• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land Remote Sensing

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Analysis of Spatial Correlation between Surface Temperature and Absorbed Solar Radiation Using Drone - Focusing on Cool Roof Performance - (드론을 활용한 지표온도와 흡수일사 간 공간적 상관관계 분석 - 쿨루프 효과 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Young-Il;Yoon, Donghyeon;Lee, Moung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_2
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    • pp.1607-1622
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the actual performance of cool roof in preventing absorbed solar radiation. The spatial correlation between surface temperature and absorbed solar radiation is the method by which the performance of a cool roof can be understood and evaluated. The research area of this study is the vicinity of Jangyu Mugye-dong, Gimhae-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, where an actual cool roof is applied. FLIR Vue Pro R thermal infrared sensor, Micasense Red-Edge multi-spectral sensor and DJI H20T visible spectral sensor was used for aerial photography, with attached to the drone DJI Matrice 300 RTK. To perform the spatial correlation analysis, thermal infrared orthomosaics, absorbed solar radiation distribution maps were constructed, and land cover features of roof were extracted based on the drone aerial photographs. The temporal scope of this research ranged over 9 points of time at intervals of about 1 hour and 30 minutes from 7:15 to 19:15 on July 27, 2021. The correlation coefficient values of 0.550 for the normal roof and 0.387 for the cool roof were obtained on a daily average basis. However, at 11:30 and 13:00, when the Solar altitude was high on the date of analysis, the difference in correlation coefficient values between the normal roof and the cool roof was 0.022, 0.024, showing similar correlations. In other time series, the values of the correlation coefficient of the normal roof are about 0.1 higher than that of the cool roof. This study assessed and evaluated the potential of an actual cool roof to prevent solar radiation heating a rooftop through correlation comparison with a normal roof, which serves as a control group, by using high-resolution drone images. The results of this research can be used as reference data when local governments or communities seek to adopt strategies to eliminate the phenomenon of urban heat islands.

Visible and SWIR Satellite Image Fusion Using Multi-Resolution Transform Method Based on Haze-Guided Weight Map (Haze-Guided Weight Map 기반 다중해상도 변환 기법을 활용한 가시광 및 SWIR 위성영상 융합)

  • Taehong Kwak;Yongil Kim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.283-295
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    • 2023
  • With the development of sensor and satellite technology, numerous high-resolution and multi-spectral satellite images have been available. Due to their wavelength-dependent reflection, transmission, and scattering characteristics, multi-spectral satellite images can provide complementary information for earth observation. In particular, the short-wave infrared (SWIR) band can penetrate certain types of atmospheric aerosols from the benefit of the reduced Rayleigh scattering effect, which allows for a clearer view and more detailed information to be captured from hazed surfaces compared to the visible band. In this study, we proposed a multi-resolution transform-based image fusion method to combine visible and SWIR satellite images. The purpose of the fusion method is to generate a single integrated image that incorporates complementary information such as detailed background information from the visible band and land cover information in the haze region from the SWIR band. For this purpose, this study applied the Laplacian pyramid-based multi-resolution transform method, which is a representative image decomposition approach for image fusion. Additionally, we modified the multiresolution fusion method by combining a haze-guided weight map based on the prior knowledge that SWIR bands contain more information in pixels from the haze region. The proposed method was validated using very high-resolution satellite images from Worldview-3, containing multi-spectral visible and SWIR bands. The experimental data including hazed areas with limited visibility caused by smoke from wildfires was utilized to validate the penetration properties of the proposed fusion method. Both quantitative and visual evaluations were conducted using image quality assessment indices. The results showed that the bright features from the SWIR bands in the hazed areas were successfully fused into the integrated feature maps without any loss of detailed information from the visible bands.

