• 제목/요약/키워드: Labor save

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인터넷 차단 시스템의 경제성 분석에 대한 연구 (Economic Justification of the Internet Access Management)

  • 김상균
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.269-278
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    • 2005
  • 인터넷 차단 시스템은 기업내부에서 직원들의 인터넷 사용 내역에 대한 세부적 통제 수단으로 많이 각광받고 있다. 인터넷 차단 시스템은 기업의 인터넷 사용 형태에 많은 변화를 가져오지만 아직까지 이의 효과에 대한 세부적인 연구가 진행된 사례가 없다. 본 논문은 인터넷 차단 시스템의 도입에 대한 경제적 효과를 분석하여 인터넷 차단 시스템을 현재 운영중이거나 도입에 대하여 검토 중인 기업의 투자 및 운영에 대한 의사결정지표를 제시한다. 기존 연구를 통해 인터넷 차단 시스템에 대한 비용 및 효과 측정 수단을 개발하였으며, 실제 기업 전산망에 인터넷 차단 시스템 및 관련 측정 시스템을 구축하여 시스템 구축 전후의 추이 변화를 측정하여 효과 분석에 사용했다. 결론적으로 인터넷 차단 시스템이 일부 역효과에도 불구하고 기업의 생산성 향상 및 통신 대역폭의 개선에 매우 긍정적인 효과를 준다고 파악하였다.

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Establishment of Simplistic Moth Inspection System to Prevent Nosema Bombycis Infection of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori

  • Han, Myung-Sae;Mau
    • 한국잠사곤충학회지
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.154-160
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    • 1997
  • Present experiment designed for the review of theoretical basis for the inspection system of infected insects by Nosema bombycis. A microporidian N. bombycis, known as the high virulence, produced at the average of 7$\times$108 spores per female moth of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, enabled transovarial tranmission. Detectability of N. bombycis spores in the mass inspection was varied by dillution level, the higher limit of dillution with healthy moths was 1:140 for 100% detection, 1:160 for 99.5%, 1:200 for 99.0%. For an efficient inspection under the microscopic observation (600$\times$), the lower limit of spore concentration was determined as 1, 000, 000 spores/ml, 60-80 moths could be applicable for a maximum sample unit of a lot. Following the present inspection unit conditioned 35 to 40 moths for a lot. N. bombycis spores were easily detectable from the preparation of crude homogenate with 2% KOH, even the step of contrifuge was omitted. The results suggested a new basis of rational mass inspection system of silkworm female moths to save the facilities, labor, and time.

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전자총 히터(electron gun heater) 자동검사를 위한 머신비젼 알고리즘

  • 김인수;이문규
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.58-67
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    • 2000
  • Electron gun heaters are used to heat a cathode in video(TV) monitors. Major defects of the electron gun heaters include dimensional inaccuracy and pollution with dirty materials. In this paper, to save the labor and time being taken to inspect the heaters, a machine vision system is considered. For the system, a new algorithm is developed to measure the 9 different dimensions of each heater and to detect polluted defects. The algorithm consists of three stages. In the first stage, the center of the heater image is obtained and then its boundary detection is performed. For the efficient boundary detection, a mask called the sum mask is used. In the second stage of the algorithm, a set of fiducial points are determined on the boundary image. Finally, using the fiducial points specified dimensions are measured and the amount of polluted area is computed in the third stage. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated for a set of real specimens. The results indicate that measurements obtained by the algorithm satisfy the tolerance limits fur most of the dimensions and the algorithm detects the polluted defects successfully.

