• 제목/요약/키워드: Land Use Policy

검색결과 374건 처리시간 0.028초

Retailing and Public Policy: A Comparative Study of South Korea and Foreign Countries

  • Cho, Young-Sang
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제12권7호
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - Based on the existing retail policy literature, this study aims to compare Korea with foreign countries, to propose better ideas for the Korean retail market. Research design, data, and methodology - It is necessary to analyze the existing retail regulations after categorizing them into several groups, depending on why governments have regulated retailers and the background for the retail policy. Results - Given that Korean retail regulations have focused on protecting conventional markets, comparing the retail policy objectives of South Korea and foreign countries is difficult. Conclusions - It is necessary examine how to protect independent stores, irrespective of store locations across the country. Rather than limiting the distance between traditional markets and the projected locations suggested by large retailers, various factors such as store size limit, opening and closing times, below-cost selling, land use planning, and competition tests are needed to protect small stores. Further, centralized authority for store operations should be delegated to local governments, to tackle the aggressive expansion of retail giants. To protect independent stores, political background is among the most important factors.

수상 태양광발전 시스템의 데이터 분석을 통한 실증에 관한 연구 (Data Analysis of Water Through the Photovoltaic Solar System to the Empirical Study)

  • 김은기;최형철;이종석;신강욱
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2011년도 제42회 하계학술대회
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    • pp.1402-1403
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    • 2011
  • Photovoltaic solar energy policy in the keynote of the world in the development of new technologies in terms of renewable energy sources has been a great interest. Solar energy is the energy density, low light intensity, temperature, and a lot of areas affected by the difference, the effective use difficult. For the installation of photovoltaic solar power systems to develop farmland or forest land resulting from deforestation has become such a problem. In this paper, a way to resolve these issues as part of the development of the reservoir water through the efficient use of land and water resources through the eco-friendly energy production, water quality improvement, the cooling effect of solar modules, solar water system has the advantage of was installed. Terrestrial solar systems installed under the same conditions and solar radiation, power, module temperature, ambient temperature and analyzed. Through this award to demonstrate the effectiveness of the solar system is.

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국토공간정보를 이용한 국토공간계획수립방안 (The Study on the National and Urban planning by using Spatial Data Information Infrastructure.)

  • 최봉문
    • 한국콘텐츠학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘텐츠학회 2004년도 추계 종합학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.152-156
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    • 2004
  • 국가지리정보구축사업(이하 NGIS 사업)이 마무리되면서 국토공간에 대한 기반정보들이 구축되어 가고 있지만 실무적인 측면에서는 제대로 활용되고 있지 못하는 문제의 원인이 국토정책의 내재적 문제에서 기인하는 것인지, 아니면 NGIS 사업의 특성상 나타나는 문제인지를 살펴보고, 국토정책에서 NGIS 사업의 성과를 적극적으로 활용하고 국토정책이 당면한 정책과제를 해결하기 위한 발전방안을 제안해보고자 한다.

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농업용 저수지 유역의 보전전략 수립을 위한 특성평가지표 개발 (Development of Evaluation Indices for Preservation Strategies for Agricultural Reservoir Watersheds)

  • 장병관;황보철;황국웅
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제35권6호
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 2008
  • The agricultural reservoir watershed plan suggests three specific indices or ways to measure the potential for maintaining reservoir quality in balance with existing or proposed uses: an index of the reservoir's vulnerability to accelerated eutrophication, an index of the degree of land use intensity in reservoir watersheds, and an index of present water quality. Three items that contribute to reservoir eutrophication are included in the vulnerability index: the ratio of reservoir volume to drainage-basin area, shoreline configuration, and mean depth. The watershed land-use intensity index is based on road proximity and upland watershed land-use intensity. Water quality can be given a COD level. All six indicators are considered separately and then rated as follow: low (1), medium (2), or high (3). Five out of 30survey sites were less than 8points, 17sites were less than 11points and 8sites were less than 14points. This study suggests that the sites in the first ranking were potential areas for preservation, sites in the second ranking were potential areas for environmental friendly planning and sites in the third ranking were potential areas for residential need oriented planning. The advantage of this study is the low cost of gathering data for the development of local policy for the planning, management and protection of reservoir basin.

