• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landcover data

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A Study on the Landcover Classification using Band Ratioing Data of Landsat-TM (Landsat-TM의 밴드비 연산데이터를 이용한 토지피복분류에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Bong-Kyum;Yamada, Kiyoshi;Niren, Takaaki;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.80-91
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    • 2003
  • In this research, re-using band ratio data was proposed and examined as a method of raising the accuracy in landcover classification which is using satellite data.In order to determine the band which is used to calculation in the classified item, the six bands except the band 6 were combined with the band in which combination is possible and the landcover classification by MLC of supervised classification was carried out. In the result of landcover classification which is combined with forty nine combination, Two bands which were mostly used by band combination in the accuracy belonged inside the 10th place of a higher rank were selected and also calculated. landcover classification were performed again after the calculation result had been recombinated from the research. In addition, the new landcover classification result was compared and examined with the landcover classification using the old data. From the result of which was compared and examined the new landcover classification data recombinated calculation result with landcover classification using the original data, The classification accuracy of the new landcover classification data recombinated calculation result became low in ground but became improved in the all class. Specially The accuracy to urban area is very improved. therefore, it determined that reusing band ratio data is very useful when we need to analyze landcover classification and land information to urban area after that.

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A Study on the Quality Checking for Landcover Map (토지피복도의 품질 검증에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.303-309
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    • 2008
  • Landcover map can use to establish basic national environment policy as main data predicting living place, counting pollution like a atmosphere, water and forest part. During the 1998-2005 years, Korean government made landcover maps using satellite image for part of south Korea. Landcover maps are offered free for public purpose to university and institute. So, it used basic data for policy and research parts. There are some problems for application parts because of inconsistency. So, in this study, to estimate accuracy of source data by quality checking for landcover maps. As a result, there are some errors like classification inconsistencies. So, it need verification process for landcover maps.

Estimation of daily maximum air temperature using NOAA/AVHRR data (NOAA/AVHRR 자료를 이용한 일 최고기온 추정에 관한 연구)

  • 변민정;한영호;김영섭
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.291-296
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    • 2003
  • This study estimated surface temperature by using split-window technique and NOAA/AVHRR data was used. For surface monitoring, cloud masking procedure was carried out using threshold algorithm. The daily maximum air temperature is estimated by multiple regression method using independent variables such as satellite-derived surface temperature, EDD, and latitude. When the EDD data added, the highest correlation shown. This indicates that EDD data is the necessary element for estimation of the daily maximum air temperature. We derived correlation and experience equation by three approaching method to estimate daily maximum air temperature. 1) non-considering landcover method as season, 2) considering landcover method as season, and 3) just method as landcover. The last approaching method shows the highest correlation. So cross-validation procedure was used in third method for validation of the estimated value. For all landcover type 5, the results using the cross-validation procedure show reasonable agreement with measured values(slope=0.97, intercept=-0.30, R$^2$=0.84, RMSE=4.24$^{\circ}C$). Also, for all landcover type 7, the results using the cross-validation procedure show reasonable agreement with measured values(slope=0.993, Intercept=0.062, R$^2$=0.84, RMSE=4.43$^{\circ}C$).

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  • Nakayama, Mikiyasu
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.267-270
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    • 1999
  • Use of coherence data from operational satellite based SAR sensors has been experimented both on C and L band to identify landcover in tropics. While coherence data proved useful to improve accuracy in landcover identification, such data are not readily available. On the other hand, integrated use of backcatter data by multiple satellites is readily feasible. The very question to be asked is whether integration of backscatter data on multiple bands (e.g. C and L band) is either inferior or superior to use of coherence data. We therefore still do not have a solid clue to answer to the very question. The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of "integrated use" of backscatter data on C and L band (by ERS and JERS respectively) to identify landcover, vis-a-vis the same by combination of backscatter and coherence data by single satellite. The study was carried out for an area in the southern part of the Sumatra Island, Indonesia. The area has been intensively converted from natural forest into plantation. Five categories of landcover exist in this study area. By ERS-1, only 2 or 3 classes may be identified with the backscatter data alone, while adding the coherence data could delineate 4 classes. By JERS-1, only 3 to 4 classes may be identified with the backscatter data alone, while 4 classes could be clearly delineated by adding the coherence data. By integrating backscatter data on two bands, 4 to 5 classes may be identified. It represents the best results among cases examined. The outcome of the study suggests that integrated use of backscatter data on two bands by ERS and JERS is as powerful as use of backscatter and coherence data on single band by one of these satellite.

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Image Classification for Military Application using Public Landcover Map (공개된 토지피복도를 활용한 위성영상 분류)

  • Hong, Woo-Yong;Park, Wan-Yong;Song, Hyeon-Seung;Jung, Cheol-Hoon;Eo, Yang-Dam;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2010
  • Landcover information of access-denied area was extracted from low-medium and high resolution satellite image. Training for supervised classification was performed to refer visually by landcover map which is made and distributed from The Ministry of Environment. The classification result was compared by relating data of FACC land classification system. As we rasterize digital military map with same pixel size of satellite classification, the accuracy test was performed by image to image method. In vegetation case, ancillary data such as NDVI and image for seasons are going to improve accuracy. FACC code of FDB need to recognize the properties which can be automated.

