• 제목/요약/키워드: L2 stress perception

검색결과 10건 처리시간 0.024초

Vowel epenthesis and stress-focus interaction in L2 speech perception

  • Goun Lee;Dong-Jin Shin
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2024
  • The goal of the current study is to investigate whether L2 learners' perceptual ability regarding epenthetic vowels is interconnected with other aspects of speech recognition, such as lexical stress, sentence focus, and vowel recognition. Twenty-five Korean L2 learners of English participated in perception experiments assessing vowel epenthesis oddity, lexical stress oddity, sentence focus oddity, and vowel identification. Results indicate that accuracy on the vowel epenthesis oddity test is influenced by both lexical stress and sentence focus, suggesting that perceptual ability regarding epenthetic vowels is influenced by the acquisition of L2 rhythmic structure at both word and sentence levels. Additionally, this study identifies a proficiency effect on vowel epenthesis recognition, implying that the influence of L1 phonotactics diminishes as L2 proficiency increases. Taken together, this study illustrates the interaction between perceptual abilities in vowel epenthesis and prosodic stress in the field of L2 speech perception.

Exploring stress encoding cues in English by Korean L2 speakers

  • Goun Lee
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2024
  • The present study investigated the perceptual cues utilized by Korean L2 learners of English in recognizing lexical stress in English nonwords, with a focus on the roles of fundamental frequency (F0) and duration. Twenty-three Korean learners of English participated in a sequence recall task involving nonword stimuli under five different conditions: (1) the naturally-produced stimuli, (2) the duration-only condition, (3) the F0-only condition, (4) the duration-F0 matching condition, and (5) the duration-F0 conflicting condition. The results demonstrate that F0 is the primary cue for stress perception among Korean L2 learners, whereas duration acts as a secondary cue, particularly when F0 is unreliable or absent. These findings highlight the influence of L1 prosodic structures on L2 perception and suggest that Korean L2 learners adapt their perceptual weighting of stress based on cue availability. This study contributes to the understanding of the role of cue weighting in L2 prosodic acquisition.

간호학생의 스트레스 지각, 대처, 스트레스결과에 대한 구조모형 (A Model for Nursing Students' Stress)

  • 이미라;정현숙;조미경
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.321-332
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to test the hypothetical model designed to explain nursing students' perceived stress, coping levels, and stress outcomes. This hypothetical model was based on the Kim. Jung Hee(l987)' s stress model and stress-related literature. Exogenous variables were self-efficacy. hardiness. social support. and exercise. Endogenous variables were stress perception. coping levels. and stress outcomes. Empirical data for testing the hypothetical model consisted of 205 nursing students. SAS PC Program and LISREL 8.12a program were used for descriptive statistics and linear structural relationship(LISREL) modeling. The results were as follows. 1) The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was good( $x^2$=78.41(p=0.010), $x^2$/ df=1.50. RMSEA=0.05, standardized RMR= 0.05, GFI=0.95, AGFI=0.91, NNFI=0.90, NFI=0.94). 2) The results of statistical testing of the hypotheses were as follows. (1) As expected. self-efficacy had a significant effect on stress perception. But. hardiness. social support, and exercise did not have a significant effect on stress perception. Self-efficacy, hardiness. social support, and exercise explained 12% of the total variance of stress perception. (2) As expected, self-efficacy, hardiness, social support, exercise, and stress perception had a significant effect on coping behavior, Self-efficacy, hardiness, social support, exercise, and stress perception explained 53% of the total variance of coping behavior. (3) As expected, stress perception and coping behavior had a significant effect on stress outcomes. Stress perception and coping behavior explained 84% of the total variance of stress outcomes. In conclusion, the hypothetical model of this study was confirmed in explaining and predicting stress perception, coping levels, and stress outcomes in nursing students. And these findings suggest the need to develop nursing intervention to enhance self-efficacy, hardiness, social support, and exercise to decrease the harmful outcomes of stress.