친환경 세라믹 도료 열적측정을 통한 쿨루프 정책 확대방안 (Expansion of Cool Roof Policy through Thermal Measurement of Eco-Friendly Ceramic Coating)

  • 박민용;이동호
    • 토지주택연구
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2020
  • The urban heat island phenomenon that accelerates global warming has always been controversial when summer heatwaves have occurred since it was first investigated and described by Luke Howard in the 1810s. In Korea, since 2014, government have been interested in Cool Roof and painted white coating on the rooftops of the aging and weak buildings, and the cool roof business has expanded nationwide. However, the roof occupies 20-25% of the entire city surface, much less than 37-45% of the pavement area consisting of roads, parking lots and sidewalks, there is a need to expand the policy of Cool Pavement as a way to reduce the urban heat island phenomenon. Domestic cities are high-rise buildings centered on apartments, and the area occupied by outer walls is larger than that of rooftops compared to foreign low-rise buildings. Therefore, as a way to reduce the urban heat island phenomenon, there is a need for a policy to expand the Cool Roof in buildings and use Cool Wall in parallel. Therefore, this study aims to present the expansion of Cool Wall in buildings and Cool Pavement in urban areas, expanding the installation range of Cool Roof, by comparing and reviewing the thermal characteristics of eco-friendly ceramic coating with excellent thermal proof performance and coatings used for roof waterproofing.

Agricultural land use in less favored areas in Japan and Measures against Abandoned cultivated land

  • 교구탁야
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2009
  • It may be said that a farmer's crisis deepens from the number of farm households and a trend of the number of cultivated land of the farmer attracting attention for the most fundamental numerical value of the Census of Agriculture 2005. A rate of decline of number of farm households seems to have been stopped, but expansion lasts a number of farm households rate of decline. I can, so to speak, watch weakening of flatland area and luck of mountainous areas and a situation to say if I look in that according to classification agricultural area. I can nominate the effect of a direct payment system for farmers in hilly and mountainous areas enforced in 2000 for the background. It is located in case of the policy introduced preceding it while the rural community and the community including the urban area being paid attention as the last resort of a regional reproduction now. In particular, the character as the village activation subsidy has been strengthened in case of the 2nd stage institutional revise.

유역 토지이용과 저수지 수질의 상관관계 분석 (Correlation Analysis of Water Quality According to Land Use Types of Reservoir Watershed)

  • 윤동균;정상옥
    • 한국농공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국농공학회 2005년도 학술발표논문집
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    • pp.614-619
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    • 2005
  • The object of this study was to presented regression equations for obtaining simply and quickly values of water quality items, BOD, COD, T-N, and T-P. Regression equations obtained to analyze relationships for water quality items to land use types in agricultural reservoir watersheds. In order to derive regression equations, a multiple linear regression analysis was used in this studying reservoirs. In this regression analysis, a independent values used land used types and dependent values used BOD, COD, T-N, T-P values in water quality items. The results showed that numbers of regression equation ranging above 0.90 in a multiple correlation coefficient (MCC) was not found, ranging from 0.70 to 0.90 in the MCC was 6, ranging from 0.40 to 0.70 in the MCC was 20, and ranging from 0.20 to 0.40 in the MCC was 4. The results of this study can be used as a basic information for evaluating simply and quickly water quality for proposing and designing steps in water quality policy.

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Innovative Spatial Analysis of Violent Crime Hot Spots in Korea: Implications for Urban Policy

  • Kyungjae, Lee
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.320-341
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    • 2022
  • Empirical applications to explain criminogenic events are abundant. While much of the research in criminal studies concentrates on understanding the motivations of offenders and preventing victimization from a micro perspective, there have been recent theoretical advancements that give priority to the role of spatial factors in directly impacting crime rates. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the empirical inference between violent crime incidence and spatial characteristics of local areas focusing particularly on spatial accessibility conditions in the areas. Applying discrete spatial econometrics models, this study reveals a significant relationship between spatial accessibility and the formation of violent crime hot spots in South Korea. Along with other variables, it is revealed that road accessibility has a clear association with violent crime hot spots. Based on the findings, this study suggests some policy implications such as effective surveillance systems, land use restrictions, and advanced street lighting.

