fact that the MLE and the existing computer programs cannot handle GIS data properly. We proposed a new method for updating the image classification using multi-spectral and multi-temporal images. In this study, we have simultaneously extended the MLE to accommodate both multi-spectral images data and land cover data for land cover classification. In addition to the extended MLE method, we also have extended the empirical likelihood ratio estimation technique (LRE), which is one of non-parametric techniques, to handle simultaneously both multi-spectral images data and land cover data. The proposed procedures were evaluated using land cover map based on Landsat ETM+ images in the Anmyeon-do area in South Korea. As a result, the proposed methods showed considerable improvements in classification accuracy when compared with other single-spectral data. Improved classification images showed that the overall accuracy indicated an improvement in classification accuracy of $6.2\%$ when using MLE, and $9.2\%$ for the LRE, respectively. The case study also showed that the proposed methods enable the extraction of the area with land cover change. In conclusion, land cover classification produced through the combination of various GIS spatial data and multi-spectral images will be useful to involve complementary data to make more accurate decisions.

Effect on the Temperature in Forest Dominant Vegetation Change (산림 우점식생 변화가 온도에 미치는 영향)

  • An, Mi-Yeon;Hong, Suk-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated the effect of forest type changes in Daegu, the hottest city in Korea, on the land surface temperature (LST). The LST change by forest type was analyzed by 2scene of Landsat TM image from 1990 to 2007. The land cover types were classified into 4 types; forest areas, urban areas, cultivated areas and other areas, and water areas. The forest areas were further classified into the coniferous tree areas and the broadleaf tree areas. The result of the statistical analysis of the LST change according to the forest type showed that the LST increased when the forest was changed to the urban area. The LST increased by about $0.6^{\circ}C$ when a broadleaf tree area was changed to an urban area and about $0.2^{\circ}C$ when a coniferous tree area was changed to an urban area. This was the temperature change as the result of the simple type change for 17 years. The temperature change was larger when considering both cases of the forest type being retained and changed. The LST increased by $2.3^{\circ}C$ more when the broadleaf tree areas were changed to the urban areas than when broadleaf trees were maintained. The LST increased by $1.9^{\circ}C$ more when the coniferous tree areas were changed to the urban areas than when the coniferous tree areas were maintained. The LST increased by $0.4^{\circ}C$ more when the broadleaf tree areas were destroyed than when the coniferous tree areas were destroyed. The results confirmed that the protection of broadleaf trees in urban forests was more effective for mitigating climate change.

A Study on the Habitat Mapping of Meretrix lyrata Using Remote Sensing at Ben-tre Tidal Flat, Vietnam (원격탐사를 활용한 베트남 Ben-tre 갯벌의 Meretrix lyrata 서식지 매핑 연구)

  • Hwang, Deuk Jae;Woo, Han Jun;Koo, Bon Joo;Choi, Jong-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.975-987
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    • 2021
  • Potential habitat mapping of Meretrix lyrata which is found in large parts of South East Asian tidal flat was carried out to find out causes of collective death. Frequency Ratio (FR) method, one of geospatialstatistical method, was employed with some benthic environmental factors; Digital elevation model (DEM) made from Landsat imagery, slope, tidal channel distance, tidal channel density, sedimentary facesfrom WorldView-02 image. Field survey was carried out to measure elevation of each station and to collect surface sediment and benthos samples. Potential habitat maps of the all clams and the juvenile clams were made and accuracy of each map showed a good performance, 76.82 % and 69.51 %. Both adult and juvenile clams prefer sand dominant tidal flat. But suitable elevation of adult clams is ranged from -0.2 to 0.2 m, and that of juvenile clams is ranged from 0 to 0.3 m. Tidal channel didn't affect the habitat of juvenile clams, but it affected the adult clams. In the furtherstudy, comparison with case of Korean tidal flat will be carried out to improve a performance of the potential habitat map. Change in the benthic echo-system caused by climate change will be predictable through potential habitat mapping of macro benthos.