Gap-Filling of Sentinel-2 NDVI Using Sentinel-1 Radar Vegetation Indices and AutoML (Sentinel-1 레이더 식생지수와 AutoML을 이용한 Sentinel-2 NDVI 결측화소 복원)

  • Youjeong Youn;Jonggu Kang;Seoyeon Kim;Yemin Jeong;Soyeon Choi;Yungyo Im;Youngmin Seo;Myoungsoo Won;Junghwa Chun;Kyungmin Kim;Keunchang Jang;Joongbin Lim;Yangwon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1341-1352
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    • 2023
  • The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from satellite images is a crucial tool to monitor forests and agriculture for broad areas because the periodic acquisition of the data is ensured. However, optical sensor-based vegetation indices(VI) are not accessible in some areas covered by clouds. This paper presented a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) based approach to retrieval of the optical sensor-based NDVI using machine learning. SAR system can observe the land surface day and night in all weather conditions. Radar vegetation indices (RVI) from the Sentinel-1 vertical-vertical (VV) and vertical-horizontal (VH) polarizations, surface elevation, and air temperature are used as the input features for an automated machine learning (AutoML) model to conduct the gap-filling of the Sentinel-2 NDVI. The mean bias error (MAE) was 7.214E-05, and the correlation coefficient (CC) was 0.878, demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed method. This approach can be applied to gap-free nationwide NDVI construction using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images for environmental monitoring and resource management.

Improvement of Mid-Wave Infrared Image Visibility Using Edge Information of KOMPSAT-3A Panchromatic Image (KOMPSAT-3A 전정색 영상의 윤곽 정보를 이용한 중적외선 영상 시인성 개선)

  • Jinmin Lee;Taeheon Kim;Hanul Kim;Hongtak Lee;Youkyung Han
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1283-1297
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    • 2023
  • Mid-wave infrared (MWIR) imagery, due to its ability to capture the temperature of land cover and objects, serves as a crucial data source in various fields including environmental monitoring and defense. The KOMPSAT-3A satellite acquires MWIR imagery with high spatial resolution compared to other satellites. However, the limited spatial resolution of MWIR imagery, in comparison to electro-optical (EO) imagery, constrains the optimal utilization of the KOMPSAT-3A data. This study aims to create a highly visible MWIR fusion image by leveraging the edge information from the KOMPSAT-3A panchromatic (PAN) image. Preprocessing is implemented to mitigate the relative geometric errors between the PAN and MWIR images. Subsequently, we employ a pre-trained pixel difference network (PiDiNet), a deep learning-based edge information extraction technique, to extract the boundaries of objects from the preprocessed PAN images. The MWIR fusion imagery is then generated by emphasizing the brightness value corresponding to the edge information of the PAN image. To evaluate the proposed method, the MWIR fusion images were generated in three different sites. As a result, the boundaries of terrain and objects in the MWIR fusion images were emphasized to provide detailed thermal information of the interest area. Especially, the MWIR fusion image provided the thermal information of objects such as airplanes and ships which are hard to detect in the original MWIR images. This study demonstrated that the proposed method could generate a single image that combines visible details from an EO image and thermal information from an MWIR image, which contributes to increasing the usage of MWIR imagery.

Development of Seasonal Habitat Suitability Indices for the Todarodes Pacificus around South Korea Based on GOCI Data (GOCI 자료를 활용한 한국 연근해 살오징어의 계절별 서식적합지수 모델 개발)

  • Seonju Lee;Jong-Kuk Choi;Myung-Sook Park;Sang Woo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_2
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    • pp.1635-1650
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    • 2023
  • Under global warming, the steadily increasing sea surface temperature (SST) severely impacts marine ecosystems,such as the productivity decrease and change in marine species distribution. Recently, the catch of Todarodes Pacificus, one of South Korea's primary marine resources, has dramatically decreased. In this study, we analyze the marine environment that affects the formation of fishing grounds of Todarodes Pacificus and develop seasonal habitat suitability index (HSI) models based on various satellite data including Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) data to continuously manage fisheries resources over Korean exclusive economic zone. About 83% of catches are found within the range of SST of 14.11-26.16℃,sea level height of 0.56-0.82 m, chlorophyll-a concentration of 0.31-1.52 mg m-3, and primary production of 580.96-1574.13 mg C m-2 day-1. The seasonal HSI models are developed using the Arithmetic Mean Model, which showed the best performance. Comparing the developed HSI value with the 2019 catch data, it is confirmed that the HSI model is valid because the fishing grounds are formed in different sea regions by season (East Sea in winter and Yellow Sea in summer) and the high HSI (> 0.6) concurrences to areas with the high catch. In addition, we identified the significant increasing trend in SST over study regions, which is highly related to the formation of fishing grounds of Todarodes Pacificus. We can expect the fishing grounds will be changed by accelerating ocean warming in the future. Continuous HSI monitoring is necessary to manage fisheries' spatial and temporal distribution.