통행구조로 본 서울대도시권 교통정책의 과제 (Trip and Transportation Structure of Seoul Metropolitan Area)

  • 이원영
    • 지역연구
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.105-121
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    • 1994
  • This study intends to analyze the trip and transportation structure of Seoul Metropolitan Area(SMA) where has been experiencing the rapid growth and the extra-concentration in the recent 2∼3 decades. By analyzing the trip and transportation structure which reveals the frame of travel flow phenomena on the real space, this paper evaluates the transporation policy realized in SMA for the last 10∼15 years. The policy implications of this paper are as follows; 1. The activities and the daily travel movement of SMA have been larger and more complex rapidly, but the transportation policy bas been poor. 2. The distribution of commuter's origins and destinatinos have been getting wider, and the distance between the home and the workplace longer. In short, the land use policy, the industrial policy, and housing policy have failed, and the coordination of those policies has been very poor. 3. The multi-center spatial structure was the official policy. Indeed, SMA has been reorgnized in such a way. But the implementation strategy was very poor. 4. Now, the for-business travels closely related with the multi-center structure, are increasing more and more rapidly. It is required that the strategic policy of mulit-center structure and the transportation policy should be coordinated. And as soon as possible, the more powerful mass transit system should be developed and constructed.

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삼림법(森林法)(1908)의 지적신고제도(地籍申告制度)가 일제(日帝)의 식민지(植民地) 임지정책(林地政策)에 미친 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Effects of the Forest-land Registry System of the Forest Law of 1980 on the Colonial Forest-land Policy used in Korea under the influence of Japanese Imperialism)

  • 배재수
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제90권3호
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    • pp.398-412
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구는 삼림법(森林法)(1908)에 규정된 지적신고제도(地籍申告制度)가 일제(日帝)의 식민지(植民地) 임지정책(林地政策)에서 어떠한 역할을 수행하였는가를 밝혀보고자 하는데 목적을 두였다. 지적신고제도(地籍申告制度)는 국유림처분정책의 하나인 부분림제도(部分林制度)의 부속물로써 시작되었다. 인간의 기본권에 해당하는 소유권을 정립시키고자 하는 지적신고제도가 한국민의 관습을 무시하고 소유권구분기준도 마련되지 않은 채 우리하게 강행되었다. 한국민은 지적신고에 대해 임야세(林野稅)를 부과하기 위한 전조(前兆)로써 인식하거나 일본인이 한국의 토지를 수탈한다고 보았다. 이 제도에 따라 신고를 했던 계층은 중산층 이상의 지식층에 속하는 자, 나면관경(那面官更)(경원(更員)) 또는 이들의 친척(親戚), 연고자(緣故者)와 측량(測量)을 담당하는 대행업자(代行業者)들로 매우 한정되었다. 특히 임지가치에 비해 측량경비가 훨씬 많이 소요되었기 때문에 원소유자조차 신고할 수 없었다. 3년간의 신고기간동안 약 52만건 220만정보가 신고 되었으며 마지막 5개월 동안 신고가 집중되었다. 그러나 총독부는 신고기간을 연장하라는 한국민의 요구를 묵살한 채 소유권 사정이나 경계 확정과 같은 후속 조치도 없이 일방적으로 종료하였다. 결국 삼림법 제19조에 따라 신고되지 않은 약 1,400만정보의 임지는 국유화되었다. 총독부의 식민지 임지정책은 (1) 총독부 초기에 대규모 국유림을 창출하고, (2) 창출된 국유림을 요존국유림과 불요존국유림으로 구분하여, (3) 불요존국유림을 일본인 중심으로 처분한다는 것이었다. 일본인에게 불요존국유림(不要存國有林)을 안정적으로 처분하기 위해서는 대량 창출된 국유림에 대한 소유권 변화를 막아야 했다. 이를 위해 일본인에게 양여(讓與)하거나 조림대부(造林貸付)해 준 산림에 대해 원소유자가 소유권을 주장할 경우 총독부는 정해진 기한내에 신고하지 않은 원소유자의 태만을 들어 붙요존림 처분을 정당화하였다. 결론적으로 총독부는 "신고주의원칙"을 통치 초기 대규모 국유림의 창출과 일본인을 중심으로 한 불요존림 처분이라는 식민지 임지정책을 강행하기 위한 족쇄로써 이용하였다.

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