Land-Cover Change Detection of Western DMZ and Vicinity using Spectral Mixture Analysis of Landsat Imagery (선형분광혼합화소분석을 이용한 서부지역 DMZ의 토지피복 변화 탐지)

  • Kim, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.158-167
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    • 2006
  • The object of this study is to detect of land-cover change in western DMZ and vicinity. This was performed as a basic study to construct a decision support system for the conservation or a sustainable development of the DMZ and Vicinity near future. DMZ is an is 4km wide and 250km long and it's one of the most highly fortified boundaries in the world and also a unique thin green line. Environmentalists want to declare the DMZ as a natural reserve and a biodiversity zone, but nowadays through the strengthening of the inter-Korean economic cooperation, some developers are trying to construct a new-town or an industrial complex inside of the DMZ. This study investigates the current environmental conditions, especially deforestation of the western DMZ adopting remote sensing and GIS techniques. The Land-covers were identified through the linear spectvral mixture analysis(LSMA) which was used to handle the spectral mixture problem of low spatial resolution imagery of Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery. To analyze quantitative and spatial change of vegetation-cover in western DMZ, GIS overlay method was used. In LSMA, to develop high-quality fraction images, three endmembers of green vegetation(GV), soil, water were driven from pure features in the imagery. Through 15 years, from 1987 to 2002, forest of western DMZ and vicinity was devastated and changed to urban, farmland or barren land. Northern part of western DMZ and vicinity was more deforested than that of southern part. ($52.37km^2$ of North Korean forest and $39.04km^2$ of South Korean were change to other land-covers.) In case of North Korean part, forest changed to barren land and farmland and in South Korean part, forest changed to farmland and urban area. Especially, In North Korean part of DMZ and vicinity, $56.15km^2$ of farmland changed to barren land through 15 years, which showed the failure of the 'Darakbat' (terrace filed) project which is one of food increase projects in North Korea.

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Parallel Processing of k-Means Clustering Algorithm for Unsupervised Classification of Large Satellite Images: A Hybrid Method Using Multicores and a PC-Cluster (대용량 위성영상의 무감독 분류를 위한 k-Means Clustering 알고리즘의 병렬처리: 다중코어와 PC-Cluster를 이용한 Hybrid 방식)

  • Han, Soohee;Song, Jeong Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.445-452
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    • 2019
  • In this study, parallel processing codes of k-means clustering algorithm were developed and implemented in a PC-cluster for unsupervised classification of large satellite images. We implemented intra-node code using multicores of CPU (Central Processing Unit) based on OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing), inter-nodes code using a PC-cluster based on message passing interface, and hybrid code using both. The PC-cluster consists of one master node and eight slave nodes, and each node is equipped with eight multicores. Two operating systems, Microsoft Windows and Canonical Ubuntu, were installed in the PC-cluster in turn and tested to compare parallel processing performance. Two multispectral satellite images were tested, which are a medium-capacity LANDSAT 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) image and a high-capacity Sentinel 2A image. To evaluate the performance of parallel processing, speedup and efficiency were measured. Overall, the speedup was over N / 2 and the efficiency was over 0.5. From the comparison of the two operating systems, the Ubuntu system showed two to three times faster performance. To confirm that the results of the sequential and parallel processing coincide with the other, the center value of each band and the number of classified pixels were compared, and result images were examined by pixel to pixel comparison. It was found that care should be taken to avoid false sharing of OpenMP in intra-node implementation. To process large satellite images in a PC-cluster, code and hardware should be designed to reduce performance degradation caused by file I / O. Also, it was found that performance can differ depending on the operating system installed in a PC-cluster.

Categorizing the Landcover Classes of the Satellite Imagery for the Management of the Nonpoint Source Pollutions (비점오염원 수문유출모형에 적용 가능한 위성영상의 토지피복 분류항목 설정)

  • Seo, Dong-Jo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.465-474
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    • 2009
  • To measure the amount of nonpoint source pollution, some efforts are tried to utilize satellite imagery. But, as the factors for water models do not relate with the landcover categories for satellite imagery, satellite imagery are adapted to roughly classified thematic map or used only for the image interpretation. The purpose of this study is to establish the landcover categories of satellite imagery to relate with the water models. To establish the categories of the landcover for the water models, it was investigated to get main factors of water flow models for the nonpoint source pollution and to review the existing study and the classification system. For this result, it was convinced that the basic unit on the nonpoint source pollution, landcover coefficients of SCS Curve Number, the crop factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation, Manning's roughness coefficients are the useful parameters to extract information from the satellite imagery. After the setup the categories for the landcover classification, it was finally defined from the consultation of the water model specialist. Woopo wetland watershed was selected to the study area because it is a representative wetland in Korea and needs the management system for nonpoint source pollution. There were used Landsat ETM Plus and SPOT-5 satellite imagery to assess the result of the image classification.