Analysis of Micro-Sedimentary Structure Characteristics Using Ultra-High Resolution UAV Imagery: Hwangdo Tidal Flat, South Korea (초고해상도 무인항공기 영상을 이용한 한국 황도 갯벌의 미세 퇴적 구조 특성 분석)

  • Minju Kim;Won-Kyung Baek;Hoi Soo Jung;Joo-Hyung Ryu
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.295-305
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to analyze the micro-sedimentary structures of the Hwangdo tidal flats using ultra-high resolution unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) data. Tidal flats, located in the transitional area between land and sea, constantly change due to tidal activities and provide a unique environment important for understanding sedimentary processes and environmental conditions. Traditional field observation methods are limited in spatial and temporal coverage, and existing satellite imagery does not provide sufficient resolution to study micro-sedimentary structures. To overcome these limitations, high-resolution images of the Hwangdo tidal flats in Chungcheongnam-do were acquired using UAVs. This area has experienced significant changes in its sedimentary environment due to coastal development projects such as sea wall construction. From May 17 to 18, 2022, sediment samples were collected from 91 points during field surveys and 25 in-situ points were intensively analyzed. UAV data with a spatial resolution of approximately 0.9 mm allowed identifying and extracting parameters related to micro-sedimentary structures. For mud cracks, the length of the major axis of the polygons was extracted, and the wavelength and ripple symmetry index were extracted for ripple marks. The results of the study showed that in areas with mud content above 80%, mud cracks formed at an average major axis length of 37.3 cm. In regions with sand content above 60%, ripples with an average wavelength of 8 cm and a ripple symmetry index of 2.0 were formed. This study demonstrated that micro-sedimentary structures of tidal flats can be effectively analyzed using ultra-high resolution UAV data without field surveys. This highlights the potential of UAV technology as an important tool in environmental monitoring and coastal management and shows its usefulness in the study of sedimentary structures. In addition, the results of this study are expected to serve as baseline data for more accurate sedimentary facies classification.

Evaluation of satellite-based evapotranspiration and soil moisture data applicability in Jeju Island (제주도에서의 위성기반 증발산량 및 토양수분 적용성 평가)

  • Jeon, Hyunho;Cho, Sungkeun;Chung, Il-Moon;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.10
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    • pp.835-848
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    • 2021
  • In Jeju Island which has peculiarity for its geological features and hydrology system, hydrological factor analysis for the effective water management is necessary. Because in-situ hydro-meteorological data is affected by surrounding environment, the in-situ dataset could not be the spatially representative for the study area. For this reason, remote sensing data may be used to overcome the limit of the in-situ data. In this study, applicability assessment of MOD16 evapotranspiration data, Globas Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) based evapotranspiration/soil moisture data, and Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) soil moisture product which were evaluated their applicability on other study areas was conducted. In the case of evapotranspiration, comparison with total precipitation and flux-tower based evapotranspiration were conducted. And for soil moisture, 6 in-situ data and ASCAT soil moisture product were compared on each site. As a result, 57% of annual precipitation was calculated as evapotranspiration, and the correlation coefficient between MOD16 evapotranspiration and GLDAS evapotranspiration was 0.759, which was a robust value. The correlation coefficient was 0.434, indicating a relatively low fit. In the case of soil moisture, in the case of the GLDAS data, the RMSE value was less than 0.05 at all sites compared to the in-situ data, and a statistically significant result was obtained as a result of the significance test of the correlation coefficient. However, for satellite data, RMSE over than 0.05 were found at Wolgak and there was no correlation at Sehwa and Handong points. It is judged that the above results are due to insufficient quality control and spatial representation of the evapotranspiration and soil moisture sensors installed in Jeju Island. It is estimated as the error that appears when adjacent to the coast. Through this study, the necessity of improving the existing ground observation data of hydrometeorological factors is emphasized.