Landcover Analysis of DMZ and the Vicinity Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques (원격탐사와 GIS기법을 이용한 접경지역 토지피복연구)

  • Seo, Chang-Wan;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 1998
  • In Korea, the Demilitarized Zone(Hereafter DMZ) and the vicinity have special importance for a natural ecosystem research. However, We have difficulty in studying this region due to the access control. The purpose of this study is to analyze the landcover and the vegetation status of DMZ and the vicinity using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The site was divided into two regions; less than 2km from DMZ and less than 10 km from DMZ. The analyzed results of this study are as follow. First, the result of vegetation analysis is that the region of South and North Korea are similar in the area less than 2km from DMZ. However, the region of South Korea have good vegetation status than the region of South Korea in the area less than 10km from DMZ. Second, the result of landcover analysis is that the ratio of the landcover of South and North Korea decreased forest, agricultural and grass, built-up, barren area by turns in the area less than 2km from DMZ. However, the built-up area of South Korea increased as much as the forest area decreased and the other areas of North Korea increased as much as the forest area decreased in the area less than 10 km from DMZ. There are some differences in landcover between analyzed result and an existing statistical data. The causes are using one season setellite images, and an existing statistical data with landuse types. The analysis using remote sensing and GIS techniques is the most suitable method to understand the landcover and vegetation status of DMZ and the vicinity. Further studies are expected to overcome the limitation of this study.

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Improvement of Forest Boundary in Landcover Classification Map(Level-II) for Functional Assessment of Ecosystem Services (생태계 서비스 기능평가를 위한 중분류 토지피복지도 산림지역 경계설정 개선 방안)

  • Jeon, Seongwoo;Kim, Jaeuk;Kim, Yuhoon;Jung, Huicheul;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Kim, Joon-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2015
  • Interests in ecosystem services have increased and a number of attempts to perform a quantitative valuation on them have been undertaken. To classify the ecosystem types landcover classification maps are generally used. However, some forest types on landcover classification maps have a number of errors. The purpose of this study is to verify the forest types on the landcover map by using a variety of field survey data and to suggest an improved method for forest type classifications. Forest types are compared by overlaying the landcover classification map with the 4th forest type map, and then they are verified by using National Forest Inventory, 3rd National Ecosystem Survey and field survey data. Misclassifications of forest types are found on the forest on the forest type map and farm and other grassland on the landcover map. Some errors of forest types occur at Daegu, Busan and Ulsan metropolitan cities and Gangwon province. The results of accuracy in comprehensive classification show that deciduous forest is 76.1%; coniferous forest is 54.0%; and mixed forest is 22.2%. In order to increase the classification accuracy of forest types a number of remote sensing images during various time periods should be used and the survey period of NFI and the National Forest Inventory and National Ecosystem Survey should be consistent. Also, examining areas with wide forest patch should be prioritized during the field survey in order to decrease any errors.

A Study on a GIS based Updating Methodology of Landcover Maps for the Enhancement of Utilization in the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL에서의 토지피복지도 활용 제고를 위한 GIS기반 현행화 방법 연구)

  • Kwak, Geun Ho;Kim, Kye Hyun;Lee, Chol Young;Oh, Seong Kwang
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.340-350
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    • 2014
  • Recently, TMDL has been implemented to estimate the amount of pollutant loads and to establish proper mitigation strategy to decrease the pollutant loads by the Ministry of Environment. To estimate the amount of pollutant loads with reasonable accuracy, securing landcover map with periodically updating is essential. However, in reality, due to the technical and financial difficulties, the landcover map has not been updated annually. Hence, this study mainly aims to suggest an effective GIS-based updating method in order to promote utilization of landcover map in the estimation of pollutant loads. Bupyeong-gu at the City of Incheon with the total area of $31.98km^2$ was chosen for this study and spatial data including digital topographic maps, ortho aerial photo, and satellite images were collected and utilized. A total of 7,235 feature entities were newly produced through the updating process of five steps and it was revealed that the classification of landcover with the total area of $3.34km^2$ was to be changed. The validity and feasibility of the suggested method were proved with the accuracy of 97.9% from the field verification. Further study needs to be made for devising more automated method to update landcover map to facilitate TMDL for individual local governments.

Analysis on Urban Sprawl and Landcover Change Using TM, ETM+ and GIS

  • Xiao, Jieying;Ryutaro, Tateishi;Shen, Yanjun;Ge, Jingfeng;Liang, Yanqing;Chang, Chunping
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.978-980
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    • 2003
  • This study explores the temporal and spatial features near 67years (1934 ?2001) and landcover change in last 14 years (1987-2001) in Shijiazhuang, China, based on 67-year time series data edited from historical maps, TM and ETM+ imageries by integrating GIS and remote sensing method. An index named Annual Growth Rate (AGR) is used to analyze the spatial features of urban sprawl, and Maximum Likelihood classification method is utilized to detect the land cover types change. At last, the relationship between urbanization and factors is analyzed.

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A Study on the Urban Fringe Landscape Environment Model -The Analysis of Change in Land Uses of Chonan City using Landsat TM Data- (도농통합지역의 녹지환경정비모델에 관한 연구 I - 위성데이타를 이용한 천안시 토지이용 변화 -)

  • 심우경;이진희;김훈희
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.237-248
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    • 1998
  • Landcover has been largely influenced by human activities, especially in recent days. The analysis of the change of land use by urbanized development is useful for determining development plan hereafter. This study aimed to the quantitative analysis about the urban sprawl within 12 years from 1985 to 1996, at Chonan, and for extracting the characteristics of change. For this purpose, this study performed land cover classifications using Landsat TM data . A hybrid classification method was used to classify satellite images into seven types of land cover. Road network digitied from 1:25,000 topographic map was rasterized and overlaid on the landcover map. A result of this study showed that area of forest and paddy decreased due to urban sprawl. Especially from 1993 to 1996, the change of land use progressed rapidly because of merging a city and a country in Chonan. The size of patch in forest had been smaller and irregular form. It is a general progress that size of patch in forest had been smaller and irregular form. It is a general progress that the forest have changed the paddy and bare land paddy and bare land have changed low-density urban or high-density urban. This explained how urbanized Chonan was and applied the suggeston of plan in landuse with the result of this study.

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