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한국인 영어학습자의 모음삽입현상에 대한 연구 (An Experimental Study of Vowel Epenthesis among Korean Learners of English)

  • 신동진
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 2014
  • Korean L2 speakers have many problems learning the pronunciation of English words. One of these problems is vowel epenthesis. Vowel epenthesis is the insertion of vowels into or between words, and Korean learners of English typically do this between successive consonants, either within clusters, or across syllables, word boundaries or following final coda consonants. The aim of this study was to investigate whether individual differences in vowel epenthesis are more closely related to the perception and production of segments (vowels and consonants) and prosody or if they are relatively independent from these processes. Subjects completed a battery of production and perception tasks. They read sentences, identified vowels and consonants, read target words likely to have epenthetic vowels (e.g., abduction) and demonstrated stress recognition and epenthetic vowel perception. The results revealed that Korean second-language learners (L2) have problems with vowel epenthesis in production and perception, but production and perception abilities were not correlated with one another. Vowel epenthesis was strongly related to vowel production and perception, suggesting that problems with segments may be combined with L1 phonotactics to produce epenthesis.

Perceptual weighting on English lexical stress by Korean learners of English

  • Goun Lee
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2022
  • This study examined which acoustic cue(s) that Korean learners of English give weight to in perceiving English lexical stress. We manipulated segmental and suprasegmental cues in 5 steps in the first and second syllables of an English stress minimal pair "object". A total of 27 subjects (14 native speakers of English and 13 Korean L2 learners) participated in the English stress judgment task. The results revealed that native Korean listeners used the F0 and intensity cues in identifying English stress and weighted vowel quality most strongly, as native English listeners did. These results indicate that Korean learners' experience with these cues in L1 prosody can help them attend to these cues in their L2 perception. However, L2 learners' perceptual attention is not entirely predicted by their linguistic experience with specific acoustic cues in their native language.

삼음교[SP-6]지압이 여대생의 월경통, 하복부 곡골혈[CV2] 피부온도와 체온변화에 미치는 효과 (Effects of SP-6 Acupressure on Dysmenorrhea, Skin Temperature of CV2 Acupoint and Temperature, in the College Students)

  • 전은미
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제34권7호
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    • pp.1343-1350
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify effects of the SP-6 acupressure on dysmenorrhea, the skin temperature of the CV2 acupoint and oral temperatures in the college students. Method: Data was collected from May 1 to August 31, 2002. A total of 58 students from two universities ticipated in the study. Both groups were pretested before the intervention for three variables', the intensity of dysmenorrhea, skin temperature of the CV2 acupoint and oral temperature. Then, SP-6 acupressure was provided for 20 minutes for students in the experimental group. The instruments used in this study included the Visual Analogue Scale developed by Johnson & Rice(1974), Menstrual Attitudes Questionnaire Scale developed by Brooks-Gunn & Ruble(l980), and a Stress scale developed by Cheun and Kim(l991). Result: There were statistically significant differences in the intensity of dysmenorrhea 30minutes after the intervention. The experimental group had a lower intensity than the control group. There were not statistically significant differences in skin temperature of the CV2 acupoint and oral temperature 30minutes after the intervention with the experimental group. Conclusion: SP-6 acupressure reduced the subjective perception of dysmenorrhea.

중년여성의 건강증진행위에 관한 연구 (Health Promotion Behavior of Middle-Aged Women)