Comparison of ASTER Satellite and Ground-Based Surface Temperature Measurements for Urban Heat Island Studies (도시열섬연구를 위한 ASTER 위성영상과 지표면의 표면온도 비교)

  • Song, Bong-Geun;Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.104-124
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to validate the ASTER surface temperature using field measurements over various land use types in the urban area of Changwon City, South Korea. The ASTER surface temperature was measured by collecting eight images during daytime and nighttime in June and September from 2012 to 2014, and field measurements were conducted over the same period when the satellite images were taken. The analyses showed that the surface temperature measured in the field during the daytime was higher than that of satellite imageries by $5{\sim}10^{\circ}C$, and the gap was higher in built-up areas. The calibration models of surface temperature showed a 60% explanatory power in areas other than parks, indicating that the models are reliable. During nighttime, except for the summer month of August, ASTER surface temperature was determined to be approximately $2^{\circ}C$ higher in contrast to daytime.

Non-point Source Critical Area Analysis and Embedded RUSLE Model Development for Soil Loss Management in the Congaree River Basin in South Carolina, USA

  • Rhee, Jin-Young;Im, Jung-Ho
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.14 no.4 s.39
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    • pp.363-377
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    • 2006
  • Mean annual soil loss was calculated and critical soil erosion areas were identified for the Congaree River Basin in South Carolina, USA using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model. In the RUSLE model, the mean annual soil loss (A) can be calculated by multiplying rainfall-runoff erosivity (R), soil erodibility (K), slope length and steepness (LS), crop-management (C), and support practice (P) factors. The critical soil erosion areas can be identified as the areas with soil loss amounts (A) greater than the soil loss tolerance (T) factor More than 10% of the total area was identified as a critical soil erosion area. Among seven subwatersheds within the Congaree River Basin, the urban areas of the Congaree Creek and the Gills Creek subwatersheds as well as the agricultural area of the Cedar Creek subwatershed appeared to be exposed to the risk of severe soil loss. As a prototype model for examining future effect of human and/or nature-induced changes on soil erosion, the RUSLE model customized for the area was embedded into ESRI ArcGIS ArcMap 9.0 using Visual Basic for Applications. Using the embedded model, users can modify C, LS, and P-factor values for each subwatershed by changing conditions such as land cover, canopy type, ground cover type, slope, type of agriculture, and agricultural practice types. The result mean annual soil loss and critical soil erosion areas can be compared to the ones with existing conditions and used for further soil loss management for the area.

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Wind Field Estimation Using ERS-1 SAR Data: The Initial Report

  • Won, Joong-Sun;Jeong, Hyung-Sup;Kim, Tae-Rim
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.286-291
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    • 1998
  • SAR has provided weather independent images on land and sea surface, which can be used for extracting various useful informations. Recently attempts to estimate wind field parameters from SAR images over the oceans have been made by various groups over the world. Although scatterometer loaded in ERS-1 and ERS-2 observes the global wind vector field at spatial resolution of 50 Km with accuracies of $\pm$2m/s in speed, the spatial resolution may not be good enough for applications in coastal regions. It is weil known the sea surface roughness is closely correlated to the wind field, but the wind retrieval algorithms from SAR images are yet in developing stage. Since the radar backscattering properties of the SAR images are principally the same as that of scatterometer, some previous studies conducted by other groups report the success in mesoscale coastal wind field retrievals using ERS SAR images. We have tested SWA (SAR Wind Algorithm) and CMOD4 model for estimation of wind speed using an ERS-1 SAR image acquired near Cheju Island, Korea, in October 11, 1994. The precise estimation of sigma nought and the direction of wind are required for applying the CMOD4 model to estimate wind speed. The wind speed in the test sub-image is estimated to be about 10.5m/s, which relatively well agrees to the observed wind speed about 9.0m/s at Seoguipo station. The wind speed estimation through the SWA is slightly higher than that of CMOD4 model. The sea surface condition may be favorable to SWA on the specific date. Since the CMOD4 model requires either wind direction or wind speed to retrieve the wind field, we should estimate the wind speed first using other algorithm including SWA. So far, it is not conclusive if the SWA can be used to provide input wind speed data for CMOD4 model or not. Since it is only initial stage of implementing the wind field retrieval algorithms and no in-situ observed data is currently avaliable, we are not able to evaluate the accuracy of the results at the moment. Therefore verification studies should be followed in the future to extract reliable wind field information in the coastal region using ERS SAR images.

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