Effect of Land Use on Urban Thermal Environments in Incheon, Korea (인천시에서 토지이용이 도시 열 환경에 미치는 영향)

  • Kong, Hak-Yang;Kim, Seog Hyun;Cho, Hyungjin
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.315-321
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    • 2016
  • To identify the relationship between land use and thermal environment in an urban area, the air temperature was measured at different places of land use, and the changes of land use and air temperature were traced for 40 years in Incheon City. The relationship between land use and temperature was also investigated using satellite image data. The results of temperature measurements on a forest, a cropland (rice paddy), a bareland (school ground), and an urban area (asphalt road) from 19 to 21 August 2014 showed that air temperature was the highest on a pavement road. The temperature increased by about $1.4^{\circ}C$ ($0.035^{\circ}C/year$) for 40 years from 1975 to 2014 in Incheon. The changes in land use patterns of Incheon for the past 40 years showed that urban dry land, bareland and grassland have increased and cultivated land, wetland and forest land have decreased gradually. The land surface temperature (LST) was correlated with the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference built-up index (NDBI) extracted from Landsat satellite image. The land surface temperature was lower at higher NDVI, and higher at higher NDBI. Therefore, it is important to conserve and restore the land use of greenery, wetlands, and agricultural land in order to mitigate the heat island effect and improve the thermal environment in an urban area.

Application of Multi-satellite Sensors to Estimate the Green-tide Area (황해 부유 녹조 면적 산출을 위한 멀티 위성센서 활용)

  • Kim, Keunyong;Shin, Jisun;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_2
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    • pp.339-349
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    • 2018
  • The massive green tide occurred every summer in the Yellow Sea since 2008, and many studies are being actively conducted to estimate the coverage of green tide through analysis of satellite imagery. However, there is no satellite images selection criterion for accurate coverage calculation of green tide. Therefore, this study aimed to find a suitable satellite image from for the comparison of the green tide coverage according to the spatial resolution of satellite image. In this study, Landsat ETM+, MODIS and GOCI images were used to coverage estimation and its spatial resolution is 30, 250 and 500 m, respectively. Green tide pixels were classified based on the NDVI algorithm, the difference of the green tide coverage was compared with threshold value. In addition, we estimate the proportion of the green tide in one pixel through the Linear Spectral Unmixing (LSU) method, and the effect of the difference of green tide ratio on the coverage calculation were evaluated. The result of green tide coverage from the calculation of the NDVI value, coverage of green tide usually overestimate with decreasing spatial resolution, maximum difference shows 1.5 times. In addition, most of the pixels were included in the group with less than 0.1 (10%) LSU value, and above 0.5 (50%) LSU value accounted for about 2% in all of three images. Even though classified as green tide from the NDVI result, it is considered to be overestimated because it is regarded as the same coverage even if green tide is not 100% filled in one pixel. Mixed-pixel problem seems to be more severe with spatial resolution decreases.

Parallel Processing of K-means Clustering Algorithm for Unsupervised Classification of Large Satellite Imagery (대용량 위성영상의 무감독 분류를 위한 K-means 군집화 알고리즘의 병렬처리)

  • Han, Soohee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2017
  • The present study introduces a method to parallelize k-means clustering algorithm for fast unsupervised classification of large satellite imagery. Known as a representative algorithm for unsupervised classification, k-means clustering is usually applied to a preprocessing step before supervised classification, but can show the evident advantages of parallel processing due to its high computational intensity and less human intervention. Parallel processing codes are developed by using multi-threading based on OpenMP. In experiments, a PC of 8 multi-core integrated CPU is involved. A 7 band and 30m resolution image from LANDSAT 8 OLI and a 8 band and 10m resolution image from Sentinel-2A are tested. Parallel processing has shown 6 time faster speed than sequential processing when using 10 classes. To check the consistency of parallel and sequential processing, centers, numbers of classified pixels of classes, classified images are mutually compared, resulting in the same results. The present study is meaningful because it has proved that performance of large satellite processing can be significantly improved by using parallel processing. And it is also revealed that it easy to implement parallel processing by using multi-threading based on OpenMP but it should be carefully designed to control the occurrence of false sharing.