  • 권영숙;이명숙
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.89-106
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    • 1998
  • The Health Promotion Model by Pender(l987) was used as the conceptual framework for analyzing the health promotion behaviors. The purposes of this study were to describe health promoting life style behaviors in 245 women between the ages of 35 and 59 living in Seoul and other cities and to find their predictive factors. Data were collected from 1st to 23th. June. 1998. The tool used for this study was structured questionnaire with consisted of 8 items on general characteristics. 5 items on health related characteristics. 43 items on health promoting life style. 28 items on menopausal symptoms. 5 items on family support. and 28 items on self-efficacy. The collected data were analyzed using the SAS. yielding descriptive statistics. ANOVA. Pearson's Correlation. stepwise multiple regression. The findings of this study are as follows. 1) The mean score of health promotion behavior(3.25) is not high. The mean scores of this self actualization (3.73). interpersonal support (3.68). and nutrition (3.57). regulation of stress (3.22) in domains are higher than health responsibility (2.90). exercise (2.63). 2) The results of the comparison between the health promotion behaviors and general variables showed a statistically significant difference in education (P=.0061), domestic economy status(P=.0001). perception of health status(P=.0001) but. age. state of menstruation. perception of weight is not significant difference. 3) The correlation between health promoting life style and self-efficacy(P=.0001). family support(P=.0001) is significant. But. there is no correlation between health promoting life style and age. number of family. perception of weight. 4) In the cognitive-perceptual factors. self-efficacy (P=.0001) is very significant predictor (accounted for $39.7\%$) and in the modifying factors. family support(P=.0001) is very significant (accounted for $9.0\%$). It is same to other research results.

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어머니의 사회성 양육 효능감 지각과 귀인 (Mothers' Perception and Attribution of Parenting Efficacy for the Children's Social Development)

  • 한유미
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2003
  • Many parents recognize the importance of social development during early childhood but they feel difficulty in helping their children develop socially. Recently, many researchers have suggested that maternal cognition is an important factor on their parenting behavior and children's development. Thus, this study attempted to investigate the mother's perception and attribution of parenting efficacy for children's social development. Total 247 mothers of three to five year-old children reported self-questionnaire consisting of Melson, Ladd, & Hsu(l993)'s Perceived Difficulty at Parenting Tasks, Criniic & Greenberg(1990)'s Parenting Daily Hassles and Abdin(1990)'s Parenting Alliance Inventory. Also, 82 of the subject's children were individually tested with McGinnis & Goldstein(1990)'s Skill Situations Measure. The major results were as follows: 1) Mothers' parenting efficacy for children's social development was significantly related with child's age, mother's education and the father's cooperation of parenting. 2) Mothers' perceived parenting efficacy was significantly correlated with some dimension of the child's actual social skill (i.e., maintenance of peer relation). 3) Mothers of young children were more likely to attribute to their children for their parenting efficacy than those of old children. 4) Mothers were more likely attribute to their children than themselves when they perceive parenting difficult. 5) Mothers who perceive parenting easy and attributed it to their children had less parenting stress than those of attributing it to themselves.

사회심리적 스트레스 및 작업특성 요인이 직업성요통에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Psychosocial Stress and Job Characteristics on Low Back Injury)

  • 허국강;박동현
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2000
  • The aim was to evaluate the prevailing ergonomic and psychosocial conditions regarding low back injury in an automobile assembly system. This study consisted of two parts. In the first part of the study, analytic biomechanical model and NIOSH guidelines were applied to evaluate risk levels of low back injury for automobile assembly jobs. Total of 246 workers were analysed. There were 20 jobs having greater back compressive forces than 300kg at L5/S1. Also, there were 44 jobs over Action Limit with respect to 1981 NIOSH guidelines. This might in part be explained by the ergonomic conditions of the company analysed generally being good, with a relatively low duration of 'combined' extreme work posture. The relationship between psychosocial factors and low back injury was examined in the second part of the study. It has recently been recognized that overall reaction to working conditions was influenced by a range of factors, some of which were physical and some psychosocial. The psychosocial environment surrounding the work place may contribute to the perception of risk and eventual ill-health. A battery of questionnaires concerning the psychosocial stress based on PWI(Psychosocial Well-being Index) and musculoskeletal pain symptoms at low back was completed by 246 workers at the same plant. Results showed that 207 out 246 workers experienced the symptoms and 27 workers were diagnosed as patients. Two groups(low stressed, high stressed) based on PWI score had no significant relationships with both symptoms and results of diagnosis. However, sensitivities for symptoms and diagnosis by PWI were 91.3% and 92.6% respectively. Finally, relationships between physical work load and psychosocial stress were analysed. Specifically, some postural factors {vertical deviation angle of forearm, horizontal deviation angle of upperarm, vertical deviation angle of thigh, etc) were highly correlated with psychosocial stress. The results illustrated that PWI scores were associated with some physical workloads. However, psychosocial stress levels couldn't be well related with the pain symptom as well as the actual incidence of low back injury since pain or discomfort regarding low back injury were more complex than that of other musculoskeletal disorders.