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참깨 탈립 작업기계 개발에 관한 연구(I) - 시작기 설계 제작 - (Development of Shattering Machine for Sesame(I) - Design and Fabrication of Prototype Machine -)

  • 이종수;김기복
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제32권5호
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2007
  • Sesame has usually been harvested manually in korea. The conventional sesame harvest procedures consists of cutting, binding, drying and pod shattering. The procedures of drying and shattering are repeated $2{\sim}3$ times. By manual works of this conventional shattering, it was found that some extent of pods were has always remained unopened. Therefore, this study was conducted to find a way to save the labor of sesame shattering by use of a drying device; a prototype of shattering machine was developed and tested the performance. The developed prototype consists of several parts: a continuous horizontal inlet using a chain conveyer, a shattering by a shocking agitator, a rotating cone for shattering of remaining closed pods, and a winnow. The shattering ratio measured by this prototype was 90.3%, 6.4% and 3.3% at the first, second and third shattering step, respectively. We found that in contrast to the conventional method which required at least 3 times operations for complete shattering, this shattering prototype with the condition of sufficient dried sesame pod offered more than 90% of shattering ratio in the first operation.

Mini-Mill 연속주고기의 동적 Bulging해석 Model(I) -주편의 변형거동을 중심으로- (A Deformation Behavior Analysis of Dynamic Bulging in the Mini-Mill Continuous Casting System)

  • 한성욱;정영진;강충길
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 1998년도 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.138-143
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    • 1998
  • The continuous casting process has been adopted increasingly in recent years to save both energy and labor. It has experienced a rapid development in the production of semi-finished steel products, replacing the conventional route of ingot casting plus rolling. To achieve this good merit, however, more studies about a heat transfer mechanism between roll and slab are needed. So this paper shows the results of the deformation behavior of steel cast slabs, which are about the solidification and heat transfer. This study is used to prevent internal cracks of a slab in a bending and unbending zone. The value of moving strand shell bulging between two supporting rollers under ferrostatic pressure and slab-self weight has been computed in terms of creep and elastic-plasticity. The high strand distributions in solidified shell undergoes a series of bulging are calculated with boundary condition a very closed to continuous steel cast slabs productions.

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유한 차분법에 의한 Thin Slab 고속 연속주조의 동적벌징 거동해석 (Dynamic Bulging Behavior Analysis by Finite Difference Method in High Speed Continuous Casting of Thin Slab)

  • 정영진;신건;조기현;강충길
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제24권7호
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    • pp.1650-1660
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    • 2000
  • Continuous casting process has been adopted increasingly in recent years to save both energy and labor. It has experienced a rapid development in the production of semi-finished steel products, rep lacing the conventional route of ingot casting and rolling. In order to achieve this merit, however, more studies about the mechanism between roll and slab are needed. In this paper, a dynamic bulging in steel cast slabs was simulated by considering the solidification and heat transfer. This study is to prevent internal cracks of a slab in a bending and unbending zone. The value of moving strand shell bulging between two supporting rollers under the ferrostatic pressure and slab-self weight has been calculated in terms of creep and elasto-plasticity. The strain and strain rate distributions in solidified shell undergoing a series of bulging are calculated with working boundary conditions.


  • Choe, Kwang-Jae;Chang, Yu-Seob;Yun, Jin-Ha
    • 한국농업기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국농업기계학회 1996년도 International Conference on Agricultural Machinery Engineering Proceedings
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    • pp.1031-1040
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    • 1996
  • Spawn bottle cutting and spawn cake shredding machine has been developed to save the farm labor and operating cost for mushroom growing farmers. The prototype can cut the bottom and side of the bottle while shredding the spawn cake by one farmer. The cutting plastic shell is done by two couples of high speed disc saws that can cut cross section and lengthwise two side of the bottle, while spawn cake shredding is done by spike teethed rotating drum and wiremesh concave. The optimum speed of cutting disc saw was observed 1.700rpm both the cross cutting saw and lengthwise cutting saw in consideration of the cutting accuracy. And the location for the instalation of cross cutting disc saw was considered as around 4 mm above the table bottom , while the optimum clearance between two edges of lengthwise cutting disc saw was showed 86mm. For the sawdust spawn cake shredder , proper size of spawn sawdust granule was observed in the 15 x 15mm size withmesh concave with the shredding rum speed of 500rpm. The prototype can be reduce 73 per cent of working hours with the working cost reduction of 49 per cent compare with those of conventional operation.