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퇴원환자의 가정간호요구와 가정간호사업의 효과 분석 - 일 종합병원을 중심으로 (A Study of Home Care Needs of Patients at Discharge and Effects of Home Care -Centered on Patients Discharged from a Rural General Hospilal-)

  • 최연순;김대현;서미혜;김조자;강규숙
    • 대한간호
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.77-99
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    • 1992
  • The study was carried out at W. hospital, an affiliated hospital of Y university, involved a total of 163 patients who were discharged from the hospital between May 1990 und March 199J. Data collection was twice, just prior to discharge and a minimum of three months post discharge. Thirty patients who lived within a hour travel time of the hospital received home care during the three months post discharge. Nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions For these patients were analyzed in this study. The results of the study are summarized as follows : 1. Discharge needs for the subjects of the study were analyzed using Gordon's eleven Functional categories and it was found that 48.3% of the total sample had identified nursing needs. Of these, the needs most frequently identified were in the categories of sexuality, 79.3 %, health perception, 68.2 % self concept, 62.5 %, and sleep and rest 62.5 %. Looking ut j he nursing diagnosis that were made for the 30 patients receiving home care, the following diagnoses were the most frequently given; alteration in sexual pattern 79.3%, alterations in health maintenance, 72.6%, alteration in comfort, 68.0%, depression, 64.0%, noncompliance with diet therapy, 6.3.7%, alteration in self concept, 55.6%, and alteration in sleep pattern, 53%. 2. In looking at the effects of home nursing care as demonstrated by changes in the functional categories over the three month period, it was Found that of the 11 functional categories, the need level for health perception, nutrition, activity and self concept decreased slightly over the three month period. On the average sleep patterns improved, but restfulness was slightly less and bowel elimination patterns improved but satisfaction with urinary elimination was slightly less. On the other hand, role enactment, sexuality, stress management and spirituality decreased slightly. The only results that were statistically significant at the 0.05 level were improvement. in digestion and decrease in pain. No statistically significant changes were found in ability related to ADL, the total ADL Score at discharge was $19.78{\pm}8.234, and after 3 months $19.01{\pm}8.12$. Considering that a majority of the patients were over 60 years of age and that many had brain or spinal cord injuries, the fact that their ADL ability did nor deteriorate after discharge can be interpreted as related to a positive impact by the home health care nurses. Similarly there was a slight be not statistically significant decrease in the quality of life scores between the two lest times(l47.83 at discharge and 113.02 at the three month period). Again, when the chronic nature of thee problems facing these patients is considered this maintenance of quality of life can be interpreted as a positive impact by the home health care nurses. 3. One of the home care nursing activities was diagnosis. For this activity it was found that for nine functional health categories(sexuality and spirituality excepted) there were 20 nursing diagnoses. The most frequent were noncompliance, alteration in skin integrity both actual and potential, and impaired physical mobility in that order. 4. Delivery of home health care by the home health nurses included the following nursing activities; assessment, patient education, demonstration of care activities, counselling, direct care to the patient and referrals. Direct care included changing dressings, bladder irrigations, changing Foley catheters, measurement of residual urine, perineal care, position change, back care, oral hygiene, exercise and massage of motion exercises, cleansing enemas, tracheostomy suctioning and tracheostomy care, care of dentures, applications of heat and other similar nursing activities. In conclusion almost 50% of (he sample indicated a need for continued nursing care at the time of discharge and for the patients in the sample who received home care there was a slight decrease in nursing needs but while the patients had chronic and debilitation problems there was ill decrease in ADL abilities or in quality of life. Further study needs Lo be done La increase the reliability and validity of the tool that was used to measure home health care needs. It is also recommended that study by done using a randomized sampling with a control group to compare patients who receive home care with those who do not.

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