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Detection of Korean Native Honey and European Honey by Using Duplex Polymerase Chain Reaction and Immunochromatographic Assay

  • Kim, Chang-Kyu;Lee, Deug-Chan;Choi, Suk-Ho
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.599-605
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    • 2017
  • Korean native honey (KNH) is much more expensive than European honey (EH) in Korea, because KNH is a favored honey which is produced less than EH. Food fraud of KNH has drawn attention of the government office concerned, which is in need of a method to differentiate between KNH and EH which are produced by the Asiatic honeybee, Apis cerana and the European honeybee, Apis mellifera, respectively. A method to discriminate KNH and EH was established by using duplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in this study. Immunochromatographic assay (IC) was examined to analyze the duplex PCR product. The DNA sequences of primers for the duplex PCR were determined by comparing cytochrome C oxidase genes of the two honey bee species. Chelex resin method was more efficient in extracting genomic DNA from honey than the other two procedures of commercial kits. The duplex PCR amplifying DNA of 133 bp were more sensitive than that amplifying DNA of 206 bp in detecting EH in the honey mixture of KNH and EH. Agarose gel electrophoresis and IC detected the DNA of 133 bp at the ratios of down to 1% and 5% EH in the honey mixture, respectively and also revealed that several KNH products distributed by internet shopping sites were actually EH. In conclusion, the duplex PCR with subsequent IC could also discriminate between KNH and EH and save time and labor.

한중콘크리트의 현장 표면단열 양생공법 시공사례 연구 (Field Application of Surface Insulation Curing Method to Cold Weather Concreting)

  • 김종백;임춘근;한민철;김성수;한천구
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2005년도 추계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.25-28
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    • 2005
  • This study investigates the field application of surface insulation curing method, which combined double layer bubble sheet(DBS) and thick-curing-material(TCM) for cold weather concreting. According to the test, deck slab, curing only upper section with DBS and TCM, does not make big different temperature history with that, curing both upper and bottom section during daily average temperature 6.5t. It is concluded that combination of DBS and TCM in only upper section can be safely cured in early period of time during cold water concreting. The field test was carried out with this favourable data. The upper deck slab was insulated by combination of DBS and TCM, and the construction was surrounded by tent. in order to protect from outside wind. The test result shows that the lowest temperature of deck slab indicated 6$ ^{circ}C $. It demonstrated that this curing method can resist early frost and save construction cost in the side of management and saving labor cost, compared with previous method. In addition, the column specimen, combined both form and bubble board, exhibited favorable temperature history, due to internal hydration heat insulation effect.

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2,6 dichloro-4-Nitro Aniline Mercuric Acetate의 合成과 그 藥劑效果에 관한 硏究 (Synthesis of 2,6-dichloro-4-Nitro Aniline Mercuric Acetate and Its Pharmaceutical Effects)

  • 조철형;신성의
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.207-212
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    • 1970
  • A large variety of weed killers, insecticides, and bactericiedes on the market today are of almost infinite variety, but their pharmacological effects are different from each other according to the objects to cope with. Therefore, it is hoped that some chemical substance which serves as weed killer, an insecticide, and a bactericede at a same time, should be synthesized, in order to save expense and labor. I anticipated that the desire would be met by introducing to a molecule the radical which has the three effects. Here, I made an attempt of introducing $Cl_2$ gas to aniline considering the following respects: 1. Introduction velocity of $Cl_2$ gas under the varied temeratures and velocities of $Cl_2$ gas 2. The effect of reaction period under the condition which gives the most satisfactory yield. 3. The actions of catalysts, $SbCl_3$, $FeCl_3$, and $MoCl_5$, and their proportions when a mixture of the three catalysts is used in producing 2,6-dichloro-aniline. After consideration of above phenomena, the maximum production rate of 79.5% of 2.6-compound was obtained. With the compound I synthesized 2.6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline-mercuric acetate. Investigations of the effects of the compound as weed killer, an insecticide, and a bactericide showed that the compound, 2,6-dichloro-4-Nitro Aniline mercuric acetate has a satisfactory herbi-insecti-bactericidal effect.

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